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1 Mystery Babylon

Mystery Babylon Chart

One morning while I was living in Almena, Wisconsin, I

woke up early and spent time with the Lord. I
suddenly had information. I may have added to it, over
the years, but the basic point of it all was this: who
Mystery Babylon is, The Catholic Church, A middle
eastern or European Anti-Christ, Muslims, Devil Cultists
and Pagan groups, the shadow governments and secret
societies of the world, A Conglomerate One World
Religion or aliens or whatever, is almost a moot point.
The puppeteer behind it all is Satan, and while many
dark scenarios will unfold before Jesus returns, we as
Christians may be sure of one thing: Jesus will Return
as Lord of Lords and King of Kings when the Father says
it is time.


The yellow circle represents the spirit of Babylon, and

the entities behind it, which have stayed the same,
from the time it first appeared on earth, and will, until
2 Mystery Babylon

its demise, when the Lord finally disposes of it. The

entities behind the spirit of Babylon are Satan and the
demons under his control that maintain the
principalities and powers command structure of the
dark kingdom. Think of Mystery Babylon as a huge
octopus, hidden in a coral reef, with only its tentacles,
camouflaged against the reef, sticking out into the sea,
each arm occupying space, waiting for a fish dinner to
swim by. Mystery Babylon, like the octopus, has its
tentacles positioned in many places, seeking to control
and influence the earth for its master. Mystery
Babylon is also the Queen of Heaven.

The green circle represents the physical representation

of the spirit of Babylon, through the ages, on the earth,
which has changed throughout the centuries.
Note that it has many segments, but also a whole. The
whole green sphere is the Whore of Babylon (which is
a false religious system which seeks the control and
spiritual subjugation of mankind) and the individual pie
slices represent the spheres of influence, control, and
assets of Mystery Babylon in the physical realm. The
colored rectangles represent actual daughters of
Babylon who are responsible to the Queen of Heaven
and Satan to control earth through force, deceit, or any
means necessary, to maintain control of the world and
promote direct or indirect service to Satan. The false
religious system in all of its guises, governments, cults,
secret societies, etc.

For example, the gray rectangle could represent that

part of the Catholic church that is influenced or
controlled by the spirit of Babylon. The rose rectangle
could represent that part of the Protestant church that
3 Mystery Babylon

is influenced or controlled by the spirit of Babylon. The

lavender rectangle could represent the secret societies,
or one secret society. The mint green rectangle could
represent any one physical government or all of the
physical governments on the earth. The turquoise
rectangle could represent one representative of the
shadow government, such as that portion responsible
to influence or control the United States Government,
or represent the entire global shadow government.
There may be many more rectangles than I have
placed in the diagram, as their may be many minor
daughters of Babylon.

Keep in mind that through the ages that changes

occurred on earth that affected or were affected by
Mystery Babylon. Certain assets that were useful
during one century may no longer be useful during the
next. As far as the whole Babylon, or Future Babylon,
there are many scriptures that when added together
provide many individual puzzle pieces that offer clues
to the identity of Mystery Babylon AT THE TIME OF THE

I believe that one of the reasons that scholars through

the centuries have opined several different identities
for future Babylon is that they haven’t taken the time
factor into account. First, the time factor is important,
because during some centuries the lead “daughter” of
Babylon hasn’t always been the same.

Second, if one looks at all of the prophecies concerning

future Babylon, even the strong contenders are
eliminated, when you take all of the prophecies into
account. Of course a minor reason for confusion
4 Mystery Babylon

concerning the identity of future Babylon is simply that

not all of the prophecies are taken into account or one
eliminates certain prophecies in order to force fit their
doctrine or belief system concerning Mystery Babylon.

However, since the Babylonian Mystery religion is the

vanguard of the entire spiritual Babylon (yellow circle)
it is only logical that you will be able to find at least
traces, if not exact duplications of its philosophies and
activities, throughout the ages, in all of its daughters.
For example, the Catholic church and various secret
societies, have obvious links to the original mystery
religion, even though it should also be obvious that
through time these and other “daughters” of Babylon
have waxed and waned in power and influence.

For example, at the time of Babel, the lead daughter

was probably the government of Nimrod or the cult of
Semiramis. At the time of Christ it may have been the
Roman government. During the middle ages it seems
fairly obvious that the lead daughter was probably the
Catholic church. It had great power, wealth and
numerous assets, could raise huge armies and place or
remove kings as it willed. I believe the Catholic
Church still has power today, but because it is nearing
the time of the end, and the secret societies are
realizing their goals for a one world government, and
one world religion, that the Catholic church has lost its
lead position. There is also a possibility that two
daughters, the Catholic Church and the Fatima
worshippers of Islam could join forces, edging out the
NWO/International Bankers. Or a one world religion
with the Catholic Church being the lead daughter of the
5 Mystery Babylon

Who is mystery Babylon ? Who is the lead daughter?

Who are the other daughters?

Zech 5:5-6:1

5 Then the angel who was speaking to me came

forward and said to me, "Look up and see what this is
that is appearing."
6 I asked, "What is it?"
He replied, "It is a measuring basket." And he added,
"This is the iniquity of the people throughout the land."
7 Then the cover of lead was raised, and there in the
basket sat a woman! 8 He said, "This is wickedness,"
and he pushed her back into the basket and pushed the
lead cover down over its mouth.
9 Then I looked up-and there before me were two
women, with the wind in their wings! They had wings
like those of a stork, and they lifted up the basket
between heaven and earth.
10 "Where are they taking the basket?" I asked the
angel who was speaking to me.
11 He replied, "To the country of Babylonia to build a
house for it. When it is ready, the basket will be set
there in its place." NIV

I believe that Mystery Babylon influences people to sin

and seeks to control mankind for Satan. Whether the
scripture is actually referring to Mystery Babylon or not,
it provides a good word picture of the concept of a
spiritual Babylon that is pure evil, combines physical
and spiritual elements, and can be transported to
various physical seats of power.
6 Mystery Babylon

I cannot say with exactitude who the lead daughter is

at this time. It seems that the earth is in a time of flux
and only the Lord has the answer. I cannot say that
America is the lead daughter of Mystery Babylon at this
time, but it does fulfill a number of prophecies!
Whether or not they succeed, many of the secret
societies recognize that their base is in Washington,
D.C. and that the white house was the name of one of
the main temples of the original Babylon. The inner
circle of the Mormon church, since its onset, has
believed that it will one day rule the earth from a
temple near the present seat of government in the
United States. Even if America is the lead daughter at
this time, will it still be the lead daughter or a
prominent daughter of Babylon, when Jesus returns?
Probably not, but only Jesus knows. I do believe that
something is going to happen, before the Lord returns,
which actually humbles America, which indeed would
take them out of the picture as a lead daughter –
leaving many “daughters” of Babylon, some of them
minor plyers and some major players, to fill any
apparent vacuum. Whatever daughter or daughter of
Babylon combination becomes the final last days
“Babylon,” it is but a shadow- play of smoke and
mirrors, because the Enemy of Our Souls, is the
mastermind behind it all. Not only that, apparently,
Babylon is destroyed by fire in an hour, according to
scripture, and yet, that is not the end, there are still
wars, rumors of wars, an Anti-Christ (another mystery)
and global chaos that reigns, before Jesus comes again.
More importantly, that mortal enemy, even though a
master mind, will not defeat our Master, the Lord Jesus
7 Mystery Babylon

End Note:

I am also curious about C.O.G, the Continuance of

Government program that is in place if there is a
national calamity. I believe that such a disaster is
coming. I wonder if the Lord will allow C.O.G to
reactivate the nation. If the disaster occurs, and
C.O.G. cannot put America back together again,
especially as a world power, she will lose her value and
position of prominence in the Mystery Babylon system.

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