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Prof. C. Gallego

May - June 2015

Useful Languague to Study

From the Elementary Level (Preparatorio II):
Participating in Discussions. Unit 8 Markets
Youre right
I really like the idea
(Sorry), I dont agree with you.
Im afraid I dont agree
Asking for an opinion:
What do you think?
How do you feel about this?
Giving an opinion
I think
In my opinion
Making a suggestion
How about?
Good morning / afternoon.
Hello, everyone. Nice to see you again.
Identifying problems and agreeing action Unit 11 Cultures
Theres something Id like to talk to you about
I need to talk to you about something.
Could I have a word with you?
Suggesting action
We could
One thing we could do is
We should / shouldnt
I think / I dont think we should
The best thing to do is
Stating the topic

Ingls Bsico

Prof. C. Gallego

May - June 2015

Theres a problem with

The problem is
Responding to suggestions
I agree. Well
Fine. Lets
Yes. I think that would be very helpful
Im not sure thats a good idea.
Well, Im not sure about that.
Mmm. I dont think thats a good idea.
(From the Pre-Intermediate Level; Bsico).
Negotiating: Reaching agreement. Unit 2 Selling online
Stating aims
Wed like to have it in a months time.
We must have delivery by the end of next week
Making concessions
If I have to finish in one month, Ill need to
That could be all tight as long as I get
Rejecting suggestions
Wed / Id prefer to
How about
Focussing the discussion
Lets talk about
More expressions of
Will you agree to
OK then, agreed
I agree to that.
I think youre right
Strong agreement: Absolutely, I totally agree
Polite agreement: that sounds reasonable
Hesitant agreement: Maybe youre right
Polite disagreement: Its a bit too much, Id say
Hesitant disagreement: Mmm, I dont know

Ingls Bsico

Prof. C. Gallego

May - June 2015

Participating in discussions Unit 5 Stress

Making suggestions
We could offer staff a wider choice of food.
Why dont we change the menus?
How about offering healthier meals?
What about having a no-smoking policy?
I think we should send out a questionnaire. (strong suggestion)
Perhaps we should
We could
Giving opinions
I think that we should ask the staff.
I feel that we have to consider the cost.
Im sure/convinced/positive that people would like it.
Yes, but in the other hand it will make some people unhappy.
Yes, thats right
I think I agree with you.
Good. / Excellent idea. /Great
I completely agree.
Yes, but what about the cost?
Im not sure I agree.
I really dont agree (strong disagreement)
Im not sure thats a good idea
Im not sure about that.
For me, thats out of the question
(Im afraid) I dont agree
Hold on (a moment)
Can I say something?
Intermedio I
Checking information
Sorry, did you say?
Sorry, I didnt catch that.
Could you repeat that, please?
Let me read that back to you.
Asking for information
Could you give me a few details?
What about the new range?
Did she say when shed like to meet?

Ingls Bsico

Prof. C. Gallego

May - June 2015

Finishing a conversation
Ok, thats it.
Thanks very much. That was very helpful.
I must go now.
I think thats everything.
Dealing with interruptions
If youll just let me finish
Just a moment, please.
Id like to finish, if I may.
Could I say something?
Could I just comment on that?
Hold on a minute.
Sorry to interrupt but
How do you mean exactly?
What exactly do you mean by?
Are you saying?
So what youre saying is that
Negotiating: Dealing with conflict Unit 10
Calming down
I understand what youre saying
I can see your point of view.
Well, I know/see what you mean
Why dont we come back to that later?
Lets have a break and come back with some fresh ideas.
You dont have to worry about
Creating solutions
A compromise could be to
How about if
What if
Lets look at this another way.
Another possibility is
Closing a negotiation
Lets see what weve got.
Can I go over what weve agreed?
Lets go over the main points again.
OK, I think that covers everything.
Weve got a deal
Fine. Right. Thats it then.

Ingls Bsico

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