5xNW Minutes January 10

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Fifth by Northwest Area Commission

January 5, 2010 Minutes

Present: Carrie Patton, Greg R. Lawson, Bruce Mortland, Rebecca Obester, Rick Kuhman, Bruce McKibben
and Bruce Shalter

Absent: None

Commissioner Obester called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM at the meeting room at 40 Plus. Commissioner
Mortland moved to approve the minutes for the December 1, 2009 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Patton.
The minutes were approved unanimously.

City of Columbus

Isom Nivins, City of Columbus Neighborhood Liaison, stated that the Pride Center will hold additional testing
on January 12, 19, and 26 for Census Workers for the upcoming 2010 census. Mr. Nivins stated that the
Firefighters for Kids toy drive was a success and that 534 families were registered as a result. A free H1N1 flu
vaccination drive will be held at the Pride Center on January 14th from 11 am to 1 pm. Mr. Nivins updated the
Commissioners on Clintonville’s issue concerning a local school. He stated that Indianola Middle School is
closing in the University District and students are being sent to Old Dominion School and Whetstone School in
Clintonville. Mr. Nivins asked if the Commission could contact Ken Paul, analyst for Councilman Ginther, to
express interest in a possible revote by City Council on the boundary issue. Mr. Paul’s telephone number is
645-2931. Mr. Nivins recommends that multiple Commissioners contact Mr. Paul regarding this issue. Mr.
Nivins stated that Ed Stollard is the new Code Enforcement Officer for the area. His email is
elstollard@columbus.gov. Mr. Nivins stated that the sign for Dewey’s Pizza is against code and that they have
to present to the Graphics Commission. Commisssioner Shalter stated that he is following up on this issue.

Officer Steve Smith, City of Columbus Police Liaison, stated that crime consists of, in this precinct, home
invasions in University District, robberies in the Short North, and minor thefts and car break-ins in this area.
Commissioner Lawson inquires about the possible remapping of the district. Officer Smith stated that he
believes that this issue has been tabled.

Area Commission Business

Commissioner Obester introduced Mr. Greg Winbush with Job Leaders. Mr. Winbush stated that Job Leaders
partners with public and private organizations to provide job placement, recruiting, job expos, etc. Job expos are
being held January 13th and 14th at the Ohio Avenue/East Broad Street location.

Commissioner Obester introduced Angela Meeker, website volunteer. Ms. Meeker stated that she would be
willing to help out and redesign the 5XNW website for free.

Commissioner Obester introduced Mr. Dave Pritchard with the Grandview Area Chamber (GAC), who updated
the commission on various Chamber activities. Mr. Pritchard stated that the next GAC meeting is January 14th
at Trattoria Roma. He also stated that the Chamber website has just been updated.

Commisssioner Obester introduced Mr. Graham Webb, local resident. Mr. Webb is concerned about the zoning
request for Glenn Avenue. He is concerned about putting a duplex and a carriage house on a small lot. He
stated that he doesn’t like the idea of the carriage house because the five foot higher requirement would block
light for his garden. It also creates a privacy issue because he stated that the apartment at the carriage house can
look directly into his back yard. He urged commissioners when voting on this zoning request, to take his
opinions into consideration and vote negatively. Commissioner Shalter stated that this zoning request will be
reviewed at the Zoning Committee Meeting on Monday, January 11th.

Commissioner Obester introduced Mr. John Royer and Mr. Matt Vekasy, local developers. Mr. Royer stated
that he had sent an email to the commission web site regarding potential tax abatement projects in the area. He
thinks it makes sense to try to make the area a CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) district. These districts act
as incentives to property owners to develop the properties in the area. He stated that he thinks that tax
abatements make it more competitive and thinks it will help the area in the long term. He stated that there is a
CRA district in downtown Columbus. Mr. Vekasy stated that more information is needed to be looked at and
stated he would look into the logistics needed to create district and/or tax abatement projects for the area.

Commissioner Obester stated that the UCO was approved by the BZA and now it goes to City Council to be
approved. She stated that a commissioner(s) will need to attend the council meeting for support of the UCO.

Commissioner Obester stated several housekeeping issues and announcements: A story on the Wagenbrenner
project was featured in the Columbus Dispatch; a date and time are needed to be set for an Executive Meeting to
review the ByLaws; Facebook updates for Area Commissions cannot be accessed by City employees, need
another route; the Harrison West Civic Association approved our requests for the new OSU Oncology Building
at West Third Avenue and Olentangy River Boulevard, which included, but is not limited to, extra landscaping,
sidewalks, and bike racks; and the Environment Committee Recycling brainstorming meeting for CCC is
January 19th, 7 pm at the church on the corner of Neil and King Avenues.

Commissioner Shalter thanked Dave Pritchard with the GAC for information regarding demolition permits.
Commissioner Shalter stated that he will get copies to distribute to commission. He also stated that he was
contacted by Mr. Stan Young of Allied Sign regarding a sign at Dewey’s Pizza that is currently against code.
He stated that the Zoning Committee meeting is January 11th and the agenda includes the 1545 Glenn Avenue
proposal and a proposal for rezoning of a property at Third Avenue and Olentangy River Boulevard (from M to

Commissioner Shalter stated that the money left over in the treasury has to be returned to the City if not spent.
He stated that he still had not received the Commission money for 2010.

Commissioner Lawson stated that he attended a GAC event and that it was very good. He stated that the GAC is
running an article about the Commission in its newsletter. Commissioner Lawson motioned that if provided
with free placement into the GAC directory, then we would accept being listed in their directory, seconded by
Commissioner Patton. The motion was approved unanimously.

Commissioner Lawson stated that there are several vacancies on the board of the GAC; however, you have to
be a member to run for a board position. He also stated that he had drafted a snow removal letter for businesses
in the area, and that the letter would be distributed on the web site and Facebook page for Commissioner’s use.

Commissioner Mortland stated that the next Communications Committee meeting would be held January 26th at
7pm at Caribou Coffee on Grandview Avenue.

Meeting was adjourned by Commissioner Obester at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Carrie Patton, Secretary

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