WaterLife SmartCity Presentation

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Putting Purity Back Into Water

Pg 1

Waterlife India

India Map (State Wise) : Waterlife Install

!Safe Water to 10 Million People

!Presence in 12 states with 70% of

the popula3on in India

!4000 Community Water Systems in

4000 villages

!Global G20 winner for Inclusive

Business Innova3on



W Bengal




AP &

Pg 2 | Strictly Conden3al

The Underserved Excluded from basic necessiEes

ndia ranked a low 122th in a survey of 123 na3ons

on safe water

2000 children die every day in India due to

waterborne disease

Two-thirds of hospital beds lled with pa3ents with

waterborne disease

Safe Water Access a huge issue in Africa, Bangladesh

and developing countries
Fluorosis affected Children in Fatehpur, U.P.

Pg 3 | Strictly Conden3al

ommunity Based SoluEons

novaEve business models

Decentralized total systems and

Focus on health, hygiene and quality

een and Environmentally friendly SoluEons

Environmentally, Socially and

Economically Sustainable

People taking Water from CWS U

Pg 4 | Strictly Confidential

ommunity Based SoluEons

ong term sustainability

Long Term Opera3on and Maintenance by
User charges to create revenue stream for
O&M less than 20cents for 5 Gallons
Educa3on and Awareness to change behaviour

Local Entrepreneurs distribu3ng Water

People taking Water from CWS U

Pg 5 | Strictly Confidential

rban Kiosks

rictly Confidential

Urban Kiosks Quality, Fair price and Green

Enterprise Products - Hospitals, Schools, Aptments

emote Monitoring System Overview

Data transmission
from GPRS enabled
Microcontroller from
each WLC to remote
server over cloud

Remote Data centre

Hosts remote monitoring
application that
provides rich analytical
capability for
Performance monitoring
and control
Sensors with pulse o/p

Automated dispensation unit

(Smart Card or coin based)

Micro controller with in-built GPRS modem

Remote Monitoring Control Room

ired Connections

User group

Waterlife user group

Pg 7 | Strictly Conden3al

rban PrioriEes
Green and Sustainable Solu3ons less wastage, low carbon footprint,
energy ecient

Conserva3on of Water Drinking and Storm Water management, Water

Access to safe water without heavy distribu3on logis3cs and associated
trac, fuel wastage etc
Connected digitally for Quality, Ecient Management and Distribu3on
Contact : Sudesh Menon

Pg 8 | Strictly Confidential

wards & RecogniEon

or Awards

Winner of the World Bank DM award, 2013

Listed among the Forbes Fab 50 companies in


Award for Social Entrepreneurship at World

Economic Forum 2011

At the World Economic Forum India Economic Summit

G20 Award winner for Inclusive Business

nnova3on and the UN Rio climate meet

Fabulous 50 by Forbes

ort Video on the CWS model


At the G20 Summit- Los Carlos, Mexico

Pg 9 | Strictly Confidential

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