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Physiology & Behavior 77 (2002) 167 – 176

Attractive properties of sexual pheromones in mice:

Innate or learned?
Jose Moncho-Bogania,1, Enrique Lanuzab,1, Adoración Hernándeza,
Amparo Novejarquea, Fernando Martı́nez-Garcı́aa,*
Departament de Biologia Animal (Unitat de Morfologia Microscòpica), Facultat de Ciències Biològiques, Universitat de València, C. Dr. Moliner 50,
ES-46100 Burjassot, València, Spain
Departament de Biologia Cellular, Facultat de Ciències Biològiques, Universitat de València, C. Dr. Moliner 50, ES-46100 Burjassot, València, Spain
Received 8 March 2002; received in revised form 22 April 2002; accepted 26 June 2002


It is generally assumed that chemical signals (sexual pheromones) constitute the primary stimulus for sexual attraction in many mammals.
However, it is unclear whether these pheromones are volatile or nonvolatile and which sensory systems are involved in their detection
(vomeronasal and/or olfactory). Moreover, it has been demonstrated that experience influences the behavioral response to sexual pheromones
and the sensory systems implicated. In order to clarify this issue, the attractive properties of volatile and nonvolatile components of the male-
soiled bedding have been analyzed in female mice that had no previous experience with adult male-derived chemical signals (chemically
naı̈ve females) using two-choice preference tests. The results indicate that some nonvolatile male-derived substances exert an innate attraction
to females, but volatiles derived from male-soiled bedding do not attract chemically naı̈ve females. Therefore, the primary attractive sexual
pheromone includes a nonvolatile compound (e.g. major urinary proteins, MUPs). On the other hand, male-derived volatiles become
attractive to females because of repeated exposure to male-soiled bedding. This represents a Pavlovian-like associative learning in which
previously neutral volatiles (very likely odorants) acquire attractive properties by association with the nonvolatile, innately attractive
pheromone(s). These findings indicate that not only the sexual but also the ‘chemical’ experience (previous experience with sexual
pheromones) has to be taken into account to interpret the role of chemicals as releaser or primer pheromones. The sensory systems involved
in the detection of these stimuli and the neural basis of the odor – pheromone association are discussed.
D 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pheromones; Vomeronasal system; Olfactory system; Sexual behavior; Emotional learning

1. Introduction the amygdala [4,5]. Despite these solid anatomical data,

current ideas on the functional neuroanatomy of the amyg-
Vertebrates possess two nasal chemosensory organs, the dala largely neglect its functions in chemosensory process-
olfactory and vomeronasal epithelia. The olfactory epithe- ing [6]. Indeed, most of the functional studies on the
lium detects a myriad of air-borne (volatile) substances [1], amygdala are focused on its well-known role in the emo-
whereas the vomeronasal organ (VNO) seems primarily tional evaluation of incoming stimuli by means of their
specialized in detecting pheromones, which are important association with previously fear-arousing (aversive) or
for intraspecies communication [2,3]. Olfactory and vomer- rewarding (attractive) stimuli, thus resulting in aversive or
onasal stimuli are processed through two parallel neuro- appetitive emotional learning [7 –9]. A similar role of the
anatomical pathways arising from the main and accessory amygdala in emotional evaluation of chemosensory stimuli
olfactory bulbs, respectively, which converge at the level of is suggested by studies of the neuronal response to olfactory
stimuli by the basolateral amygdala [10,11].
As pointed out by Beauchamp et al. [12,13], at least some
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-96-398-3225; fax: +34-96-386-
VNO-detected stimuli appear intrinsically rewarding [2,14].
E-mail address: (F. Martı́nez-Garcı́a). In fact, most of the stimuli supposedly detected by the VNO,
These authors contributed equally to this work. such as pheromones or chemical signals from usual predators

0031-9384/02/$ – see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
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168 J. Moncho-Bogani et al. / Physiology & Behavior 77 (2002) 167–176

[15] or preys [16], are likely to have an intrinsic emotional used for the behavioral experiments, at the age of 9 weeks.
value. Thus, a possible role of the amygdala might be to allow Thirty females reared in these conditions were used.
emotional tagging of odors by means of their association with
pheromones or other VNO-dependent stimuli with an innate 2.2. Preference tests
emotional significance.
Our group has started a research project to test the Before the start of the experiments, animals were ha-
involvement of the amygdala in these kinds of associations. bituated to handling and to the test cage for 10 min daily
As a first step towards this goal, we have tested whether during 1 week, at the same time of the day in which the
sexual pheromones are intrinsically attractive to adult mice. preference tests were going to be performed (between 9 and
To do so, we have studied if ‘chemically naı̈ve’ (without 13 h). Preference tests were undertaken in plastic cages of
previous experience with chemical signals of adult conspe- 25  50  30 cm in size. Test cages were divided into two
cifics of the other gender), sexually mature mice show any compartments of equal size (left side or Compartment 1; right
attraction to soiled bedding from adults of the other gender. side or Compartment 2) communicated by a door of 6.5  6.5
Since males are, unavoidably, in contact with an adult cm through which the animals could move freely. Each
female (their mother), we decided to use females as experi- compartment contained 40 g of either male- or female-soiled
mental animals. bedding, depending on the experiment (see below). The
Male-soiled bedding contains both volatile (putative female-soiled bedding was collected from several housing
odorants) and nonvolatile compounds (e.g. major urinary cages of the experimental females after 1 week of use. The
proteins, MUPs [17]) that are known to be important in male-soiled bedding was collected from several cages con-
intraspecific communication [18 –23], whose role in the taining two to five adult males for a week. To ensure a homo-
attractive properties of the male-soiled bedding are not clear geneous composition throughout the experiments, male-
yet. To tackle this issue, we have analyzed the chemo- soiled bedding from several cages was thoroughly mixed
investigatory behavior of chemically naı̈ve female mice and stored in the freezer until the day of the experiment.
towards male-soiled bedding under two different experi- For the preference tests, female mice were released in
mental conditions: (a) when contact with the male-soiled Compartment 1 (left side) of the test cage, the experimenter
bedding was allowed, so that the female got access to every left the room, and the behavior was videotaped for 5
component of the soiled bedding, and (b) when females (Experiments 1 and 3) or 10 min (Experiment 2). The time
were allowed only to investigate volatile compounds eman- the animal’s snout was in Compartment 2 (right side of the
ating from the male-soiled bedding. cage) during the test was measured by a person who was
Finally, we have studied the influence that repeated blind to the experimental conditions. Since the test cage has
experience with male-soiled bedding has on the behavioral only two compartments (1 and 2), the time an animal spends
response that females show towards it. In particular, we test in a given compartment equals the total time minus the time
whether, as suggested by Beauchamp et al. [12,13], odorants spent in the other compartment. Results are presented in
(probably detected by the main olfactory system) can seconds, as the average of the time spent in a given
acquired pheromonal properties by association with non- compartment ± the standard error (S.E.).
volatile pheromones (probably detected by the accessory
olfactory system). 2.2.1. Experiment 1
Analysis of female preference for male-soiled bedding
with direct access to the bedding. A group of chemically
2. Materials and methods naı̈ve females (n = 10) was used in this experiment. The
estrous status of these females was assessed by means of a
2.1. Animals standard vaginal cytology just before the experiment.
Females were used when leukocytes and abundant nucleated
The present studies were performed using female mice of epithelial cells, but no cornified cells, were observed.
the CD-1 strain (Harlam, Barcelona, Spain) that were treated Therefore, the females used in this experiment were not in
throughout according to the EEC guidelines for European estrus, but very likely in diestrus.
Communities Council Directives of 24th November 1986 These females were first tested in the control condition
(86/609/EEC). To ensure that the females used in these (female- vs. female-soiled bedding preference test; F/F test).
experiments are ‘chemically naı̈ve,’ that is to say, they had The next day, the same females were tested in the female-
never been exposed to chemical signals from sexually vs. male-soiled bedding preference test (F/M test). For this
mature males, pregnant females were housed in a clean test, in five randomly chosen females, the male-soiled
room without males. Nineteen days after delivery (early bedding was located in Compartment 1, whereas in the
before puberty), pups were sexed, males were removed, and remaining ones it was placed in Compartment 2. This
their female siblings were brought to a clean room in allowed discarding any influence of the compartment in
complete absence of adult male chemical signals where which the male-soiled bedding was located on the pref-
they were kept in groups of five per cage until they were erence shown for male- vs. female-soiled bedding (see
J. Moncho-Bogani et al. / Physiology & Behavior 77 (2002) 167–176 169

Statistical analysis). Consequently, for Experiments 2 and 3, tested in the control situation (F/F) with direct access to the
the male-soiled bedding was placed in Compartment 2 in all bedding. On Day 3, females were tested in the female- vs.
the female- vs. male-soiled bedding preference tests. male-soiled bedding preference test on the platform, there-
fore without direct access to the bedding (F/Mp test). On
2.2.2. Experiment 2 Day 4, the females were tested in the female- vs. male-soiled
Analysis of the time course of the female preference for bedding preference test with direct access to the bedding (F/
male-soiled bedding. In this experiment, a group of chem- M test). During the next 4 days, the females were exposed
ically naı̈ve females (n = 10) was tested in the control daily for 10 min to male-soiled bedding in a regular housing
condition (F/F test) during 10 min, and the next day the cage (‘experience’). This exposure took place in a different
same females were tested in the female- vs. male-soiled room from the testing room, to avoid any contextual
bedding preference test (F/M test) during 10 min. The aim association. On Day 9, the females were tested again in
of this experiment was to study the possible variations with the female- vs. male-soiled bedding preference test on the
time of the preference of females for male-soiled bedding platform, to observe the possible effects of experience on
(as observed in Experiment 1). More specifically, we studied that test (F/Mpe).
if the response of females to male-soiled bedding shows
habituation. 2.3. Statistical analysis

2.2.3. Experiment 3 Data derived from all the tests were statistically analyzed
Analysis of the female preference for male-soiled bed- using the SPSS software package (version 10.0). For
ding without direct access to the bedding before and after Experiment 1, a Student’s t-test for independent samples
experience with adult male chemical signals. In this experi- reveals that the compartment in which the male-soiled
ment two different kinds of tests were performed. In some bedding was placed has no effect on the time females spent
cases, the animals were allowed to contact the bedding, thus in it (male-soiled bedding in Compartment 1, n = 5,
having access to both volatile and nonvolatile components 185.8 ± 4.2 s; male-soiled bedding in Compartment 2,
contained in it. In other cases, a plastic platform with evenly n = 5, 184.6 ± 3.8 s, t = 0.142, P > .45). Therefore, the data
distributed (every 3.5 cm) small holes (6 mm in diameter) of all 10 females were pooled and used to compare the time
separated the animals from the soiled bedding some 4.5 cm, spent in the compartment containing the male-soiled bed-
so that animals had access only to air-borne volatile sub- ding (either 1 or 2) by the females in the F/M test with the
stances emanating from the soiled bedding. time spent in the same compartment in the control situation
As outlined in Fig. 1, Experiment 3 lasted 9 days. On (F/F test), using a Student’s t-test for paired samples.
Day 1, a group of chemically naı̈ve females (n = 10) was The data obtained from the 10 min measured in Experi-
tested in the control situation (female- vs. female-soiled ment 2 were divided into two 5-min periods (0 –5 min and
bedding) but on a platform that prevented direct access to 5 –10 min). The mean times the females spent in Compart-
the bedding (F/Fp test). On Day 2, the same females were ment 2 during both periods were compared using a standard

Fig. 1. Outline of the design of Experiment 3.

170 J. Moncho-Bogani et al. / Physiology & Behavior 77 (2002) 167–176

analysis of variance (ANOVA). In our design, we have male-soiled bedding as compared with controls (Fig. 2).
repeated measures for each animal under two within-subject Thus, in the F/M test, females spent nearly 62% of the
factors, namely absence (F/F) and presence (F/M) of male- duration of the test in the compartment having male-soiled
soiled bedding in Compartment 2. bedding (185.2 ± 7.4 s), whereas in the control situation (F/F
Concerning Experiment 3, a Kolmogorov – Smirnov test test), females spent about half of the time in the corres-
of normality with Lilliefors’ correction applied to the pooled ponding compartment (150.8 ± 4.2 s).
data of all the preference tests of this experiment showed
that the time spent by the females in Compartment 2 follows 3.2. Experiment 2
a normal distribution. Therefore, a one-way ANOVA was
applied to test the influence of the test (fixed factor), the This experiment was designed to test whether or not the
animal (random factor), and the interaction between test and attraction that chemically naı̈ve females show towards male-
animal on the time spent in Compartment 2 by the females. soiled bedding (see Experiment 1) undergoes habituation.
A post hoc Student–Newman –Keuls test allowed further The results of the ANOVA analysis indicate that only the
assessment of the presence of heterogeneities and homoge- experimental condition (presence or absence of male-soiled
neities in the data derived from the five tests under scrutiny. bedding) has a significant influence on the time the females
spent in Compartment 2 [ F(1,9) = 9.096, P=.015]. In fact,
neither the period of time [ F(1,9) = 0.522, P=.488] nor the
3. Results Experimental Condition  Period of Time interaction
[ F(1,9) = 0.05, P=.946] showed significant influence on
3.1. Experiment 1 the behavior observed. These data indicate that the pref-
erence for the compartment with the male-soiled bedding
Chemically naı̈ve females showed a significant pref- does not change with time so that there is not habituation in
erence (t = 6.366, P < .001) for the compartment with the period of time investigated.

Fig. 2. Experiment 1: Female mice that have never been exposed to adult male chemical signals show a strong preference for the male-soiled bedding. Bars
represent the average time ( ± S.E.) spent by the females in the compartment with male-soiled bedding (either Compartment 1 or 2; see Methods) during the
female- vs. male-soiled bedding preference test (F/M) and the time spent in the same compartment in the control condition (F/F: female-soiled bedding in both
compartments). * P < .01 resulting from the application of a Student’s t-test for paired samples.
J. Moncho-Bogani et al. / Physiology & Behavior 77 (2002) 167–176 171

Fig. 3. Experiment 3: The preference that female mice show for volatiles emanating from the male-soiled bedding is dependent on previous experience with
male sexual pheromones. Bars represent the time spent in Compartment 2 by the same 10 females in five consecutive tests. F/Fp: Control (female- vs. female-
soiled bedding) with a platform interposed between the animal and the bedding. F/F: Control test with female-soiled bedding in both compartments. F/Mp:
Female- vs. male-soiled bedding preference test in which a platform separated the animals from the bedding. F/M: Female- vs. male-soiled bedding preference
test with direct access of the animals to the bedding. F/Mpe: Female- vs. male-soiled bedding preference test with the platform interposed after repeated
exposure of the females to male-soiled bedding (‘experience’).

3.3. Experiment 3 tests) and the F/Mp test. In their first exposure to volatiles
emanating from the male-soiled bedding, chemically naı̈ve
The third experiment was designed to address two females do not show any preference for these volatiles as
questions. Firstly, to discriminate whether the preference compared with the control situation. However, females with
for the male bedding obtained in Experiment 1 is due to experience (repeated exposure to male-soiled bedding
volatile or to nonvolatile chemicals present in the bedding. allowing a direct contact with it) show a response to the
Secondly, the results of this experiment allow studying the volatiles similar to the one they show if direct contact with
effects of previous experience with adult male-derived the bedding is allowed. Therefore, experience changes the
chemicals on the preference of females to volatiles from response to male-derived volatiles.
adult male-soiled bedding.
Fig. 3 shows the time spent in Compartment 2 by the
females in the five consecutive tests that constitute this Table 1
experiment: F/Fp, F/F, F/Mp, F/M, and F/Mpe. The Summary (as obtained with SPSS software) of the results of the Student –
ANOVA indicates a significant effect of the factors ‘test’ Newman – Keuls post hoc analysis of the data from Experiment 3 (common
[ F(4,36) = 7.644, P < .001] and ‘animal’ [ F(9,36) = 2.485, level of significance a=.05)
P=.025], as well as of their interaction [ F(1,9) = 2498.991, Test n Subgroup
P < .001] on the time females spent in Compartment 2. 1 2
A post hoc Student – Newman– Keuls test was applied to F/Fp 10 145.00
explore the differences between tests, with a common level F/F 10 147.80
of significance (a=.05). The results indicate that there are F/Mp 10 151.80
two sets of homogeneous means (see Table 1). On the one F/Mpe 10 167.80
F/M 10 172.30
hand, there are no significant differences between the F/M Significance .533 .480
and the F/Mpe tests or among the F/F, F/Fp, and F/Mp tests.
The results indicate that there are two sets of homogeneous means
On the other hand, the females spent significantly more time (Subgroups 1 and 2). Tests are ordered according to their average. The
in Compartment 2 in the F/M and F/Mpe tests than in the significance refers to the comparison between the two most distant means
two control tests (with and without platform; F/F and F/Fp within the subgroup.
172 J. Moncho-Bogani et al. / Physiology & Behavior 77 (2002) 167–176

4. Discussion The most likely explanation for this change in the response
to the volatiles is, in our view, that this is a case of simple
Our results indicate that some of the substances con- emotional learning in which a previously neutral stimulus
tained in the male-soiled bedding are attractive to females, (volatiles derived from male’s excretions and/or secretions)
since they spend more time investigating the compartment becomes attractive by association with an innately attractive
of the test cage containing male-soiled bedding than the one one (some nonvolatile components of the soiled bedding).
that contains female-soiled bedding. These attractive prop- This interpretation is in agreement with the hypothesis of
erties of the male-soiled bedding to females are not learned, the reinforcing value of urine-contained nonvolatile pher-
since chemically naı̈ve females show preference for the omones previously suggested to explain the extinction of the
male-soiled bedding in their first exposure to it. In fact, response of male guinea pigs to female urine odor following
the chemically naı̈ve females used in this work had been in VNO removal [12,13] or after preventing access to the urine
contact with their prepubertal male siblings up to weaning, nonvolatiles by placing it under a wire mesh screen [28].
at 19 days of age. Puberty induces important changes in the Alternative explanations, such as a preference for the urine
composition of the male mice chemical signals [24], so that volatiles developed after the first presentation (an effect
prepubertal male-derived chemical signals do not elicit similar to the mere exposure effect), are extremely unlikely
neuroendocrine responses (Vanderbergh effect [25]). More- because in the F/Mpe test, the females are making a choice
over, Hayashi and Kimura [26] demonstrated that females between a compartment with female bedding (which is
preferred the odor of normal males to odors of castrated familiar and probably makes them feel comfortable and
males whether or not they were reared with their litter safe) and male-soiled bedding.
brothers before weaning. Therefore, it is very unlikely that
chemosensory experience of the females before weaning 4.1. Identity of the primary attractive male sexual
accounts for the preference of adult females for adult male pheromone
chemical signals, so that this preference seems to be innate.
This preference of chemically naı̈ve females for the male- The most likely candidates for the nonvolatile, innately
soiled bedding is not just due to novelty but reflects actual attractive pheromones contained in male-soiled bedding are
attractive properties of some of the substances contained in the MUPs or complexes of MUPs and urine-borne volatiles
the male-soiled bedding. This conclusion is based on two (see below). Mucignat-Caretta et al. [29] demonstrated that
observations. First, the preference for the male-soiled bed- the MUPs were attractive to adult females and aversive for
ding does not show habituation in a 10-min period (Experi- prepubertal ones, thus reproducing the natural response of
ment 2) as would be expected if female mice were just females to male chemical signals [27]. Like other lipocalins,
investigating a new stimulus. Second, females do not show MUPs bind small odorants with a medium affinity in the
preference for the volatiles that originated from the male- 104- to 105-M 1 range [30] and in fact, odorants and MUPs
soiled bedding the first time they are exposed to them, when co-purify [31]. For this reason, MUPs are usually seen as a
a novelty effect is to be expected, but are attracted to the simple reservoir for storage and slow release of volatiles
volatiles after experience, when the stimuli do not represent from urine [17], and Mucignat-Caretta et al. [29] attribute
a novelty anymore (Experiment 3). In addition, the pref- the attractive properties of MUPs to their associated odor-
erence of female mice for male urine has been demonstrated ants. However, the content of MUPs in male rodents is not
in a number of previous works in different laboratories only quantitatively but also qualitatively different to that of
using experienced animals [19,26,27], in which novelty females [32], and MUPs of the wild house mice exhibit a
effect is not present. very high level of polymorphism [33]. Such a molecular
An important point of our results is that a platform diversity is not expected for a simple pheromone carrier
separating the females 4.5 cm from the bedding suppresses [23].
the preference for the male-soiled bedding in chemically This view contradicts previous observations that attribute
naı̈ve animals (Fig. 2). This indicates that just a few this attraction to urine-borne volatiles such as (E)-b-farne-
centimeters away from the bedding, the concentration of sene and (E,E)-a-farnesene (farnesenes) [19,34], 2,3-dehy-
the pheromone(s) responsible for the attraction is not high dro-exo-brevicomin (brevicomin), and 2-sec-butyl-4,5-
enough as to provoke attraction. Therefore, our results dihydro-thiazole (thiazole) [18]. If these highly volatile
strongly suggest that male mice produce some nonvolatile substances were innately attractive, our chemically naı̈ve
sexual pheromone(s) that are innately attractive to females. females would have shown preference for the male-soiled
Another important conclusion that can be inferred from bedding even through the platform. Using a two-choice test,
our results is that the experience with male chemical signals Jemiolo et al. [19] reported that sexually experienced
changes the way in which females detect and respond to females preferred synthetic farnesenes (against water) at
sexual pheromones. Apparently, volatile substances eman- concentrations similar to those in male urine, and these data
ating from the male-soiled bedding that do not attract led the authors to conclude that farnesenes are the compo-
chemically naı̈ve females become attractive to the same nents of male urine that are attractive to female mice.
animals after repeated contact with male-soiled bedding. However, when tested in the same way, virgin females only
J. Moncho-Bogani et al. / Physiology & Behavior 77 (2002) 167–176 173

showed preferences for farnesenes at concentrations much Apparently, all the responses elicited by urine-borne
higher (50 – 100 times) than their content in adult male urine proteins are dependent on the VNO [17], thus fitting the
but not at natural concentrations. This indicates that, accord- generally accepted view that the VNO, which is isolated
ing to our results, farnesenes are not the primary attractive from the airstream and requires active mechanisms for
male pheromones but acquire their attractiveness after introduction of the stimulus, is harnessed to detect non-
sexual (but maybe also chemical) experience. This view is volatile, water-soluble molecules [3,38]. In fact, diluted
supported by previous observations [35] indicating that the urine specifically stimulates VNO neurons and some of
preference of adult female mice for preputial-derived odor- the VNO neurons respond in a differential way to either
ants (such as farnesenes) is the result of an imprinting-like male or female urine [39]. Moreover, the use of both
learning during the first weeks of their life. electrophysiological methods and optical imaging [40,41]
The attractiveness of brevicomin and thiazole (already has demonstrated that VNO neurons respond in a very
present in bladder urine [36]) was studied also by Jemiolo et sensitive and specific way to volatile substances contained
al. [18] in virgin females. Their results indicate that both in male urine such as farnesenes, heptanones, brevicomin,
compounds spiked together onto urine of castrated male dimethylpirazine, and thiazole.
mice (at natural concentrations, about 1.3 ppm) mimic the Although the response of VNO neurons to MUPs has
attractive properties of urine of intact males. In fact, virgin never been analyzed, the expression of the immediate early
females preferred to sniff urine of castrated males supple- genes (c-fos and egr-1) in the accessory olfactory bulb
mented with the mixture of brevicomin and thiazole to urine (which is the target for VNO neurons) strongly suggests
of castrated males alone. However, these results are in that MUPs detected at the level of the VNO are important
conflict with those of the above-cited paper by the same for the biological response(s) of females to male urine. First,
group [19] indicating that, in the same experimental con- a mixture of brevicomin and thiazole combined with MUPs
ditions, virgin females do not prefer bladder urine from is extremely effective in inducing c-fos mRNA expression in
intact males to water (see Test 3 in their Table 1). Our the VNO whereas the volatiles alone are not [42]. Second,
findings might help to explain these conflicting results by both male-derived urine-borne volatiles and stripped MUPs
considering the chemical experience of the females. Appa- elicit the expression of egr-1 in mitral cells of the accessory
rently, the virgin females employed by Jemiolo et al. [18] olfactory bulb, but the population of mitral cells expressing
were not chemically naı̈ve so that their responses to brevi- egr-1 in response to MUPs was different to the one elicited
comin and thiazole might be a consequence of their previous by the volatiles brevicomin and thiazole [43].
experience. On the contrary, the virgin female mice used by Although the role of the VNO in female mice sexual
Jemiolo et al. [19] to test attraction to farnesenes seem to behavior has been largely neglected, lesions of the VNO in
have not been exposed to male chemical signals. This fact females of other rodent species severely impair their behav-
would explain both their inability to respond to farnesenes at ioral responses to males and their chemical signals. For
natural concentrations and their lack of preference for instance, VNO lesions significantly disrupt lordosis behav-
bladder male urine against water in a situation in which ior in female prairie voles [44] and significantly diminish
contact with urine is not allowed. both the interest of female hamsters towards male flank
These data suggest that the primary (innate) attractive gland secretion and scent (flank and vaginal) marking
male sexual pheromone might be a complex of urine-borne behavior to conspecific odors [45]. Lesions of the VNO
volatiles and nonvolatiles, in line with recent data obtained apparently impair the ability of female hamsters to express
in rats [37]. This would explain why chemically naı̈ve sex preference through specialized species-specific behav-
animals respond to the volatiles contained in urine when iors such as scent marking [45] or ultrasound vocalizations
presented at very high concentrations (50 – 100 times their [46]. Furthermore, using genetically modified mice whose
content in normal male urine [19]) but not at natural VNO has been shown to be nonfunctional, it has been
concentrations (our results [19]). However, they respond recently demonstrated that the VNO is essential for sex
to the volatiles at natural concentrations if access to the discrimination in male mice [47], and therefore it is likely to
nonvolatiles contained in urine is allowed (our results). play the same role in females.
Evidence supporting a cooperative action of volatiles and
nonvolatile chemicals as releaser pheromones comes from 4.2. The acquired attraction to male-derived volatiles:
recent experiments [22], in which the behavior of scent association pheromones– odors
marking in male mice towards fractions of conspecific male
mice urine (countermarking) were studied. Their results Urine-borne volatiles do not elicit attraction in chem-
demonstrate that countermarking is stimulated by the frac- ically naı̈ve females but they become attractive to chem-
tion containing proteins associated to volatiles (mainly ically experienced females (see Results). This represents a
brevicomin and thiazole) but not by fractions containing case of associative learning that occurred during repeated
only volatiles. In fact, it has been recently demonstrated [23] exposure of the females to both volatile and nonvolatile
that MUPs play a role in individual recognition among male components in the male-soiled bedding. As discussed
mice and the same can be true for females. above, the unconditioned stimulus seems to be the complex
174 J. Moncho-Bogani et al. / Physiology & Behavior 77 (2002) 167–176

of MUPs and associated volatiles detected by the VNO, response observed in VNO-blocked females be the result of
which seems to be innately attractive. The conditioned vomeronasal – olfactory associative learning. In fact, all the
stimulus consists of volatiles, probably detected by the female subjects of that study were housed with boars so that
olfactory epithelium. they had previous experience with male sexual pheromones
It is very likely that the same volatiles that, in association allowing such an association to occur.
with MUPs, are detected by the VNO [40 – 43] and elicit Some of the neuroendocrine responses elicited by pher-
innate attraction, can be also detected by the olfactory omones might undergo a similar process of Pavlovian
epithelium. In fact, the fraction of urine containing the conditioning by association of the actual pheromone with
MUPs plus associated volatiles shows a weak ‘mousey’ odorants. This would explain the results reported by
scent [22,31] whereas the fractions rich in free brevicomin Mucignat-Caretta et al. [20] indicating that female mice
and thiazole are reported to display an acrid ‘mousey’ odor reared with both parents or just sprayed with adult male
to the human nose. Moreover, Guo et al. [42] reported an urine prior to weaning show enhanced puberty acceleration
increase in the expression of c-fos mRNA elicited by both in response to adult male urine after weaning. A possible
complete male-soiled bedding and brevicomin + thiazo- explanation for these results is that, due to a Pavlovian
le + MUPs not only in the accessory olfactory bulb but also association prior to weaning, prepubertal females respond
in the main olfactory bulb. The expression of c-fos in the both to the actual pheromone (VNO-mediated uncon-
main olfactory bulb is present even in females whose VNO ditioned response) and to odorants of the male urine
was removed, thus indicating that the olfactory epithelium (olfactory epithelium-mediated conditioned response) thus
also detects the MUP-associated volatiles contained in male resulting in a more robust neuroendocrine response. Our
urine. results also raise the possibility that the neuroendocrine
This raises the possibility that the associative learning response of ewes to male-derived chemicals detected by
during repeated exposure of females to male-soiled bedding the olfactory epithelium [51] is a consequence of previous
consisted of a VNO – olfactory association. By means of a experience allowing pheromone– odorants association.
process of Pavlovian conditioning, there would be a transfer As a conclusion, one of the main outcomes of our work is
of the attractive properties of VNO-detected nonvolatile that previous experience with sexual pheromones has to be
pheromones (likely the complex of MUPs and odorants) taken into account to interpret the role of chemicals as
to the urine-borne volatiles detected by the olfactory epi- releaser or primer pheromones. As put forward by Beau-
thelium, in a case of emotional tagging of odors. This would champ et al. [52] and further discussed by Nyby et al. [48],
explain why solutions of synthetic brevicomin, thiazole, and since learning might confer ‘pheromonal’ properties to
farnesenes detected in a context in which direct contact with virtually every odorant, the classical concept of pheromone
the solution is avoided [18,19] are attractive to chemically cannot be easily applied to the mammalian intersexual
(or even sexually) experienced females. communication. Therefore, it seems appropriate to restrict
Beauchamp et al. [12,13] put forward a hypothesis the concept of pheromone to those substances that have
similar to ours to explain the effects of VNO removal on innate biological value for intraspecies communication.
the chemoinvestigatory behavior of male guinea pigs Another interesting question raised by our results is
towards female urine. Removal of the VNO of male guinea where in the brain would such an odorant – pheromone
pigs results in an extinction-like decrease of the chemo- association occur. Olfactory and vomeronasal stimuli relay
investigatory behavior (head bobbing) towards female urine, in the main and accessory olfactory bulbs, respectively. The
thus suggesting that the VNO-mediated detection of sexual main olfactory bulbs project not only to the anterior olfact-
pheromones is attractive and reinforcing to males, whereas ory nucleus and olfactory tubercle but also to portions of the
the attractive properties of volatiles detected by the olfactory paleocortex that include the prepiriform, piriform, and
epithelium are learned by association with VNO-detected entorhinal cortices, as well as the anterior and posterolateral
pheromones. Other cases of conditioned behavioral regions of the cortical amygdala and the amygdalo-piriform
responses to odors have been reported in rodents. For transition. On the other hand, the accessory olfactory bulbs
instance, Nyby et al. [48] reported that, after encountering project to the posteromedial cortical amygdala, the medial
females odorized with perfume, male mice emit ultrasound amygdala, and portions of the bed nucleus of the stria
courtship vocalizations to the perfume itself. Prepubertal terminalis [4]. Although these secondary olfactory and
experience can also influence the sexual response to odors vomeronasal projections appear quite segregated, physio-
in the adult life [26,35,49]. logical data indicate that convergence of both kinds of
Studies performed in female pigs indicate that the olfact- stimuli occur at the level of the medial amygdala [53].
ory epithelium is involved in the behavioral response to the On the other hand, the use of anterograde neuroanatom-
male pheromone androsterone, since the response of ani- ical tracers indicates that both secondary vomeronasal and
mals whose vomeronasal duct was blocked did not differ olfactory centers (the medial amygdala [54], the piriform
from that of controls [50]. Although the authors discuss the cortex [55], and the amygdalo-piriform transition [56])
possibility that their results are due to the sexual experience project to the basolateral division of the amygdala, a
of the females, our findings raise the possibility that the convergence that is facilitated by the complex set of intrinsic
J. Moncho-Bogani et al. / Physiology & Behavior 77 (2002) 167–176 175

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