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What God inspires is what we believe.

We believe this to be a statement that both sides,

affirmative or negative, agree with and will hold at the center of our arguments. Why is it then,
that we have to prove womens equality with men in the body of Christ? Issues such as Gentile
worship, slavery, and circumcision are clearly dealt with in the writings of Peter, Paul, and John.
However, the forbidding of women in pastoral roles is never mentioned in the New Testament,
let alone the entire Bible. No text in the Bible exists that forbids womens ordination. In fact, the
Bible actually shows many women in many authoritative roles. Using the Bible as our guide, we
are brought to the lives of Deborah, Priscilla, and Phoebe, and many other women in major,
influential roles who God called and used for His gospel.
In order to fully understand the New Testament, we must look at the Old Testament as well to
show how interconnected the role of women in Gods service in present throughout the entire
Deborah, was a woman called by God to be His prophet for His people (men included), the
fourth Judge of Israel, counselor, and was also a fearless warrior who lead to Israelites to victory
over the Canaanites. In the New Testament, there is also Priscilla. Of the 6 times her name
appears in scripture, Priscilla, leader of a ministry team in Corinth, is referred to by Paul first,
before her husband, something extremely uncommon in any scriptural text. Phoebe, a woman
who Paul entrusted his letter to the church in Rome, (what we know today as scriptural text of
Romans), who Paul also instructed the church to accept as a deaconess in their church. In
addition to Priscilla and Phoebe, a woman mentioned Junia is mentioned in Romans 16:7. Paul
describes this womn as an outstanding "female apostle. In addition to these women, Philippians
4:2-3 refers to a group of women who labored side by side with Paul in his work for the gospel.
Aside from the lives of these important women, we must look at Pauls writings in Galatians
3:28: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and
female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. This verse not only does away with the Jewish
requirement for salvation, it clearly states equality of the sexes, male and female. This verse
shows equality of all. On his beliefs on womens ordination, Dr. Samuel Pipim states The New
Testament teaching of "the priesthood of all believers" suggests that women may be ordained as
elders or pastors. When correctly understood, Biblical texts (like 1 Timothy 2:11-15, 1
Corinthians 14:34, 35, etc.) that seem to preclude women from being in the church as elders or
pastors, are temporary restrictions that applied only to specific situations during New Testament
times. Every heresy comes from ignoring parts of Scripture, a friend of mine recently told me.
It's important to read Scripture in context as well as being aware of the presuppositions we bring
with us and sometimes read into the text.

And finally, in reference to unity in Christ, in Galatians 3:28, Paul states, There is neither Jew
nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in
Christ Jesus. AS MORGAN SAID

Therefore, just as there is no distinction between Jews and Gentiles, there is also no distinction
between men and women in the body of Christ. The gospel blatantly declares equality of the
sexes, unifying all people in Christ. Therefore, both men and women should be provided with
equal opportunities in the world and most certainly, the church.
Paul further proves the importance of unity in the Christian church in Ephesians 4:4-6, There is
one body and one Spiritjust as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call one
Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all.
Therefore, the gospel declares unity in the body of Christ. There is to be one body and one Spirit.
Paul is simply stating the general outlook on what God wants us to know and practice.
Now in Colossians 3:10-15 Paul continues to state that we have become a new body and new
person in Christ. It clarifies, you have now become a new person and are always learning more
about Christ. You are being made more like Christ. He is the One Who made you. There is no
difference in men in this new life. Greeks and Jews are the same. The man who has gone through
the religious act of becoming a Jew and the one who has not are the same. There is no difference
between nations. Men who are servants and those who are free are the same. Christ is everything.
He is in all of us.
Therefore, if we are made into a new person and become more like Christ, there is no difference
between man and woman. We are all equal in Gods eyes.
When he made Adam and Eve, he gave each of them different roles and opportunities. Adam had
the role in Genesis to help with the process of creating Eve, a woman. It says in Genesis 2:1823So the Lord God put the man to sleep as if he were dead. And while he was sleeping, He took
one of the bones from his side and closed up the place with flesh. The Lord God made woman
from the bone, which He had taken from the man. And He brought her to the man. 23 The man
said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She will be called Woman, because
she was taken out of Man.
God used both male and female to do his work in creation, therefore, he planned for his children
to do his will. Both male and female are able to actively serve the Lord by doing his will.
Gods ideal was what was before the fall EQAULITY
This was a huge thing for equality; headship a result of sin

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