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Ta ble of c ontents

Ab out ipsa a
Our Colla b orators
Te a m @ ipsaa
Pro gra ms @ ipsa a
Hab b as @ ipsaa
Ac tivities @ ipsa a
ipsa a Centres
Our Offerings
Cont a c t Us


d e d i c a t e d c e n tre f o r c hil d c a re in
a p ro f e ssio n a lly m a n a g e d ,
e m o ti o n a lly se c ure e n viro n m e n t

i p sa a , t h e sa nskrit w o rd f o r w ish,
re fl e c ts e v e ry p a re n t s w ish t o insp ire
t h e m a g i c inh e re nt in t h e ir c hil d re n

O ur Philoso phy

follo w a c hild and subtly le a d e a c h

c hild fro m 'indire c tionsto dire c tions', with
the b asic b elief that c hildren c onstruc t
them selves through exp erienc esin their
environm ent

Our c olla b orators

ipsaa Day C are is an initiative

of Shri Ra m New Horizons Ltd.
It is a le a ding e duc ation
institute of India which
m ana ges schools und er
prestigious brands.

To enc oura ge e a ch child to

re a d and ena ble them to write
their own stories, our knowle d ge
p artner Katha curates ag eap propriate re ad ing m aterial
for our children.

The Sri Ra m New

Horizonstea m le d by
Mr. Vivek Bharat Ra m
and the ipsaa tea m le d
by Mrs. Kan c han Mittal

A renowne d na m e in the he alth

industry, Arte mis Hospitals ena ble us
to m eet glob al stand ards pertaining
to safety and he althc are.

Katkatha fa cilitates the

disc overy of our child's
inherent cre ative a bility
by cre ating a m ag ic al
w orld with pupp ets.

Team @ipsaa
Founder- Kanchan Mittal
Mrs. Kanchan Mittal is an a cc ount ant with 20 ye ars of progressive
exp erien c e in m ana gem ent a cc ounting and assuranc e servic es.
She has w orke d with the non-profit se ctor for several ye ars, in
org anizations like CARE, Praxis, Katha, GFI & Acc ess, which are know n
for their w ork in the field of e duc ation and livelihoo d challenges for
w om en and children.

Headmistress and Curriculum Head -Arti Mohan

Affe ctionate and charism atic, Arti c om es with pra ctic al
exp erien c e of w orking with children in a d ay c are. An exp ert in
child b ehaviour, e duc ation and all-round d evelop m ent, her
b alanc e d fortitud e brings to ipsaa 's p arents em otional strength.

Curriculum Adviser - Reena Kapoor

A Post Gra duate in He alth and Nutrition, Ree na is an exp ert on child psychology. She has und ergone
extensive Montessori training and is d e dic ate d to im proving the quality of e arly childhood d evelop m ent
through ipsaa .

ipsaa - a hom e a w ay from hom e

Our warm & playful ambience helps in bringing out the
best in every child
Infant room
Generous sp a c e for na ps, cra wling or fee ding
Toddler lounge
An op en, relaxe d sp a c e with a ge a p propriate
a ctivities, arts and craft trolleys, sensory m aterials and
b ooks
A sp a c e that re plic ates a living room milieu with
c om puters and a w ell-sto cke d library
Sup ervise d a cc ess to the Audio-Vid eo fa cility
Bathing spaces
Extrem ely hygienic and m od ern
Kitchen and cafeteria
State-of-the-art in house kitchen
Nutritious hygienic food
Each room has a CCTV that is constantly monitored

ipsaa Our Differentiators

ipsa a welcomes all children from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Saturday.
ipsaa c aters to children of a ge groups from 4 months to 12 years.
AC Environment: We offer holistic c are in a c omforta ble AC environm ent.
International Standard: We follow int ernational stand ards for the m ent or mum to child ratio, i.e
1:3 for inf ants 1:5 for todd lers and 1:10 for children a b ove 5 ye ars.
Daily Feedb ack: A diary is share d that c a ptures a ctivities and highlights of the Day.
In house kitchen : We fo cus on he alth through c arefully d esigne d, high-nutrition meals c ooke d
in our state of the art in house kitchen
Sickbay: Infirm ary/Sickb ay e quip p e d with the latest te chnology from Artemis Hospital.
CCTV : CCTV in e a ch room that is c onstantly m onitore d.
Habb as: Ha b b as at ipsa a offer an op p ortunity for children to d evelop a lifelong hob by Like
Pottery, Pup p etry , Art, Rob otics ,Music- Guitar and Drums, and Bharatnatya m
Fully equipped state of art auditorium
Play Ground : For out d oor a ctivities and g a m es.

At ipsaa, c hildren are our c enter of joy

ipsaa progra ms

Daily program: C are & Nurturanc e: Augm ente d Day C are:

Be auty (0.6 to 1 ye ar), Joy (1 to 2 ye ars)

Sensorial a ctivities are of utm ost im p ortanc e along with physic al d evelop m ent

Developing senses through different a ctivities and textural b ooks

3 hour program: C are & Educ ation: Re d efining play school: Purity
(2 to 2.6 ye ars), Bliss (2.6 to 3 ye ars), Sinc erity (3 to 4 ye ars)

Build curiosity, inquisitiveness culminating in strengthening logic al re asoning

Build sensitivity to their environm ent

Develop ind e p end enc e and resp onsibility

Introduc e them to good b ooks (story sessions with Katha)

Express themselves through art & craft

After school programs: C are, Cre ativity & Educ ation: Harm ony (4 to 5 ye ars),
Perfe ction (5 to 7 ye ars), Truth (7 to 9 ye ars), Aspiration (9 to 12 ye ars)

Introduc e them to good b ooks (re a ding /story sessions with Katha)

Express themselves through art & craft

Outd oor sp orts and g a m es, fun & le arning with c om puters, proje ct w ork from school

Hab b as @ipsaa Activities

Potte ry
Vocal Music

Art and Craft

Drums and Guitar

A c tivities @ipsaa

Sensorial Develo p ment

Languag e & Communic ation
Rhymes & Songs
Motor Skills
Co-ordination, Mo bility & Exercise
Clay Mo d eling
Book Re a ding
Story Telling

Ipsaa Day C are Ce ntres

M ayfield G ard ens

Cyb er City

Se c-91, M anesar

Se c 86, Gurgaon

Our Offerings
Day Care
Ipsa a da y c are offers a
da y c are progra m at
its existing c entres with
an o ption to choose
from a:
full da y c are
play school progra m
half da y c are
After school prog ra m

Child Enrichment Programs

Ipsaa d ay c are offers an
array of child enrichm ent
progra ms like:
The atre
Bharatnatya m
Ro b otics
Pupp etry
Pott ery
Art & Craft
Western Classic Danc e

Captive Day Care Centres

Ipsaa d ay c are is
e quipp e d and
exp erienc e d in cre ating
d ay c are c entres at a
d esire d client sp e cific
lo c ation.
The servic e rang es from:
Designing the Day C are
c entre to
C onsulting and
Running the fa cility

Our existing Parents c om e from:

Aon Hewitt
Tata Consultancy Servic es ltd
Artemis Hospital
Ge np a c t
Americ an express
Ranb axy Lab oratories
Acc enture
Goog le
M ckinsey
ICICI b ank
Aric ent
M e da nta M e dicity
Vid eo c on
Hero M otor Corp
Pow er Grid Corp oration of India ltd
M ax Hospital

Fortis Hospitals
M ax Life Insurance
Indigo Airlines
Nestle India
Citi Bank
Ca p gemini
Fidelity India
Ericsson India
British Telecom
Ford India
.. .and many more

ipsaa s lo c ation and key c ont a c t p eo ple

Plot no. 21A, J Blo ck
Mayfield G ard ens
(O p p osite Nirvana Country m ain g ate)
Se ctor-51, Gurg a on-122018

Em ail:
Know m ore:
w w w.ipsaa .in

Building No.9B (Ground Floor),
DLF Cyb er City,
DLF Phase-III, Gurg a on

DLF, New Town Height
Secor 86, Gurgaon
Connect with us:
Janesh Khanna : +91 9810316236
Nitu Singh: + 91 9999107877
Inform ation d esk: 0124- 4594700

Intera ct with us:

w w w.fa c e b ook.c om /ipsaa .d ayc are

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