Articulo No.2. 2006. Ecol. Condcuta - Effects of Spatio-Temporal Variation in Food Supply On Red Squirrel

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Ecography 30: 51  65, 2007

doi: 10.1111/j.2006.0906-7590.04646.x
Copyright # Ecography 2007, ISSN 0906-7590
Subject Editor: Douglas Kelt. Accepted 16 October 2006

Effects of spatio-temporal variation in food supply on red

squirrel Sciurus vulgaris body size and body mass and its
consequences for some fitness components

Lucas A. Wauters, Marleen Vermeulen, Stefan Van Dongen, Sandro Bertolino,

Ambrogio Molinari, Guido Tosi and Erik Matthysen
L. A. Wauters (, A. Molinari and G. Tosi, Dept Environment-Health-Safety, Univ. of Insubria Varese, Via
J.H. Dunant 3, IT-21100 Varese, Italy. * M. Vermeulen and E. Matthysen, Dept of Biology, Laboratory of Animal Ecology, Univ.
of Antwerp, Universitsplein 1, BE-2610 Antwerp, Belgium. * S. Van Dongen, Dept of Biology, Group of Evolutionary Biology,
Univ. of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, BE-2020 Antwerp, Belgium. * S. Bertolino, DIVAPRA Entomology and Zoology, Univ.
of Turin, Via L. da Vinci 44, IT-10095 Grugliasco (TO), Italy.

Food availability is likely to influence body condition and, in turn, fitness. The intensity of this response may
vary between populations of the same species on a small spatial and temporal scale. We used 5 yr of data from 6
Eurasian red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris populations from the southern Alps to explore differences in body size and
body mass among neighbouring populations, in relation to habitat type and variation in food supply. We also
investigated sexual dimorphism in these traits and whether phenotypic variation affects local survival and female
reproductive success. Mean hind foot length, a measure of body size, did not differ between sexes but differed
between areas. Seasonal variation in body mass was small with no evidence for fattening in autumn. Females
were slightly heavier than males, but this difference was largely explained by mass gain of females during
reproduction. The size of conifer seed crops, the major food supply, varied strongly over years and between
habitats, but this variation corresponded only weakly with autumn body mass. Differences in size and mass
between populations were partially explained by habitat-related differences in body size and variability of seed-
crops, suggesting differential selection for smaller squirrels in spruce-larch forests against selection for larger and
heavier animals in mixed broadleaves and conifer forests and in Scots pine forests with more stable seed
production. The probability of reproduction by females increased with body mass, but varied strongly between
habitats and years, with more females reproducing in years with rich seed-crops. In both sexes, body mass
positively affected probability of settlement and length of residency. Our results suggest that in temporally
variable environments that differ in overall amount of food resources, individual variation in body mass is
related to habitat type, and that having a relatively high body mass, within each population, positively affects
male and female settlement success and local survival, and female reproductive success.

The amount of food animals consume will affect their high body mass in relation to body size is an indication
fitness in various ways. Food assimilation produces of good condition: such individuals are more likely to
energy necessary for body growth and/or maintenance survive critical periods of food shortage or extreme
of body condition and for reproductive investment, as weather conditions (Blem 1990, Millar and Hickling
well as essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohy- 1990, Schulte-Hostedde et al. 2001). Moreover, heavier
drates, minerals, and vitamins (Robbins 1993, Cuthill animals often are more likely to reproduce successfully,
and Houston 1997). A diet rich in lipids allows a high particularly in female mammals, and tend to be better
rate of energy intake and, in a large variety of species, competitors (social dominance) than conspecifics of
the accumulation of fat reserves that cause a (seasonal) smaller size or lesser body mass (Wauters and Dhondt
increase in body mass. In many vertebrates, a relatively 1989a, 1995, Robbins 1993, Law 1995, Cuthill and

Houston 1997, Lin and Batzli 2001, Diaz and Alonso Here we use a 5-yr data set from 6 Eurasian red
2003). Finally, in some species, animals in good squirrels Sciurus vulgaris populations from the southern
condition are better at escaping predators and are less Alps to explore effects of habitat type, characterised by
vulnerable to parasites or diseases (Ostfeld et al. 1996, variation in type and overall availability of the major
Van der Veen 1999, Wirsing et al. 2002). Inevitably, food supply (tree seeds), and effects of season and year,
there are also costs associated with being heavier: larger representing temporal variation in food supplies, on
or heavier animals have higher absolute energy require- patterns of variation in two phenotypic traits: body size
ments than smaller conspecifics and therefore are forced and body mass. We also investigate sexual dimorphism
to forage more intensively to meet their energy in these traits. Finally, we explore whether phenotypic
demands. These increased foraging costs may augment variation affects length of residency (local survival) of
the possibility of predation, aggressive encounters, and males and females, and reproductive success of female
contact with parasites (McNamara and Houston 1987). red squirrels.
Hence, body condition will affect an animal’s behaviour
and fitness, and understanding the relationships be-
tween phenotypic characteristics and environmental Materials and methods
factors that influence body condition is of general
interest to ecologists. We selected 6 study areas within mature, secondary
Many ecologists have explored variation in body montane and subalpine mixed conifer forests of the
condition in relation to predation rate, age-related Italian Alps, with elevations ranging from 1100 to 2100
survival, and reproductive success in small and med- m a.s.l. (the upper tree-line). These areas are distributed
ium-sized mammals (Wauters and Dhondt 1989a, over 2 geographic regions: COG and RHE are located
1995, Becker 1993, Dobson and Michener 1995, in the Cogne and Rhemes Valleys of the Gran Paradiso
Humphries and Boutin 1996, Green 2001, Wirsing National Park, in the western Alps, while Cedrasco
et al. 2002). Most of these studies were relatively short- (CED), OGA, Valfurva (VAL), and Bormio (BOR) are
term and in a single population or habitat, and there are in the Valtellina Valley in the central Alps. Specific
few papers that explore effects of habitat-type and/or location and distances between study areas are presented
seasonal and annual variation in food resources on elsewhere (Fig. 1 in Trizio et al. 2005). RHE and VAL
within and between population patterns of variation in are dominated by Norway spruce Picea abies , OGA by
body condition (Andersson 1994, Moss and Croft Scots pine Pinus sylvestris , and BOR by Arolla pine
1999, Naeff-Daenzer et al. 2001). Pinus cembra . COG is spruce-larch Larix decidua forest
Differences in size or body mass between neighbour- and at CED the forest is mainly composed by silver fir
ing populations may be the result of genetic variation Abies alba and spruce with small proportions of larch,
with individuals responding to differential selection for Scots pine, and some beech Fagus sylvatica at lower
body size and/or body mass on a small spatial and even elevations (Wauters et al. 2004a).
temporal scale (Hoffmann and Merilä 1999, McAdam The proportion of spruce, silver fir, larch, Scots pine,
and Boutin 2003a, b, Garant et al. 2005). In North and Arolla pine differed among study areas, but also
American red squirrels Tamiasciurus hudsonicus , juve- varied within study areas at a fine-grained level. There-
nile growth in both body mass and size had significant fore, to estimate seed availability as our measure of food
amounts of genetic variation, but also experienced large, abundance, we first determined woodland composition
heritable maternal effects (McAdam et al. 2002). A by establishing a 20 20 m (400 m2) vegetation plot
long-term study on great tits Parus major showed that around each trapping station across the trapping grid
differences in body mass at a small spatial-scale, (n 20 30). In each vegetation plot, we counted the
between (sub)populations occupying different habitats number of trees of each species, and measured the
within a large, contiguous forest, was an expression of diameter at breast height (DBH in cm) of 2 trees of
divergent evolution (Garant et al. 2005). In fact, typical size for each species on the plot (forests consisted
evolutionary theory predicts that local, adaptive, popu- of large areas of even-age stands with trees of similar
lation divergence will depend on the balance between size), hereafter called ‘‘sample trees’’ (Wauters et al.
diversifying effects of natural selection and the (oppo- 2005). Dead trees were recorded separately since their
site) homogenizing effect of dispersal, hence gene-flow presence indicated a naturally structured forest. Each
(Endler 1986, Slatkin 1987). Therefore, it is important year in August, we counted green cones in the canopy of
to understand how body size and body mass vary all coniferous sample trees from a fixed position using
among populations of a species occurring in different 10 40 binoculars and scaled to estimate the total
habitats in a limited geographical range, and how these number of cones per tree (Wauters et al. 2005).
phenotypic traits change with fluctuating environmen- Counted cones were multiplied by species-specific
tal conditions (in particular fluctuations in food average number of seeds per cone (unpubl.) to obtain
availability) within populations. an estimate of annual seed production per tree in each

vegetation plot. To combine data of different seed 1996, Becker et al. 1998, Wirsing et al. 2002), or the
species, we converted the number of seeds tree 1 for residuals of a regression of body mass (or log-trans-
each species to energy values (kJ tree 1), using our own formed body mass) on size (Dobson and Michener
values of seed-specific energy-content. We then multi- 1995, Wauters and Dhondt 1995, Guinet et al. 1998,
plied the number of trees of each species with the Blackwell 2002, Schulte-Hostedde et al. 2005). In the
species-specific seed energy tree 1 to calculate seed first case, animals with a higher ratio are considered to
density in each vegetation plot (multiplied by 25 and be in better condition than those with a lower ratio, and
thus expressed in kJ ha1). The mean value of all in the second case individuals with a positive residual
vegetation plots was calculated as the measure of average value have a better condition than those with a negative
annual tree seed abundance in each study area. Seeds residual value. However, mass/size ratios often are
produced in the summer-autumn of year t were highly correlated with body mass in small mammals
considered available for the squirrels during the follow- (Lidicker and Ostfeld 1991, Schulte-Hostedde et al.
ing ‘‘squirrel year’’ (Wauters and Lens 1995), i.e. from 2001), potentially biasing interpretations of body size
August of year t to July of year t1. variation among populations or sexes, or the effects of
In each study area, squirrels were live-trapped body size on fitness components (Wauters and Dhondt
bimonthly from April to October 2000 2004, using 1989b, 1995). Moreover, many recent studies have
20 to 30 ground-placed Tomahawk traps (models 201 criticized the use of residuals as a condition measure
and 202, Tomahawk Live Trap, WI, USA). Traps were based on statistical assumptions inherent to deriving
placed on a grid, with distances of 100150 m between residuals from regression equations, or the lack of a
traps and average trap density of 0.60.7 traps ha1. relationship between residuals and true variation in fat
Traps were pre-baited with sunflower seeds and hazel- reserves, or because residuals are an inappropriate
nuts 4 to 6 times over a 30-d period, and then baited measure of condition when comparing several popula-
and set for 812 d, until no new, unmarked squirrels tions, sexes, and/or age-classes that differ in body mass
were trapped for at least 2 consecutive days. Traps, (Garcia-Berthou 2001, Green 2001, Blackwell 2002,
partly covered by dark plastic to give shelter from rain Freckleton 2002). Thus for these biological and
or cold, were checked 23 times a day. Each trapped statistical reasons, we chose to include foot length,
squirrel was flushed into a light cotton handling bag our measure of structural body size, as a covariate in
with velcro-type fasteners or with a zipper (Koprowski multivariate models that tested for spatio-temporal
2002), or a wire-mesh ‘‘handling cone’’ to minimize variation and possible gender differences in body
stress during handling, and individually marked using mass, and in multivariate models that explored effects
numbered metal ear-tags (type 1003 S, 10 by 2 mm, of body mass on settlement, residency and reproduction
National Band and Tag, Newport, KY, USA). It was (Garcia-Berthou 2001).
weighed to the nearest 5 g using a Pesola spring-balance
(Pesola, Baar, Switzerland), and the length of the right
hind foot (without nail) was measured (0.5 mm) with a Statistical analyses
thin ruler (Wauters and Dhondt 1989a, b, 1995). Sex,
age, and reproductive condition were recorded follow- Variation in foot length and body mass were analysed
ing Wauters and Dhondt (1995). Thus, we scored a with linear mixed models (Anon. 1999, Verbeke and
female’s reproductive status as: 1) anoestrus (vulva Molenberghs 2000), with area, sex, age, season, year
small, no longitudinal opening, not lactating), 2) (and, where relevant reproductive condition) as class
oestrus (or post-oestrus, vulva partly or strongly swollen variables. Because this study was designed to monitor
with longitudinal opening, enlarged belly during late individual body mass over longer periods of time, these
pregnancy), or 3) lactating (nipples large, milk excre- models were adjusted for repeated measures by expli-
tion can be stimulated, Wauters and Dhondt 1995, citly modeling residual correlation structure. In each
Wauters and Lens 1995). analysis we started from a saturated mean model (i.e.
including all fixed effects and interactions) and com-
pared models with different correlation structures.
Indices of body condition Model fit was compared using Schwarz’s Bayesian
Information Criterion (BIC), where smaller values
In mammals, fat reserves are considered the best index indicate better fit (Verbeke and Molenberghs 2000).
of condition but are extremely difficult to measure in After selecting correlation structure of the residual
the field for live animals (Green 2001, Blackwell 2002). correlation matrix, we continued testing fixed effects
There are 2 common methods to derive an index of using Type-III SS and performed model selection using
body condition in studies on vertebrates: a ratio of body a backward procedure. Degrees of freedom and stan-
mass on a measure of structural body size, using hind- dard errors of F- and t-tests were obtained using the
foot length (Krebs and Singleton 1993, Jakob et al. Kenward-Rogers method. Interpretation of final models

was based on least square means (Verbeke and to examine the relationships between body mass, foot
Molenberghs 2000). Distribution of residual values of length, study area, year, and season (data over all
each finally-selected model was explored using the seasons) as independent variables and the probability
Shapiro-Wilk statistic (Verbeke and Molenberghs for adult female squirrels to reproduce as dependent
2000). When effects on body mass were explored, variable (Hosmer and Lemeshow 1989). The binary
foot length was always included as a covariate to correct dependent variable (Yi) was scored 0 when reproductive
for variation in body mass produced by variation in condition of a female was classified as anoestrus, it was
skeletal size as measured by foot length. Foot length of scored 1 when a female was classified as pregnant or
adults does not change over time, and variance from lactating. Models were calculated with PROC GEN-
repeated measures was small (0.313) compared to MOD (Anon. 1999) by stepwise forward selection of
variance caused by individual differences in size significant independent variables (a 0.05) (Hosmer
(2.125), indicating that measurement error in foot and Lemeshow 1989). The probability for immigrant
length was much smaller than individual variation subadult or adult squirrels to settle successfully (defined
(87% of total variance). Therefore, we used only one as presence in at least 2 trapping sessions) was also
value for individual foot length based on the mean of all examined by logistic regression by testing the same
measurements. variables and factors as for reproduction. In this case,
Since juveniles differed from adults and subadults in the binary dependent variable was scored 0 when a
both mass and foot length (see Results), they were squirrel was trapped only in a single trapping session
analysed separately. Only at BOR, juveniles were (transient dispersing animals, Wauters and Dhondt
trapped in late spring, hence these were pooled with 1993), it was scored 1 when a squirrel settled. For each
summer captures to avoid confounding effects of season individual, we used mean body mass over all captures.
with those of study area. Since most squirrels were Squirrels that immigrated in 2004 were excluded from
caught only once as juveniles, we tested variation in the analyses since trapping did not last long enough to
juvenile body mass with a generalised linear model, classify them as settlers or transients. In a next step,
using each individual only once. length of residency, or local survival (number of months
We further explored to what extent variation in food between first and last capture), was estimated for those
abundance could explain body-mass variation. In a first squirrels that were captured at least twice in the study
step we calculated mean body mass for each combina- areas (n 195). If data from animals first captured in
tion of year, season, and area, using only data of spring 2003 or 2004 and still present in autumn 2004 were
and autumn captures. We predict that average body excluded, sample size was reduced to 171 squirrels.
mass in spring of year t will be correlated with seed crop However, general linear models based on the entire and
size of the previous year (t1) and that average body on the reduced dataset gave similar results: therefore we
mass in autumn of year t will be correlated with seed present only analysis for the entire dataset. Length
crop size of the same year (t) (Wauters and Lens 1995, of residency was ln-transformed to meet assumptions of
Wauters et al. 2004b). We also tested for a possible normality (Shapiro-Wilk’s W 0.94). All tests of
effect of the previous year’s seed crop on autumn body significance are 2-tailed and the significance level was
mass, since conifer seeds produced in mast years may set at 0.05. Unless otherwise indicated values are
still be harvested throughout the following year’s presented in the text as mean9SD.
summer and autumn (Wauters et al. 2005). Since
measurements of food abundance are year- and area-
dependent, year and area are included in a linear mixed Results
model as random variables.
To investigate differences in body mass between Food availability
anoestrus, oestrus, and lactating females (Wauters and
Dhondt 1989a), we used only the spring trapping data Tree seed production varied between years and study
(April early May) of adult females since in this season areas (Fig. 1, 2-way ANOVA on Log-transformed food
we trapped anoestrus females, females in early oestrus abundance: year F5,21 7.07, p 0.0005, area F5,21 
whose body mass was not or only slightly affected by 5.35, p 0.0025). The largest seed-crops were pro-
pregnancy (intermediate litters with expected parturi- duced at CED and VAL, the smallest at BOR and
tion mid May mid June), and lactating females (spring OGA. The years 1999 and 2004 had the largest crops,
litters, observed or expected parturition dates mid while 2003 and especially 2000 had poor crops. The
March late April). We used a mixed linear model year-effect explained 41% of variation in food abun-
(122 observations of 96 adult females) to explore effects dance and the area-effect 31%. Although the year by
of study area, reproductive status, foot length, and a area interaction could not be tested, fluctuations in
foot length by study area interaction on variation in seed-crop size differed among study areas; in particular
body mass. In a second step, logistic regression was used the seed-crops of pines at OGA and BOR were less

10000 61
CED Males
9000 OGA Females
8000 BOR (a)
Seed-crop size (103 kJ/ha)

7000 RHE

Foot length (mm)

6000 COG 59
4000 58
2000 57
0 56
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 CED OGA BOR VAL RHE COG
Fig. 1. Tree seed production per year (mean1 SE expressed
in 103 kJ/ha 1) as a function of study area.
330 (b)
variable than spruce and larch crops at the other sites
(Fig. 1).

Body mass (g)


Foot length and body mass

Between July 2000 and October 2004, 1360 measure-
ments of foot length and 2189 of body mass were taken
for 520 and 544 red squirrels respectively. Mean foot 300
length was 57.592.0 mm (range 46.062.0 mm, 90%
between 54.0 and 60.0 mm) and mean body mass was
304937 g (range 90400 g) with 90% of measure- CED OGA BOR VAL RHE COG
ments between 245 and 360 g. Both foot length and
body mass differed between the 3 age-classes (Mixed
ANOVA models with first order autocorrelation struc-
ture, foot length, F2,1210 190.8, pB0.0001, body (c)
mass F2,1739 746.2, pB0.0001). 315
Body mass (g)

Juveniles (n 110 measures, 54.092.5 mm, 46
61 mm) were smaller than subadults (n 182, 56.99
1.6 mm, 53 61 mm) and adults (n 1068, 58.091.5
mm, 5362 mm). Juveniles also weighed less (n 136,
209940 g, 90 265 g) than subadults (n 278919 g,
230 340 g) and adults (n 1789, 315925 g, 240
400 g). As expected, juvenile body mass increased with 300
foot length (slope 3.8891.39). There was no difference Spring Summer Autumn
in juvenile body mass between the sexes or between years Fig. 2. Plots of body size measurements of male and female
(Table 1) but juveniles trapped in autumn were heavier red squirrels (mean1 SE) as a function of study area or
than those trapped in summer (Table 1, summer n 51, season. (a) mean foot length per study area, (b) mean body
197942 g, autumn n 57, 221933 g). Moreover, mass per study area, and (c) mean body mass of adults and
juveniles at RHE and BOR were heavier than at CED, subadults per season (years pooled).

Table 1. Average (9SD) foot length and body mass of juvenile red squirrels (n108) per study area. Generalised linear model
exploring effects of foot length (as co-variate), study area, sex, year and season on variation in body mass.

Study area (n) CED (5) OGA (11) BOR (20) VAL (12) RHE (34) COG (26)

Foot length (mm) 55.392.5 54.492.7 56.192.7 54.391.0 54.391.0 54.391.0

Body mass (g) 164931 198949 219929 199939 221938 205939
Generalised linear model
Significant parameters Non-significant parameters
Foot length F1,100 7.80 p0.006 Sex F1,95 0.69 p 0.41
Season F1,100 9.96 p0.002 Year F4,96 2.09 p 0.09
Area F5,100 2.72 p0.024

and those from RHE were also heavier than juveniles (63.57), and smallest in autumn (49.04). However,
from COG (Table 1, and Tukey-test for differences within-season variation at the individual level  reflect-
between means, all p B0.05). Juveniles were of inter- ing day to day variability in body mass  was an order
mediate mass at OGA and VAL. of magnitude larger than between-season variation at
the individual level (variance component 174.4).
Average individual body mass across seasons and
Foot length of subadult and adult squirrels trapping sessions varied even more strongly (variance
component 348.71).
Variation in foot length among subadult and adult We examined effects of age, sex, study area, season,
squirrels was analysed with a stepwise backward linear and year as factors, and the season by sex, season by
mixed model (compound symmetry correlation struc- year, season by area, and area by year interactions on
ture) exploring the effects of study area, sex, and year variation in body mass of subadult and adult squirrels,
and all interactions. The model was corrected for using foot length as a covariate (Table 2). Interactions
repeated measures with foot length measured once in were chosen because of predicted variation in seasonal
each trapping period (113 observations per individual, patterns of body mass changes between the sexes
1045 observations from 433 different squirrels). None (season sex, seasonal changes in body mass of females
of the interaction terms were significant (all p0.10), related to reproductive condition of pregnancy or
and foot length did not differ between male and female lactation, Wauters and Dhondt 1989a, b, 1995),
squirrels (males, n 627, 57.891.5 mm, females, n  between years (season year, spring, and summer
418, 57.791.5 mm, F1,426 0.34, p0.56), or mass was expected to be lower after poor than good
among years (F4,612 0.70, p 0.59). However, size
seed-crops), and between areas (season area, autumn
of squirrels differed between study areas (Fig. 2a,
mass-gain might be habitat-dependent, Wauters and
F5,427 12.1, p B0.0001). Squirrels were larger at
Dhondt 1989b, Lurz and Lloyd 2000). Finally, an area
CED and smaller at RHE than at all other sites
by year interaction examined if mass changes across
(differences of least square means, DLSM, all p B
0.01). There were no differences between the other 4 years differed between the study areas in relation to
study areas (Fig. 2a, DLSM, all p0.05). variation in food abundance between areas (Fig. 1).
Body mass increased 3.91 (90.70) g with each mm
increase of foot length (Table 2a). Corrected for
Variation in body mass variation in foot length, adult squirrels were heavier
than subadults. Variation between years, seasons, and
In a preliminary test, we compared within-season areas was complex, including interactions among these
variation in body mass at the individual level of factors as well as interactions with sex (Table 2a, Fig.
subadults and adults (variation among repeated mea- 2b). Overall, females were heavier than males (females,
sures of an individual’s mass within one trapping n 425, 316931 g; males, n 635, 305925 g), but
session) with variation in body mass between seasons. sex-differences changed across seasons (Table 2a). Males
To achieve this we constructed a linear mixed model were slightly heavier in spring and autumn (DLSM
with repeated measures at the individual level and each spring-summer p0.003, spring-autumn p 0.25,
season (spring, summer, or autumn) treated as an summer-autumn p 0.064), while females were heavier
indicator variable and added to the model as random in spring and summer (Fig. 2c, DLSM spring-summer
factor (nested within individual), next to a random p0.60, spring-autumn p 0.03, summer-autumn
factor individual which models overall between-indivi- p0.01). Therefore, effects of study area, age, year,
dual variation. Within-season variation in body mass and season on body mass were subsequently examined
was largest in spring (72.10), intermediate in summer for males and females separately.

Table 2. Mixed linear models investigating effects of study area, age, sex, year and season, interactions (see Results), and foot length
as co-variate on variation in body mass of subadult and adult red squirrels. (a) Both sexes, using 2037 observations of 434
individuals, (b) males, using 1253 observations of 253 individuals, and (c) females, using 784 observations of 181 individuals.
Excluded from the model.

Fixed effects Statistics Interactions Statistics

(a) Sexes pooled

Foot length F1,450 45.9, pB0.0001
Study area F5,418 10.58, pB0.0001 Areayear F16,1923 4.38,pB0.0001
Age F1,1817 284.1, p B0.0001 Seasonarea F10,1854 3.95, pB0.0001
Sex F1,381 40.8, pB0.0001 Seasonsex F2,1843 10.95, p B0.0001
Year F4,1922 9.49, pB0.0001 Seasonyear F8,1780 2.41, p0.014
Season F2,1858 1.45, p0.23
(b) Males
Foot length F1,266 28.9, pB0.0001
Study area F5,230 10.26, pB0.0001 Areayear F16,1130 3.39, pB0.0001
Age F1,1124 111.5, p B0.0001 Seasonarea F10,1117 4.70, pB0.0001
Year F4,1077 7.54, pB0.0001 Seasonyear F8,1075 5.75, pB0.0001
Season F2,1123 11.7, pB0.0001
(c) Females
Foot length F1,176 17.4, pB0.0001 Areayear F16,721 2.40, p0.0016
Study area F5,171 1.43, p0.22 Seasonareaa F10,696 1.74, p0.069
Age F1,657 171.9, pB0.0001 Seasonyear F7,671 4.40, pB0.0001
Year F4,701 9.81, pB0.0001
Season F2,668 7.05, p0.0009

Males whereas at COG, mean autumn body mass was highest

in 2004 and 2000, intermediate in 2003 and 2001, and
On average, body mass of male squirrels increased by lowest in 2002 (Fig. 4b). At CED, males weighed less in
3.81 (90.71) g with each mm increase of foot length 2001 than in all other years (DLSM, pB0.001), and
(Fig. 3). Variation among study areas changed accord- from 2002 to 2004 they weighed more than males in
ing to season and year (Table 2b, Fig. 4a, b). In the the other populations (DLSM, pB0.001, Fig. 4b). At
following paragraphs we summarize the patterns based OGA, males weighed less in autumn 2000 and 2002
on the significance of pairwise comparisons (details not
In spring, body mass showed hardly any differences 420
between VAL, RHE, and COG, and in these popula-
tions annual variation was absent or weak (all compar-
isons p0.05, except COG-RHE 2002, p 0.044; 370
RHE 2003 2004 p0.034; Fig. 4a). In the other 3 f
study areas, annual fluctuations were more pronounced
Body mass (g)

(Fig. 4a). At BOR, males were lighter in 2002 and 2004

than in 2003, consequently, male squirrels at BOR 320 m
weighed less in spring 2002 and spring 2004 than
conspecifics in all other populations (Fig. 4a). Male
squirrels tended to be heavier at CED than at other sites
in most years, but there was no significant difference
between mean body mass of animals from CED and Males
OGA in 2002 and 2003. Mass fluctuations over years Females
differed between these two study areas. 220
In autumn, male body mass did not differ between 52 55 58 61 64
BOR, VAL, RHE, and COG, except in 2002 when at Foot length (mm)
COG males weighed less than at VAL and RHE
Fig. 3. Relationship between body mass and foot length for
(DLSM, pB0.001, Fig. 4b). At VAL, males reached male and female red squirrels (subadults and adults) from six
higher autumn mass in 2002 than in 2003 and 2004 study areas in the Italian Alps. Regression lines: (m) male
(DLSM, pB0.05, Fig. 4b). There was no significant body mass (slope t266 5.38, pB0.0001), (f) female body
between-year variation in autumn mass at RHE, mass (slope t176 4.17, p B0.0001).


Body mass (g)



Body mass (g)

Season * sex



Body mass (g)



Body mass (g)


00 01 02 03 04 00 01 02 03 04 00 01 02 03 04 00 01 02 03 04 00 01 02 03 04 00 01 02 03 04
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Year Year Year Year Year Year

Fig. 4. Body mass as a function of study area, year, season and sex: (a) spring mass of males, (b) autumn mass of males, (c) spring
mass of females, (d) autumn mass of females.

than in autumn 2003 and 2004 (DLSM, all p B0.05, At CED, mean autumn body mass of females was
Fig. 4b). lowest in 2002 and highest in 2004 when they also were
heavier than females from the BOR population, that
weighed less than all other populations (Fig. 4d). At
Females OGA mass variation between years was more pro-
nounced and females were heavier from 2002 to 2004
Body mass of female red squirrels increased on average than in 2000 and 2001 (DLSM, all pB0.05, Fig. 4d).
by 4.45 (91.07) g with each mm increase of foot Females from OGA were also heavier than those from
length (Fig. 3). For females, body mass, corrected for COG in 2000, than females from COG and RHE in
variation in foot length, did not differ on average 2001 and 2002 (DLSM, all p B0.05, Fig. 4d). At VAL,
among study areas, but there was a significant study females weighed more in autumn 2004 than in other
area by year interaction, suggesting that in some years years. At RHE and COG patterns were similar: female
females were heavier in some sites than in others (Table red squirrels reached the highest autumn body mass in
2c, Fig. 4c, d). Overall, females weighed less in 2000 2004, followed by 2003 and 2002, they weighed less in
2000 and 2001 (DLSM, all pB0.05, Fig. 4d).
than in other years. The season by area interaction was
not significant, indicating that trends of seasonal mass
variation were similar for all study areas (Table 2c).
There were no differences between years in mean Body mass patterns and food availability
spring body mass of females in 3 populations (CED,
We examined whether annual and site-related variation
BOR, and COG), while in the other populations trends in body mass could be explained by variation in the size
differed. In OGA females weighed less in 2001 than in of tree-seed crops for each sex separately. Since we
2003 and were heavier in 2002 and 2004. Females of predicted that body mass in spring was affected by the
the VAL population also were heavier in 2004 than in seed crop of the previous year, but autumn body mass
2003, but those from RHE weighed less in 2002 and by the seed crop of the same year, body mass-food
2001 and mean body mass was highest in 2003 (Fig. relationships were analysed per season. There was no
4c). Only in 2002, females at RHE weighed less than at increase of spring body mass with larger seed-crops the
the nearby COG study area (DLSM, p0.01, Fig. 4c). previous autumn in either sex (Fig. 5). However,
In 2002, the year with the highest average spring body autumn body mass of both males (p 0.058) and
mass, females from OGA population were heavier than females (p 0.028) was positively correlated with the
those from BOR and RHE populations (Fig. 4c). size of the autumn seed-crop, although only 15%

350 1.0
f (a)

Probability produce offspring

CED 2004
0.8 OGA 2004
m 0.7 BOR 2004
VAL 2004
Mean body mass (g)

RHE 2004
310 0.5 COG 2004
CED 2000
OGA 2000
0.3 RHE 2000
290 COG 2000
Males, spring
Males, autumn
270 0.0
Females, spring
Females, autumn 1.0

Probability produce offspring

0 3000 6000 9000 0.8
Food abundance (103 kJ/ha) 0.7 CED 2001
RHE 2001
Fig. 5. Relationship between mean body mass in spring (year 0.6 CED 2002
t) and mean seed-crop size of the previous year (year t 1) and 0.5 VAL 2002
mean body mass in autumn (year t) and mean seed-crop size RHE 2002
of the same year (year t) over all study areas for male and CED 2003
female red squirrels. Regression lines are provided for 0.3 VAL 2003
RHE 2003
relationships of food with autumn body mass of males (m) 0.2
and with autumn body mass of females (f). 0.1
260 280 300 320 340 360
(males) to 19% (females) of variation in mean autumn Body mass(g)
body mass was explained by variation in food abun-
dance (Fig. 5). Fig. 6. Logistic curves representing the increased probability
of producing offspring as a function of body mass for adult
female red squirrels. Different curves show changes in
probability of offspring production as functions of different
Reproduction study area year combinations.
Body mass among adult females increased with foot
length (F1,118 8.67, p0.0039, slope 4.8891.66) heavier females of 340 g these probabilities increased to,
and differed with reproductive status (F2,118 8.91, respectively, 0.84, 0.91, 0.95 and 0.97 (Fig. 6a). But,
p0.0002), but did not differ between study areas. within each study area, females with a certain body mass
Anoestrus females (n 27, mean9SD 308916 g) had a much lower probability of producing offspring in
weighed less than oestrus (n 70, 324929 g) or 2000 than in 2004 (Fig. 6a). Another example showed
lactating females (n 25, 337923 g) (DLSM: anoes- that probabilities of producing a litter increased from
trus-oestrus t118 3.19, p0.0018, anoestrus-lactating 2001 to 2002 and further in 2003, but that they were
always lower at CED than at RHE (Fig. 6b). Adding
t118 4.10, p B0.0001). Lactating females tended to
season (Wald x2 1.74, DF 2, p0.42), or foot
be heavier than oestrus females, but the difference was
length (Wald x2 0.51, DF 1, p 0.48) did not
not significant (DLSM t118 1.74, p0.085).
improve the fit of the model.
Examining the probability of reproduction over the
entire study period with logistic regression, heavier
female squirrels were more likely to reproduce than Settling success and length of residency
females of lower body mass (Wald x2 31.3, DF 1,
pB0.0001), and probability of producing offspring Of 341 dispersing subadult and adult red squirrels, 167
differed between areas and years (area-effect Wald x2  (49%) settled and 174 (51%) were transients. Heavier
17.0, DF 5, p0.0045, year-effect Wald x2 10.9, squirrels were more likely to settle within the study
DF 4, p0.028, Fig. 6a, b). For example, in 2004 a areas than animals of lower body mass (Wald x2 14.4,
female that weighed 300 g had a probability to produce DF 1, p B0.0001), and probability of settling was
offspring of only 0.53 at CED against 0.68 at BOR, but higher for spring and summer immigrants than for
females of the same mass were more likely to have a animals that immigrated in autumn (season-effect Wald
litter at COG (0.82) and RHE (0.89, Fig. 6a). For x2 12.7, DF 2, p0.0018, Fig. 7a). Adding a

0.8 Table 3. General linear model investigating effects of body
(a) mass, study area, age, sex, and their interactions with body
mass, and foot length as co-variate, on variation in length of
0.7 residency (ln-transformed) of red squirrels.

Parameter Statistics
Probability to settle

Body mass by study area F5,176 0.68, p 0.64

0.5 Body mass by sex F1,181 1.67, p 0.20
Body mass by age F2,182 1.53, p 0.22
Foot length F1,184 0.32, p 0.57
0.4 Sex F1,185 0.50, p 0.48
Age F2,186 1.64, p 0.20
Study area F5,188 3.30, p 0.007
0.3 Body mass F1,188 12.95, p 0.0004
R2 selected model0.15 F6,188 5.65, p B0.0001

0.1 among individual red squirrels (Table 3). Local survival

250 270 290 310 330 350 was higher at OGA than at RHE, COG, and BOR
Body mass(g) (Tukey test). There was no relationship between foot
60 length and residency (Table 3). Effects of sex, age, or
(b) their interactions with body mass were not significant
(Table 3).
Residency time (months)

40 Discussion
We found differences in body size and body mass of
30 CED Eurasian red squirrels among nearby populations and
OGA average body mass in the different populations
20 BOR fluctuated between years. Significant area by year
VAL interactions showed that patterns of changes in body
RHE mass were complex. Differences in size and mass
10 between populations were partially explained by
habitat-related differences in body size and food
0 availability, but variation in seed crop-size corre-
250 300 350 400 sponded only weakly with variation in autumn body
Average individual body mass(g) mass. There was no sexual dimorphism in body size,
Fig. 7. (a) Logistic curves representing the increased prob- but patterns of seasonal variation in body mass
ability of settling as a function of body mass for subadult and differed between the sexes. In spring and summer
adult red squirrels. Different curves show changes in prob- females tended to be slightly heavier than males, due
ability of settling in relation with immigration period to pregnancy and/or a mass gain during early lacta-
(season). (b) Relationship between mean body mass of tion. There was no evidence of autumn fattening
individual red squirrels and length of residency: different (Wauters and Dhondt 1989b, Lurz and Lloyd 2000,
symbols present the different study areas.
Wauters et al. 2001a) in these alpine populations.
Finally, we found several positive effects of having a
body mass by season interaction (Wald x2 4.52, relatively high body mass on fitness components:
DF 2, p 0.10), or foot length (Wald x2 1.24, heavier females were more likely to reproduce; and,
DF 1, p0.27) did not improve the fit of the model. within each population, having a relatively high body
The other factors tested, sex, age, area and year, or their mass positively affected male and female settlement
interactions with body mass, were not related with success and length of residency. Hence, our results
probability of settling (all p 0.10). Average residency suggest that in temporally variable environments that
was 16911 months (skewness 1.28, kurtosis 2.29, differ in overall amount of food resources, individual
SE 0.82), with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of variation in body mass is related to habitat type, and
51 months. Length of residency increased with body that having a relatively high body mass is advanta-
mass (Fig. 7b), and body mass together with study area geous, increasing both reproductive success and local
explained 15% of the variation in length of residency survival.

Sexual size dimorphism Habitat type and annual and seasonal variation in
body mass
Patterns of sexual size dimorphism differ between
species of sciurids. In some species of chipmunks (e.g. The size of conifer seed crops varied strongly over years
yellow-pine chipmunk Tamias amoenus ) females are ca in some study areas (e.g. CED and RHE) but remained
4% larger (body size) and 1020% heavier than males rather constant in others (e.g. OGA). This is the
(Levenson 1990, Schulte-Hostedde et al. 2001), while consequence of patterns of seed production of the
adult males of territorial North American red squirrels dominant tree species. Norway spruce and silver fir
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus are on average ca 10 30 g show masting (high and synchronized, episodic seed
heavier than adult females (Boutin and Larsen 1993). In production, Smith 1970, Silvertown 1980), thus in
this species, post-weaning growth and survival were not spruce and spruce-fir forests, years of rich seed-crops
correlated and sexual dimorphism was less pronounced alternate with poor to medium seed production, with
in years of abundant food (Boutin and Larsen 1993). seed-crop failure occurring about every 5 yr (Mencuc-
Although bigger mothers might provide more and/or cini et al. 1995, Wauters et al. 2005). Scots pine, in
better maternal care (Wauters et al. 1993, Dobson and contrast, produces rather stable seed-crops in most years
Michener 1995, Wauters and Dhondt 1995), it is still (Wauters and Lens 1995, Castro et al. 1999) and total
uncertain how natural selection has favoured females seed-energy production varied little throughout the
growing larger than males in some species, since they all study period. Our results showed that this variation in
have promiscuous mating-systems where larger or seed-production affected between-population differ-
heavier males tend to be dominant over lighter (or ences and fluctuations in average body mass of red
smaller) males during mating chases, and, consequently, squirrels over years. Autumn condition was weakly but
obtain a higher mating success (Wauters et al. 1990, positively correlated with autumn seed-crop size. This is
Koprowski 1993a, b, 1998, but see Farentinos 1980). probably directly related with higher feeding rates
In contrast, lack of sexual size or mass dimorphism causing a more positive energy-balance in autumns
seems to be the rule for most holarctic tree squirrels of with high seed abundance and lower foraging costs.
the genus Sciurus (Wiltafsky 1973, Nash and Seaman Also in squirrel populations in Belgium, good tree seed-
crops positively affected autumn-winter body mass of
1977, Koprowski 1994a, b). In Eurasian red squirrels
red squirrels, thereby increasing immigration success of
there are no differences in body mass between the sexes
subadults and winter survival of subadults and adults
throughout most of its range (Wauters and Dhondt
(Wauters and Dhondt 1989a, b, 1993, Wauters and
1989a, Lurz 1995, Münch 2000). In Belgium, males
Lens 1995, Wauters et al. 2004b). Why was the food 
and females did not differ in body size measurements
body mass relationship in different alpine populations
and had similar body mass in late autumn and winter, rather weak? We suggest this is related to between-site
when females did not invest extra energy in lactation differences in body size and in temporal variation in the
(Wauters and Dhondt 1989a, b). During months when availability of the major seed species. At OGA, red
many females were pregnant or in early lactation they squirrels were heavier than expected on the basis of
weighed more than males (Wauters and Dhondt absolute seed-energy production, but the dominant tree
1989b). In this study on alpine populations, using species, Scots pine, had relatively stable seed-crops over
average body mass over all years and seasons, females years. This might help squirrels to use relatively small
were 3.6% heavier than males, a small but statistically home ranges linked with low costs of moving (Wauters
significant difference. In our data set, however, some and Dhondt 1992), and have activity patterns that
females were in reproductive condition (pregnant or allow them to maintain higher body mass than in more
lactating) in all seasons, which might cause an upward variable spruce-larch forests. At CED squirrels were
mass bias in adult females (Wauters and Dhondt heavier than in other populations in most years, but
1989b, 1995, Humphries and Boutin 1996, 2000). they were also larger in structural size. Finally, in
The significant sex by season interaction, indicating spruce-larch forests, body mass might be only poorly
different seasonal patterns of body mass changes for related to available food supplies because squirrels
males and females, and small differences between male showed a time-lag in responding to changes in seed
and female body mass in autumn (males, 307926 g, abundance, still using large home ranges, and therefore
females, 312929 g), when only a small proportion of having high energy-costs of locomotion, in the autumn
females is still lactating, agree with this hypothesis. with a medium to good seed-crop when it followed a
Finally, females averaged 10 g heavier than males in seed-crop failure (Wauters et al. 2005)
only one population, VAL. This population has only Contrary to expectation, there were no relationships
been monitored for ca 2 yr and further data will be between spring condition of squirrels and tree-seed
gathered to examine possible sexual dimorphism in crops produced the previous autumn. There might be
body mass. several explanations for this. In spring, seed-crops of the

previous year become gradually depleted, because cones 0.25 mm, t2.13, pB0.0001). Subadults were smal-
have dispersed most of their seeds (Norway spruce, ler and weighed less than adults in all populations and
Scots pine, larch), or because all cones have been years, as found in other habitats throughout the
harvested from the trees and their seeds cached (Arolla squirrel’s range (Wauters and Dhondt 1989a, Lurz
pine). Therefore, a squirrel’s condition might depend of 1995, Münch 2000).
the amount of stored (cached) food within its home Among populations from the southern Alps, mean
range, and thus within-home-range food availability, hind foot length did not differ between male (57.89
which was not measured here, might affect body mass at 1.5 mm) and female squirrels (57.791.5 mm), but
a fine-grained level (Wauters et al. 2001b). An squirrels were larger at CED and smaller at RHE than
alternative, but not mutually exclusive hypothesis is at the other 4 sites. This could be the result of
that secondary food resources, such as fungi (Moller differential selection in populations at CED and RHE
1983, Wauters and Dhondt 1987, Bertolino et al. (Garant et al. 2005). CED is part of large contiguous
2004), buds, shoots, and male flowers of conifers forests of the Orobic Alps in Valtellina that change
constitute an important part of the diet and affect from deciduous woods dominated by chestnuts Casta-
body-mass variation. Finally, each sex might be nea sativa at submontane elevations, over mixed
optimizing its daily food-intake to ‘‘face’’ the current montane forests of beech Fagus sylvatica, silver fir and
or future costs of reproduction. Breeding females tend Norway spruce (in the study area), to subalpine spruce
to increase daily energy-intake and thus become heavier  larch forests at elevations above 1800 m a.s.l. Hence,
during pregnancy and early lactation (see below), many animals in this population have access to large
whereas males might try to maximize body mass to nuts (sweet chestnuts, hazelnuts, and beechnuts) that
improve their competitive ability in intrasexual en- allow higher rates of energy intake than foraging on
counters during mating chases (Wauters et al. 1990, small-seeded conifers (Wauters et al. 2001a, Steele et al.
Koprowski 1998). 2005). Larger squirrels might be advantaged over
Seasonal body mass variation in alpine populations smaller ones in handling these large nuts (Weigl et al.
(on average B3% of summer mass) was much smaller 1998). RHE, in contrast, is part of an extensive
than in populations in west and central Europe subalpine conifer forest dominated by Norway spruce
(Wauters and Dhondt 1989a, b, Münch 2000), and with patches of larch that increase at higher elevations
daily changes (difference between subsequent measure- (Wauters et al. 2004a, 2005). Here, squirrels only have
ments within a single trapping session) were of the same access to small conifer seeds that are difficult to extract
magnitude (see our preliminary analyses). In contrast from closed cones. Therefore, squirrels are likely to
with other populations, there was no evidence for alpine need more time to fulfil their daily energy demands and
squirrels fattening in autumn (September October). A natural selection might favour smaller individuals with
similar lack in autumn mass increase was also found for lower absolute energy requirements. Although this
native red and introduced grey squirrels in conifer suggestion is speculative, recent studies on birds and
plantations (with several exotic conifer species) in closely related tree squirrels have shown that there is
northern England (Lurz and Lloyd 2000). These strong selection on traits of body size and that non-
authors suggested that fat accumulation was less random dispersal might reinforce population differen-
pronounced or even absent in conifer habitats where tiation and adaptation at small spatial-scale (McAdam
autumn and winter food supplies are more predictable, and Boutin 2003a, b, Haughland and Larsen 2004,
and manoeuvrability to feed on cones in the canopy is Garant et al. 2005).

Body mass and reproduction

Size differences between populations
Body mass among adult females differed with repro-
The average body mass of adult red squirrels from ductive status, independent of foot length. Anoestrus
alpine populations was 315925 g (range 240 400 g). females weighed ca 5% less than females in oestrus and
This was less than mean adult body mass from ca 9% less than lactating females. We found that
populations living in high-quality woodlands with heavier female squirrels were more likely to reproduce
stable food supplies, and high squirrel densities in than females of lower body mass, but probability of
Belgium (mean9SE 33097.1 g, t4.14, p B producing offspring also differed between study areas
0.0001, Wauters and Dhondt 1989a, b). Variance in and years. These results agree with earlier studies on
body mass was similar in both countries (from 270 to Eurasian red squirrels in Belgium (Wauters and
380 g in Belgium). Adult squirrels from alpine forests Dhondt 1989a, 1995) and eastern chipmunks Tamias
were also smaller than conspecifics in Belgium (average striatus . However, as Humphries and Boutin (1999)
hind foot length: Italy 58.091.5 mm, Belgium 59.99 pointed out, the differences found in these cases may be

due to reproductive females increasing their daily rate of concentrations of secondary compounds (resins, tan-
food-energy intake gaining more mass to meet the nins) differ between conifer tree species.
growing energy-demands of lactation (Cuthill and Finally, body mass in alpine red squirrel populations
Houston 1997). In Tamiasciurus hudsonicus , mass also positively affected probability of settlement and
gain during early lactation (indicating changes in length of residency, a measure of local survival. This was
body fat levels) was positively related to litter size and also the case in high-density populations in mixed
females that gained most mass had the highest levels of conifer and broadleaf woods in Belgium, where body
juvenile survival to emergence (Humphries and Boutin mass was positively related with immigration success and
1996). Hence, in female North American red squirrels with longevity (Wauters and Dhondt 1989a, 1993).
early lactation mass gain is an important component of We conclude that in temporally variable environ-
parental investment under favourable conditions ments that differ in overall quantity of food resources,
(Humphries and Boutin 1996). Because of highly individual variation in body mass of Eurasian red
asynchronous breeding in alpine red squirrel popula- squirrels is high and body mass, in particular its
tions, our spring data were taken during the prepartum condition component, positively affects male and
period for part of the animals and during early female settlement success and local survival, and female
postpartum for others. Since lactating females tended reproductive success. Overall, this confirms results from
to be heavier than oestrus females and both were heavier other populations that live at higher densities in habitats
than those that did not reproduce, our data suggest that with larger and more stable food supplies (Wauters and
both mechanisms occur. On the one hand, reproduc- Dhondt 1989b, 1993, 1995). However, significant
tion is mass-dependent, with a minimum threshold of differences existed in both size (hind foot length) and
body condition (mass corrected for size) that must be mass between alpine populations, that could be
reached before a female enters oestrus (Wauters and explained, at least partly, by habitat-related differences
Dhondt 1989b, Lurz 1995, Wauters and Lens 1995). in total size and degree of (annual) variation of seed-
On the other hand, successfully reproducing females crops of the dominant conifer species. This suggests
increase body mass, independent of size, during early differential selection for smaller red squirrels in spruce-
lactation, suggesting that they supplement their energy larch forests (RHE, COG, VAL), against larger and
reserves in preparation for pronounced increases in heavier animals in mixed conifers with some nut-
energy requirements during late lactation (Gittleman bearing broadleaves (CED) or in Scots pine dominated
and Thompson 1988, Wauters and Dhondt 1989b, forests (OGA). In North American red squirrels,
Humphries and Boutin 1999). direction and strength of selection on growth rates
Interestingly, the probability of reproducing among varied with age, but also with cohort (young born in
alpine female red squirrels of a given body mass varied rich food-years against young born in poor food-years,
strongly between habitats and, to a lesser extent, McAdam and Boutin 2003a, b). In populations of
between years. The between-year differences were Eurasian red squirrels in high-quality habitats in
related to variation in tree seed production, and Belgium, there was no cohort effect on any of the
probability of reproducing increased when seed abun- components affecting lifetime reproductive success of
dance was high. However, in a given year (e.g. 2004) females (Wauters and Dhondt 1995). However, in
females of 280290 g at RHE and COG had a similar alpine squirrel populations occurring in habitats with a
probability (975%) to reproduce than conspecifics high degree of temporal variation in resource abun-
weighing 310315 g at BOR and VAL, and females of dance (availability), cohort effects may exist. The data
320 325 g at OGA and CED. Since in 2004 good presented in this paper are still on too short a time-scale
seed-crops were produced at all sites, these between- to explore this hypothesis in more depth.
habitat differences suggest variation in life-history
strategies, linked with variation in body size/mass Acknowledgements  We wish to thank G. Airoldi, P. Lurz, and
among red squirrel populations occurring in different M. Zaninetti for assistance with fieldwork, and D. Preatoni for
forest types at a small spatial scale. In North American preparing figures. Comments by Petit D. Kelt helped to
red squirrels, probability of (first) reproduction was improve the ms. The study was part of the ASPER (Alpine
correlated with cone crop size and further constrained Squirrel Population Ecology Research) project, carried out by
by foraging and cone-handling efficiency that might Univ. of Insubria, Varese and Istituto Oikos NGO, Milan.
differ between primiparous and multiparous females, Financial support was provided by the Wildlife Service of the
Province of Sondrio, the Parco Regionale Orobie Valtellinese,
but also between forest types (Becker et al. 1998).
and grants awarded to L.A.W. and S.B. from the Gran Paradiso
Variation in feeding efficiency (rate of energy-intake per National Park, Italy (DGE 25 2000), and the Committee for
unit time) while processing cones from different tree Research and Exploration of the National Geographic Society,
species are likely to exist also in Eurasian red squirrels, Washington DC, USA (grant no. 6997-01). Additional
where cone size, ratio of protective cone mass on total financial support was obtained from MIUR (Ministero
seed mass (Molinari et al. 2006) and, probably, dell’Istruzione, dell’Università della Ricerca, project COFIN

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