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Perimeter Defense: Innovative Technologies for Detecting and

Preventing Illegal Logging

Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Location: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA


Breakfast (East Garden)


Welcome remarks
Aaron Steele, World Resources Institute


Session 1: State of illegal logging detection and prevention

What are the current barriers to effective detection and prevention of illegal logging?
Scott Landis, Greenwood
Jaime Corisepa, Native Federation of the Madre de Dios River and Tributaries
Stephan Schwartzman, Environmental Defense Fund
Roger Ngoufo, Cameroon Environmental Watch


Coffee break


Session 2: State of perimeter defense technology

How relevant is perimeter defense technology to illegal logging? What technologies are
currently available and being used in the field for forest monitoring and detection of unwanted
activities? What technologies are currently not being used but can be applied for these
Nir Tenenbaum, Wildeas, Perimeter Defense Technology 101
Gregor McClellan, Digital Democracy
Nathan Hahn, RESOLVE
Dan Lopez, Urthecast
Topher White, Rainforest Connection
Anjali Nayar, TIMBY


Lunch (East Garden)


Session 3: Applying technology to a demo site

Demo site: Maya Biosphere Reserve
Representatives from the Guatemala Agency for Protected Areas (CONAP) will describe the
location, land use, physical conditions, and the threats of illegal activities in the reserve. Group
discussion on how technology can help address these issues will follow.
Demo site presenter: Guatemala Agency for Protected Areas (CONAP)


Coffee break


Session 4: Information platforms

What platforms have been developed for aggregating and sharing information? How can data
be made more accessible for better monitoring of forests and decision-making?
Adalberto Lopez, Guatemala Agency for Protected Areas (CONAP)
Alyssa Barrett, World Resources Institute, Global Forest Watch
Rolando Navarro, Peru Agency for Supervision of Forest Resources and Wildlife
Thomas Snitch, University of Maryland
Leo Botrill, Moabi


Networking reception

Un-Conference Day
Friday, September 18, 2015, 9am-2pm
Location: California Academy of Sciences
This half-day gathering will facilitate knowledge exchange through group discussions and interactive exercises.
Topics will include challenges and barriers to applying tech to forest defense, how to identify and evaluate
applicability of various tech solutions, lessons learned from past experiences of tech deployment, as well as
topics raised during the main Wednesday event.
Aspiration Tech will lead discussion and activities.

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