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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No.

145 / Monday, July 30, 2007 / Notices 41507

Dated: July 23, 2007. Guatemala with the customary escort indicated for that notice or to the offices
Gloria D. Car, and security practices required of all of the Board of Governors. Comments
Designated Federal Officer. carriers for that particular area. must be received not later than August
[FR Doc. E7–14676 Filed 7–27–07; 8:45 am] Cross-Complainant alleges that it 14, 2007.
negotiated the disposition of its claim A. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
directly with KEI Logix and continued (David Tatum, Vice President) 1000
to do business with the company. Cross- Peachtree Street, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia
Complainant contends that in May 30309:
FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION 1. The John Charles Simpson, Jr.,
2007, KEI Logix not only breached the
[Docket No. 07–05] agreement reached by the parties for the Trust; the Angela Katherine Simpson
disposition of the claim, but also Trust (the Trusts); Simeon A. Thibeaux,
K.E.I. Enterprise dba KEI Logix v. refused to deliver three containers in Jr., as trustee of the Trusts, all of
Greenwest Activewear, Inc.; Greenwest transit unless Cross-Complainant Alexandria, Louisiana; and John C.
Activewear, Inc. v. K.E.I. Enterprise immediately paid the full amount of its Simpson, New Orleans, Louisiana; to
dba KEI Logix and Great White Fleet, outstanding invoices. Cross- retain control of the outstanding shares
Ltd.; Notice of Filing of Cross- Complainant alleges that KEI Logix did of Red River Bancshares, Inc., and
Complaint this to recoup the money that it owed thereby retain control of Red River
to Cross-Complainant in their Bank, both of Alexandria, Louisiana.
Notice is given that a cross-complaint In addition, the Trusts, Simeon
has been filed with the Federal agreement. Accordingly, to mitigate its
prospective damages attributable to KEI Thibeaux, Jr., and John Simpson also
Maritime Commission (‘‘Commission’’) have applied to collectively acquire
by Greenwest Activewear, Inc. (‘‘Cross- Logix’s breach, Cross-Complainant
asserts that it had no alternative but to additional voting shares of Red River
Complainant’’) against K.E.I. Enterprise Bancshares, Inc., and Red River Bank.
dba KEI Logix (‘‘KEI Logix’’) and Great tender three checks totaling $101,019.08
White Fleet, Ltd. (‘‘Great White’’) for the release of its containers, then to Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
(collectively, ‘‘Cross-Respondents’’) in place a stop-payment order on them. System, July 25, 2007.
this proceeding noticed at 72 FR 32,666. Cross-Complainant claims that it offered Robert deV. Frierson,
Cross-Complainant alleges that Cross- to reissue the checks and to pay $2,500 Deputy Secretary of the Board.
Respondents violated the Shipping Act in attorneys fees, but KEI Logix declined [FR Doc. E7–14656 Filed 7–27–07; 8:45 am]
of 1984 by failing to establish, observe the offer. BILLING CODE 6210–01–S
and enforce just and reasonable Cross-Complainant requests that the
practices in connection with its Commission require Cross-Respondents
shipments of fabric to Guatemala. 46 to pay reparations of $152,152.90 for the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
U.S.C. 41102(c). Cross-Complainant is stolen cargo plus attorneys fees, and to
mitigate damages relative to freight Formations of, Acquisitions by, and
demanding that Cross-Respondents pay
charges. Additionally, Cross- Mergers of Bank Holding Companies
its claim of $152,152.90 for loss of cargo
plus attorneys fees. In the alternative, Complainant requests that any hearings The companies listed in this notice
Cross-Complainant asks that its request be conducted in either Washington, DC have applied to the Board for approval,
for damages be offset ‘‘by the amount of at the Federal Maritime Commission or pursuant to the Bank Holding Company
freight charges claimed by KEI Logix in Los Angeles, California. Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841 et seq.)
less the amount of KEI Logix invoice (BHC Act), Regulation Y (12 CFR Part
relative to the lost shipment * * * and Bryant L. VanBrakle, 225), and all other applicable statutes
the difference paid to them.’’ Secretary. and regulations to become a bank
Cross-Complainant asserts that it [FR Doc. 07–3692 Filed 7–27–07; 8:45 am] holding company and/or to acquire the
booked the transport of fabric in August assets or the ownership of, control of, or
2006 with KEI Logix from Port the power to vote shares of a bank or
Hueneme, California, to Villanueva, bank holding company and all of the
Guatemala. KEI Logix and Great White banks and nonbanking companies
issued separate bills of lading as FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
owned by the bank holding company,
through bills to the aforementioned Change in Bank Control Notices; including the companies listed below.
ports in California and Guatemala. Great Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank The applications listed below, as well
White issued its bill of lading depicting Holding Companies as other related filings required by the
KEI Logix as the shipper. Cross- Board, are available for immediate
Complainant alleges that the cargo was The notificants listed below have inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank
stolen while in transit by an inland applied under the Change in Bank indicated. The application also will be
carrier in Guatemala booked by Great Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and available for inspection at the offices of
White. In September 2006, Cross- § 225.41 of the Board’s Regulation Y (12 the Board of Governors. Interested
Complainant filed its claim of CFR 225.41) to acquire a bank or bank persons may express their views in
$152,152.90 for the stolen cargo with holding company. The factors that are writing on the standards enumerated in
KEI Logix, who then presented the considered in acting on the notices are the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the
claim to Great White for disposition. set forth in paragraph 7 of the Act (12 proposal also involves the acquisition of
Cross-Complainant contends that U.S.C. 1817(j)(7)). a nonbanking company, the review also
Great White wrongfully denied the The notices are available for includes whether the acquisition of the
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

claim by evoking force majeure immediate inspection at the Federal nonbanking company complies with the
pursuant to an inland bill of lading that Reserve Bank indicated. The notices standards in section 4 of the BHC Act
Cross-Complainant believes was never also will be available for inspection at (12 U.S.C. 1843). Unless otherwise
produced. Moreover, Cross-Complainant the office of the Board of Governors. noted, nonbanking activities will be
asserts that Great White failed to prove Interested persons may express their conducted throughout the United States.
that the goods were released in views in writing to the Reserve Bank Additional information on all bank

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41508 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 145 / Monday, July 30, 2007 / Notices

holding companies may be obtained on the Committee for overlapping four- expenses that are incurred to attend
from the National Information Center year terms. meetings and conduct Committee-
Web site at DATES: All nominations must be related business, in accordance with
Unless otherwise noted, comments received no later than 4 p.m. EDT on Standard Government Travel
regarding each of these applications August 31, 2007 at the address listed Regulations. Individuals who are
must be received at the Reserve Bank below. appointed to serve as public members
indicated or the offices of the Board of ADDRESSES: All nominations should be
are authorized also to receive a stipend
Governors not later than August 24, mailed or delivered to Dr. Jerry for attending Committee meetings and
2007. Holmberg, Executive Secretary, to carry out other Committee-related
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Advisory Committee on Blood Safety business. Individuals who are appointed
(Burl Thornton, Assistant Vice and Availability; Office of Public Health to serve as representative members for a
President) 230 South LaSalle Street, and Science; Department of Health and particular interest group or industry are
Chicago, Illinois 60690-1414: Human Services; 1101 Wootton not authorized to receive a stipend for
1. Greenwoods Financial Group, Inc., Parkway, Suite 250; Rockville, MD the performance of these duties.
Rio, Wisconsin; to become a bank 20852. Telephone: (240) 453–8803. This announcement is to solicit
holding company by acquiring 100 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. nominations of qualified candidates to
percent of the voting shares of Jerry Holmberg, Executive Secretary, fill positions on the ACBSA that are
Greenwood’s Bancorporation, Inc., and Advisory Committee on Blood Safety scheduled to be vacated in the public
thereby indirectly acquire The and Availability. See ADDRESSES for member category. The positions are
Greenwood’s State Bank, both of Lake contact information. scheduled to be vacated on or before
Mills, Wisconsin. December 31, 2007.
In connection with this application, A copy of the Committee charter and
Advisory Committee on Blood Safety
Applicant also has applied to acquire roster of the current membership can be
and Availability shall provide advice to
The Greenwood’s Financial Services, obtained by contacting Dr. Holmberg or
the Secretary and to the Assistant
Inc., Lake Mills, Wisconsin, and thereby by accessing the ACBSA Web site at
Secretary for Health. The Committee
engage in the sale of insurance in a town
shall advise on a range of policy issues
less than 5,000, pursuant to section
to include: (1) Definition of public Nominations
225.28(b)(11)(iii)(A) of Regulation Y.
health parameters around safety and
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve availability of the blood and blood In accordance with the charter,
System, July 25, 2007. products, (2) broad public health, persons nominated for appointment as
Robert deV. Frierson, ethical and legal issues related to members of the ACBSA should be
Deputy Secretary of the Board. transfusion and transplantation safety, among authorities knowledgeable in
[FR Doc. E7–14655 Filed 7–27–07; 8:45 am] and (3) the implications for safety and blood banking, transfusion medicine,
availability of various economic factors plasma therapies, transfusion and
affecting product cost and supply. transplantation safety, bioethics, and/or
The ACBSA consists of 18 voting related disciplines. Nominations should
members. The Committee is composed be typewritten. The following
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND of 12 public members, including the information should be included in the
HUMAN SERVICES Chair, and six (6) representative package of material submitted for each
members. The public members are individual being nominated for
Solicitation of Nominations for
selected from State and local consideration of appointment: (a) The
Membership on the Advisory
organizations, advocacy groups, name, return address, daytime
Committee on Blood Safety and
provider organizations, academic telephone number and affiliation(s) of
researchers, ethicists, private the individual being nominated, the
AGENCY: Department of Health and physicians, scientists, consumer basis for the individual’s nomination,
Human Services, Office of the Secretary, advocates, legal organizations, and from the category for which the individual is
Office of Public Health and Science. among communities of persons who are being nominated, and a statement
ACTION: Notice. frequent recipients of blood or blood bearing an original signature of the
products. The six individuals who are nominated individual that, if appointed,
SUMMARY: The Office of Public Health appointed as official representative he or she is willing to serve as a member
and Science (OPHS) is seeking members are selected to serve the of the Committee; (b) the name, return
nominations of qualified individuals to interests of the blood and blood address, and daytime telephone number
be considered for appointment as products industry or professional at which the nominator may be
members of the Advisory Committee on organizations associated with contacted. Organizational nominators
Blood Safety and Availability (ACBSA). transfusion or transplantation safety. must identify a principal contact person
ACBSA is a Federal advisory committee The representative members are selected in addition to the contact; and (c) a copy
in the Department of Health and Human from the following groups: The AABB, of a current curriculum vitae or resume
Services. Management support for the the Plasma Protein Therapeutic for the nominated individual.
activities of this Committee are the Association (PPTA), one of the two Individuals can nominate themselves
responsibility of the OPHS. major distributors of blood on a rotating for consideration of appointment to the
The qualified individuals will be basis, a trade organization or Committee. All nominations must
nominated to the Secretary of the manufacturer of blood, plasma, or other include the required information.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

Department of Health and Human tissue test kits or equipment, and a Incomplete nominations will not be
Services for consideration of purchaser of blood and blood products processed for consideration. The letter
appointment as members of the ACBSA. from major hospital organization. from the nominator and certification of
Members of the Committee, including All ACBSA members are authorized the nominated individual must bear
the Chair, are appointed by the to receive the prescribed per diem original signatures; reproduced copies
Secretary. Members are invited to serve allowance and reimbursement for travel of these signatures are not acceptable.

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