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15 September 2014

In reply please quote:
Client Name
Date of Birth
Place of Lodgement
Date of Visa Application
Application ID
File Number

23 December 1991
New Delhi
31 December 2013

Transmission Method

Email sent to

Sponsor details
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Date of Birth


03 August 1984

Dear Beenu MURALI

Notification of grant of a Partner (Provisional) (class UF) Partner (Provisional)
(subclass 309) visa
I wish to advise that a decision has been made on this application and visas have been granted
on 15 September 2014 to the applicant(s) listed in the attached Visa Grant Notice, which
contains important information about your visa(s).
Please keep a copy of this letter and the Visa Grant Notice in a safe place for your reference.
Please note: if your application contained multiple applicants, each applicant that has been
granted a visa will be sent their own Visa Grant Notice. Any other applicants should not make
arrangements to travel to Australia unless they have received their own Visa Grant Notice.
The date on this notification, and the date of visa grant, are according to Australian Eastern
Standard Time [UTC +10] (incorporating Daylight Saving Time [UTC +11], if applicable) on
the relevant day. Depending on your location, these dates may differ by one day from your

Australian High Commission, New Delhi

OFFICE:1/50G Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021
POSTAL:1/50G Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021
PHONE: 011 4122 1000 EMAIL: WEBSITE:,


local date and may be in the future. Despite this, your Australian visa is already in effect there is no need to delay travel to Australia until the commencement of the later day.
Questions about this decision
If you have questions about this decision, or the process or information that was taken into
account, you may contact us by any of the means listed below.
Changes to your circumstances
Up until the time you arrive in Australia, you are required to tell us about any changes to your
circumstances that may affect any answer to a question in your application form including
your name, passport, contact details, address or family members as soon as possible. You are
required to do this in writing and can use Form 1022 Notification of changes in circumstance
(Section 104 of the Migration Act 1958),which is available at
form1022. Failure to notify the department of your new circumstances can have serious
consequences and your visa may be cancelled.
After you arrive in Australia, it is still important that you tell us about any changes to your
circumstances as soon as possible. You are required to do this in writing and can use one of
the forms available at
Client service information
We value your compliments, complaints and suggestions. Your compliments let us know
where we are performing well and your complaints and suggestions help us improve the
services we provide.
In Australia you can call the Global Feedback Unit on 133 177 between 8:30 am and 4:30
pm Monday to Friday. Further information on our Client Service Charter and how to make a
compliment, complaint or suggestion is available at
Contacting this processing office
We prefer contact with this office concerning your application to be by email. We try to
respond to all email enquiries within seven (7) working days.
Our email address is
Yours sincerely
Department of Immigration and Border Protection

Australian High Commission, New Delhi

OFFICE:1/50G Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021
POSTAL:1/50G Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021
PHONE: 011 4122 1000 EMAIL: WEBSITE:,



Application details
Place of Lodgement
Date of Visa Application
Application ID
File Number

New Delhi
31 December 2013

Sponsor details
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Date of Birth


03 August 1984

Applicant Details
Applicant Type

Main Applicant

Applicant Name


Date of Birth

23 December 1991

Client ID


Grant Details
Visa Class

Partner (Provisional) (class UF)

Visa Subclass

Partner (Provisional) (subclass 309)

Visa Grant Number


Visa Grant Date

15 September 2014

Travel Document Type


Travel Document Number


Travel Document Country


Travel Document Expiry

20 January 2024

Must Make First Entry to

Australia Before

19 April 2015

Stay Period

Until notified that subclass 100 has been decided or the

application is withdrawn

Travel Facility


Australian High Commission, New Delhi

OFFICE:1/50G Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021
POSTAL:1/50G Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021
PHONE: 011 4122 1000 EMAIL: WEBSITE:,


Visa Conditions


First entry date

You must make your first entry to Australia before 19 April 2015. It is not possible to change
this date.
More information on entitlements is at
The information embedded within the above barcode (QR code) contains machine readable
versions of the departments Visa Entitlement Verification Online system that is already
printed within this Visa Grant Notice. You should keep this letter and QR code in a safe place
to protect your personal information.
You can use a QR application on your mobile device to read the code and access your current
visa entitlements and view any visa conditions that may be associated with your visa grant
including your immigration status 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Polio vaccinations
On 5 May 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director General declared the recent
international spread of wild type polio virus to be a Public Health Emergency of International
Concern under the International Health Regulations (IHR). Ten countries, listed below, have
been identified as having suffered recent outbreaks of polio.
If you are from one of the countries listed below, or have spent 28 days or longer in these
countries on or after 5 May 2014 we encourage you to have a polio vaccination prior to
departing for Australia. Having the vaccination will also assist in eradicating the spread of
To obtain maximum benefit in assisting with the eradication of the spread of polio, it is
advisable to have the vaccination at least 4 weeks prior to your travel.
Countries: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Somalia, Syria
Further information is available from
Maintaining a valid visa
You have been granted a temporary visa and will become eligible for consideration for the
grant of a permanent visa. You do not need to make a further application for the permanent
visa. Generally, applicants become eligible two years after the date of the lodgement of the
combined application. Shortly before that date, the department will write to you and invite to
provide further information.
There are no travel restrictions associated with your temporary visa. If you wish to travel
outside Australia pending a decision on your permanent visa application, please ensure

Australian High Commission, New Delhi

OFFICE:1/50G Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021
POSTAL:1/50G Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021
PHONE: 011 4122 1000 EMAIL: WEBSITE:,


that you advise the department of your contact details as failure to respond to requests for
information can lead to a refusal of your application and the ceasing of your current visa.
Living in Australia
You may wish to learn more about living in Australia. Further information about living
and settling in Australia, including the Beginning a Life in Australia booklet and the
Form 994i Settlement information for migrants to Australia, is available on our website at
Your entitlements to government services
You may be able to access a range of services offered by the Australian Government such as
benefits from Centrelink or Medicare. The department of Human Services delivers a range
of social and health-related payments and services. Further information about the range
of services that may be available to you and your eligibility to access them is available at
AMEP English language tuition
The Commonwealth Government provides English language tuition in Australia through the
Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). You may be eligible to access the AMEP. To find
out more contact an AMEP service provider as soon as possible as there are time limits to
register for the program. Further information including details of AMEP service providers and
locations is available at
Australia is now visa label-free
Australias electronic visa system does not require you to have a visa label placed in your
passport. Foreign governments have been informed about Australias label-free policy and
airline staff will electronically confirm you have a valid visa before you board the plane to
travel to Australia.
You can access your visa information at any time using Visa Entitlement Verification
Online (VEVO), a free web-based service. To log into VEVO you will need your passport
information and your visa grant number or transaction reference number (if lodged online)
listed above. More information is available at
Most countries have specific entry, exit and visa requirements. If you are transiting or exiting
through another country, it is your responsibility to check with the relevant government
authorities. The Australian Government cannot advise on other countries requirements.
Position Number: 60031992
Australian High Commission, New Delhi
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
15 September 2014

Australian High Commission, New Delhi

OFFICE:1/50G Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021
POSTAL:1/50G Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021
PHONE: 011 4122 1000 EMAIL: WEBSITE:,


Australian High Commission, New Delhi

OFFICE:1/50G Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021
POSTAL:1/50G Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021
PHONE: 011 4122 1000 EMAIL: WEBSITE:,

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