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1000 youths for the same vision to a cleaner, healthier, and more beautiful
What is #YMFBE2014?
It stands for Youth Movement For Better Environment conducted in December 2014
and coordinated by Just Speak. The whole activity consists of a week fund raising,
volunteer seeking, and one execution day of the action all by and for youth from all
over Lampung. It was for the goal of a cleaner space and awareness of a clean
Lampung is a beautiful province yet environmental issues remain problem. Youth as
the agent of change has the responsibility to be the problem solver. We saw this
connection to emerge a movement from the youth toward Lampung environment.
As the first act, YMFBE focused on province scale youth mass concentration,
University of Lampung and realized as a Garbage Collecting Movement in
cooperated with Students Council of Agriculture Faculty.
Who were the youth? How did they gather in #YMFBE2014?
The youth were coming from volunteers. Beside the members of Just Speak and
Agriculture students, we also were looking for youth from any community and
organization in Lampung who care enough with the environment as the generation
contribution toward environmental issues. We opened the registration and embrace
the communities and organization to get involved in the movement. As the result,
we had the partnership with some intern-Unila organization such as Bidikmisi Unila
from all over faculties, English Society Unila, ZOOM, KOIN, etc. We also embraced
some non-government communities such as Indonesian Future Leader, AIESEC
Unila, Freeze Creative, Lampung Scrabble Community, and L-Men Community.

What did those youth do?

The main activity of this movement is to clean up University of Lampung. Although

we know that some outsourcing were paid to do the cleaning, but the number them
dont relate the width of the university so that we need to grow a clean-lover heart
start from ourselves. The Garbage Collecting Movement needed fund to conduct, so
we carried out some donation box in our office and over public places. The money
collected was used to buy cleaning equipments and to set the event.
As the Steering Committee and the Event Producer, I built the concept of the
activities in team and prepared the stuff needed. I mostly controlled the event and
the stage. There were 5 people in the event team who manage the money from
fund raising team and make it into nice stage and display for the event.
At the D-Day, all volunteers gathered and had a briefing. After that, they spread out
all over spots in Unila to clean out and collect all garbage they found. The garbage
collected then were sorted by the scavengers and destroyed. A social media
competition was done within the prior week and the result announced as gifts and
awards were given to the winners. And overall, we also took pictures, clip, selfies,
and got tons of fun.
Seems excited, what a pity that it is just over
No, it is not. YMFBE is an annual event, so we are going to conduct it again in 2015.
We will also look for more volunteers, so dont worry and prepare yourself to get


activities done as a youth contribution toward environmental issues in Lampung. In
2014, it consists of a Garbage Collecting Movement as the main event and a
week of donation as the pre-event. The whole activities were done by the youth
entitled with 1000 Youths for the Same Vision to a Cleaner, Healthier, and
More Beautiful Lampung.
This movement emerged as our dream for youth to be the pioneer of a change and
problem solver. We embrace the participants from any community and organization
in Lampung who care enough with the environment as the generation contribution
toward environmental issues. They worked as volunteer. That was why we
conducted our first movement in the surrounding of University of Lampung, the
mass concentration of youth from all over province. The main event was done on
December 21 2014 in cooperation with Students Council of Agriculture Faculty along
with the faculty anniversary celebration. We had partnership with some intern-Unila
organization such as, Bidikmisi Unila from all over faculties, English Society Unila,
ZOOM, KOIN, etc. we also embraced some non-government communities such as
Indonesian Future Leader, AIESEC Unila, Freeze Creative, Lampung Scrabble
Community, and L-Men Community.
We got the mass of participants over the partnership we had in addition to Just
Speak members and youth registered to from our volunteer searching
announcement. The participants were empowered as well to the fund raising
movement in form of some donation boxes spread all over public space for a week
prior to the main event. At the D-Day, all volunteers gathered and had a briefing.
After that, they spread out all over spots in Unila to clean out and collect all garbage
they found. The garbage collected then were sorted by the scavengers and
destroyed. A social media competition was done within the prior week and the result
announced as gifts and awards were given to the winners. In addition to a cleaner
space the society awareness of a clean environment, we also created pictures, clip,
selfies, and got tons of fun.
YMFBE is basically done for Just Speak member to contribute themselves in a social
project, but we brought it to next level by inviting more youth to join. As the

Manager of Design and Photography in Just speak, I conducted the works over
communication affair of the event. I designed the flyer, banner, backdrop,
announcement, and invitation in harmony with the theme of the movement of the
year: natural environment. I also lead the team for documentation within the
Conducting and being involved in this kind of activity give me joy to take role in the
society movement and implementing my interest of arts and photography. This
year, I will get more excited to work on Youth Movement For Better Environment
2015 and keep creating another package of things that I love.

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