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Ubuntu is an ethic or humanist philosophy focusing on people's allegiances and relations

with each other.

Ubuntu is seen as one of the founding principles of the new republic of South Africa
The concept of ubuntu is used in the political sphere to emphasize the need for unity or
consensus in decision-making, as well as the need for a suitably humanitarian ethic to
inform those decisions.

According to Ubuntu, there exists a common bond between us all and it is through this bond,
through our interaction with our fellow human beings, that we discover our own human qualities.

A person with Ubuntu is welcoming, hospitable, warm and generous, willing to share. Such
people are open and available to others, willing to be vulnerable, affirming of others, do not feel
threatened that others are able and good, for they have a proper self-assurance that comes from
knowing that they belong in a greater whole. They know that they are diminished when others are
humiliated, diminished when others are oppressed, diminished when others are treated as if they
were less than who they are. The quality of Ubuntu gives people resilience, enabling them to
survive and emerge still human despite all efforts to dehumanize them."

Former US president Bill Clinton used the term at the 2006 Labour Party conference in
the UK to explain why society is important.

Stanlake J. W. T. Samkange (1980) highlights the three maxims of Hunhuism or

Ubuntuism which shape this philosophy

The first maxim asserts that 'To be human is to affirm one's humanity by recognizing the
humanity of others and, on that basis, establish respectful human relations with them.

'the second maxim means that if and when one is faced with a decisive choice between
wealth and the preservation of the life of another human being, then one should opt for
the preservation of life'

third 'maxim' as a 'principle deeply embedded in traditional African political philosophy'

says 'that the king owed his status, including all the powers associated with it, to the will
of the people under him'.

how David Livingstone survived on his journeys in Southern Africa especially among
ubuntu-oriented societies of the time

visitors do not need to burden themselves with carrying provisions — all they need is to
dress properly and be on the road. All visitors are provided for and protected in every
home they pass through without payment being expected. In fact, every individual should
try their best to make visitors comfortable — and this applies to everyone who is aware
of the presence of a visitor within a locality.
Livingstone, David (1905) [1857]. Journeys in South Africa, or Travels and Researches
in South Africa. London: The Amalgamated Press Ltd

David Livingstone (19 March 1813–1 May 1873) was a Scottish Congregationalist
pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society and explorer in Africa.

Political Aspect of Ubuntu:

Since the downfall of Apartheid in South Africa, Ubuntu is often mentioned in the political context
to bring about a stronger sense of unity.

The policy of Ubuntu is explained in the White Paper, published in August 1997, in Point 24 of
Chapter 2. National Developmental Social Welfare Strategy -

"The principle of caring for each other’s well-being will be promoted, and a spirit of mutual support
fostered. Each individual’s humanity is ideally expressed through his or her relationship with
others and theirs in turn through a recognition of the individual’s humanity. Ubuntu means that
people are people through other people. It also acknowledges both the rights and the
responsibilities of every citizen in promoting individual and societal well-being."

It is not perfect, however. Ubuntu – which stresses on allowing every individual to have their
equal say in any discussion and on ultimately reaching an agreement acceptable to all – could
lead to conformist behavior in order to achieve solidarity. It seems a trifle ironic that Group Politics
and the Herd Mentality – the human qualities common to us all, in fact - could derail the quest for
the common goal.

Social Aspect of Ubuntu:

Still, as they say, the good points outweigh the shortcomings.

Given the vast racial, cultural, religious, educational, and socio-economic differences apparent
not just in South-African society but the world over currently, the concept of Ubuntu is really
rather relevant. It is far too easy to go into the 'us and them' mode. It is far too easy to fall into the
trap of judging a different people by our standards or by sticking to certain established
stereotypical notions. If you instead regard someone as a fellow human being, all individual quirks
and differences taken into account, there is perhaps a greater chance of achieving

And, achieving understanding is important and necessary, because, like it or not, we are all
interconnected. What hurts you could one day come around and hurt me. What benefits me, if I'm
not too selfish about it, could make a crucial difference in your life. And knowing you could bring a
world of meaning and interest in mine.

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