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Herbal Remedies

Healing the self with Nature's Pharmacy

Nature's Chemotherapy Juice Recipe
1/2 Beetroot 1 Carrot Cabbage Slither Potato Parsley
Celery Honey (optional, for taste)
1. Place all ingredients into a blender, food processor,
liquidiser or grate finely.
2. Add honey for taste (optional).
3. Chew the juice before swallowing. Chewing releases
saliva which helps with the digestion process.
4. Take one glass per day.

1 Herbs:
Pancreatic support; Liver support; Diabetes; Measels;
Diarrhoea; Fever; Antibacterial; Antifungal; Antifertility;
Antileukemic; Antitumour; Vermicide; Nausea; Dizziness;
Indigestion; Constipation.

2 Herbs:
Coughs; Colds; Flu; Fever; Earache; Headache; Loss of
Appetite; Intestinal Worms; Parasites; Tonic; Liver Disease;
Gallbladder Disease; Malaria; Indigestion; Colic; Pain; Insect
Bites; Wounds.

3 Herbs:
Blood cleanser; Tonic; Rheumatic pain; Fatigue; Poor
appetite; Eczema; Prostate problems; Liver cleanse; Kidney
cleanse; Dyspepsia; Constipation; Fluid retention; Bronchial
troubles; Asthma.

4 Herbs:
Diet; Slimming; Weight control; Satisfy cravings of hunger
on fast days; Eating disorders; Spastic colon; Stress;
Insomnia; Dyspepsia; Flatulence; Colic; Cramps; Nausea;
Water retention; Clearing obstructions in the liver, spleen
and gallbladder; Cleaning blood; Influenza; Emmenagogue;
Heartburn; Headache; Edema (Dropsy); Swelling.

5 Herbs:
Anxiety; Stress; Epilepsy; Nervouse agitation; Antiinflammatory; Antiseptic; Insomnia; High blood pressure;
Memory; Mood swings; Blood circulation; Muscle spasms;
Toothache; Period pains.

7 Herbs:
Asthma; Sinusitis; General tonic; Pregnancy; Breast feeding;
Skin problems; Libido; Allergies; All organs; Coughing;

Bronchitis; Hair growth; Diabetes; Weight control; Mucus;

Phlegm; Respiratory problems; Influenza; Chest infections;
Hypertension; Eczema; Epilepsy; Delayed menstruation;
Intestinal worms; Constipation; Headaches; Heart problems;
Stimulation of brain and nervous system; Colic; Wind
spasm; Gout; Sore throat; Dyspepsia; Biliousness; Liver
complaints; Kidney problems; Haemorrhage from the
lungs; Haemorrhage from the stomach; Head colds; Quinsy;
Measles; Joint pain; Emmenagogue; Healing abrasions of
the skin; Blood.

8 Herbs:
Cancer; Haemorrhage; Stress; Insomnia; Menopause; All
glands; Thyroid; Fertility; Womb; Epilepsy; Convulsive
nervous disorders; Urinary disorders; Nervous system;
Strengthening the heart's beat; Severe colds; Fever;
Purify blood; Measles; Bleeding piles; Kidney disorders;
Diuretic; Edema (Dropsy); Dyspepsia; Bladder problems;
Emmenagogue; Cystic ulceration; Ulcers in urinary
passages; Heal wounds; Reduce swelling of eyelids;
Stomachic; Indigestion; Heartburn; Headache; Diarrhoea;
External swelling; Inflammatory pain; Abscesses; Toothache;
Earache; Neuralgia; Jaundice; Prevents suppuration; Chronic
ulcers; Varicose veins; Inflamed and sore eyes; Bronchial and
whooping-cough; Cancerous growths.

9 Herbs:
Arthritis; Inflammation; Pain; Kidney problems; Weight
control; Swelling; Gout; Headaches; Heart problems;
Stimulation of brain and nervous system; Colic; Wind spasm;
Sore throat; Dyspepsia; Biliousness; Liver complaints; Kidney
problems; Haemorrhage from the lungs; Haemorrhage
from the stomach; Head colds; Quinsy; Measles; Joint
pain; Emmenagogue; Healing abrasions of the skin;
Blood; Diuretic; Digestive tonic; Urinary antiseptic; Uterine
stimulant; Bed wetting; Bladder stones; Edema (Dropsy);
Hypertension; Prostate gland disorders; Prostatitis;
Rheumatism; Blood pressure; Muscle spasm; Motion
sickness; Painful menstruation; Inflammation of the uveal
tract of the eye.

19 Herbs:
"Cure all"; Headaches; Nausea; Indigestion; Constipation;
Diarrhoea; Arthritis; Candida; Fever; Sinusitis; Colds;
Flu; Colic; Vericose Veins (taken internally and applied
externally); Tinnitus.

For more information about Herbal remedies and tinctures, please contactMarkus.
Cell: 072.952.3630 E-mail:

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