Second Internal Assessment Test, August 2015

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St. Xaviers Catholic College of Engineering, Chunkankadai, Nagercoil 629 003.

Seventh Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
GE2022 - Total Quality Management
Second Internal Assessment Test, August 2015
Time: 1 Hours

Maximum: 50 marks

PART A (09 x 02 = 18 marks)
01. Define the various Quality Statements?
The vision statement is a short declaration of what an organization aspires to be
The mission statement answers the following questions: who we are, who are the
customers, what we do and how we do it.
The quality policy is a guide for everyone in the organization as to how they should
provide products and service to the customers.
02. Differentiate the terms: Customer Focus, Customer Orientation, Customer
Retention etc.
Customer focus is to identify and then meet customer needs.
Customer orientation is a set of activities undertaken by a company for the purpose of
supporting beliefs in sales that allow considering customer needs and satisfaction as the
priorities of the company.
Customer retention represents the activities that produce the necessary customer
satisfaction that creates customer loyalty, which actually improves the bottom line.
03. Differentiate Internal Customer and External Customer?
An external customer is someone who uses your company's products or services but is
not part of your organization i.e. the customer outside the company.
An internal customer is any member of your organization who relies on assistance from
another to fulfill her job duties i.e. the customers inside the company.
04. Differentiate Intrinsic Rewards and Extrinsic Rewards?
Intrinsic rewards are related to feelings of accomplishment or self-worth.
Extrinsic rewards are related to pay or compensation issues.
05. How will you illustrate a simplistic definition of Customer Satisfaction?
Figure 3-2, Customer Satisfaction Model
06. Write the Stages of Team Development?
1. Forming
2. Storming
3. Norming
4. Performing
5. Adjourning
07. Expand 5S.
08. Write the three key elements to a Partnering Relationship?
Long-term commitment
Shared vision
09. Write the key factors that a Successful Supplier Rating System requires?
An internal structure to implement and sustain the rating program
A regular and formal review process

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A standard measurement system for all suppliers
PART B (02 x 16 = 32 marks)
10. a. i. Write the seven basic steps to Strategic Quality Planning?
1. Customer needs
2. Customer positioning
3. Predict the future
4. Gap analysis
5. Closing the gap
6. Alignment
7. Implementation
10. a. ii. Give the various information collection tools accomplished for listening to
the voice of the customer?
Comment card
Customer questionnaire
Focus groups
Toll-free telephone numbers
Customer visits
Report card
The internet and computers
Employee feedback
Mass customization
The American Customer Satisfaction Index
10. a. iii. Write the action plan taken by the organization to handle customer
Investigate customers experiences by actively soliciting feedback, both positive
and negative, and then acting on it promptly.
Develop procedures for complaint resolution that include empowering front-line
Analyze complaints, but understand that complaints do not always fit into neat
Work to identify process and material variations and then eliminate the root
cause. More inspection is not corrective action.
When a survey response is received, a senior manager should contact the
customer and strive to resolve the concern.
Establish customer satisfaction measures and constantly monitor them.
Communicate complaint information, as well as the results of all investigations
and solutions, to all people in the organization.
Provide a monthly complaint report to the quality council for their evaluation, and
if needed, the assignment of process improvement teams.
Identify customers expectations beforehand rather than afterward through
compliant analysis.
10. a. iv. What are the concepts to achieve a motivated work force?
Know thyself
Know your employees
Establish a positive attitude
Share the goals
Monitor progress
Develop interesting work job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment
Communicate effectively
Celebrate success
10. a. v. Give the operational definition of Empowerment and give the three
conditions necessary to create the empowered environment?
Everyone must understand the need for change

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The system needs to change to the new paradigm
The organization must enable its employees
10. b. i. Write the characteristics of quality leaders?
Quality leaders give priority attention to external and internal customers and their
They empower, rather than control, subordinates.
They emphasize improvement rather than maintenance.
They emphasize prevention.
They encourage collaboration rather than competition.
They train and coach rather than direct and supervise.
They learn from problems.
They continually try to improve communications.
They continually demonstrate their commitment to quality.
They choose suppliers on the basis of quality, not price.
They establish organizational systems to support the quality effort.
They encourage and recognize team effort.
10. b. ii. Write the characteristics of successful teams?
1. Sponsor
2. Team charter
3. Team composition
4. Training
5. Ground rules
6. Clear objectives
7. Accountability
8. Well-defined decision procedures
9. Resource
10. Trust
11. Effective problem solving
12. Open communication
13. Appropriate leadership
14. Balanced participation
15. Cohesiveness
10. b. iii. Write the various appraisal formats?
1. Ranking
2. Narrative
3. Graphic
4. Forced choice
10. b. iv. Write short notes on Kaizen.
Value-added and non-value-added work activities
Muda, which refers to the seven classes of waste over-production, delay,
transportation, processing, inventory, wasted motion, and defective parts.
Principles of motion study and the use of cell technology.
Principles of materials handling and use of one-piece flow.
5S for workplace organization.
Visual management by means of visual displays that everyone in the plant can
use for better communication.
Just-in-time principles to produce only the units in the right quantities, at the right
time, and with the right resources.
Poka-yoke to prevent or detect errors.
Team dynamics, which include problem solving, communication skills, and
conflict resolution.
11. a. i. Give the customer perception of quality?

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1. Performance
2. Features
3. Service
4. Warranty
5. Price
6. Reputation
11. a. ii. What are the elements of customer service?
Customer care
Front-line people
11. a. iii. Depict a model for translating needs into requirements?
Figure 3-8
11. a. iv. Write short notes on Maslows Hierarchy of Needs and Herzbergs
1. Survival
2. Security
3. Social
4. Esteem
5. Self-actualization
Motivators and Dissatisfiers'
11. a. v. Write ten conditions for selection and evaluation of suppliers? (5)
Page Number: 158
11. b. Discuss Continuous Process Improvement (Introduction, Process, I/O
Process Model, Improvement Strategies, Types of Problems, Shewhart Cycle,
Problem-Solving Method & Continuous Process Improvement Cycle with its
phases) in detail?
Introduction 12 points
Process Figure 5-1 with explanation & 5 basic ways to improve
Repair, Refinement, Renovation, Reinvention
Compliance, Unstructured, Efficiency, process design, Product design
Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle
Figure 5-4 : 7 phases
Phase 1: Identify the opportunity identify the problem, form the team, define the
Phase 2: analyze the current process develop a process flow diagram, define
target performance measures, gathering data
Phase 3: develop the optimal solution(s) - creativity
Phase 4: implement changes why, how, when, who, where
Phase 5: study the results
Phase 6: standardize the solution
Phase 7: plan for the future


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