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II. Cvara Khandhaka...................................................2

1. The biography of Jvaka........................................2
2. Monks robes...........................................................3





The Vinaya is the fence that Buddha have taught to Sangha in order
to preserve the Buddhism exist for a long time. So in the rules and
discipline of the Buddhism have a lot of important portion that in daily
life of one Bhikkhu or Bhikkhuni must conform like: get food, dwelling,
yellow robes, or some rite religious: Uposatha, Pavaran , Vasas,
therefore, when Sanghas practice the Vinaya, they will have the happy
life in now and here.
Now the Economy of all countries in the world is developed so the
life of everybody is also changed. They have the prospective life then
they have a lot of thing in order to offer to the Sangha. Especially, they
offer a lot of yellow rode or cloth for the monks also temple. If the monks
dont know the way to use it right, they will be wrong in the rules or
disciplines of the Buddha. Therefore, researching and studying Buddhas
vinaya is important obligation of monks life, so we must research the
Cvara khandhaka in order to know the way to used monks robes.

Cvara Khandhaka
1. The biography of Jvaka
Jvaka was born by a courtesan Slavat in Vesali1. When he was born,
his mother request to her slave-woman that: Now then, come along,
having put this boy into a winnowing-basket, having taken him out, throw
him away on a rubbish-heap.2 then he was adopted by the kings son
Abhaya. The kings son gave him the name Jvaka Komrabhacca.
When he grew up he went to Abhaya asked about his mother but even
Abhaya also dont know his parents. Then he decided to learn a craft. He
went to Taxil in order to study with a doctor. He is a smart person so
every things he was studied, he remember all. He underwent seven years
for study medicine. Then he became a doctor. He cured a lot of hard
diseases that another doctor cannot cure like: the wife of merchant, the
king of Magadha, the king Pajjota of Ujjen. Especially, he also a great
doctor take care the heath of the Buddha 3. When he closed up the Lord,
he perceived a lot of sermons. So he also attained high level in the
dhamma and vinaya of the Buddha. Especially, Jvaka attained the first
stage of sainthood (sotapanna). Realizing the advantages of having a

1 I. B. Horner, The Book of The Discipline, (London,

Luzac & Company LTD, 1971), p.380.
2 Ibid., Loc.Cit.
3 Ibid., p.395.

monastery close to his house, Jivaka built one in his mango garden. He
invited the Buddha and his disciples to the monastery, offered alms and
donated the monastery to the Buddha and the monks. Jvaka was the most
celebrated doctor in India during the Buddha's time4.
In addition, Jvaka had demanded some problem pertain to the
rules or discipline for the life of Sangha at the Buddhas time like: the
Monk robes that mention under or the problem perceive the food of the
Buddha also the monks: The way perceive meat from the laymen, food
must abstain three cases Jvaka, I say that there are three instances in
which meat should not eaten: when it is seen, heard, or suspected [that the
living being has been slaughtered for the Bhikkhu]. I say that meat should
not be eaten in these three instances. I say that there are three instances in
which meat may be eaten: when it is not seen, not heard, and not
suspected [that the living being has been slaughtered for the bhikkhu] I
say that meat may be eaten in these three instances5. Therefore, we can
affirm the merit of Jvaka. He always asked some question pertain to the
life of the Lord also of the monks, because he is doctor. So his question to
the lord conduce a lot of benefit to the heath of the Lord and monks and
the conversation between the Buddha and Jvaka is also the

5 Bhikkhu Nnamoli & Bhikkhu Bodhi, The Midle
Length Discourse of The Buddha, vol.II, Jvaka Sutta, (Sri
Lanka, Buddhist publication Society, 1995), p. 474.

occasion in order to confirm the teaching of the Lord for
his disciple following.
2. Monks robes
Cvara khandhaka talk about the robes materials. Because at
Buddha time various kinds of robe-material accrued to the Order. So the
monks convey this problem to the Buddha in order to perceive the
teaching from the Buddha now, what kind of robe materials are allowed
by the Lord, what are not allowed?6 When these question are conveyed
to the Lord. The Lord said: Monks, I allow six (kind of) robe-materials:
linen, cotton, silk, wool, coarse hempen cloth, canvas 7. When Monks
have actions and doing something, the Buddha allow wore the robe
follow case. Whatever those Monks who went into the cemetery for rayrobe first, obtained rag-robe....or monastery.etc.
I allow you, monks, to agree upon a monk endowed with five
qualities as distributor of robe- materials: one who would not follow a
wrong course through who would not follow a wrong
course through fear, and one who would know what is distributed and
what is not distributed. And thus, monks, should he be agree upon...the

6 I. B. Horner, The Book of the Discipline, (London,

Luzac & Company LTD, 1971), p.398.
7 Ibid., Loc. Cit.

monks so and so agree upon by the Order as distributor of robe-material.

It is pleasing to be the Order: therefore it is silent.8
This is some rules by The Buddha asked Monk follow, the life of
monk should be simple and not cling by cloth and anything. The best way
practices holy life and easy to get Nibbnas goal.
The saghas rules allow monks in the cold weather can able keep
themselves with three robes. Thus, bad color is helped monks life effort
practice the Buddhas teachings. This Cvara Khandhaka show how the
robes rules establish and what the robe-materials that the Buddha allows
the monks can wear.



Vinaya that the Buddha taught to his disciplines conduce a lot of

benefit for the monks in the Buddhas time also after. So we must study
and practice these rules in order to have peaceful life and improve in
cultivated life.
According to Cvara Hamavagga, we understand that the Buddha
always advise his follower should to practice the way to live in poverty

8 Ibid., p.403.

that necessary things for their life only enough. Especially, monks robes
must use some material following cloths that Buddha said in Cvara.
All doctrines that were taught by the Lord only have one purpose
that brings the happiness also the delight for the monks and for all living
being. Therefore, we are sthe persons who are studying Buddhas
dhamma, we must study well and apply it in our life in order to follow the
purpose that Buddha pointed it to the mankind that get rid of suffering
and bring happiness to many and bring delight to men and gods.
1. Bhikkhu Nnamoli & Bhikkhu Bodhi, The Midle Length
Discourse of The Buddha, vol.II, Jvaka Sutta, (Sri Lanka,
Buddhist publication Society, 1995).
2. Horner I. B., The Book of the Discipline, (London, Luzac &
Company LTD, 1971).

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