How Environmental Factors Affect Social and Emotional Development

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How Environmental Factors Affect Social and Emotional

by Sharon Secor, Demand Media

Social-emotional problems in children 5 years of age and younger are

not uncommon. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty,
between 9.5 percent and 14.2 percent of children in this age group have
social-emotional problems that affect their development and functioning
enough to interfere with readiness to start school. The World Health
Organization points to the vital role environment plays in social and
emotional development, particularly during early childhood, which it
describes as the most significant developmental phase of life.

Loud, Overcrowded Living

According to studies conducted by environmental and developmental
psychologist Gary Evans, a Cornell University professor, loud, overcrowded
living conditions can negatively affect a child's social and emotional
development. Research found these environments often resulted in parents
speaking less to children, and using shorter words when they did. Forinfants
and toddlers, reduced interaction can affect their ability to connect with
other people. According to the National Center For Children in Poverty,
attachment quality is a barometer of social and emotional development and
health. Children often cope with noise and crowding by withdrawing, tuning
out sounds, including language, which can interfere with cognitive, social and
emotional development. Parents unable to reduce noise and crowding can
promote development by taking a child somewhere quiet daily, such as a
park or library, for quality interaction time, and by regularly engaging a child
in calm, pleasant, focused interaction, reducing child withdrawal incidents.

Economic Struggle
According to the World Health Organization, the most fundamental way
economic struggle affects child social and emotional development is through
poor nutrition. Adequate nutrition is essential to fueling early childhood's
rapid brain growth. Without it, brain growth can slow, delaying cognitive,
social and emotional development. A University of California at Davis Center
for Poverty Research study indicated that how a mother responds to
economic stress affects her child's social and emotional health. Mothers
responding with depressive symptoms were likelier to have negative child
interactions. Researchers found over the long term, a mothers depressive
symptoms are a better predictor of social competence than both income and
education. How parents manage financial pressure can have a stronger
effect on children's social and emotional development than the material
strain, with the exception of the biological effects of poor nutrition. Being
nurturing and affectionate to children during difficult times can help mitigate
potential developmental problems.

Intellectual Stimulation
An active mind is a growing, developing mind. According to the World Health
Organization, an intellectually stimulating environment helps social and
emotional development by promoting cognitive development. That sort of
environment doesn't require a lot of money to create. Forbabies and
toddlers, a safe clean area to explore, a handful of interesting toys, and
some baby-safe household items offer noise and adventure. For bigger
children, art supplies and imagination fueled toys are fine choices. Both
playing with a child and letting a child explore how things work on his own
are important. Make up games around identifying emotions, using cues like
facial expressions and tone of voice, to encourage emotional development.
Promote social development by using the same manners and respect you'd
offer an adult when you child talks to you, listening closely and showing
interest with topical questions.

Parental Attention and Affection

The importance of early childhood can make parents anxious, fearful of a
parenting mistake with long-term developmental effects. Don't worry. It's the
quality of the parent-child relationship that matters most. According to
the California Department of Education, during the first years, a stable,
loving relationship is the key to healthy growth, development and learning.
An environment of affection and attention is a powerful force for healthy
child emotional and social development. Loving, responsive, consistent care
with plenty of attention and positive interaction easily covers the occasional
parental imperfections. So, relax. Don't worry about being perfect, loving and
enjoying your child is the best way to promote healthy development.

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