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School of Technology


IP Networks

Unit Level: 5
Unit Code: IPN
Rules and Regulations:

Plagiarisms is presenting somebody else work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the
Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying
another students coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work.
Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the
procedures set down by the College. Please see your student handbook for further details of what is / isnt
Coursework Regulations
1. All coursework must be submitted to the Academic Administration Office and a receipt must be obtained
under no circumstances can other college staff accept it. Please check the Submission Date and Time.
2. Late coursework will be accepted by Academic Administration and marked according to the guidelines
given in your Student Handbook for this year.
3. If you need an extension (even for one day) for a valid reason, you must request one, using a coursework
extension request form available from Academic Administration. Do not ask the lecturers responsible for
the course they are not authorized to award an extension. The completed form must be accompanied by
evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of your being sick.
4. General guidelines for submission of coursework:
a) All work must be word-processed and must be of a `good standard.
b) Document margins shall not be more then 2.5cm or less than 1.5cm
c) Font size in the range of 11 to 14 points distributed to including heading and body text. Preferred
type faces to be a common standard such as Arial or Time New Roman for the main text.
d) Any computer files generated such as programme code (software), graphic files that form part of
the course work must be submitted on a CD together with the documentation.
e) The copy of the course work submitted must not be returned to your after making and you are
advised to have your personal copy for your reference.
f) All work completed, including any software constructed may not be used for any purpose other
than the purpose of intended study, without prior written permission from St Patricks
International College.
Remember to keep your course work receipt.

School of Technology
Unit Outcomes being assessed this coursework:


Assessment criteria for pass

To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate the
ability to:

1. Understand the concept of IP


1. Explain the concept of IP networks.

2. Evaluate the industrial implementation of IP Networks.
3. Examine and evaluate TCP/IP architectures and its
4. Identify and construct IP addressing

2. Explain and evaluate the IPv6


1. Evaluate and discuss IPv6 protocols and operations

2. Capture and critically analyze the different addressing
techniques associated with IPv6.
3. Evaluate the security threats faced by IPv6 implementation
4. Highlight the quality of service provided by IPv6

3. Assess the design and functionality

of Voice over IP

1. Discuss the underlying concepts of VoIP

2. Compare and contrast the different architectures of VoIP
3. Provide evidence to support the quality acceptability of VoIP

4. Explore and Examine a range of

Mobile IP Networks.

1. Investigate how Mobile IP Network work

2. Research the application of Mobile IP to dynamic network

Task 1
Explain with the aid of diagrams the TCP/IP Protocol Architecture. Discuss the function of the
protocols within each layer.
[Assessment Criteria: 1.3]
Evaluate the application of TCP/IP to internet based applications.
[Assessment Criteria: 1.2]
Task 2
Explain the principles of IP addressing based on IPv4 and discuss the key practical issues in
implementing IP addressing within public and private networks.
[Assessment Criteria: 1.1]
With the aid of a network diagram explain how IP addresses are assigned to a network.
[Assessment Criteria: 1.4]
With the help of a network monitoring tool (Wireshark), analyses the IP traffic.(provide
evidence i.e. screenshots) [Assessment Criteria: 1.1, 1.4]
Task 3
A local business TCS Ltd. is considering implementing IPv6 Protocol throughout the organization.
Present a report for the Operational Director highlighting and discussing the key issues in migrating
from IPv4 to IPv6 addressing.
The report should:
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks in such migration
[Assessment Criteria: 2.1, 2.2]
Explain and evaluate the alternative transition mechanisms
[Assessment Criteria: 2.3]
Analyze and evaluate the improvement in quality of service (QoS) and security
[Assessment Criteria: 2.4]
Task 4
TCS Ltd. is also considering the provisioning of voice over IP (VoIP) and mobile IP (MIP) for its
employees. It is anticipated this will both reduce operational costs and increase network efficiency.
Make a business case for such implementation. The Business Case should;
Explain the underlying concepts of VoIP and MIP
[Assessment Criteria: 3.1, 4.1]
Analyze and evaluate mobile IP networks, particularly examining routing and security issues
[Assessment Criteria: 3.2,3.3]
Analyze and evaluate the VoIP and MIP in the Enterprise networks.
[Assessment Criteria: 4.2]
Task 3 and Task 4 based on a scenario you are required to write report based on the given
Total Word limit 4000

School of Technology
Assessment Guidelines
Each Unit will be graded as a Pass, Merit, Distinction, Referred or Withheld
A Pass is awarded for the achievement of all Learning Outcomes against the specified Assessment
A Merit or Distinction is awarded for higher level achievement.
If all Learning Outcomes have not been achieved the work is Referred
Where there is some doubt or concern regarding the origin of some of the content, the work is Withheld.
The student will then be interviewed to ascertain originality.

A Pass Grade is achieved by meeting ALL the requirements defined in the Assessment Criteria for the
In order to achieve a Merit a student must;

Use a range of methods and techniques to collect, analyse and process information/data
Apply and analyse detailed knowledge and skills, using relevant theories and techniques
Coherently present and communicate work using technical language accurately

In order to achieve a Distinction a student must;

Check validity when collecting, analysing and processing complex information/data

Evaluate and synthesise relevant theories and techniques to generate and justify valid conclusions
Show an individual approach in presenting and communicating work coherently, using technical
language fluently
Adopt and correctly use a recognised referencing scheme e.g. Harvard Referencing

The Assignment Brief details all Assessment Criterions against which the coursework will be assessed
The Assignment Brief also specifically indicates which of the above grade descriptors have been
incorporated within the activities to be assessed, in order that a student can achieve a Merit or Distinction

Reporting of Student Grades

When a Unit has been assessed Grades are reported on the Online E - Learning System. Students can
obtain the grade awarded by viewing the Submission Inbox.
Grades are reported according to the following;
50% indicates Pass
60% indicates Merit
70% indicates Distinction
30% indicates Referred
0% indicates


A percentage mark within one of the boundaries indicates further work would be required to achieve the
next highest grade e.g. 60% indicates that a Pass has been achieved, with additional work (according to the
grade descriptors) a Merit could have been achieved.
By viewing the Report the Originality can be obtained.
Clicking on the GradeMark tab will reveal the QuickMark
Clicking on the General Comment tab will reveal the comments
made by the Assessor and Internal Verifier

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