Short Story

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Beware upon the hour of your death.

For, a long life filled with Purity and Justice can be tainted
with a moment of Herecy;

-First Grand Master, Maksimillian

With blood shot eyes Geoffery looks at the crowd. The pain in
his heart did not compare to the pain in his body. To the left, the
black hood of death. To the right, the defeated faces of brothers.
Through the busted ear drums he could still faintly hear the
The representative of the emperor slowly walked to him and
spoke to the crowd.
Citizens, and devout followers of Mogin! The emperor, true
desendant of God, has sentenced these animals to death! But
with true mercy, they are given one last opportunity to REPENT!
He turns to the condemned men, whispers to them repent
and your lives will be spared. With these words, through ears
that can no longer hear, and a mind that no longer comprehends
Geoffery stands up. Looking at the crowd speaks with a
thunderous voice.
I have something to confess!
The eager crowd pushed and shoved, each one wanting to
get closer and get a better view of the one who would repent.
I will not justify one lie with another. I lied and shamed
myself and my brothers to cease the pain. No longer will I do that!
Standing in front of you are innocent men condemned by a
traitorous emperor!
Listen carefully and take heart of what I say to you now.
God will avenge us and let evil befall those who have condemned
the innocent!
The unfaithful beast deserves to die! was heard from
someone on the crowd. With a mob mentality, all started to fling
stones at Geoffery and the other men.
As the men are led to the stake, Geofferys thoughts go back
to that morning. Their last meal, and last conversation. He
remembers the words of encouragement and the doubt in his

brothers voices. As the last Grand Master of the order of the

snake, all the responsibility fell on his shoulders. He was broken,
he had commited the ultimate sin and denied the truth. He could
not let the others see what had become of him. Fear not my
brothers, for God will hear the calls of those who have gone
before us, and today, God will exact vengeance on his enemies.
No man but HIM is invincible, no man can tolerate the torture we
have all been through and not break. We go to our deaths this
evening, and will be welcomed back home.
He looks up, the sun is near to setting. Knowing full well that
in a few moments, the only light to illuminate the darkness will be
the one from his burning corpse. He can only hope that finally, the
pain in his body will go away. The peace in his heart tells him it
will be ok and that everything will be different.
The hooded soldier ties the men to the poles. Under them,
hay is prepared to begin the clensing fire that will consume them.
Again, the representative speaks.
You have all seen and witnessed the venom coming from
the snakes mouth. The fangs which would consume you alive if
they were free. Tonight, we clense this world of the unholy spirit in
these men. If they are truly innocent, the fires will not consume
them and we will know that their words were true.
As the sun sets, the skies begin to darken. Not with clouds,
or the night sky. But with a shadow that covers the sun. Everyone
turned to the heavens. With fear in their eyes, the realization sank
in too late. Fire began to fall from the sky. With a prescicion that
can only come from the defenders of the weak and soldiers of
justice. Explosions hit everywhere and before long, only the
cpndemned men were left standing.
As the shadow got close, Geoffery could see that his rescuer
was a pale rider that dealt in death. On top of technology long
ago deemed extinct, the rider confronts Geoffery.
Geoffery Amenti, decendant of the great Maksimillian. You
have been broken and demed unworthy of leading the order in
your present form. You have been redeemed and soon, you will

become even greater. I am number 6, I am the justice your

brothers have been seeking.
Behind the pale rider, 5 more showed up. Glistening armor
reflecting off the sun. As one of them neared, he removed his
helmet and addressed him.
Amenti, from here on out, you will be the keeper of the
keys to where the sun sets and the gates of hell are located. Your
heart will know true innocence and your sword, true justice I
am number 2, I am the pestilence that befalls those who have
walked away from the light.
Dumbfounded, Geoffery was beginning to think that his
torture had screwed with his mind. Then another rode up. This
one much bigger than the rest.
I am number 3. Do not be afraid, I am the nightmare that
kills. The one that tortures and torments peoples hearts. You will
inherit the courage to outgrow the fear.
Soon, all were standing in front of Geoffery. Number 1, the
guardian of souls. Number 4 the dealer of fates. Number 5 spoke
up, Geoffery, I am the giver of grace. Throughout millennia we
have traveled this world, waiting for our final companion. You
have been chosen to be number 7. The dealer of death. You will
no longer have a place with this world. You will deal justice and
bring peace to the weak, and pain to the evil of this place.
In a sunset, Geoffery had gone from a dead man walking, to
the man dealing death. He was now, the answer to the innocent.
His body began to heal immediately and he would soon be given
his first task.

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