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Rule 130 Rules of Admissibility | C. Testimonial Evidence | 4. Testimonial Knowledge
Hearsay Evidence
Rule 133 Weight and Sufficiency of Evidence
G.R. Nos. 131799-801 (423 SCRA 374); February 23, 2004

Regional Trial Court of Makati City, Branch 62 found appellant Feliciano Ulit y Tampoy guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of two counts of qualified rape. In the same decision, the appellant was convicted
of two counts of acts of lasciviousness. For each count of rape, the trial court sentenced him to
suffer the supreme penalty of death, while for each count of acts of lasciviousness, the appellant
was sentenced to suffer imprisonment from eight (8) years, eight (8) months and one (1) day of
prision mayor in its medium period, as minimum, to fifteen (15) years, six (6) months and twenty
(20) days of reclusion temporal in its medium period, as maximum.
The appellants counsel, likewise, objected to the admissibility of Lucelles sworn statement on the
ground that she was incompetent to give the same because of her mental illness. The trial court
admitted the sworn statement of Lucelle in evidence as part of her testimony.
ISSUE (1): Whether Lucelles sworn statement is hearsay.
SC: We do not agree with the ruling of the trial court that the contents of the sworn statement of
Lucelle are hearsay, simply because she did not testify thereon and merely identified her signatures
therein. By hearsay evidence is meant that kind of evidence which does not derive its value solely
from the credence to be attributed to the witness herself but rests solely in part on the veracity and
competence of some persons from whom the witness has received the information. It signifies all
evidence which is not founded upon the personal knowledge of the witness from whom it is elicited,
and which, consequently, is not subject to cross-examination. The basis for the exclusion appears to
lie in the fact that such testimony is not subject to the test which can ordinarily be applied for the
ascertainment of truth of testimony, since the declarant is not present and available for crossexamination. In criminal cases, the admission of hearsay evidence would be a violation of the
constitutional provision that the accused shall enjoy the right to confront and cross-examine the
witness testifying against him. Generally, the affidavits of persons who are not presented to testify
on the truth of the contents thereof are hearsay evidence. Such affidavit must be formally offered in
evidence and accepted by the court; otherwise, it shall not be considered by the court for the
simple reason that the court shall consider such evidence formally offered and accepted.
ISSUE (2): On plea of guilty of accused, the Rule.
HELD: As a rule, this Court has set aside convictions based on pleas of guilty in capital offenses
because of the improvidence thereof, and when such plea is the sole basis of the condemnatory
judgment. However, where the trial court receives, independently of his plea of guilty, evidence to
determine whether the accused committed the crimes charged and the precise degree of his
criminal culpability therefor, he may still be convicted if there is ample proof on record, not
contingent on the plea of guilty, on which to predicate conviction.

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