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Review for Teacher quality and training by James Kempton

In this article, the writer state that the issue of important of teachers quality. For him,
teachers need to have the quality in order to produce good pupils. According to a research there
are three key factors in producing good pupils. However, the most important factor for me is the
teachers quality. It is harder to measure and in Malaysia, teachers are being measure in order
to monitor their quality.
From a study, the writer said that, an effective high quality teacher influence the pupils
learning. The difference between a good teacher and bad teacher is a whole year learning. This
shows how importance a quality teacher can do to a pupils. In Malaysia, minister has to do this
study in order to see how our teacher teach and came out with a plan so that we can improve
the bad teacher into a high quality teacher. If we can change the bad teacher into a high quality
teacher, we can produce a lot of good pupils.
Then, the writer said that to produce a quality teacher, a proper training is needed, just
like in England. This is same as in Malaysia because in Malaysia, we have our own teacher
institutes and we also have a universities who produce quality teacher every year. So, it will not
be a problem for our school to produce a good pupils. We just have to make sure that the
teacher has all the ability needed to carry out the objectives that has been set by the curriculum
in our country. With all the institutes and universities, producing a high quality teacher would not
be a problem in our country.
The next issue is there is a standard that has been introduced to make sure that only the
qualify teacher will be chosen to be given a qualified teacher status (QTS). For me, in Malaysia,
we have this kind of status also and it is being known as Guru Cemerlang. With, this status, we
can look the teacher as an example for all the rookie teacher. By doing so, they will be able to
learn on how to become a high quality teacher. At the same time, it will bring benefit to our
education system and country. Our curriculum also can be carry out perfectly.
Last but not least is the continuous professional development that should be important
for the teacher but is being neglected by the CPD. Their government expect that teachers can
learn from their colleagues in order to become a high quality teacher. It is not very useful
because their peers cannot help them much. In Malaysia, the ministry make sure that all
teachers has the chance to improve themselves through many courses all over the year. All this
courses has help teachers in Malaysia to improve themselves and at the same time gave them
chance to become a high quality teacher in their own school.

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