Characters: Lucinda Price (Luce)

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Lucinda Price (Luce)

Luce is the main protagonist of the novel. She began seeing shadows, amorphous and sinister
demons at a young age. She is sent to Sword & Cross Boarding School when a young boy is killed
in a fire, which she is blamed for starting.She has lived for more than a thousand years and has
always died when she came close to learning about her past.

Daniel Grigori

Daniel is a fallen angel - a heavenly being who chose to side with neither God nor Satan at the
beginning of time - instead he chose love. He is also Luce's romantic interest. He feigns disinterest
in Luce, trying to ignore her for her own safety, due to a curse that has spanned since the beginning
of time, but is drawn to her nonetheless.

Cameron 'Cam' Briel

Cam is the antagonist of the story and Luces other romantic interest. He is also a fallen angel. He
continuously tries to charm Luce and is antagonistic towards Daniel.

Arriane Alter

Arriane is a fallen angel. She befriends Luce on Luce's first day at Sword & Cross. She refers to
herself as a psychopath and is possibly interested in Roland.

Pennyweather Penn Van Syckle-Lockwood

One of Luce's friends. She is the daughter of the deceased groundskeeper. She is described as
frumpy and unpopular, but her friendship proves to be a great asset, as she has access and
knowledge about Sword & Cross and shares her expertise with Luce. She is later killed by Miss
Sophia, the librarian.

Gabrielle 'Gabbe' Givens

Gabbe is also a fallen angel at the school. Luce dislikes Gabbe because she believes that she is
dating Daniel, though Gabbe is unerringly gracious towards her.

Roland Sparks

Roland, like the others, is a fallen angel. He is Daniel's friend at the school. He, like Cam and Molly,
are considered "demons," fallen angels who side with Lucifer, which surprises Luce. He is able to
smuggle anything into Sword & Cross.

Mary Margaret 'Molly' Zane

Molly is another fallen angel who stayed mostly on Lucifers side. She is very aggressive and
antagonistic towards Luce. She tries to warn Luce away from Daniel several times.She dies trying to
save Daniel and Luce.

Sophia Bliss

Miss Sophia is the schools librarian. She appears to like Luce and Penn, considering them good
students. She teaches the Religion and has very strong beliefs on the subject. It is later discovered
that she is in fact one of the 24 Elders of Zhsmaelin, a radical heavenly sect, and has the highest


Randy is an attendant at Sword & Cross. She is described as being very masculine.


Callie is Luce's best friend from Dover Prep School, where she attended as a scholarship student
before being sent to Sword & Cross. She and Luce are very close.

Todd Hammond

Todd is a student who arrived at Sword & Cross at the same time that Luce did. He dies of a broken
neck while helping Luce out of a burning building.


Trevor was Luce's boyfriend before she went to Sword & Cross but he burned in a fire when he
kissed Luce and then Luce was sent to Sword & Cross.

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