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Please fill out in full detail

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3:;J8a/ o/c.:"'7-aI>3 dI~s

1,_\\A..J..l¢.,i V~ do hereby voluntarily make

the following statement wilhOlJllhreilt, coercion, offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.

-Lst storen items separately (with values) in body of statement

Total Value of Property- Slolen/Oalnage~

SwomTo and SlJ>s<:libro ~ Me TN.

I Swear/Affirm me Abo.e .rldlo, AII:a~Ol<l SlBbi.......... a" ~

I~OCL~ '",' ~Q\c:, .ac I V

and True

f)60j}-jf>arlu5 Dr QW'"

___ -....OIIK< -_. -- "

Orange County Sheriff's Office
~J- 1~1-'\
- l ,-t'o -r~ve5jl".1tO/i
1"11) 1'1'1Sl
Please fill out in 'ull detail

a.~ '5/" /'81 :ItL lc
lio' _.

B;l'!" 1 YIf}YQ3-I7' '1

"'5~Eal Uoi-351-~15
O.L ~.

Llsl stoten items separately (With values) in body of statement>

I will tastily in COU~

1.... 1prosecute cnminally.
jf)t-",S' __

Swam To and SubsaibeC Bo/l;<~ Me Ttli.

I S..... '/A/firm !he A"""" 8"dlQf Allac.hed Slale""",,'" a", CorTecI
and True.

,~'''' '''''''l
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
u.", of

~ $Q~ 1~..iI!fj~ r. 1-'
Please fill out in full detail

(0 - (f, 71:;-
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I, l'~etYI'f\ e. \\Dlje do hereby ...oluntarily miitke

the tollowin statement without nveet. coercion, offer of benefit or favor bv any persons whomsoever.

:r -+h, whak 4<4 hcJea of fhe +ran'lfr- t:.d

, , <:; 9'=<.)


her wed-eQ.. Mu
'And-eQ. L~e.s+ cl -1ab\e #-;)l-/ ,.-4 ,,>~
l..)ha.+ ",,",S hapPQIlIQ§ +c (Ow, ~€ ii··or. " -!-he -I- ran j" r-


-IN "'\<><ill"
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UM +~ \~A -te SevR,-o-\-e the ~"\1\oc tfo'1'\ m-Q 01--1:\\ --\-\-'-1

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U!'¥'''\ D~' . "Oelec ~
",,«I<Q w,-\t) 'the kdv"\-€R b

-,- I
- LIS! stolen itGm~ ""paratcly (wim ,-alues) in body ofstatemem-.

Total v"lus 01 Pr<;>perty Stole"'D~mag""

'. Mvs relliewed Ills ViClirns- ROght; pacMge

I willl... lrI'; ,n court.

I -..ill prus.eCUle ~rtm,no>lly_

-- ugli

Sworn To 8~d SubscnbOd Belo.-e Md 11\'" I S*o8,IAffirm the Above anJlor AlIacl1e<J SlaI<!<renl>. are Conect
aM True_

""'",,,,,ally Kml.." U
ProdUC<K! Id.nlilicatkJ
SOgna(ure; (g <' Qc!A!L ~
Dspuly Sl>&mI,,- Notary PubOC Q Typ<> oflO. _ ma<!e' "(@.:I
N~ """'nola
reo \J No
"';1':: r"""" ~ /,,/
1o-,,~,. l"ICI'lJ rello," - Recocd.
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail
=,~ 1-...D..L1D.,-...1i. I~o I~i~
Y -.oj .J
I~' 10- Il,11I5 I
DfI\e ot - 2.2:... go'-\. ~,i"ko\<? Ir....'



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I, Me.gCt./t i:)ll.ll)i. do hereby voluntwily mak.e

the following statement .....ithout threat, coercion, offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.

~ bo:l~ nrhhaJ h h", tt.S~~.tItlf .s.. Ul/4lY Rram1\l\. f),lIlf, ! Itl'l-iit! tA.~u. Illt~x, I

CV11>YU\.i >Ul'\W~A.d", jflj;l a.H"..iId 2·I'5pm Dl(4JlU R"Vld~il_:l!!id ill Ct<O.SlSt hru~ flJ.I:.JJ.d,
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TlI'-tu.m hM IYJrNld !rim itl1. ,A cl (;JlJ. I assl~iTd \II~ ~ -111l. rut.
~ r-/tlVa ~ trlllt RId It'14 FlltiM>llLAtA. D.{",~ In hlf m~tu1tl (j.j{,j h6t i.tMt1r Th
~ .DI '* I<S ihl,,,,,,, ",lei.,
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-til< n't...1L_ w;fn-H>,
nt/'"· IVi-tI1 ta did',
'Nt.. hOW. ---ltu 11LT Q~fnm ~ l>rY, \ a.nfL hlIX'tct It- I'll!"' ot -ft.u. e . t7J ffl
I hone. of- -+hi 0-J.L)1l/. I, ~ralir. we".

Total Volue or P,q>erly StolenlDa"'aged

1M.... ","'-""!he \OCIim'. Righ!5

-Usl stolen items separately (with values) in body of statement.-

I wjll testily in <-ourl.

I will pmsec:uIe criminally.

-- "~
Swom To and S'-'C>SCIibed Bdore ..... Th...
I s.......,!Mm\ 1I\~ Above and/or AtIil<:bed Sta_1> owe Corred
2V dayol~ ,~O' o aro:l TrlJe

t>,,- 0k V(, ~
p"mn>I/y Kno .... ::J
Sogo~l""" --n1'ff'11. /'6;w

PrOOuoed Idonlill<olilJO ::J
Oepllty ~ Nolary PYtJlicIl
T_-s'D' \It.(h,..J1

-- --
~. .[J N'l""I ~;"""'.
,.".."I Page --l- 01----.L..-
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
i"""" Please fill out in full detail
DaIB 01
Affld"viI I """2..'1 1''2010 ITG"PM
-s , IS"

)0 _1'1,."
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'1- 0 Ii....
1 30"'f'I'l\
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...." - C111 W, Ha.fVCtrc/ St )2'02-
sea WOrlc\ Or. ".3'll32J
1001 ":101) 'V" -2375
'"" """" 'D 1 _

I. \jolene Greene· do hereby volunlarily make

the following statement without Ihreat, coercion, after of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.

,.'e ,
'r IIPo ~ '0.'""' +nc ;." , We nD t--I+-.ere
I ~." 'i'j-, _'I +cl r,,"; t~n ""I wl-l-h
-; h i "(I,,vp., r , A 'ee r. WC~"h" ,,," I
I i~ .\-\- • ..I-h ~We were .n lhSt-r-VLted
to ,
Wb"i~~ «rid "",t +hff~hC\'es In ~
.'rW' . \.f't- f\r;.e ol-h-u whale tn. SD we.
f-ntited ~fu' Whnks ave> a"d ;;er cur
veilHI '<h<
-ro cc -.::!:l:K, eA'w v'>JhlJ.lp N";CW ~h.>'"-1 ,ven~ over
I t?.nrf we +r.e net cve-' h I~ wx;l we 'Atere to
"">,AC IA.,
.1 " U , We h 1 +TI~+-
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I>-+~ riiri "hcl WP "",:,J +he ~t b{l~ .::I:b.I"> OCUi<,eQ
Ot h;>y;,

r-eblliM" 7' th nf (Hoe!rlel 1'30n" r,t .y.yn\I.'II,( I"m
\ 11.<'<\ IJ. 5(,t,<Q( -\'YC\,Y\t.( oj :-KC\ '''' Ll!i,,,r ,5ffi. ~OYl i\.Ql eJ 'Wd'li'"
-ust stolen Items separately (with value'S) in body of statement>
Total valu.. of ProPe<ty Slcoer>'D....,>'I(ped

I ha..... re.L •• Q!lIe v""",'. RiQnl. f.o"C""lle.

I will lestrl'y ". cou"

I WIll prooecUI~ e>im,'lally,

Sworn To arMJ Subsc>ibed !lel\:>re Me This
I S""",/Attlrm II1e NxNe and/o<Attached Statements "", CorYe<'J
;;>1 ~,- 21b .zo ...a ar><l T",e

'K't...- ',I ... - - ')"'01

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H)."" ,..,., _s....-..,,·,"'"""

Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Pal<I 01
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-z.. 2-D 0 1'·40
Please fill out In full datail

(0- (67/) I
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I. :rc~I.,.,,-~ T F-><c--l. ~ do hereby vchmlarily make

the foliowina statement without threat, coercion, offer of benefit or favor b any persons whomsoever.
-t 'VI.,.....

,udr ,-.s.~'-2J
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- Ust stolen il""'~ separately ("lIb values} in body ()r~ta(e01e[]t.-

Total valUE ot Ptl,lfIelty StDIe"iDamOQed
I he.s ",,;,,wed the V<;Iim, Rights pac/.al'"

Swom TQ and SUbscribed BeIo<e Me Th.

1..;11 .... t;ty in court

I ";11 p,<oseCUlecriminally.
I SwearlAllirm the ADDie and/or AIlad1ed Sl.ole...... ts a", C<lrrec;

P<m""~"1 ""'awn 0

and True,

Signature. <.:: ~
Y~.:JB~:~;:/Q''"" I p-z.-_~
Produ","" loeoaocal"'"
Deputy She' Nola')' tlIic 0 Type oflD. Ri?; - mode? -=o?

1lH1S1 1111(0) _ . S!aLe """"".,., otIIce

Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail
'-?o/eJ '7
!VJ - It,715


I, _ _ do hereby volunlarily make

the following statement without threat, coe-c.on, offer of benefil or favor b.,.. any persons whomsoever.

-tfst stolen uems separately (with values) in body of statement-.

I ~a"" ",Yie"""'ll"'" Vdirn's Rigtn

Sworn To and Su_~


Befocoe Me This
I >oiI1 prose<:U1e g,minally_
I Sw"",IAIIi,rn 1M Above andior Marn.,.; Stll",men!l; a,e er.n,Gl
1_~2", 't 1Jt: day of 1£&£<./412 L 20~
and T",e

dAt-G ",""",,,,,1.1<,,,,,,,,, OJ
Pmd'-"'f'd ';;"nli~OOn 0
Nctary PutJI'0\l- .-
T_ aflDc J ( () J..-j)

Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail

=~l~ ~ 2'"1 1""2010 I'-~oo
r ve ,
-co;... Da~ !JJf ""
Y"'.9-010 IT;... -
I~' 10- 10/7 I

_. S"a!.'"':..f>,in,oy
World On ,e:;.,am,
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1,JJa:±n11 C Pa Ire 0 per do hereby voluntarily make

the following statemenrwithout threal, coercion, offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever

1I w!lS VVcU V H'''' Into v,fovJL. ~rW.. I 9rm.

~ :fue.(e.~t1- Ccx::lf/ 5Xl . l!fu~' k""YLwJ:.i!;·
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nm 1/ -J.n -!fit, or rlY'.m~ 'Glji+N' .sD I rnuJd hPln.
Y,or~~n !JI Rn,,,-r; ,l; Im:w .m F ,in" ~
O>\-;Jbe. flvm "nf'J- V d h,m. r"!k4-IJ::I.i)' -\() hplv
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~'woUI no+-"let{ ~~n r~ . ' ""'Vl
~ ~ c:l. lui t+ h> ~ ~Y:1ti i'1fu
'p FZ+ . Mer

-ust stolen items separately (with values) in body of statement.
fatal ""I"" of Pn:>gerty S"lIen/Damaged 1$ l-..illle.>tit'/ on court
I ha... 'e_iewed [he VlClim's 1ii91ll:!; p~d<age, I''''''' 1";11 ~rnsecule crin,inally_

Sworn To and Sul>saibed Before ~e This

I Swea,IAflirm the Abo_e and/or Altad.,..d S;.o"'''''''''' a,e Co<reol

,;2'h11 ~ +'''6<,,''~'l'~'' '0 and True

led ,/ _ '0"'''' ,,!J{m e;' p. C¢'<=. ,

D8plJty She<ifl' d"" Nolary Public D
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Kl1own o

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~"-">d',,"u - ' - 0f I
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
.II~· 112 - 107 ('L
Please fill out ill full detail
I"d:i 19:
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t. _ ( I Inn L, ----- 'C \J-.. ; h do hereby volontenfv make .
the following statement without threat, coercion, offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.
, ' ...... r V " ' , i\ .........,\, . 0, /L rt !).,nkh!c:1~"""O
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, -.-- -."'C! ,,-;..... --\- ~r'-'L ,,~,

_L,s! f,lolen 'terns ~epara(cly (wllh value,) in body of statement '-

Total vlllue o( Pr"l"'rty SlolerVIJ~maged

'h~ve reviewed tl1e 1Ii'~m" R,ghlS pacl<age.

I "';111~'~ '0 court

I ·....ill pr""ecula crim'"~lly -

S"""",. To aOO Sut>,""-;be<:l Before Me This

~~' I,' (
• S"eariAflirm Ihe A~,,"e aod,'0r Attad1ed Sla"'mem" are Co",,~1

P...woaliY Known::J »a> SigMtu~ a ~1V
Produced ldeml,,,,",,,
o.,;,~ty SM'" Nolar,- Public D TypeoflD.' /.' AIres, "",d.', ~.5 :l 1l0~ Mirand" ~~~reao?
y"" [J No
I,Pogo ..J,of /
P"._ - '"'~'<Dr
I, 1~A5 -rod~::"'- do hereby voluntarily make
the lollowing statement without threat, coercion. offer of benefit or ravcr by any persons whomsoever.

D ="09
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-Ijst stolen Items separately (with values) in body of staterrent.c I 0'- Z-
Totel Value 01 Property Stole",Damag@d

I have reviewed !he V",~nl'; R;ghl' packag@

$ I "';111@srrtylnrou" -
I will prn""O<JI.e CIlminally.

Sworn To and Sub>ai~ E\il'o", Me This

I Sw@ar. Affirm Ihe Abo,@ and ..", A~ached Stalemenls are Comoet
.~d Tru@
Orange County
Sheriff's Office STATEMENT (Continuation)
Page A> of :2... eN' ---tlu,d -U,7/<;

-"I) ,In
o.v",y S
{'.".molly K"".1l:J
f'n<1~c<d fden<ijica'io"
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Pleas" rill out in full detail

=:. . tOft
- . 510
l.-c < f_1

3;;l,7I.7 ,'"

" . 100,

I, .....- r, _J , "c;Sr''f'h ----rq;:,1f;~k;, do hereby voluntarily make

the Icllowinu statement without threat. coercon. offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.

r-" r-: -' .' , - '

.f "

, , 't' ' ~.',-

~.J),- ,; c;1 L._
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51 .
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Total .alue.,1 Property StoieniDam~g~cl $
",'" I WI" ~rof>OCu:e criminallY, .-
SWDm To and Sub:ocribsd Before Me This I SweariAflinn lh~ Aba.~ ano,'''r Attac!led Sla!e""n!'; ~'l' (,,"ee!
and True_

,0 '-2,
Nd'L:l f'< iranda
~I :,,~ ~-'l<I' I I ~
I~IYe,u No IP_ / ~

fello" _Re""rns
Orange County
Sheriff's Office STATEMENT (Continuation)

SWQrn To and Subscrit<-d lido,", ~k Thi\

r ,;w<or/Affirm lhc Ab,"" ""din, A'=hoJ StateJJJ<o<s "'" COn=' "KI
.~1 ~ __ t.oe

J)el"l'} _
P<no""U.,- K,..,...... :J
Prod"ad ldnohfi<c

Pinl: _ Tnye,Ligatur
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail
=~ I-c~ IDsy2l; IY~IO lt~~7
0fIensa' V<.-4IJ... L..... ..,;.~«; ... .\-,~V

I,"7 Mah/D'ln'=!. do hereby volunlarily make

the following statement without threa\, coercion, offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.

T<JIa1 value or Properly 51"'e,~Dam"'llO<l $ I wi" testif)' i~ rouf!, lKl1":V;;~"U-----l

I have ... viewed the V>e!jm's RighlS pacl.-..age,' I ""II prosecute criminally. I

I S"€ArIAflirm Ihe Above and/or Allarned S"'I~m""" arlO Cc.tred
~M T",e
,,,.,";N.b 'Ji((!,,-:,,#
'-.;;;;;;0,,",," Produced Identmcaliorl :>
Deputy Sherif! NOl>lry Publ",:J
~'":.;"'~ """1 Page
1~"" ""'''''
Orange County Sheriff's Office
Oate of
Affidavit -F.h I~,," I'-~olo w" I~'
Please fill out in full detail
10 IG7[) I
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Tatal V.lue or Property

I have ",._ed me Victim 's

List slolen Items separately (with values) In body of statement»

FiIQ~I< packa~e.
I will lestify in ""urt,

I will p'O""Cule criminally

Sworn To a'2b$.."';bed BefQ~ Tnls
, I SwearlAffinn ',he A[,o"e and/or AllacJ',ed SLalen,enlS a", (;<:neel

.n~ True
ac fd

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Orange County
Sheriff's Office STATEMENT (Continuation)
Page ~ of ;.t.. C",e#, _lt2- /G 7/"' _
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I ,,.-,,,1 ur.= 'b< Above ","""or .~"""_ 5="",0" are C<rn= ""d

10- II~ I A <,,\)3)

Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
DalE or I-hl. 1[)'1 ... Please fill out in full detail
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I, A0§f-b, MOLl <. Co. :5oD.o,<"C,rxi<,..

do hereby voluntarily rnake .
the following statement Without threat, coercori. offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever

( .a' 0"'1' , 'S c'LB J... r(~

," ( ,, r- '('";; " '--' ,. ......,...... ~ I_~+- , ~
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-List slolen ',terns separately (with values) in body of steteraent-.
TOlal Value 01 P~'f\' Slo1er;lDamaged $ 1";11 les"", In w''''

I have reviewod .....

_ _ _ _ _ dayol
V,con,', Riqht> package
Swom To and Subsaibed Bal"", Me Tnis

F, & ~

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I will


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~~W ,.,..,"" ~(7~ "
Oe""ty Sheriff

10-11'. I~"!"
Notary Put;l.;c I:)

Produoed Identi"""ri<:mLl

T,po ,,110,

Yo,.,. .~.,.
An... made?

"'" ,....",.

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Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail

lA 'er "I-In ~ 'CoL nUL lA. --e.,'.

,,~,\) r,~ ,~\l, ",'A~ .oL s u : ,.
J:l'o k\~N U." .i= () ~ ,>,0, LoJI' -l], c.e«
-Ijst stolen items separately (witp1values) in body of statemers>
lo~1 ""'Iue or Pr",",,~ SloIe"'D3 mag&O 1$ I will 16S~ry in COU~

I ...ill pm..,<.u',~ criminally

Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail
Dale of
AffidaVIt - ~ 1':"'.</ I':;;ON" 11me

I~" /Q-/d:YS I
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,,- .Did (7" 'rlM!Jt· do hereby volunlarily make

the followmg statement wilhout threat, coerciDn offer ot benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.

-r: M~<-
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-lisl stolen Items separately (With values) in body Dlslatemenl.-

TDlal Value o· p,operty SlcNel'lUamaged $ I ";il leslry in court, l.I..B::Z.... I-~
I ~a"" ,eoiewed IIle I,'dlm'. R'gn" '.''''' 1"';11 pro.....-:v'e criminally ( I'
~",om To aM Subo.cribed Belo"," Me This
I Swear,lAffirm Ihe Above ,0010. Attache<l Slateme<1" a", C"""",
c?/e ,. ..La _,20/0_ and T'ue

cC~R Po",,",~II, N,".." U ~

Signatu..: ,0 i.>
Dep'-"'! She<ifl ij'" 'NOlary Publ.~ 0
Prod"ceJ loon"fIc<,llCn "-
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",,"NoQ ..l- or
11>-"" "im, ...... ;_""""",,'011>0 ,.,.,.--"= o-~. ~ __ ~~
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail
ID~ ID.. .p 'I Y'":,;J 0 10
~- TYali1 IrlVish,uhCV\ 1&1/5
~~: I-;l I 3t-f ~ I C "eM Day

=" &v V'/olld ! 900Q ~ wDnd

I, A~ Ie!
N,. 4 _& ,;.,. do hereby voh,Hllarily make
lhe following statement without threat, coercion, offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.

r< i,I'''' ~~ -1-< /~o -,>,- ~ v"*,rd. A ~ r 4 I

If c:;kc),..6, C:J>,fr J.,',-J1..... 1L ~......./ osa: M",......-.. .+ /"
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-uet stolen items separately (With values) in body of slatement.-

To"'l Value Q~ p,,,,,,,rt; Slden"'Oamage~ $ I "'II Lestily in COUl' ':i~

1";;1 prOWGule crimin~lIy_

Swom To ~nd Subscribe<l ""fo'~ Me This

I Sw~a'lArr,rm lI,e Above andlor Alla~e<l Slatemenls are COITecI
;;.t./ day of FeiJ1uafJj ,0 Ie and Tr>Je

S'9n~Lu", _ ~
.0;00"" :I
Orange County
Sheriff's Office STATEMENT (Continuation)
Pa~~ J or. __
_. c "-'~ 4: 10· 1~115 _


S.'e", ·":ti, ," Ll>e ~.h'J·" ,",JIm Affilcheti S'""IDC'" are COrr"'" a,,)
," !D j

Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail

Lisl stolen items separately (with values) in body 01 statement.c

TOIaI Valu~ 01ProperT;' S\ol~rVo~maged $ I .. ,I', '~s~ty in wurt

I Swear/A"''''' me AMve and/'" A'tached Sla\emen(, a", Cooeet

and True



I, ;{c,HJIU'Y'\ ("""10:5<' do hereby voluntanly rnake

the following statement wnrour threat, coercion, offer of benefil or favor by any persons whomsoever

_.I-, _i. ,I, .11 ~~ '~~ "' j 11"c"-Yl .iLJ i, '" AI,
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rih:.J ~~",p-d ,",;.:, " til ''. _L I ~ ,_.~ -, ,oj i'''L- ",j~
-ust stolen Items separately (with vahres] In body of sratemeot-. "'" j. ~!= ~
Tolal VaJue or Proper!;' SI<>"g~" $
I ";'i prooecule cM,ninally.

I Swea'/Arli"" the Above .n~ior "'""eM" StaIEmento are C<>rrect

and T'lJe

Orange County
Sheriff's Office STATEMENT (Continuation)
Lasc s: _ _ /r)~ I'J/~S~ _

-------------_ ..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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P<,'~=!J)· !<ft..,.-" ~
ProJ"'<d U'''''N''''''" lJ T,I"

W·I nll.\ (7'"1J'

Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail

D.l. " .,..,., IlHSpecifi"

• ",' TiPSl

I, :)-\AL'-\ t--.':,\ C'.... L \.3 do hereby voluntarily make

the following statement withoutlhreal, coercion, offer of benefn or favor by any persons whomsoever.

I wi:' prosecule criminally

I 5wear/Arirm Ihe Above ond/~r .>Jlaohkl Sla'em""" are Correcl
and Tr~e

P",,,,,,nally Kno..-, ;;a

......--: Prod'1Ced kkn,,'ca'ic.n :J
Deputy SI\em! j"'" NOla')' hblic U
Orange County
Sheriff's Office STATEMENT (Continuation)
Pager Of""r C.L'~" 1O... /!4{/--J
ICucArr\5 _1lc LlI1dEt, "{Llex- (lASS [, ,.fi, it.< ~rl!/fl{:cNtxf ~_
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P",o"",".'- /("",..~ ::J
.. Public P _. T- "~ ..w,,,,
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Pmduc_d Id"n/k=" [] r.'p,
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
0"", ~r I...... '--:J ~ Please fill out in full detail
AIr<lavit '-'Ax; 1 . .,
11UJip 1[,.,
(0- 1{;'71 S- I
0""""" -<9-
Oa'" or

I:Ja,0 1'&


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I '''~;:: L- I ~ ~ ·c, " . . .,.,. ""'

I, ml,+'i Bum'-l de L do hereby voluntarily make

Ihe fcllowlnn'stat"menl without threat coercion. offer of benefit or favor b anv persons whomsoever.
T was ((,[!{(J W 'S;~«1.<. g--",d ,~"""'- ;" a :>s, <:.1- ,~ i'h""d< <,,_I C-~~_

T s;--f"'",d ..........",-; +,..,-:( +'0, -*< -+t- .. ,,,,~ be Y~I~.Jl
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«;...."""v ~-f,(-l .<-~ "or f? r~ "" ..e.
u-"' .. tc. .

TO",I value 01 ""'r.oer'l'. SDld"'D,,ma,.OO ,

- L'S1 nolcn items :ieparalely (wnh \ alue, i m body of smemem-.
1"';11 t~,~f\' in CO'l" -1((
I have review<>d I!le ViCUr1, Rights package. "''"' I \Oil.' pro.eClJIe criminally. -
S~~~c and :a:A;. Me lhi,
I Sw~a''-AlI\rm Inc ,",,,," aMID'
and Tru&
A"~,."'-".J S"--'\"""'N; are C:;O'r~,,(

~'f ~ Li0<fil\uJGJc
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~ ~;r.mda ~:::;;!/<lad" (IPa;>.,l
1W""",'~O'u" :J
Oeputy She'" -J NoTary Publio J TJO" oT ID """'" moO_' yp,", c fe.' <J NQ
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail

1'0 - I 6"1-1 '5


-- '5/Y' f'> Y Ji:;L--.v

8'''e' ,~, '''''" ,L ,~ ...."'"

, -
';--.'- " ' " Type',

I, C w;:?0,-l", c7c ?:, do hereby voluntarily make

the tollcwinq statement wllr.aut threat, coercion. offer of benefit or tavor by any persons whomsoever.

',. "<.

...,., e:~' ".;.


-Ijst stolen Items separately (wl\h values) in body of statement-.

Tolal VaJue r1f P"'POOf!l' Sl,,"elliOamaged $ I ",,1 "~sUfy in court

S""'''' To and Subscribed B."'r~ M~ This

I SweariAlT'm, ,~e Aoove and/or Atlached SLa",m"".I~ are Corrod

,"c,d Trwe

P.",o-;~i.'11"-"o .." :.J

_""CO-d l~eoM,...",on:J
DeputyShe~ ~''''I'''\.. Public:J

Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full dctBil


._,0 \00.'i
0 .... ,0'42", I.'-':;>",~ (-/ U';:~~.;X r:-

I,~ A ~;(,1 M&J'-' <..10 hereby vonntaruv make

the following statement without threat, coercion, offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever

N~--r off ,1lJ.,X r: ~ ,QJ, J ,~ ,<>:,,,,,v>oJ., :"'r'<" " Ki<' , n",,-,,

,.,,.,. \""1--1l'f{R """J,,-~ ·.J.?l~~~'- A~"N}) !'IA'''>'',' h .. "'", '5~.~~(lS-..&_i<NT:.r
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-List stolen it«m" ~ppar~tely (with valuoej in body of etatemeot.>

I wiil ~ro~eCLi.e criminally.

swom To and Sub,aibed Before Me This

I SweariA~rm IheAbave 'rodlor Auaoted S~menl3 are Com>:t
"nd Tr~~

'",,'" ~ do \1Jb\
,:7.;"£.-'I Page ----L of L
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail
Dat<> of 1"'0"'' , • I'" L0 IYe,~C' 10
"'tMaw h I T'J,
Ie_- to ·(Of<;
'''''''''' D,,," T J of6 Yr l
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I. 6n[ry~ Welch do hereby voluntarily make

the following statement without threat, coercion, offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever

- r, ',r, -+v, +~.;~\--, hOG:;<? "'i"ti.I-; -1-1

.-.:<:1 cxlc r m (( It.- HJn Jc B< fPC \)J9" g ).,1- . j .L ~,
p).::v:.e. a kc -o. "(:> 0 '-' e r "'- roc. f;=, 'k j2f'€-v e. t 'J.. ,f-fu(T) ('':W h, ( l .) an d-
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TOlal Value or Pr~r1)'

i have re";e",ed the "'dim's R'g"L' p3ckage

-List stolen uems separately (with values)
S,oIenlDan,aged $
I "'iH lesil1'V
In body of stateroent.r-

I w; I pm~eGulc criminalli
S"'Qrn To ~nd Subooibed Before ~e TIIi'
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Orange County
Sheriff's Office
Page __ ot __

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ll).ll i 1.'\ ,,~.l,

Please fill out in full detail


I, Muck IT 6.l.h'lt'c Tr- do hereby voluntarily make

the following statement ~ithout threat, coercion. otter of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.

o::,,~, ., ".h~A 01- ~"o_ ,.,.'fu .\, ",In,,"

"-~ .~ \ Co '-£2- • M j ~~01\ J ""'
'" c\c" I IV,. "., ' .L ., ,V; -x s " .
'u. S L~l'-"~'- \JU~ -e.- ',1,"-' ~0-UAJj::\ --.

Total value cf Propertj SI~I€n'oamaged 5 I -""I J~'II~,' Ir, cou~

Orange County
Sheriff's Office
Page _9- of 2
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail

I, QJV 4Fr/??.?>?t/ 00 hereby >oI11nlarily make

the lol\ov.il1q statement wilh(1(jllhreal, coercion, oFl'or of benefit or fdVOr by any persons whomsoever-


-us: stolen items separately (witl1 values) ill b01y of statement-

5""0'" To and Subscribed eMore ~e This
I Sv.'ear.'Aftim' the Above and..", Atlached Slaleme~l' are Ccrre.;1

~,:,~~',+k4I e¢/
'0."" ,"''''''
, /

Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT

Please fill out in full detail
f~~e~~~ 1"""""1... 1~·i2.'+ 1"'20 iO IT;"I~L__

I, '!?oh,o fl1oTJt1nd do hereby voluntarily make

the following statement withouttrseat. coercion, offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.

Tcrtal Value of Prope"" Sloler,i[larnE>ged $ I w;'I :estiry in court.

1'''';'1 ;>rasecul8 crimiMil~

Dep""r S""rifI.;.r'N"""ry Public::J

Orange County
Sheriff's Office STATEMENT (Continuation)
Pa"c;~ ({~ (asc#; 10- {(p';f.J5

';-Adclllf~ ~-pJnff~kiL ~--.D-"rIT;utt ft-f6tved U"-Wn -«j~d --

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' .......... ~_ .. _- --- ./

Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT

Please fill out in full detail

"' Iffel#/l ;::;"~"~"(·r,:;,I,,,,.tlQJ'2Lr- '~

I, 'ti ..
,Gone" ck LuLl do hereby votuntaruy make
the [clklwing statement without threat, coercion. offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.

~n; h,. (");]... I, ' u .. ~" '.L u~, k'-----j

'.f-! ",,' ..1."., J In. ,. onr to i ,.. ",An~,;;
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u ,;i rl ".' " h ,j. A., /--rl"" • -', Ll '" ~'---_-j
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-ust slolen items separately (with values) in body 01 srstement-.

Tolal Value "I PmP<"ty s'o,~,,''Damaged $ I ...'j" lestify in coun

I have .'e"",,,,",,, tne v"ctJm s RighI> package.

I "," P'os~c"l~ Criminally

.' s..... r,;..."m1 [he Abovo andl", A~ached Slal~rn""ls are CDfTed
,20 /0 _'c,~ T,,"~
Orange County STATEMENT (Continuation)
Sheriff's Office
Page "'Z....- cr -~

i s~"" Aif=l (he ANve and...", Attac",,1 S",,",,,,,,-,, orr (orr""L ,oct

Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out In full detail
oali'! '"
Affoda.,1 I"""'"/ ' - ,"£A 1
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the rollowing statement without threat, coercon offf'1 rA hf'neflt or favor by "ny pcr:;;ons whorrl~.,v",r.
r '" y,rvcj' .i <:: h..A.- It-u s-I,.~Jl" 'v0~ -;-. -ne ~
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-Lrst stolen items separately (with ','aluesl If1 bGd~ of staternanr-.
s -
1o)~\ \i~I\je 01 ~'or<rt)' 'S1~'.niDa,n"'led

I ha"" revi"wed ",,, Victim's Aighls package,

SWDmTo ar>l1 Su,.nbec B.lore M. Tnis

'wi;' 'ostif, in
I ...i."

prostC"'~ criml,,~lIy.

, S"",,r..'AF,m-, L~.e A~ove a~OI'" "\\;I~M<l

Sia",-m""l' dre Co"",d,

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Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail
=~~:, \Q-~~ o·';2.Lf ~"'/C;7 T"\~'7 [C""~'--~':":"'=-'"C'::::::::=""=----I
I ) (j\'j11 T>JJe:m:-\;,A-rlO.J
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o , lr-"C-",-.L1,"';;;_'_'-_',·_"" -1
I, ,r:(- c ~ V He:r t- < r2 do hereby voluntanly make
the fCJllCJwlng sL<llemenl without threat, coerCion, offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever

0" F",Gr-vJ.'" ? 'I 201" w,dl.f'r>7o(ovep -of-

')r?vvurld 8..1 ;] ~curJy ",{'F,eer: P, PRO.
'::;70",", "h'-Ie 0" POJ+ 2t- S<.i3cvor!JJ (vv<-
{2.U+-n-,-'r-'-0f- fool "&" -'- did Ob.I('r ve -'h,<7?v
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e i! c:..."e:,~e""v oeooo,,(f 5f~)--ful h '4yr/Jc:.

-. LiS! stolen items SepMJICh' ,wilt valuestin body Df ,;Ul"m~nl -

Total ,alee of Property S'oleniDarnaged $

Swarn To and SUb5G~<>eJ Be!",e Me TI';8

aY~ ~o\i:b>3
Please fill out in full detail
fO- fUr' -

;;:";1'0" ~~, ""\ ",,,,~ ;=,
s",. "" ... IC:S<><",y
F\ • ",< : " " ,

1,_1 \.1'00 'ts"ll\\-mcCW2b doh€r€bY'l::J\U!1t3rilym~~e

the follclw ng slalemenfwilhout threat, coercion. offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.

iJ::IE.,~,- C'"'\ \ " n~- '-\c'

;,,,,,, ~r. ,Wy mlli~ \ ~ N
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ISI'..~"r,Af.rm lhe~~ove andor Anac~ Stal.. n~nl< ~,~ ComacL

ant rrue

'Y.<>" 01 ,v
H'-' " I (""""
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
I"""", v~ 7_,I 0o, I""'"L.()IC_,II ""'",;.jcc Please fill out in full detail

Oal<) at
2'-/ .

01" Af].l Iwv!I'/bAjld,..l

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the (ollowing statement without Iureal. coercion. cner of benefit or favor by any persons whcmscavor

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-Lrst stolen ilE:ms separately (with values) In body or statement

To!';1 Value or P'OO-O"'1 Slo,en"'Darn3',le~ I "H' lestify ,n coun

I h~,€ reYi<'wed ~ """,m', Righi. pac""'9" '""" I wi_I ~"O>eC"18 ~rimina'"

Sworn To ~ SubsCO'iwc E>elc'e Me This I S••ear,A'ti"" Ine Aoova andlo, AMarJied Stalemenls are CO'T~~I

+:; iJ\>W4 "y ;'J ID ar-tTr"e

c:£.. :t.1,,__ -- Sk;)nal~'"

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'" '-' _so.,.""",,,'> Cffi.-o ,";Ow
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Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
I "v'~::;;.t... Please fill out in full detail
'"a-<w I;~eu
Oat<> 01
Affidavit 0 g-"{

~'rr~ N , . /0. /i7!C I

~"'- "'~"" I'"" 0
Date or
01100,0 jiT'" ._- '-, ~I~

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D.' a I ,~'O I "'''" ,-.,,.,,,,..••_,d
I, L'r,,~&i 6".... t: do hereby vo!lJfI\arily make
the followrnq statement without threat. coercion offer 0/ benefit or favor -pv any persons whomsoever.

fI I
1,- </1. I. 1.-", /a.,{.... a..~(
X ",.I; ".~ O~....., !:Sf'.. h

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- [ ls I ;Iolen T~I ns ,epar~(,'I: IWlI\< \ aluesl in body 0 I''lakmenI.-

TOIaI value G' Pro~"y StD'en'Damaged S I'~, [O",t, ,n ec,cn '. "'11f?
I ~a"" re'''C'AO;<; .r,e 'v'ie,i...," r.i'lhts p,ckaqe. ' "" " .. " ~rOODcuto crim;r>n"y, ".::fb
Swom To an: O:~osor'~eG ~e'o'~ Me Te,," , :,,, oar '>'If,' fT, "," A.t<>~£ ofl1io' A.Mched ~'~[em~n\5 ar~ ':crrec(

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Personoliy~",,,w,c .J
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[\ep...r,' SheriP.(¢' N"laci Public:J
'V""cfl[)..1- ~ ....,~" "'od" Yes ::J N~ MiraMa ~:;i",,-~~,,? Page
Yes::J N
F I _L or
10_1161 {'1.'OO,
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail
(0 /67/£
Date of
OfIense c? IY~~/D 17;r """""
'"-', ""
Locsoo" "
70u7 c,,-. WO/, /' x "~O
3'7 02--01-f171 """"LJ ...~


'Jt,.. ,', """"f.,.

• ..ocT,,,,i

I, ~'ST!,,-' "Si' .... a.oi..~s. do hereby vOluntar,ly make

the following statement wrthcut threat, coercion offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever

(Bl.5f/-ihl<v c:..,,'£'. vI'"",", A-ttJl.,,,,+L ""It-~ IT.t£E/_O Py5£VQLM-:r. ><.AOC.,. ""-"0

por~7CJ:) IIv souxn c"-' oP /-1/"00- r-, vIc,..." ~I vAL Tb '''-''-'!ft-Nr <::At..- A-

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wr/-f\L-e:<> f¥.O...>Tl-\. fT ...... ~ II- AS'-{57b-C ,.1-",P MU>..;'8<=.vj a:.--.fu:reo, II

-List stolen items separately (with values) In bony of statement»

T~lal Value of h:>pert)' SlolcniDamaged s
I wi'l ,'rosecule criminally.

Sworn To aM Subscriooc Before Me lois

I S.. ~ar.'Affrm lh~ Above andlo, AI1aot,,,,, ~'","'",enl, are Com>cI

SiQnalure.---GJ _
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail

.j2lm[lu'f -!:JWl It, fdU'£f1f.c£~ loMn ,«atJ'fhUn Lniv D .

~c'" ca'<,f',,'i,'(Q to I'l'J ~ i '-tieR.~' 'Gunfi/'«(J:tQ( ,;,i,[,
-List stolen items separately (with values) in body of statement
T"t~1 V~lue "I P,coe")' 51~1~,,,()amagad S I will testir,· in court ~ >;
I h~"" r"'''~'''''''' "'" We"'" , P.;gt,L' ~a~"o~~ I ·.... i:' pr(tsec~e criminally.

S.,..,m T~ aM SubSJlO<C C~).i:~ Me n" , S"'ear.'Af'irm tl,e Above and/or A~acl1ed Stalemenls a", Correa

"", J"'",L,0.l01"-'1- '" 10 and True

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10-1101 ''''''''
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fill out in full detail
10- 'lD'I:o
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I, )<IY~if(1<',,, do hereby voluntarily make

the following statement 'without threat, coercion 0"8' of ben~fit or favor by any persons whomsoever

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-Lis! slc,len items separately (Wi!") valuli's) in body 01 stalernent,- ,,',c\.. .-

I have ' .....ie_ed!he 'iictirn's Righi' >",ckage , w,il prosecule crimiMly

I S",e""A~rm I'le AbOV!l and/or Anacn~d Slalemefl!.> are CD<Tect

ace r.oe
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
1"'' ' ' '_ a. I Qa, ;;'4 !'·';><M I'" <::'10
Please fill out in full detail

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I, kwa er (~ t d 'r9n do hereby voluntarily make

the following stateme~t Without threat, coercion, offer of benefit or favor by any persons whomsoever.

I ~ L.,c,,' w.. 1: "" d "", c~b/_ • ott- 0_" ."

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, '" c -c 100 .-1-<: ~ ,r';lS ~" -I. ¥"'- ("'it.- J\Qr~ _-'") b-:.1!::!.·~.
-List stolen items separately (with values) In body of statement -
Tolal Value of P'ope-t, SloleniDamaged I ",'II -e'~f;' In W~~

I have reviewed the Vidim. Righi. package_ I '~',II ~r0~O<'c[e c;iminaJl!

Swom To and SubsC'ibed Before Me Thi5

I S"'e"r.A"'rm or," Ar,rN~ ~MI~r AllacJ\e<l SL:l."'m",,'" a", Co""c1
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Prod"ced Id~olifi""li"b4J
Deputy she~Notar, Public ~
Ty". Dr 'D' A-e<' ro,,,,.' V.,O '"0 I V,sO
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Orange County
Sheriff's Office STATEMENT (Continuation)
Page ?-, oi .:l
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Orange County Sheriff's Office
. I,.,').()Inl "',10
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I, Ca m e r6 It; .rt1 C},1 q t7 "-(,; do hereby voluntarily make

Ihe following statement withoutthreat. coercion, offer or benefit or favor by eny persons whomsoever.

1;- I ,C P, -l-- i/~"'C1.-, at/( hO L t't":/"'/-",,,,,,,,,,, i, ,",," !.Jk

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1,/,h'1('J tte q-tfqc L q .fp» nH,>fl . 'H (" /},,'
,~ , " I. ;,r& i-z. ;-",0 ~r' 1;_ ,,~

-List stolen hems separately (with veroesj in body of ataternent.»

$ -
"m To and Subscribe" ~.'~'" \1. This
I Swea',,'Affin-n Ihe Above and/or Allach~d S"'ternefllS .'" Correct
1'1 ______ 20 IJ .nd To,.

__1ii7(}~ _
Orange County Sheriff's Office STATEMENT
Please fiJI out in full detail

,If, 7/S
"i~,:) ITi~?,\ ",'
-,-." ',~,
ex, r~NOD

I. 7,i/.m,., S___ do hereby voluntarily make

the following statement without threat, coetcon offer of benefit or favor b any persons whomsoever.

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- LiSl .,(n ten items "~r,ll'a(d: iI' 11 h values) in body o i' .\tatClllen t.-

Tot,l V~".~ ar Pro~e,",,' ~,'len:'Dama~~~ s I "iii, 1~5',;fy ,n cou~


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