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Graha Technic Mandiri

Sumatera Indonesia
Environmental sustainability Solution
By Implementation of Green Industries

Kyoto protocol
Bali Roadmap


Current Situation
Illegal- logging Jungle
after 10-15 years no jungle trees left.
Global climate change
CO2 emissions are now significantly increasing by
burning rice field straw and old Palm trees by renewing existing Palm Oil plantations)


Collecting the future of Green Gold
We can collect the straw and the 25 year old Palm trees after
they have been cut.

We can collect the Palm Oil Mill waste Biomass.

We can give the poor people more opportunity
to escape and improve their lives
We can reduce the greenhouse gases


Turning in
Green Gold

Key Products

Sub Products

Palm and Rubber


Wood Chips

Barbecue fuel, Iron industry
or clean water management
(Hi bride) Batteries or Carbon
Toner Cartridges
Haemoglobin Medicine
Lignin animal feed

Carbon powders
Cellulosic Palm oil Bioethanol
mill waste
Cellulosic straw


CELLIC CTec2 Enzymes for Cellulosic Ethanol
2010 promise delivered
We promised that by 2010, we would deliver commercially viable
enzyme solutions for the production of cellulosic ethanol. Cellic
CTec2 is our promise delivered.
Our cost-cutting enzyme developments, together with todays most
advanced production processes, mean that we are now ready to
move your business forward and create a secure energy future for
the world


Feedstock from the source

The most important source are the feedstocks, many countries are
faced to plant biofuel feedstock , Brazil needs to plant Jatropha and
Canada sugarcane crops. BP, Shell and other fuel giants invest big in
feedstock resources.
In Indonesia the cellulosic feedstock is already available and can be
collected in huge quantities
Pulp wood chips factories
500.000 ha x 122 trees : 25years : 365 days x 2m3 = 13370 m3 daily input

Bioenthanol Biobutanol installation

500.000 ha x 5,6ton biomass = 2.800.000ton monthly input


Second important is a proper logistic to send the feedstock to the Biofuel
Indonesia is having for decades a good logistic platform to carry palm oil
out of the existing palm oil plantations to Storage and Tanker shipping


Scholarship Training Center

The biobased economy is strongly developing today and we are in the midst of a
transition from an economy based on fossil resources to a biobased economy
based on renewable resources. In order to help that transition, Europe, Belgium
and the Netherlands have united their forces to establish Bio Base Europe within
the framework of an ambitious Interreg project. Bio Base Europe is currently
building research and training facilities for the biobased economy with an overall
budget of 21 M.
Indonesia scholarships can follow education program via ROC Vlissingen, The
Netherlands, Technical High School, currently a lot of Indonesian students are
placed here to study various technical directions.


Location Strenghts North Sumatra

Belawan (International Harbor Port)

Specialized in Palm Oil storage and shipping for export

Oldest plantations of Indonesia (RSPO)
Ground easy available

Container shipping facilities

Medan Metro pole Universities
Low costs of labor and local resources

Easy Access by International Airport


Processing Ethanol


Tender Plant of Cellulosic Ethanol Butanol

To avoid extra cost its highly recommended that its be build directly as
a 3 in 1 factory, this will have al kind of advantages, also from a cost

estimated investment 80 mio $


Work out plan (Technical)

In combination with
Graha Technik Mandiri
Local building faccilities

Quality assurance
Its very important that we make the tender directly according,
high standards, to make sure that when we copy the tender
all sustainable processes are working, and we can deliver
not only locally but also can easy export to EU.
Partners Innovation can play the substantive role all over
the project to borrow the quality.


Governments Role
Decide if the like to play the key role in supporting the biofuel development.
Carry out a proper analysis to weigh the upfront and long term economic,
social, and environmental costs and benefits of a biofuel program. When
where involved?
The use of local tax and investments incentives to help achieve
a critical market size to make such a production economically feasible. The
government must enable an environment with play a role in overcoming vested
interests in existing technologies, such as within the car and oil industries which
hamper biofuel expansion
Ministries involved Agriculture, Energy, Regional development, Education,


Tender plant need to be complete or partly financed by local partners
out of the Palm Oil industry, Private or Government owned.

In combination with or without World bank USAids Goverment id.


Thanks for your attention

Ing. Doli Raja Marpaung

Mr. Willem van de Vrie


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