February 2010

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First Hand

February 2010
Newsletter #6

Experience Photo by DeWyk Pretorius

Mossel Bay...
...not in our hands
church and to inspire them low average. ing a symphony of Divine
Every once in a while the to engage in celebratory intervention, something
Lord tends to remind me praise and worship. As the kids started repeat- which I have never wit-
about a few things: ing the chorus with us, nessed before. I have never
One morning, the organiz- something happened that in my life witnessed a child
Firstly, that I am not in ers invited me to lead musi- blows my cognitive mind. burst randomly into tears
control of worldly salvation cal worship at one of their One by one the children by hearing a piece of mu-
and that He CHOOSES to local primary schools. started to burst out in silent sic, especially when the
use the Body of Christ as a None of us were prepared tears, as if being queued by sound of the four chord
catalyst even though he for the events that occurred a great conductor. Slowly melody was lacking in mu-
doesn't need to. For exam- that blessed Wednesday the number of moist eyes sical excellence. Which
ple; I once heard of a man morning… crescendo’ed until about leads me to a conclusion:
who changed his whole be-
lief system after he heard a As always the team started I am convinced that the
donkey speak to him on a by leading the musical wor- Holy Spirit did something
deserted road…INSANE I ship by making use of in that school hall which is
KNOW. That’s is what I DVD’s as form of accom- beyond my comprehension.
heard, but this is what I paniment. To engage the 10 I know beyond a doubt that
saw, first hand... to 13 year old learners, cer- my efforts had nothing to
tain ‘dance’ moves were do with the events of that
About a week ago I was added as choreography. blessed Wednesday morn-
privileged enough to lead After some exciting praise ing. My only response is to
worship in a small costal music the children were surrender my hands and
town in South Africa called invited sit down and to talk chant:
Mossel Bay. An awesome to God in the form of silent
organization, known as The prayer. Then Barry (one of How great is our God,
Crossing, held an interde- the organizers) and I started Sing with me,
nominational youth confer- to sing How Great is Our half of the adolescent con- How great is our God,
ence situated in a parking God with guitar and piano gregation were crying. And all will see,
garage in the middle of the accompaniment, nothing Some even stood up and
central business district. extravagant or meticulously left the hall, others raised How great,
The goal was to encourage produced. In fact, in my their hands and prayed out How great,
the youth of Mossel Bay to opinion, the quality of our loud, others kept singing. I Is our God!
get involved at a local music was very much be- realized that I was witness-

1 3 t hF LO OR
Music and Technical Administrator

Facebook: Eugene van Potch

E-mail: witboy_sa@hotmail.com
by Eugene van Deventer

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