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Top 10 Traits Every Nurse Should Have

by RY AN W INT ER on APRIL 6, 2009

Nursing is a field that demands much of those who pursue it.

Long hours and the strain of working with ill and stressed
people on a daily basis can make it a very difficult challenge. If
you are currently in the nursing field or are considering
pursuing this career, here is a list of the top 10 traits every
nurse should have/be:

A Caring Nature:If a person cannot care about the

people they are serving, they will not excel as a nurse.
Nurses deal with the sick and injured and their families on
a daily basis, and they need to be able to show them that

they truly care about their situation.

2. Be Empathetic:Nurses regularly deal with people who
are scared and in pain. They must be able to put themselves
in their patients shoes if they are going to give them the
quality of care that a good nurse provides.
3. Be Detail-Oriented: Nurses must remember to write
everything they do on patients charts. They must also
remember to bring medications at the correct times. Being

an organized detail-oriented person is therefore crucial for

someone in this career field.
4. Be Emotionally Stable:Nurses feel the joy of seeing a
new baby born, followed by the pain of losing a long-term
patient who had become a friend. Emotional stability is
crucial in order to survive the roller coaster ride of
emotions nurses must endure on a daily basis.


Be Adaptable: No day is quite like the next when you

work as a nurse, so they need to be able to adapt to
circumstances. People are unpredictable at the best of
times, but under stress become even more unpredictable,
so a nurses typical workday will require flexibility and
6. Have Physical Endurance:Breaks for nurses are few
and far between. They are on their feet all day, sometimes
for 12 or more hours at a time, so nurses must have good
physical endurance to succeed in nursing.
7. Be a Quick Thinker: When a nurse notices something
is not right with a patient, they need to be able to make
decisions quickly and put their plans into action instantly.
Nursing is not the career for someone who needs time to
think about a situation before responding, because even a
fraction of a second can mean the difference between life
and death.


Have Great Judgement:A nurse must be able to look

at a patients current state and accurately assess what is or
is not needed. This must happen quickly during
emergencies. Nurses therefore need sound judgment and
9. Be Hard-Working:Nursing is a never ending job.
Someone is always ill and in need of some sort of aid or
attention. Its also unusual for a hospital or medical centre
to be overstaffed, which of course means more workload on
each nurse in the unit. Being a hard worker is therefore a
very important trait.
10. Have Great Communication Skills:Nurses
communicate with each other, doctors, patients, and
patients families on a daily basis, so being able to
communicate clearly and effectively, and to read people is
necessary for people in this career
Conclusion: Nursing is a difficult career. There is no doubt
about it. However, it can also be an extremely rewarding
career given the right personality. Certainly, the more of the
traits above you have as an individual, the more likely nursing
is the career for you.
Are there any other traits you believe nurses should have?
To be a part of a noble profession such as nursing, is a matter of pride and achievement in itself.
Though people may use the term "nurse" nonchalantly, only those who have seen a nurse's life would
understand the honor and respect that goes into this profession. Nursing isn't merely a profession, or
a job that you need to perform during your shift timings. It is a responsibility, a behavioral
conditioning, an approach towards people, and a dedication towards healing others. To summarize the
essence of this profession, it is not about the qualities that you can acquire to become a nurse, it is
about the inherent qualities that you are born with, that will make you a great nurse.
Qualities That Define a Good Nurse
Before you choose to be a nurse, it is very important for you to understand who you are as an
individual. If I say that anybody can be a good nurse, I would be lying! The reason why I say so is
because this profession is extremely demanding, both physically and mentally. Physical pressures
include dealing with emergency cases, on-call duties, extended working hours, and so on. Mentally,

this job would need you to deal with the emotional situations of the patients and their families. Giving
them constant moral support, aiding their needs to be heard and comforted, being an advocate of the
patient in front of the doctor, and so on, involves the integral duties of a good nurse. All this would
require the aspirant to be compassionate, mentally composed, physically strong, and professionally
dedicated. Among the other qualities that an ideal nurse should have, the aforementioned qualities
can only be found in a person naturally, and cannot be acquired forcefully.
Kind and Compassionate
We all tend to be kind and compassionate towards others in our daily lives. The majority of people that
we meet are those at work, social gatherings, etc. But a nurse comes across people who are dealing
with trauma - both physically and mentally! These people are distressed and are looking for comfort
and healing. It is easy to deal with healthy people, but if you are surrounded with patients who need
your assistance, then it is important for you to be kind and compassionate towards them. While most
of us might get frustrated after a point, a nurse is the one who understands their miseries and
comforts them even in the darkest hour. All this cannot be done without compassion being a major
essence of your character.
Physical Endurance
Being a nurse is not a 9 to 5 desk job. One needs to be on their toes, aiding the need of the doctors
and patients. There are stressful situations that are encountered almost everyday. In case of
emergencies immediate assistance is required. While the doctor examines the patient, it is the nurse's
duty to follow up according to the doctor's instructions. A normal phenomena in this career is on-call
duties, and extended shifts, in case there is less staff. Therefore, it is important to be physically active
and strong.
Mental Endurance
A nurse is a caregiver who acts as a source of connection between the doctor, patient, and the
patient's family. There are various queries that the patient and his/her family members would have.
Not only this, in case of serious illnesses, there will be issues like anger, frustration, pain, and agony,
mainly from the patient's end. On the other hand, there will also be the mental pressure to deal with
the patient calmly through all the chaos, thereby, making sure that the doctor's instructions are being
followed. Therefore, mental stability is a necessity in this profession.
Excellent Communication Skills
As mentioned earlier, a nurse is a caregiver, and it is not possible to provide complete care for a
person if there is lack of proper communication. When it comes to communication, especially in
healthcare, it is more than talking to a patient. One needs to cater to both - the physical and
emotional needs. The talking needs to be soft and polite, making the patient feel at ease. Firmness
too, is essential in the tone when it comes to instructing the patient about advised medications and
Another important aspect in communication is to be a good listener, and it goes beyond listening to
the needs of the patient! It involves forming a bond of mutual trust and reliance. When a person goes
through an illness or a trauma, it is usually accompanied by loneliness, frustration, and the need to be
heard. During this phase, it is a nurse who can act as a caregiver and confidant, which is impossible
without the ability to communicate well.
Constant Urge to Learn
A lot has changed from the time when Florence Nightingale founded modern nursing, as compared to
the modernized changes that we see in the nursing field today. With continuous discovery of new
illnesses, medicines, and development in healthcare technology, professionals need to update and

adapt themselves continuously with the changing trends. This cannot be done successfully if there is
no impulse to learn.
Alert and Observant
It is mandatory for the aspirant to be alert and observant, considering the demands involved in the
profession. Observing the unspoken needs of the patient, providing with emergency care and
assistance, taking charge of the situation when the doctor is not present, etc., are a part and parcel of
the job. Without being alert and observant, one would not be able to justify the given responsibilities
and would lose the trust that the patient and the doctor has on the nurse. This is because any kind of
delay in taking the required action due to indecisiveness could prove to be fatal for the patient.
Adaptable to Change
When I say change, I mean the dynamic nature of the working environment in the healthcare sector.
Each day is different from the other, with new cases, new patients, each varying from the previous
ones. Every patient has different needs, and there are different ways to handle them. Which is why, a
nurse needs to be flexible when it comes to adapting to changes, be it in the work schedule, or simply
in the way one deals with the patients.
Willingness to Provide a Healing Touch
This quality defines the difference between a nurse and a great nurse. Doing something just because
it's your job, and doing something because it is your humane duty defines how passionate you are
towards your profession. It is only if you have this quality that you will enjoy serving others, whether
it is during your duty hours or if you have been called on duty in the middle of the night. This career is
satisfying only if the need to comfort others is more than the need to remain in your comfort zone.
These days, nursing is one of the most sought-after careers. A nurse is an integral part of the
healthcare profession. There are a number of institutes all over the world which offer different courses
in nursing. This article was an attempt to highlight the importance of the qualities over a degree and a
qualification, which undoubtedly are equally important. However, the aspirant should understand that
nursing is not just a great way of making money, it is a profession that demands skills, hard work, and
Read more at Buzzle: staf

Nurses are pretty amazing. Great nurses arent just compassionate and kind they have all the medical
smarts of a doctor too! Plus, a career as a nurse offers a sense of personal satisfaction that you just cant
Those who succeed in nursing and who gain the most personal fulfillment from it start their careers with
certain unique qualities. Doyou have what it takes to be agreat nurse?

1. Communication Skills

Solid communication skills are a basic foundation for any career. But for nurses, its one of the most
important aspects of the job. A great nurse has excellent communication skills, especially when it
comes to speaking and listening. They are able to follow directions without a problem and can easily

Nurses always need to be on top of their game and make sure that their patients are clearly understood
by everyone else. A truly stellar nurse is able to advocate for her patients and anticipate their needs.

2. Emotional Stability

Nursing is a stressful job where traumatic situations are common. The ability to accept suffering and
death without letting it get personal is crucial. Some days can seem like non-stop gloom and doom.
Thats not to say that there arent heartwarming moments in nursing. Helping a patient recover,
reuniting families, or bonding with fellow nurses are special benefits of the job. Just dont come to expect
it. Leave the happy endings for Greys Anatomy.

3. Empathy

Great nurses have empathy for the pain and suffering of patients. They are able to feel compassion and
provide comfort. But be prepared for the occasional bout of compassion fatigue; it happens to the
greatest of nurses. Learn how to recognize the symptoms and deal with it efficiently.
Patients look to nurses as their advocates the softer side of hospital bureaucracy. Being sympathetic to
the patients hospital experience can go a long way in terms of improving patient care. Sometimes, an
empathetic nurse is all patients have to look forward to.

4. Flexibility

Being flexible and rolling with the punches is a staple of any career, but its especially important for
nurses. A great nurse is flexible with regards to working hours and responsibilities. Nurses, like

doctors, are often required to work long periods of overtime, late or overnight shifts, and weekends.
Know that it comes with the territory. The upside is that a fluctuating schedule often means youre
skipping the 9 to 5, cubicle treadmill. Sounds perfect, right? Run errands, go to the movies, or spend time
with the family all while the sun still shines!

5. Attention to Detail

Every step in the medical field is one that can have far-reaching consequences. A great nurse
pays excellent attention to detail and is careful not to skip steps or make errors.
From reading a patients chart correctly to remembering the nuances of a delicate case, there s nothing
that should be left to chance in nursing. When a simple mistake can spell tragedy for anothers life,
attention to detail can literally be the difference between life and death.

6. Interpersonal Skills

Nurses are the link between doctors and patients. A great nurse has excellent interpersonal skills and
works well in a variety of situations with different people. They work well with other nurses, doctors, and
Nurses are the glue that holds the hospital together. Patients see nurses as a friendly face and doctors
depend on nurses to keep them on their toes. A great nurse balances the needs of patient and doctor as
seamlessly as possible.

7. Physical Endurance

Frequent physical tasks, standing for long periods of time, lifting heavy objects (or people), and
performing a number of taxing maneuvers on a daily basis are staples of nursing life. Its definitely not a
Always on the go, a great nurse maintains her energy throughout her shift, whether shes in a surgery
or checking in on a patient. Staying strong, eating right, and having a healthy lifestyle outside of nursing is
important too!

8. Problem Solving Skills

A great nurse can think quickly and address problems as or before they arise.
With sick patients, trauma cases, and emergencies, nurses always need to be on hand to solve a tricky
situation. Whether its handling the family, soothing a patient, dealing with a doctor, or managing the
staff, having good problem solving skills is a top quality of a great nurse.

9. Quick Response

Nurses need to be ready to respond quickly to emergencies and other situations that arise. Quite often,
health care work is simply the response to sudden incidences, and nurses must always be prepared for
Staying on their feet, keeping their head cool in a crisis, and a calm attitude are great qualities in a nurse.

10. Respect

Respect goes a long way. Great nurses respect people and rules. They remain impartial at all times and
are mindful of confidentiality requirements and different cultures and traditions. Above all, they respect the
Great nurses respect the hospital staf and each other, understanding that the patient comes first.
And nurses who respect others are highly respected in return.

Why Nurses Rock













As communicators, nurses make sure patients know whats going on. But dealing with patients day in
and day out isnt easy; nurses must remain calm and collected, even in the face of tragedy. They
empathize with their patients, without letting it get personal and interfere with doing their job. A nurses

day is often crazy, requiring flexibility, patience, and physical endurance. A situation can change quickly,
requiring a nurse to be quick on her feet, ready to assess the situation and respond. But no matter how
intense it gets, a great nurse pays attention to the patient, from the big issues to the little details!
Great nurses, who exhibit all of these qualities, each with a smile, who we respect and admire!

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