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is action, not position.Donald H. MacGannon

Vol. III, No. 33, 28 August 2015

Leaders: Born or Made / By Chance or Choice

The word Leadership has its own glamour in present dynamic world. There are many articles, papers,
write-ups, and theories available regarding leadership across the segments. Interestingly, leadership is
very important in built characteristic of each and every human being. Each one of us is a leader. However,
the landscape can be different but leadership & its essence stand same.

How this whole thing takes a shape?

Leaders are born: There are people who have some in built attitude & blessed environment to lead and
grow right from the beginning. Such leaders are shiny, lighthearted, bold, risk takers, exposed, advanced,
unbiased and essentially have larger landscape.

Leader are Made:- There are people who rise from the bottom and emerge as Leaders. They value each
step of their ladder. Such leaders are calculative, value based, emotional, careful, connected, God fearing,
hardworking and people driven. They create larger landscape for themselves.

Leaders by Chance:- There are people who believe in taking chances to build place for themselves. Such
leaders are hard taskmasters, opportunists, greedy, daring, derive value, success driven and biased. No
landscape is sufficient for them. They need larger and larger space always.

Leaders by Choice: - There are people who choose to lead. Higher aims and values drive them to their
landscape. Such leaders are large hearted, grounded, real, contributors, national/society builders, value
human resource, generate wealth & values and philanthropist. No any kind of landscape can represent
the frequency of their leadership. They are beyond boundaries.

Now, as mentioned earlier, each one of us is a leader. Just think of your leadership landscape. It can be
limited to your family, friend circle, peers, society, nation & so on. A deeper analysis would also reveal
that there is a little of all this in a leader, when viewed in a specific context. Especially as one progresses in
life from one organization and position to another, change is visible. But in a stand-alone mode, all
characteristics are very visible under these four conditions.

To me, we all are born to lead because bare minimum we lead our lives!

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Written by: - Dr. Sandhir Sharma

Disclaimer: This Newsletter is prepared to enhance awareness and for information only. The
information is taken from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed by Chitkara
Business School as to its accuracy. Chitkara Business School will not be responsible for any
interpretations, opinions generated or decisions taken by readers.

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