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SPE 168126

Insights into the Process of Effectively Acidizing Naturally Fractured

Siroos Salimi, ENI Norge, Ali Ghalambor, Oil Center Research International, Hossein Hayer, IUST

Copyright 2014, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA, 2628 February 2014.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.


This paper presents the simulation results of acidizing process in naturally fractured reservoir
(NFR) by application of advanced numerical technique. Accurately predicting fracture and
matrix flow is often critical to assessing well productivity in naturally fractured reservoirs.
Fracturing with acid (usually hydrochloric acid [HCl]) is an alternative to propped fractures in
acid-soluble formations such as dolomites and limestones. Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) is a computational technology that enables study of the dynamics of materials that flow.
The CFD code is used to simulate the fluid flow through the fracture and matrix. The model is
based on coupled multiphysics phenomena such as Darcys law in porous media, reaction flow
equation for the fracture and fracture growth by acid dissolution. Reaction flow in the fracture is
controlled by diffusion and convection terms. The model simulates the impact of fracture
geometry, acid properties, fracture width, matrix permeability on the acidizing process.
The results show that diffusion and convection terms will control the transport of acid through
the fracture (as there are limits to this process). when the mass transfer coefficient (Kg) is
higher than 10e-5 m2/sec, the mechansim of acid trasnport will be controlled by convection
term on the fracture surface. Physically ,this means that acid transport to wall by diffussion
term is negligilble. When the fracture width is higher than 200 micron (0.00002 m), the acid
will react with the most of the surface of the fracture and it will be dissolved by acid
considerably. The mass transfer coefficient will also play an important role during acidizing
process as the results show. The results of this study were used as guidelines to design a
more effective acid job by predicting the acid penetration and acid volume for matrix acidizing
in naturally fractured reservoirs. Furthermore, the contrasts in job design for lithology of the
carbonate formation are also presented.

Solute transport of fluid in naturally fractured rock media is as important a process as transport
in porous media. Stimulation techniques can improve the flow potential for a damaged wellbore
area by acid injection. Acid injection can be designed at a pressure higher (acid fracturing) or
lower than reservoir pressure (matrix acidizing). Fracturing with acid (usually hydrochloric acid
[HCl]) is an alternative to propped fractures in acid-soluble formations such as dolomites and
limestones. Several acidizing models have been developed since 1970. The purpose of the

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calculations is to obtain the acid etched width, length, and conductivity. These models have
been developed for matrix acidizing and acid fracturing. Settari [1] developed a 2-D
model of acid fracturing that solves the equations across the fracture width. The model uses a
self similar velocity assumption, allowing the use of direct-velocity components from a
conventional 2D or 3D fracture model. For matrix acidizing, several models have been
developed which simulate an acid reaction transport through the matrix .
Dong, et al[2] presented and developed a model which illustrates a acid-reaction flow in a
naturally fractured formation when is treated with acid reaction at pressure below the fracturing
pressure. Their model includes bulk solution transport, acid transport and reaction, and also
the changes of fractures width by acid dissolution. The paper has applied an advanced
numerically technique computational fluid dynamic (CFD), in order to simulate an acidreaction flow through the naturally fractured reservoir. The model is based on dual porosity and
permeability and can simulate the fracture width, acid concentration, flow velocity, and
reservoir pressure.
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)

Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) is a state-of-the-art software for the solution of many
types of partial differential equations (PDEs), in both stationary and time-dependent states, by
numerical techniques. It is based on the finite volume/element methods for the spatial
CFD is a computational technology that enables study of the dynamics of materials that flow.
Using CFD, it is possible to build a computational model that represents a system or device.
This could be a Formula 1 car, where the impact of fluid flow over the surfaces of the car is
converted into down force, or it could be for reservoir or well flow prediction. The flow of fluid in
porous media and pipes and its restrictions are calculated and compared for different options.
The fluid flow physics and chemistry are applied to this virtual prototype, and the software will
output a prediction of the fluid dynamics and related physical phenomena. CFD has been
applied successfully in many industries and recently in the oil and gas industry.
Considerable technical papers presented the application of CFD for inflow well performance,
formation damage, completion design, fracturing, matrix acidizing and development of inflow
control device (ICDs)[3-9].
This paper is using Comsol package for numerical modeling. Comsol multiphysics, with its
powerful computational algorithms, its coupled-physics capabilities, its user friendly interface
and its outstanding graphics has the potential for becoming the software of choice in oil
Governing equations

Fracture flow Darcys law theory assumes that the variation of the velocity field when a
fluid passes a porous medium is caused by the fluid pressure gradient, viscosity and the
trajectory that the fluid travels through as given in below equation:

= ( + )

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Figure1. configuration of the model

In the above equation there is the fluid Darcy velocity, the porous medium permeability, the
fluid dynamic viscosity, the pressure gradient, the fluid density, the gravitational
acceleration, and the unit vector in the direction over which the gravity would take effect. In
this study, gravity effect has been ignored and therefore, the pressure gradient acts as the
sole source of brine movement in the core plug. Equation (1) is combined with the
continuity equation in Comsol to provide the generalized governing equation given by :

() + . ( + ) =


The in this equation represents the porous material porosity and Qm is a mass source
Since our simulations were carried out on the basis that the core was fully saturated prior to
flooding, a steady state solution with no flow accumulation was considered.
The fracture flow boundary condition feature contributes to the problem physics through
fracture flow interface of Comsol Multiphysics [11]. This interface uses tangential
derivatives to calculate the flow along the interior boundary representing the fracture within
the model.
Fracture flow interface uses a tangential form of Darcys law (equation 2):

= ( + )

The f subscript represents the fracture parameters, qf is the volumetric flow rate per unit
length of the fracture, df is the fracture aperture and T subscript indicates that the gradient
is measured on the tangential plane of the fracture. This equation, in combination with the
continuity equation, provides an identical governing equation similar to the Darcys law
governing equation as:

+ =
Fracture porosity ( ) has been calculated based on a slide fracture model concept (Van
Golf-Racht, 1982).

Acid transport flow

The CFD Module provides a fracture flow interface (either boundary condition or
stand-alone interface) on internal or external boundaries (2D or 3D)[12]. A weak
contribution simple model introduce that shows how to calculate the (faster) solute
transport on a fracture domain. Only the diffusion and convection contributions are
computed. The adsorption and dispersion on the fracture is straight forward and will be
added by another equation which will be presented in the following section.
Note that the convective contribution uses Darcy's velocities, variables dl.u and dl.v.The
solute transport interface solves the equation in the domain.

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+ ,

+ ,

+ . ( . ) = . , + , , c + +


If we consider diffusion and convection, so the solute transport equation will be simplified
to :
( )

+ ,

+ . ( . ) = . , + , , c + +


The velocity field u is imported from Darcys Law. We solve the convection in
conservative form.
Since the solute transport interface solves the equation in the domain, (but not on the
boundary fractures), then a weak contribution is added as a tangential solute transport
equation given by :

+ ( ) = , ,
It must be noted that a tangential derivatives is used and fracture thickness is added to
that. To obtain the weak expression, this equation must be multiply by the test function,
and then integrate on the surface and move all terms to the right hand side.
In our CFD model, the weak expression is given as:

0 = , , ( . ). .

The fracture depended-time function is represented by Dong et al.[2]:


+ 2 =


Where = gravimetric acid dissolving power, mass of dissolution/mass of acid

Km= matrix permeability, mD
= porosity
= fraction of leak-off acid that reacts with rock at fracture walls
= density of rock, g/cm3 (2.71 gr/cm3)

= porosity of the rock, fraction

C= the average acid concentration across the fracture width at the point (x, y, z)
Kg= the apparent mass-transfer coefficient (cm/sec)
Pr= initial reservoir pressure, psi
P= the pressure at the point (x, y, z), psi
wf= width of fracture, cm
= viscosity of acid, cp
Km= matrix permeability, mD
wm= distance from the centre of fracture to the well, cm
This equation describes that fracture growth while reaction process is depending on acid
properties such as concentration, acid dissolving power, matrix permeability and also mass
transfer coefficient. The impact of each parameter on the fracture growth mechanism while
acidizing process will be discussed in details in the simulation results .
CFD workflow

In the Model Builder window, every step of the modeling process, from defining global
variables to the final report of results, is displayed in the Model Tree. From top to bottom, the

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Model Tree defines an orderly sequence of operations. Model Tree is defined as:
Plot Groups

For example, the meshing of this model in 2D-view is shown in Figure 2. A very high
resolution meshing is applied for the fracture area. An unlimited number of meshing size is the
advantage of using CFD modules for a complex geometry such as fractured reservoirs. Of
course, the meshing size is limited by CPU processor where it could run the models.

Figure.2 Meshing of the model-very high resolution mesh in the fracture area

Simulation Results and Discussion

Concentration profile

Figures 3.A,B,C and D show that the concentration pattern of acid while is injected into
natural fractured as a function of time. In this study, HCl with different concentrations (528%) are simulated for 400 minutes. The results show that when fracture width is higher
than 20 micron most the acid will transport and reacts inside the fracture and not in the
matrix. This case has been investigated and experimentally confirmed by Dong et
al.(1999)[ 2] . These figures show that the acid will react considerably with the toe of the

Figure 3.A 2D view of Concentraion of acid (kg/m3)at time = 0 min

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Figure 3.B 2D view of Concentraion of acid at time = 20 min.

Figure 3.C 2D view of Concentraion of acid at time =220 min .

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Figure 3.D 2D view of Concentraion of acid at time =390 min.

When the fracture is less than 20 micron, the mechanism of reaction is most likely matrix
acidizing and wormhole is created along the fracture surface. Acid fracturing will be the main
mechanism of reaction when fracture width is higher than 200 micron.

Fracture growth as fucntion of Time

CFD-Multiphysics treats simulations that involve multiple physical models or multiple

simultaneous physical phenomena. In this paper, CFD is combining reaction-kinetic
with darcys law and also fracture growth dynamic. Multiphysics typically involves
solving coupled systems of partial differential equations.
our physical simulations involve coupled systems, such as chemical reaction and
pressure and velocity for porous media and fracture growth function.
The simulation results for fracture growth funcation are given in Figures 4.A,B,C and D.

Figure 4.A 2D view of fracture growth while acid reaction, at time= 0 min.

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Figure 4.B 2D view of fracture growth while acid reaction at time=20 min.

Figure 4.C A fracture growth while acid reaction at time= 60 min.

The results clearly show how the fracture is developed during chemical reaction of Acid with

Figure 4.D fracture growth while acid reaction at time= 340 min.

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Figure 5 shows the effect of acid concentration on the fracture growth while acidizing.
The initial fracture aperture is given 500 micron ( i.e 0.0005 m) in the model. All reservoir input
and injection pressure values are assumed constant.

Figure 5 numerical simulation results of CFD model-fracture width vs.time

It can be seen from simulation results (Figure 5) that higher concentration of HCl acid is
significantly improved the growth of the fracture. In this case, fracture size is changed from 500
to 850 micron. It means that more volumes of acid react faster than with the fracture and will
effectively increase it. It should be noted that when using acid concentration as a parameter
to study the effectiveness of acidizing, there is a limit to the increases in acid concentration.
The higher than necessary acid concentrations will be counter productive in acidizing process
and can have the opposite effect. This model has been simulated only for 400 minutes and the
effect of the higher acid dissolution on longer time treatments can not been captured.
Plotting of the fracture width vs. time shows a very interesting and simple approach as an
analytical model for prediction of fracture growth without running the CFD model. Figure 6 a
semi-log scale plot of the fracture width vs.time of reaction.

Figure 6. compare numerical simulation results with analytical approach.


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This figure shows that our simulation model is following a correlation which is defined as:
= . + ,
= 59,93. 1.53


Where , = gravimetric acid dissolving power and , is intial fracture order to find
cooeficient in this equation, first the simulation results of CFD model is plotted and then a
mathematic curve fitting is applied to find coefficient . By finding some points for, then it
( ) will be plotted vs. dissoliving power of HCl acid (Figure 7) .

Figure 7. Curve fitting model, coefficinet () vs. acid dissolving power

It has to be noted that this approach requires the CFD output results to obtain correlation
between fracture width and reacted time. For example, we have solved numerically (by CFD
model) for 5, 10, 15, and 20 % HCl respectively . Then, a linear correlation model is extracted
by plotting vs.dissolving power. This correlation is used to predict fracture growth for 28%
HCl. Figure 6 illustrates the results and behavior of CFD model has a very match and
comparable with analytical approach.

Mass-transfer coefficient

Our simulation results show the mass-transfer coefficient (kg)is an important parameter which
is needed for modeling of acidizing treatment.

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Figure 8. Numerical simulation results showingthe effcet of mass-transfer coefficient

Figure 8. shows the CFD results of the effect of different mass-transfer coeffiecient on
reaction-transport flow . when the Kg is higher than 10e-5 m2/sec, the mechansim of acid
trasnport will be controlled by convection term on the fracture surface. Physically ,this means
that acid transport to wall by diffussion term is negligilble .These simulation results are
completely comparable with laboratory studied which has been investigated by Settari et al[ 1].


The following conclusions are drawn from this work through the application of CFD to
study the acidizing process in the natrally fractured reservoirs. The developed CFD
model in this study is based on coupling of multiphysics phenomena which are Darcys
law, reaction transport, and also fracture growth by acid dissolution.
1. The developed CFD model in this study can predict fracture width, acid concentration,
pressure, velocity as function of time.
2. The mechanism of acid reaction on the fracture surface is completely depending on the
fracture width and type, and concentration of the acid.
3. When the fracture width is higher than 200 micron, the acid reaction will be fast and it
will react more with the surface of the fracture and acidizing process will effectively
increase the fracture width.
4. The

mass-transfer coefficient(kg) is an important parameter which is needed for

modeling of acidizing treatment. When the Kg is higher than 10e-5 m2/sec, the
mechansim of acid trasnport will be controlled by convection term on the fracture


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Eni Norge and especially Yngve Brynjulfsen are highly acknowledged for permission to
publish this work.

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