BUS 686 Syllabus

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BUS 686 Syllabus, Summer 2015 Early Career MBA Program

Business Practicum
Credit Hours:
Mobile Phone:
Class Time:
Class Dates:
Class Location:
Office Hours:

Jon Firooz
Jon.Firooz@colostate.edu (preferred means of communication)
1:00 3:30pm Monday and Wednesday (*see note below*)
May 26 July 15
Rockwell West 8
By appointment

Course Description
Students will work in teams to solve real world problems for client partners.
This class will be unlike a traditional class in several ways. Rather than dealing with theory and
conceptual models, we will focus on solving real problems for real companies. You should think of this
class as a consulting project. You will be working in teams to complete one or more projects for your
While the team project will be focused on a particular business problem/opportunity, this course will
also help students to develop project management, communication, business writing, information
technology, public speaking, event planning, time management, group dynamics, and teamwork skills.
Your client will be investing significant time and resources to guide you and give you the information you
need to successfully complete the project. This is not charity, they are making an investment and they
expect to see a good return on their investment. You are expected to strive for excellence and conduct
yourself at all times in a professional manner.
Course Objectives
Analyze and complete a project as specified by an industry partner (your client).
Improve teamwork, communication, presentation, project management and leadership skills.
Define, plan, and execute multi-person projects.
Learn how to work with other professionals within the client organization.

Class Format
Through a great deal of hands-on work, the objectives detailed above will be achieved. The vast
majority of class time will be devoted to team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and the completion of
various tasks. You will need to organize yourselves and take full advantage of this "free" class time.
During this class time, your instructor's main role will be to answer questions and evaluate your
You and your colleagues will take control of this project; please do not think of me as a team leader.
Rather, my role is that of a consultant or coach who you can go to for advice. I will attempt to point you
in a direction that will help you to succeed. I firmly believe that a high level of decision making
involvement on my part would detract from your learning experience.
General Statement on Professionalism
Remember that during class and while working with company personnel, either on site or off
site, you are representing CSU in addition to yourself. It is expected that you will conduct
yourself in a professional manner including dress, language, and manner. You have the
opportunity to participate in this class because of the professional actions and behavior of
students who came before you. Please pass it on to the CSU business students who follow you.
Class Time
Normal class hours will be 1-3:30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. However, because this class is
focused on working with an outside client we may have to find alternate times to meet. It is expected
that you make every effort to attend when your presence is needed. It is also possible that some weeks
we may meet for more hours than other weeks. Again, this is due to the fact that we are working with a
client whose schedule will not always align with ours.
There is no textbook required for this course.
General Grading Guidelines
The total points earned (out of a possible 1000) from the activities described below will serve as an
index to your course grade. The standard 90=A, 80=B, etc. applies. There is NO plus/minus grading.

You will not be reminded of deadlines. Any assignment turned in late and within 24 hours of the
deadline will be 50% off after the 24 hours, it will not be accepted
Grade appeals/discussions will not be accepted after 7 days of receiving your grade online

Any due dates specified below are subject to change. Any changes will be announced in class.


1. Overall Project Management (500 points) This grade will reflect your success in
developing the project definition and scope and then developing and managing
detailed project and team plans.
a. Project Definition and Scope (100) You must develop and document a
specific project definition and scope. This document must include (1) an
overview of the project, (2) the critical problems that the group will solve, (3)
needed resources, and (4) specific outcomes and deliverables. The definition
and scope document will help to ensure that all parties are clear on the
project expectations. Your task is to work with your client and your team (and
me) to formalize and gain agreement on your project definition and scope.
This deliverable will be due 3 business days following the kickoff meeting
with the client.
b. Team Plan (100) This document is essentially your contract with each other.
The following can serve as a guide for the minimum that should be in your
document (please start with the template provided on Canvas):
Each team member should give a brief description of their background both
professionally and personally. Add to this some of your strengths and areas
that you feel you need to improve in terms of business skills. Finally, add what
you hope to learn from this class.
Describe specific group member responsibilities.
Describe how the group will meet the confidentiality and non-disclosure
requirements placed on them by the client company
o Meeting locations?
o Methods of communication?
o Paperwork and files generated by the project?
Describe how the group members will choose to work together. For instance:
o Group meeting schedule
o Group leadership and roles/responsibilities
o Communication and collaboration (email, SharePoint, document
sharing website, flash drive, other?)
o How problems and changes will be handled
o How group members will interact with each other and the client
o How to discipline and/or fire group members for non-performance
or reward for exceptional work
This deliverable will be due 3 business days following the kickoff meeting
with the client.

c. Project Plan (100) The project plan will begin with the project definition and
scope, but will extend it onto a timeline. The project plan must:
Include all of the key milestones (with expected completion dates) needed to
achieve the outcomes and deliverables described in the Project Definition and
Describe and assign group members specific responsibilities where
Include resources needed with dates
Include other relevant dates and events (holidays, company sponsor travel,
This deliverable will be due 1 week following the kickoff with the client.
d. Managing the Project to the Scope & Plan (200) This portion of your grade is
based on your ability to manage to your project plan. This means that you
must be aggressive and proactive about ensuring that you are on-track with
your project plan and that your work is of excellent quality. Last-minute or late
work in a real-world project (like this one) will spell disaster. Please realize that
we are no longer in the academic environment. You have a REAL client with
REAL expectations. Also be aware that your clients and I will be in regular
communication about your projects. You have to deliver. Your final
presentation is also part of this grade. Ideally, your presentation should be
delivered to your company during the final week of classes, preferably at the
client location. This might allow other interested parties from the clients
organization to easily attend.
This includes your meetings with me. Every week your team will meet with me
to update me on your project. Be ready to provide and discuss (1) an updated
project timeline, (2) accomplishments, (3) failures, (4) corrective action for any
failures, (5) anything else that you deem important. I may also ask for short
written updates. At every update you should tell me what youre going to do
before the next class period and during the next class period.
2. Outcome grade (200 points) This grade will reflect the overall quality of the project
and will be heavily influenced by my evaluation of your project and your final
executive presentation. Your client company will also be asked to provide input
regarding your performance on this project and I will consider their view of the
success of your project when I assign your grade.
3. Professionalism (200 points) The manner in which each student conducts
themselves within their team interactions (including team meetings and
communication), the ability to perform required tasks on time for your team,
interactions with your instructor, and meetings with your company will be evaluated.
Team peer reviews will be utilized for a portion of this grade. Specific comments are

4. Self Reflection (100 points) During the class you will maintain a journal in which you
are to reflect upon the experiences related to this class. You might discuss the
challenges you are encountering, things youre learning about yourself, your progress,
your concerns, etc. I will read the journals and may periodically respond to your
comments; however, the primary purpose is for you to spend some time considering
your class experiences. Your journal entries will not be shared with others. My
expectations are that you will complete at least one journal entry per week and that
your entries represent a sincere, in-depth reflection of your experiences. After your
project is complete, each student will write a few pages of self reflection on what they
did well, what they could have done better, and what they learned from the class.
Hopefully, at the end of the semester you will want to download the journal and use it
in the future to look back on your BUS 686 experience. This may also give you
something to talk to during interviews if asked about real work experience.
Specific examples, detail, and depth will enhance your grade. Generalities, short
answers, lack of depth, etc. will hurt your grade.
The weekly journal updates are due by Sunday at 11:59pm.
Professionalism and Academic integrity
All students are expected to follow University policies with respect to academic honesty and integrity
such as avoiding all forms of cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the
University. I will be adhering to the Academic Integrity Policy of the General Catalog and the Student
Professional Conduct Code.

Thats it for now. Lets have fun!

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