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Human Resources

Process Package Level 2

Proprietary and Confidential


HR Process Package Level 2 Deliverable

The Human Resources (HR) Process Package Level 2 deliverable is an inventory of high
level business processes and sub-processes.
The objective of the HR Process Package Level 2 deliverable is to understand current HR
practices and identify HR specific functional areas to be considered by UT Austin for
potential inclusion in shared services.

The HR Process Package Level 2 deliverable is a high level analysis and

contains functional recommendations for shared services.
The HR Process Package Level 2 deliverable is not a final list of in scope
processes and sub-processes for shared services.

This deliverable is a Plan Phase work product. Information in the final shared services
recommendations may be different from what was in the deliverables, in response to
stakeholder feedback.

Table of Contents



Executive Summary

Project Overview

Proposed Future State HR Operating Model

Open Items / Next Steps




Executive Summary Observations

In the first phase of the Shared Services Planning project, the Human Resources (HR) work stream
worked with HR and Payroll Subject Matter Advisors (SMAs) to understand current practices and pain
points, and to document high level (Level 1) HR processes.

During the second phase, the HR work stream worked with HR SMAs from Central and the Colleges,
Schools, and Units (CSUs) to discuss and define future state (Level 2) HR processes and responsibilities.
Through this exercise we learned:
Campus HR activities are for the most part decentralized, resulting in a lack of university-wide
visibility into end-to-end processes and process inconsistencies (e.g., Time Administration, PreHire & Onboarding).
Common administrative activities are being executed independently by the CSUs (e.g., Exit
Management), although some CSUs have adopted a shared team structure to support similar HR
needs (e.g., Central Services in McCombs School of Business).

Role confusion between the CSUs and Central HR introduces some degree of frustration and risk
(e.g., Leave approvals, Onboarding).
Both CSUs and Central HR support manual processes (i.e., paper-based) and work-arounds to
deliver services where there is a lack of system capability and / or system integration (e.g., no
timekeeping interface with payroll system, manual benefit election changes).

Executive Summary Recommendations

We recommend a shared services model for HR with distinct roles for CSUs, Central HR and the
Shared Services Organization (SSO).

An HR (SSO) will improve process efficiency, controls and quality of services, and enable the CSUs to
focus on the universitys core mission.

We anticipate the following separation of duties:

CSUs: Facilitate CSU-level reviews and approvals; provide coaching and performance support to
CSU leaders, managers and employees; and acquire and manage UT Austin talent.
HR SSO: Inform and direct employee HR inquiries; process transactions in the HR system; provide
administrative services; and perform audits.
Central HR: Set and maintain policy, provide quality assurance and controls, set strategy, and provide
advisory support on complex people needs (e.g., Benefits, Retirement, Leaves).

We recommend the HR SSO has responsibility for HR administrative support in the following
process areas, in addition to being the first point of contact for all HR and Payroll inquiries:*

Candidate Pre-Hire &

Employee Data


HR Analytics
Exits (Separations)

Explore the opportunity for HR SSO Tier 2 teams to be organized by CSU to achieve both economies of
scale, as well as support more targeted delivery of services and / or customer interactions.

We recommend the implementation of enabling technologies (e.g. document scanning, automated

workflow, self service) to reduce duplicate entry, provide visibility to transactions, and improve customer
. *Refer to the Recommendation Section beginning on Slide 12 for details by process area.

Project Background & Deliverable Context

Project Background

The Business Productivity Study in 2012 recommended that UT Austin implement university-wide
shared services capabilities in order to be able to increase focus on the universitys core mission, improve
efficiency and controls, and improve administrative service delivery to its customers.

UT Austin mobilized the Shared Service Planning Project to begin an analysis of the Finance,
Procurement, HR and IT areas to identify areas of opportunity where a Shared Services Organization
(SSO) could support the achievement of these intended benefits.*
Deliverable Context

During the first phase of the project, the HR work stream engaged HR (and Payroll) Subject Matter
Advisors (SMAs) to understand current practices and pain points, and to document high level (Level 1)
HR processes.

In the second phase, the HR work stream engaged additional HR SMAs in interviews, workshops and
working sessions with the aim of defining mid-level (Level 2) future state HR processes and the process

This deliverable is an output from the HR L2 activities and contains recommendations on the process
areas and key activities that will be owned or supported by either Central HR, the CSUs, and the future
state HR SSO.

These recommendations are based on an analysis of the current HR practices and pain points, HR
leading practices (from both private and public sector), and UT Austin stakeholder input and feedback.

This deliverable also documents the assumptions that are the foundation of the future state Level 2
processes, and additional potential areas of consideration (inclusive of administrative systems
*Additional activities of the Shared Services Planning Project include (1) designing a high level Service Delivery Model (with a points of view on enabling technology and governance
. structure), (2) developing a supporting business case, and (3) beginning change management planning.

Shared Service Planning Project Timeline

The Shared Services Planning project is one step on the path towards designing, building and
implementing a shared administrative services model for UT Austin.
May-Dec. 2012

April-Sep. 2013


Sept.-Dec. 2013

Shared Services

Shared Services
Plan Campus

1-4 years



Shared Services

We are here











CBO Assessment
Service Delivery Model
Update Transforming
UT website

Revised Business Case

Change Management Plan

IT Future State Operating Model


Discuss with
stakeholder groups

Present to existing
forums (e.g., Town
Hall, FYI Session)

and update

Plan to

Finance/Procurement Future State Operating Model

HR Future State Operating Model


Roadshows to
colleges, schools and

HR Level 2 Process Design Approach

The HR Level 2 processes were developed iteratively based on input obtained in interviews,
workshops and working sessions with HR stakeholders from Central and Campus:

Prepare Draft
Process Flows
Define initial HR
L2 process
Gather leading
practice process
workshop and
Develop first
draft of the HR
L2 process flows
(with appropriate
customization for
UT Austin)

Conduct HR
Meet with HR
stakeholders from
Central and
Campus to:
current state
HR activities
and systems
Identify pain
points with HR
support and
Identify future
state areas of
opportunity for
HR support
and services

Introduce HR
stakeholders to
Shared Services
concepts and
guiding principles
Review HR L2
process flows
Evaluate additional
HR process areas
for HR Shared
prioritization of HR
Shared Services

Conduct working
sessions and
follows ups to close
open items and
obtain additional
input / feedback
Update HR L2
process flows
based on input /
feedback (iterative)

Develop Final

(HR L2 Package)

Finalize HR L2
process flows
Document future
state assumptions
and open items
by HR process
Socialize draft with
key stakeholders
before final

The objectives of the Level 2 process design activities are to:

(1) further explore HR process areas that could be more efficiently and effectively supported by an HR Shared Services
(2) identify key process participants / roles for the in-scope HR Level 2 processes

Proposed University Level Role Summary

The Colleges, Schools, and Unit (CSU) initiates HR activities and work closely with CSU leadership.
Central HR establishes policy and oversees compliance. The SSO processes transactions in support of
the CSU.

(Colleges / Schools / Units)

HR Shared Services

Initiate & Request

(i.e., through manager and
employee self service
(MSS / ESS) capabilities)

Establish & Maintain

(i.e., oversight on
adherence to HR-related
policies and procedures)

Inform & Direct

(e.g., provide first point of
contact, triage, distribute

Review & Approve

(e.g., new hires, time

Advise, Monitor &

(e.g., benefits consulting
services, org effectiveness
services, medical leave
management, and
oversight of compensation,
job classification,
performance management

Process Transactions
(e.g., update employee
records, change elections)
(e.g., complete separation
procedures, load training)
(e.g., course cancellations,
outstanding time approvals)

Acquire & Manage Talent

(i.e., Recruitment,
Compensation, Learning)
Support & Coach
(e.g., coaching for CSU
leadership, facilitating the
performance management

Central HR

Perform QA
(e.g. recognition programs)

(e.g., I-9 status, benefits
eligibility changes)

Proposed Functional Map for the HR Shared Services

HR Shared Services can provide HR administrative support and services in the following areas, in
addition to being the first point of contact for all HR and Payroll inquiries:
Employee Data


Employee Data
(Electronic) Employee
Record Maintenance

Course Administration
Enrollment Support
Learning Delivery

Pre-Hire &


Pre-Hire / Onboarding
Orientation (includes
I-9 Verifications)
State Service Balance

Leave Information
Leave Balance

Exit Management

Separations Procedures
Checklist Facilitation
Separation Package
Creation and Distribution

Benefits Enrollment

Eligibility Verification
Information Distribution
Eligibility Change Audits

Time Administration

Timekeeping System
Time Sheet Approval
Monitoring & Tracking


Relocation Initiation
Vendor Contact

Planning &
Support for the
Presidents Staff
Awards Event
Recognition Portal
Page Maintenance

HR Analytics

Dashboard Development
and Generation

General Assumptions
The HR Level 2 processes apply to all academic personnel, staff and classified student workers
unless otherwise noted, and they are based on the following assumptions and dependencies.

The HR function will have direct oversight of the HR SSO. SSO management will provide day to day
operations oversight.

Processes and technology will be in place to support hand-offs resulting from transactions and data
changes referenced in process flows.

Appropriate escalation protocols will be defined and in place to support all process integration / hand
offs between functions and teams.

Business rules for electronic routing, review and approvals will be developed in partnership with Central
HR and the CSUs.

Quality Assurance (QA) processes will be defined and in place to monitor accuracy and quality of HR
SSO outputs.

Roles and responsibilities of department and unit staff are not included in Level 2 process designs.
Level 2 recommendations are dependent on specific administrative systems requirements and build,
including automated capabilities (e.g., Employee / Manager self-service, HR Portal, workflow) and ability to
integrate with legacy systems.

HR SSO staff will have the required process and technology skills and capabilities to perform their
future state responsibilities.

Detailed process design (Levels 3 and 4) may impact Level 2 processes and roles and responsibilities.
Decisions about the SSO operating model, governance, and technology may result in adjustments to
the HR L2 scope and processes.


This section summarizes the recommendations for each of the following HR Level 2 process areas.
These processes apply to all academic personnel, staff, and classified student workers unless
Recruitment and Assignment

Candidate Pre-Hire and Onboarding

Employee Administration

Employee Data Administration

Learning Administration

Benefits Enrollment Administration

Recognition Program Administration

Time Administration

Employee Services

Leave Administration

Relocation Administration

Exit Management

HR Information Systems (HRIS)

HR Analytics Administration

Recommendations Recruitment and Assignment

The HR SSO can provide administrative support for distributing and tracking completion of the prehire and onboarding requirements of all new hires, excluding flat-fee workers.


Centralize the administration of pre-hire requirements to candidate(s) with the HR SSO distributing
materials and monitoring completion using the online onboarding suite, and managing background check
escalations (i.e., positive hits).

Restrict new hire record finalization in the HR system until onboarding requirements are marked as
completed by the HR SSO to increase controls.

Transition to the HR SSO the calculation of service balances for employees transitioning from other state

Transition administration of pre-employment testing to HR SSO.

Evaluate pros / cons of policy changes that can standardize timing of background checks and offer letter
templates across the university to decrease risk and yield greater efficiencies.

Transition to the HR SSO ownership of New Hire Welcome and Orientation program and evaluate
opportunity to eventually deliver orientation program online.

Transition to the HR SSO recruitment audits for Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Recruitment
Summary compliance, and I-9 status.

HR SSO to support the distribution and collection of a candidate experience survey (to be defined) to
gather feedback and input from new hires on the recruitment and onboarding processes.


Recommendations - Employee Administration (1 of 2)

The HR SSO can maintain employee data, distribute targeted benefits / retirement information, and
provide centralized administrative learning, recognition, and timekeeping support.
Employee Data Administration

Establish the HR SSO as the one intake point for processing personal and pay data changes, including
changes that require documentation verification.

Establish single HR SSO walk-in service (with kiosk) to support employee data changes, as needed.
Enable online employment and income verification requests via TALX (including both organization and pay

Establish HR SSO as single intake point for employee forms (e.g., Teacher Retirement System Fund Form
6, non-US Citizen Employee tax forms).

Transition to the HR SSO management of (electronic) employee records.

Learning Administration

Transition to the HR SSO course administration in TXClass to leverage economies of skill.*

Centralize support for course enrollment and delivery in the HR SSO to provide trouble-shooting on self
enrollments, monitor course capacity, schedule rooms, manage course cancellation notifications, and order

Incorporate staff perspective into current campus discussions on both short and long-term learning
solutions for UT Austin (e.g., Canvas expansion/enterprise-wide Learning Management System).
Benefits Enrollment Administration

Transition to the HR SSO the distribution of targeted benefits information to employees (e.g., Optional
Retirement Program and Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) notifications).
is the university's employee training management system. This system provides a place for employees and departments to manage training.
*TALX is an online employee self service tool.


Recommendations Employee Administration (2 of 2)

Benefits Enrollment Administration (continued)

Transition to the HR SSO verification of supporting documentation for benefits changes, processing
election changes in the system and conducting audits on benefits eligibility changes.

Enable employees to make online off-cycle or life event-driven benefit changes (UT Austins online
benefits capabilities are constrained by UT System/State of Texas).

Transition to the HR SSO continued pre-CBO reconciliation. HR SSO Tier 2 Specialist supports pre-CBO
reconciliation audit activities and processes updates in the HR system, as needed.

Establish joint HR / Payroll / UT System task force before SSO implementation to identify root cause and
correct discrepancies between UT System / UT Austin benefits systems.
Recognition Program Administration

Transition to the HR SSO, the planning and administration of the Presidents Staff Awards, including
collecting nomination documentation, reconciling time in multiple appointments (for Service awards only,
as needed), organizing a selection committee, procuring the awards and distributing the awards.

Establish a single portal page listing all recognition programs managed by CSUs and Central HR,
(excluding faculty awards); HR SSO will maintain the portal, liaising with CSUs and Central HR as needed.

Transition to the HR SSO timekeeping system administration (e.g., open / close time periods for CSUs to
make time adjustments).

Increase timekeeping compliance by transitioning to the HR SSO facilitating resolution of outstanding time

Establish an online hourly timekeeping system (or expand existing system) to increase automation, and as
a result, HR SSO timekeeping administration activities will also be more efficient.


Recommendations Employee Services

The HR SSO can distribute targeted leave information, initiate relocations with vendors, and
increase efficiency and controls with employee separation processes.
Leave Administration*

Transition to the HR SSO the distribution of targeted leave information to employees, calculation of Leave
without Pay (LWOP) and provision of preliminary benefits bill, if appropriate.

Increase compliance by transitioning the management of military and parental leaves to Central HR.
Increase compliance by submitting all supporting medical documentation for leaves to Central HR.
Relocation Administration

Transition to the HR SSO the initiation of relocation services and management of vendor contact to
leverage economies of skill; the HR SSO will provide relocation process status updates to CSUs.
Exit Management

Introduce exit surveys for voluntary separations (which can be triggered by HR SSO, if needed).
Increase controls by transitioning the facilitation of completing separation procedures (coordinating with
CSUs as appropriate) to the HR SSO. Key activities include calculating final payouts, notifying relevant
entities, distributing exit packages, and processing (final) separation details in the HR system.

For Reductions in Force (RIFs), the HR SSO will contact NextJob placement services, as appropriate.
For Deaths in Service, the HR SSO will initiate claims with Dearborn Life, provide final payout and benefit
information to next of kin, receive legal documents and process the separation in the HR system. The HR
SSO will also provide a Dearborn Life data feed to University Events (to support UT Remembers).*

Transition to the HR SSO the provision of service balances for employees transitioning to other state
*Excludes Faculty / Academic Leaves and Leaves of Absence managed by the Presidents Office (e.g., Emergency Leave)
.*UT Remembers is an annual day of remembrance honoring members of the UT Austin community who died in the previous year.


Recommendations HR Information Services (HRIS)

The HR SSO can provide administrative support to enable Central HR and the CSUs to produce HR
dashboards that can provide greater insights into universitys workforce and performance trends.

HR Analytics

Introduce an analytics capability with the HR SSO supporting the development and generation CSU and
Central HR dashboards.
The HR SSO will facilitate the definition of metrics with the CSUs and Central HR, and determine
appropriate data sources
The HR SSO will produce the dashboards based on defined frequency
The CSUs and Central HR will establish targets and monitor effectiveness / performance


Next Steps (1 of 3)
After the HR Level 2 deliverable is finalized, deep analysis, design, and planning will continue.
Near Term Next Steps

Discuss L2 recommendations with stakeholder groups and the CSUs.

Assess impact of new administrative systems and define approach to coordinating with administrative
systems implementation.

Perform additional analysis to identify process variations by population (e.g., graduate students).
Determine if and/or which functions can be transitioned to shared services before full administrative
systems implementation (e.g. timekeeping administration), and identify non-administrative systems
technology requirements.

Confirm UT Austins future state technology solutions for learning, benefits, leave management, and
timekeeping at the time of the HR SSO implementation and assess impacts on future state processes.

Determine impacts of UT Austins IT Data Governance Initiative on future state HR data and reporting
protocols and processes (including data governance, access rights, and HR SSO responsibilities).


Decisions & Activities Deferred to Design Phase (2 of 3)

The following decisions will be addressed during the Design phase:

Assess impacts and define SSO implementation plan for existing centralized CSU teams (e.g., interim
CBO Shared Services, McCombs Central Services, Liberal Arts Business Services) and on large vs. small

Initiate required changes to university policy.

Clarify HR Reporting responsibilities, including confirming ownership for reporting salary information
and employee data to UT System, providing HR data for the state-wide HRIS, and supporting HR-related
open records / media requests.

Define the high level processes and process integration points for Assignment Initiation and
Changes (e.g., activities to create and manage the employee pay record, position funding, and the overall
organizational hierarchy within the HR system).


Additional Areas of Opportunity (3 of 3)

There are opportunities to increase scope for the HR SSO. Process areas for (re)evaluation :

Recruitment and Internal Transfers: Resume Pre-screening, Requisition Posting, Physical Demand
Assessment Tracking (i.e., the Work Steps Program, initiated post-offer and prior to placement).

Learning: Preferred Learning Vendor List Maintenance, Course Catalog Maintenance, Seat Charge
Management, Training Requirement Audit (for key positions), Course and Certification Tracking
(dependent on learning solution).

Benefits: Open Enrollment Planning (i.e., system configuration).

Leave Administration: Return to Work Letter Distribution.
Performance Management: Objectives Tracking, Annual Review Tracking.
Recognition: Faculty Awards Portal Page Maintenance.

Compensation: Salary Table Management, Job Code Maintenance, Job Evaluation Administration
(e.g., form distribution, collection; initial assessments based on defined thresholds).

Exit Management: Death Notification Checklist Facilitation (for Active and Inactive Employees) (i.e.,
supports timely cancellation of charges to CSUs for inactive employees receiving fringe benefits).

HRIS: Mass Data Changes and Administrative Systems Configuration.

Document Management: Central maintenance of university personnel files (requires impact
assessment and separate initiative).


Recommendations Recruitment and Assignment


Candidate Pre-Hire
& Onboarding



HR SSO distributes pre-hire requirements to

candidate(s) and monitors completion via online
Onboarding Suite
HR SSO manages Background Check escalations
(i.e., positive hits)
HR SSO finalizes new hire in the HR system
HR SSO conducts Orientation (including I-9
verification) and supports registration, where
HR SSO supports the distribution and collection of a
Candidate Experience survey
HR SSO provides internal and external Pre-Hire &
Onboarding support via Service Desk
HR SSO conducts ongoing recruitment audits
CSUs manage candidate advertising / posting,
screening, selection, hiring and CSU-level
onboarding activities
Central HR maintains policies, procedures, and
HR SSO walk-in service for Campus (with kiosk)
supports I-9 verification outside of Orientation
HR SSO administers pre-employment testing

CSUs will complete in-person identify verification as

part of their short-listing of candidates.
HR SSO support for pre-hire and onboarding activities
applies to candidates external to UT Austin, but does
not apply to flat-fee / stipend workers. UT Austin to
evaluate support required for internal candidates postadministrative systems selection.
The Visa/Immigration process will occur as part of the
recruitment process for international new hires.
International hires may not require additional
background check depending on recency of US visa
Scope of HR SSO responsibilities is dependent on the
administrative systems and its integration with existing
Candidate Experience survey is to be defined
Ongoing recruitment audits include Equal Employment
Opportunity (EEO) tracking, Recruitment Summaries,
and I-9 status


Recommendations Employee Administration (1 of 4)


Employee Data
Changes Mass &



Employees use Employee Self-Service (ESS) to

make personal (and pay) data changes that do not
require supporting documentation
Employees contact TALX to obtain Employment
and Income Verification (including both organization
and pay data)
Managers use Manager Self-Service (MSS) to
make organizational data changes in the HR
HR SSO verifies supporting documentation for
personal (and pay) data changes, and processes
the data change in the HR system
HR SSO provides employee data support via
Service Desk
HR SSO supports employee data changes through
a single walk-in service for Campus (with kiosk)
CSUs process mass data changes in the HR
Central HR maintains policies, procedures, and
HR SSO acts as single intake point for employee
forms (e.g., Teacher Retirement System Fund
Form 6, non-US Citizen employee tax forms)
HR SSO manages electronic employee records
(and maintains current hard copies files)

Employee data changes may include personal data

(e.g., name , address), organizational data (e.g.,
supervisor, work location) and pay data (e.g., direct
deposit information)
Organizational changes initiated by Managers will
include CSU and Central HR approvals, as
Examples of mass data changes include unit code
changes or work location changes due to
Process and technology integrations will be in place to
support downstream impacts of data changes (e.g.,
Benefits, Payroll)
Scope and volume of HR SSO responsibilities for
mass data changes will be dependent on UT Austins
decisions regarding CSU access rights / data controls
for the administrative systems


Recommendations Employee Administration (2 of 4)





Employees self-enroll in Instructor-Led Training

Process assumes TXClass as UT Austins learning
(ILT) and Web-Based Training (WBT) courses
solution at the time of HR SSO implementation (N.B.,
UT Austin anticipates an enterprise-wide Learning
HR SSO loads courses / course series into learning
Management System (LMS) in 3 5 years; dialogue
underway to explore interim options such as
HR SSO supports course enrollment and course
leveraging Canvas)
delivery, as needed
HR SSO support for course enrollment may include
HR SSO collates course feedback and distributes to
enrollment trouble-shooting and monitoring course
course owner, as needed
HR SSO provides enrollment and course
HR SSO support for learning delivery may include
administration support via Service Desk
room scheduling, managing course cancellation
CSUs and Central HR design and develop courses
notifications, and ordering materials


Recommendations Employee Administration (3 of 4)


Benefits Enrollment



Employees elect benefits online during Open

This process assumes that the ability to make /
change benefit elections will be automated through
ESS (dependent on UT system)
HR SSO distributes targeted benefits information to
employees (e.g., Optional Retirement Program
Scope of HR SSO responsibilities is dependent on the
administrative systems' capabilities and integration
(ORP) and COBRA notifications)
with existing systems
HR SSO verifies supporting documentation for
benefits changes and processes election changes
in the system
HR SSO audits benefits eligibility changes
HR SSO provides basic benefits and retirement
support via Service Desk
HR SSO Tier 2 Specialist supports pre-CBO
reconciliation audit activities and processes updates
/ changes in the HR system, as needed
Central HR develops and delivers university-wide
benefits communications
Central HR provides benefits and retirement
consulting services
Central HR maintains responsibility for defining
Total Rewards business rules, validating data
outputs, customizing UT Template and drafting
Central HR maintains policies, procedures, and

*Total Rewards refers to the full set of benefits available to UT Austin employees.


Recommendations Employee Administration (4 of 4)




Recognition Program

HR SSO identifies award candidates and reconciles

This process applies to the Presidents Staff Awards
time in multiple appointments, as needed, for Service
only, which includes: Staff Service, Outstanding
Staff, Outstanding Supervisor, and the Student
HR SSO collects and collates award documentation /
Employee of the Year
nominations for the Outstanding Staff, Outstanding
Portal recognition page excludes faculty awards
Supervisor, and Student Employee of the Year awards
HR SSO organizes a committee to select award
winners for the Outstanding Staff, Outstanding
Supervisor, and Student Employee of the Year awards
HR SSO procures and distributes awards to CSUs
and Central HR
HR SSO maintains portal recognition program page
HR SSO provides recognition administration support
via Service Desk
Central HR and CSUs validate award candidate
Central HR audits CSU recognition programs for
policy compliance


Employees enter and submit time online

This process assumes at the time of HR SSO
implementation UT Austin will have (1) its current
Managers review and approve time online
online timekeeping system for monthly employees
CSUs enter Electronic Time Report (ETR)
and (2) an online timekeeping system for hourly
specifications (e.g., shift differentials, compressed
employees that is either new or an expansion of
the capabilities in the current timekeeping system
HR SSO provides timekeeping support via Service
HR SSO administers timekeeping system, as needed
(e.g., open / close time periods for CSUs to make time
HR SSO facilitates resolution of outstanding time


Recommendations Employee Services (1 of 3)






Employees request Leave online

Managers approve Leave online
HR SSO distributes targeted Leave information to employees
HR SSO calculates LWOP and provides preliminary Benefits
billing, if appropriate
CSUs monitor Leave and process the return to work in the HR
HR SSO provides basic Leave support via Service Desk
Central HR provides Leave consulting services
Central HR manages Military Leaves and Parental Leaves
Central HR receives all supporting medical documentation for
Central HR maintains policies, procedures, and checklists

Leave Administration does not include

Absence Management activities
Non-Medical Leaves addresses Leave
Without Pay (LWOP)
Non-Medical Leaves are initiated in the HR
system at the time of approval
This process does not apply to the
processing of Faculty / Academic Leaves
or Leaves of Absence managed by the
Presidents Office (e.g., Emergency
Leave); however the HR SSO may respond
to inquiries regarding Emergency Leave

Employees request Medical Leave and submit all required

documentation to Central HR
HR SSO distributes Medical Leave information to employees
HR SSO processes Leave in the HR system
HR SSO calculates LWOP and provides preliminary Benefits
billing, if appropriate
HR SSO provides basic Medical Leave support via Service
CSUs process the return to work in the HR system
Central HR approves and monitors Medical Leave
Central HR receives all supporting medical documentation for
Central HR provides Medical Leave consulting services
Central HR maintains policy, procedures, and checklists

Medical Leaves include Workers

Compensation and FML
Central HR coordinates with OIE ADA
coordinator on accommodation requests, if

LWOP = Leave Without Pay

OIE ADA = Office of Institutional Equity
Americans with Disabilities Act

Recommendations Employee Services (2 of 3)



Exit Management
Voluntary Separation



CSUs approve relocation benefits for candidates

HR SSO initiates relocation through vendor website
Candidate negotiates final package with vendor
HR SSO provides relocation process status updates to CSUs,
as appropriate
HR SSO provides basic relocation support via Service Desk
HR SSO manages exception requests from vendors
Central HR (re)negotiates relocation vendor contracts

CSU leadership will approve a relocation

benefit for the candidate prior to the start of
this process
The candidate has signed the offer letter
and accepted the terms of the relocation
package prior to the start of this process

Employees requests a voluntary separation through ESS

Managers approve voluntary separation requests through MSS
HR SSO facilitates completion of separation procedures,
coordinating with CSUs as appropriate
HR SSO notifies relevant entities
HR SSO reviews impacts of multiple appointments as part of
separation procedures and notify relevant entities, as needed
HR SSO distributes and collects exit survey
HR SSO distributes exit package / information to employee
HR SSO completes separation in the HR system
HR SSO provides basic separation support via Service Desk
HR SSO provides information for state service balance
Central HR provides retirement classes and consulting
services, as needed
Central HR maintains policy, procedures, and checklists
Central HR reviews and approves re-employment eligibility in
the HR system

HR SSO supports separations for

employees who are leaving UT Austin
Any in-person exit interviews for voluntary
terminations will continue to be conducted
by CSUs or by Central HR on behalf of a
Separations initiated by managers include
CSU HR notification, as appropriate
CSUs responsible for asset collection and
knowledge transfer activities
Types of separation procedures may
include identifying outstanding loads or
assets, calculating final payout, obtaining
updated contact information, ending
systems access


Recommendations Employee Services (3 of 3)




Exit Management
Reduction in Force

CSUs initiate RIFs

Central HR approves RIF list
CSUs engage in in-person consultation with employees on
separation package details
HR SSO generates separation packages (in consultation with
CSUs) and processes final package details in the HR system
HR SSO contacts NextJob placement services, as appropriate
HR SSO provides basic separation support via Service Desk
Central HR maintains policy, procedures, and checklists

Exit Management
Death in Service

CSU managers initiate separation via MSS

Death in Service separations initiated by
Managers include CSU HR and Central HR
CSUs notify other managers / CSUs as appropriate
notifications, as appropriate
HR SSO facilitates completion of separation procedures,
CSU action plan may include consultation
coordinating with CSUs as appropriate
with Central HR
HR SSO calculates final payout details
HR SSO initiates claims with Dearborn Life, as appropriate
HR SSO provides final payout and benefit information to next
of kin
HR SSO receives legal documents and processes separation
in the HR system
HR SSO provides Dearborn Life data feed to University Events
HR SSO provides basic separation support via Service Desk
Central HR maintains policy, procedures, and checklists

RIF separations initiated by Managers

include CSU HR notification, as
Central HR is notified of final RIF list and
package details


Recommendations HR Information Systems (HRIS)


HR Analytics

CSUs and Central HR define key metrics and measures
HR SSO facilitate definition of metric and determine source
HR SSO produces scorecards based on defined frequency
CSUs and Central HR establish targets and monitor
effectiveness / performance

HR SSO analytics support will depend on
the outcomes of UT Austins IT Data
Governance Initiative on future state HR
data and reporting (including data
governance, access rights, and HR SSO
HR Analytics as a service to CSU
customers does not include definition of the
HR SSOs Service Level Agreements
(SLAs) or evaluation of HR SSO


Recruitment: Candidate Pre-Hire & Onboarding (1 of 2)

.*ERP is an acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning and is the proposed replacement for DEFINE (the current administrative system in place at UT Austin).


Recruitment: Candidate Pre-Hire & Onboarding (2 of 2)


Employee Administration: Employee Data Changes (Individual)


Employee Administration: Employee Data Changes (Mass)


Employee Administration: Learning Administration


Employee Administration: Benefits Enrollment Administration


Employee Administration: Recognition Program

Administration (1 of 2)


Employee Administration: Recognition Program

Administration (2 of 2)


Employee Administration: Time Administration


Employee Services: Leave Administration (Non-Medical)


Employee Services: Leave Administration (Medical) (1 of 2)


Employee Services: Leave Administration (Medical) (2 of 2)


Employee Services: Relocation Administration


Employee Services: Exit Management (Voluntary Separation)


Employee Services: Exit Management (Reduction in Force)


HR Information Services (HRIS): HR Analytics Administration


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