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International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences

Vol. 3, No.10; October 2013

Organizational Culture, Leadership Style Influence on Organizational

Commitment and Performance of Teachers

Eka Afnan Troena2, Noermijati2

Student Program of Economy Faculty and Business Brawijaya University, East
Java, Indonesia, 2Postgraduate Lecturer Program of Economy Faculty and Business Brawijaya
University, East Java, Indonesia

Purpose of this study to analyze the direct and indirect effects of organizational culture and
leadership style on organizational commitment and performance of private senior high
school teachers of Malang town. Sampling technique using proportional random sampling.
Number of samples obtained by the 158 respondents. Analysis techniques using path
analysis. The test results of directly influence showed that leadership style affects the
organizational culture, organizational culture influence organizational commitment,
leadership style influence on organizational commitment, organizational culture affect
teacher performance, and leadership styles affect the performance of teachers. Test result of
indirect effect that organizational culture affect teacher performance through organizational
commitment, and leadership styles affect the performance of teachers through
organizational commitment.
Keywords: Organizational culture, leadership style, organizational commitment, teacher
1. Preface
According Maklassa (2012), the quality of education in Indonesia today is still lagging behind
compared to other ASEAN countries especially in European countries. Principal PT urban
Indonesia Ridwan Kamil said the quality of education in Indonesia is not better than other
developing countries. Based on data from UNESCO in education for all global monitoring
report 2011 states Indonesian educational development index (EDI) came in at 69 out of 127
countries. This index decreased compared to the position in 2010 which puts Indonesia at
rank 65. EDI position of Indonesia in 2011 is lower than Brunei Darussalam, who finished
34th and Malaysia, who finished 65th (Subiyanto, 2012). Accordance with Indonesian law
number 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers stated that teachers and lecturers has
the function, role, and a very strategic position in the national development in the field of
education. This suggests that the quality of education in Indonesia depends on the role of
teacher. The role of the teacher is very important in shaping the quality of human resources
was required to carry out this task in a professional manner.
Teachers work can be seen at the end of the test scores of students. In the town of Malang
graduation rate in 2012 increased compared to 2011 for the senior high school level.
Graduation in 2011 reached 99.74% of the participants who took the national exam 14,153
students and there are 33 students who did not pass, which consists of 10 students from
state SMK, 9 students of private vocational schools, 3 state senior high school students, and
11 private high school students. Senior high school graduation in 2012 reached 99.98% of
the participants who took the national exam 14,203 students, 21 graduate students who do
not come from one of the private vocational students, 3 students of private MA (Madrasah
Aliyah), and 17 students of a private high school. But the failure rate is dominated private
school. In terms of graduation rates, although not yet reached 100% graduation rate, but the

International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences

Vol. 3, No.10; October 2013

city of Malang managed to increase the graduation rate. When seen from the results of
national test scores as East Java, the average rank for the Malang city's decline in 2012. In
2011, the average value for Malang city high school is ranked 33 out of 38 cities / districts of
East Java, but in 2012, it dropped to rank 35 of the 39 cities / districts of eastern Java or
fourth from the bottom.
Increasing the number of unsuccessful private high school in 2011 and 2012 showed that the
performance of private school teachers declined. Need for integration between all parties,
both from the students themselves, families of students, and the school. Performance of
teachers in the profession determines the quality of education in Indonesia. If teacher
performance is low, the quality of education in Indonesia is also low.
Commitment of teachers in private high schools in the Malang city especially is very
important. This is due to the salary received by a private high school teacher in the town of
Malang was not received salaries for public school teachers. Mental commitments owned
private school teachers are expected to succeed in school and of the students, in addition,
could print high-quality human resources. Decline in the performance of the private high
school teacher must also draw the attention of the school principal as a leader in the
organization. Principals leadership role in improving the performance of teachers and staff
is critical to the success of schools, teachers, and learners. Principal as a leader in an
educational institution that the school was also has an important role on the effectiveness of
the organization. Principals have a role in assessing teacher performance and competency of
teachers. To achieve organizational effectiveness, principals need to pay more attention to
the teacher to be able to improve the performance and competence. Leadership is called
transformational leadership.
Hamid Muhammad, Director General of the Ministry of Education secondary education and
culture of Indonesia, said that if the school wants to be winning is a matter of leadership and
teacher resources. Facilities can be found but school leadership and teachers
professionalism should really reliable (Cahyo, 2012). If a principal can influence teachers well
so that nurture the soul the teacher's commitment to self and produce satisfactory
performance, the principal may be said to succeed as a leader.
In the middle of the performance degradation issues and competition among school
teachers are increasingly competitive, especially among private high schools and state high
school, according to transformational leadership should be applied. Transformational
leadership means inspiring teachers to put aside their personal interests and leaders have a
remarkable ability to affect. This leadership style brings tremendous influence on
subordinates, so that if implemented in schools in a situation like this should support the
school in the direction to bring change for the better.
Factors that determine organizational commitment and teachers' performance lies not only
in leadership, but the culture in the school also helped determine the level of commitment
and performance of the teachers. culture is the values of the pattern of basic assumptions
that are believed by the leaders and members and shape the culture, the values and then
used as a basis for solving the problem. Minimum amount of salary received private high
school teacher in the town of Malang, school culture is largely a factor to be able to retain
teachers in the school with all devotion.
Many studies that discuss the relation with the performance commitment. two variables are
not a few who produce that organizational commitment has a relationship to performance,
but there are also studies that generate organizational commitment no relationship with
performance. On research Yousef (2000) showed that the effect of organizational

International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences

Vol. 3, No.10; October 2013

commitment to performance. Different from the results of the study Huey Y. Lee and Ahmad
(2009) found that organizational commitment was significantly related to job satisfaction,
but not on employee performance. Acar (2012) study showed that leadership style has a
positive and significant impact on organizational commitment. Different from the results of
research Utaminingsih (2009). Utaminingsih research findings indicate that leadership style
had no effect on organizational commitment. A significant difference between leadership
style with performance. The results of this study are shown by Limsila & Stephen (2008).
Different from the results of research Moeljanto (2009) which showed that the leadership
did not significantly influence employee performance. The research results of Tang (2011)
suggests that organizational culture affects leadership style. It is contrary to the results of
research Lumbanraja (2009) which showed that leadership style does not affect the
organization's culture.
The problems and research gaps mentioned above, interesting to examine the
influence of organizational culture and leadership style on organizational commitment and
teacher performance.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Previous research
Principal transformational leadership is expected to bring tremendous influence on teachers
so that teachers feel at home in the private high schools city of Malang. research Tang
(2011) and Suryo (2010) showed that there is a positive relationship between
transformational leadership style and school culture. Different results shown by Lumbanraja
study (2009) that leadership style had no effect on the organization's culture.
Members of the organization who like culture in an organization, then the member
organization will tend to remain in the organization. Organizational culture to determine the
commitment of members of the organization can realize the vision and mission of the
organization (Elzbieta Sikorska-Simons, 2005), Lumbanraja (2009), Domiri (2001).
Organizational culture that can make members comfortable to support member
organizations to produce high performance. As shown in the research of Suryo (2010),
Mariam (2009), Xenikou and Simosi (2006) that organizational culture and a significant
positive effect on employee performance.
Research Acar (2012), Zehir et al (2012), Domiri (2001), Desianty (2005) suggests that
leadership style has positive and significant impact on organizational commitment.
Leadership style also determines the work that has been accomplished (Limsila & Stephen,
2008), Munawarah (2011), Mariam (2009).
2.2 Theory study
Ivancevich, et al (2006) defines culture what is perceived as an employee and how that
perception creates a pattern of beliefs, values and expectations. Robbins and Timothy
(2008) explained that organizational culture refers to a system of shared meaning held by
members that distinguishes the organization from other organizations. In other words,
cultural provide identity for its members. Robbins and Timothy found seven main
characteristics are the essence of the overall culture of the organization, namely; innovation
and courage to take risks, attention to the details, results orientation, people orientation,
team orientation, aggressiveness and stability. Organizational culture can enhance employee
commitment and a positive relationship with performance (Robbins and Timothy, 2008),


International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences

Vol. 3, No.10; October 2013

Newstrom and Keith Davis (2002), Schein (Yuki, 1998) explained that leaders have the
greatest potential to embed and reinforce cultural aspects there.
Robbins and Timothy (2008) defines leadership as the ability to influence a group in order to
achieve a vision or set of goals. Luthans (1992) defines leadership style as a way of leader
influencing his fellow. Robbins and Timothy (2008) suggests that transformational leadership
is the type of leader who directs or motivate their followers in the goals set.
Transformational leadership style is a style of leadership that led to the change for the
better. This leadership style inspires his followers to put aside personal interests for the sake
of realizing common interest (the organization). According to Luthans (1992) that
transformational leadership style towards a high performance organization that demands to
do a change for the better. Transformational leadership has four factors, namely; (1)
Idealized influence. on this dimension leaders foster a sense of pride, trust, respect and
confidence in followers (Robbins & Timothy, 2008; Schermerhorn et al, 1991). (2)
Inspirationl motivation. Leaders motivate subordinates by creating high expectations,
exemplifies proper conduct and states the key goals are simple (Robbins & Timothy, 2008;
Clegg et al, 1999). (3) Intellectual motivation. Leaders trying to encourage subordinates to
develop new ideas to solve problems carefully (Robbins & Timothy, 2008; Schermerhorn et
al, 1991). (4) Individualized consideration. Leaders foster the spirit of learning, treating each
individual subordinates, and assign responsibility (Robbins & Timothy, 2008; Schermerhorn
et al, 1991; Clegg et al, 1999).
Mathis and Jackson (2004), Robbins and Timothy (2008) define organizational commitment
with the extent to which employees believe and accept organizational goals and desire to
stay with the organization. Meyer and Allen (1991) suggests that there are three
components of organizational commitment, namely the first, affective commitment. This
commitment occurs when employees want to be part of the organization because of the
emotional attachment. Second, continuance commitment. Commitment occurs when
employees remain in an organization because it takes a salary and other benefits, or
because the employee did not find another job. Third, normative commitment.
commitments arising from the values in the employee. Newstrom and Keith Davis (1989)
argues that there are positive and negative effects of organizational commitment. Positive
impact resulting performance is high, while the negative impacts are employees able to do
things that are illegal in the name of the organization. This needs to be looked at to know
the characteristics of each individual.
Performance is everything produced in the course of employment (Bernardin & Russell,
1993; Jex, 1998). Government regulations number 74 of 2008 concerning the teacher, the
teacher performance is defines the result of the assessment process and the work
accomplished teachers in performing their duties. If performance is associated with the
world of education, it means how well the performance of the work of teachers in producing
graduates or issued in accordance with needs beyond. By Peraturan (regulation) Menteri
Negara Indonesia Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara and Reformasi Birokrasi No. 16 in 2009,
assessment of teacher performance was assessment of each grain the main task activities of
the teacher in order of rank career coaching and position. The Indonesian republic law No.
14 of 2005 concerning teacher and lecturer mentioned that one of the qualifications to be a
teacher is qualified competencies to achieve educational goals. Competence is pedagogical,
personality, social and professional. The fourth competency is integrated in teacher


International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences

Vol. 3, No.10; October 2013

3. Research Method
This study is a quantitative research to explanation approach, that is research model which
aims to determine the relationship between the exist variables. Object of research
conducted in the private high school city of Malang. Criteria for samples taken in this study
are as follows:
Permanent teacher status teacher who has taught more than 1 year.
Not a new teacher joined the school.
Measurement variables using 1-5 Likert scale, ranging from statements 'strongly disagree' to
'strongly agree'. Sampling was using proportionate random sampling. Samples procured and
deserves to be tested further as many as 158. Analysis tools were used in this research is the
analysis of path with SPSS for windows.
3.1 Research hypothesis
H1: Leadership style (X2) influence on organizational culture (X1)
H2: Influence of organizational culture (X1) on organizational commitment (Y1)
H3: Leadership style (X2) influence on organizational commitment (Y1)
H4: Influence of organizational culture (X1) on teacher performance (Y2)
H5: Leadership style (X2) influence on teacher performance (Y2)
H6: Organizational commitment (Y1) influence on teacher performance (Y2)
H7: Organizational culture (X1) influence on teacher performance (Y2) through organization
commitment (Y1)
H8: Leadership style (X2) influence on teacher performance (Y2) through organizational
commitment (Y1)
4. Result
4.1 Analysis Result of Descriptive Statistic
Based on the mean value (3.85) of respondents answer of overall indicator variables in the
organizational culture above suggests that according to private school teachers the city
Malang that organizational culture is important to be able to create a comfortable working
atmosphere. The highest average value found in indicators of innovation and courage to
take risks (X1.1), is 4.34. This means that a culture of innovation and courage to take risks is
crucial to the success of an organization, especially school organization. Due to the presence
of a culture can create a variety of teaching methods that can facilitate students to
understand the lessons easily.
The mean value of the variable leadership style is at 4.02 in the area are 'good / high'. This
suggests that the rate of principal transformational leadership of private high school of
Malang city is high. The highest mean value contained in the indicator inspirational
motivation (X2.2) with a mean value of 4:09. Principal inspiration to be motivated to
perform tasks and duties well.
Indicators on organizational commitment variables have an average value of 3.60 is in the
area of 'high'. Means that private school teachers Malang town has a high organizational
commitment. When seen in the mean magnitude of the variable of organizational
commitment, affective commitment (3.97) showed a greater mean number. It can be
concluded that organizational commitment owned by private high school teacher Malang
city is affective commitment, teachers decided to continue to be in school where the
teacher works because of the emotional ties, teachers feel happy to be in the school.


International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences

Vol. 3, No.10; October 2013

Overall performance indicators (Y2) produces mean value of 3.74 which is in the area of
'high'. The mean value of the respondents' answers are at greatest indicator of social
competence (Y2.3) of 3.81 is in the area of 'high'. This suggests that the communication
between teachers is important to develop a good knowledge of the students and the
teaching methods used. This is necessary for self-development to achieve optimum
performance. Lowest mean value found in professional competence (Y2.4) of 3.66. This
mean value is in the area of 'high'. This indicates that the professional competence of
teachers of private high school of Malang town although there are some teachers who do
not avail themselves of information technology for the development of the teacher
4.2 Path analysis result
4.2.1 Goodness of Fit Model Path Test
Goodness of fit model path in this research only obtained 0.223. Means that the diversity of
data that can be explained by the path analysis model of 0.223 or 22.3%. Or in other words,
22.3% can be explained by the path analysis model, while the remaining 77.7% is explained
by other variables not included in the above model.
4.2.2 Results of Hypoyhesis Test
The following statistical results presented images direct influence of variable
organizational culture, leadership style, organizational commitment and teacher
= 0.264


p= 0.000
= 0.208


p= 0.003

= 0.239

p= 0.008

= 0.206

= 0.264
p= 0.000


p= 0.009
= 0.219

p= 0.003

Figure 4.1 Coefficients of path model

Based on figure 4.1 above it can be concluded that there is a direct influence between the
variables of organizational culture, leadership style, organizational commitment, and teacher
The results of the test statistic indirect effect are presented in Table 4.1 below.


International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences

Vol. 3, No.10; October 2013

Table 4.1
Path coefficients of direct and indirect influence of variables X1, X2, Y1, and Y2
Variable Effect Directly
Indirectly (Through Y1) Total






0.208 x 0.264 = 0.055

0.206 x 0.264 = 0.054


Source: Primary data be treated, 2013

Based on table 4.1 above, the magnitude of the total effect of organizational culture on
teacher performance greater than total indirect effect through organizational commitment
(0.472) than the direct effect (0.264). In line with the organization's culture, the magnitude
total influence of leadership styles greater than total indirect effect through organizational
commitment (0.470) than the direct effect (0.219).
5. Discussion
Statistical results showed that the correlation between the variables of leadership style and
organizational culture is positive and significant. Means that the better private school
principal city of Malang in using his power the better the culture in the school. Thus, the
hypothesis H1 is accepted. The results of this study support the theory put forward by Schein
(Yuki, 1998) and the results of Tang (2011) and Suryo (2010).
Statistical results showed that organizational culture and a significant positive effect on
organizational commitment private school teachers of Malang city. The better the culture
that created the private high school city of Malang will increase the commitment of teachers
in those school. Thus hypothesis H2 is accepted. The results of this study support the theory
of Robbins and Timothy (2008), Newstrom and Keith Davis (2002) and supports the research
results of Elzbieta Sikorska-Simons (2005), Lumbanraja (2009) and Domiri (2001).
The results of this study indicate that the culture in the private high school city of Malang
can produce affective commitment of teachers. this needs to be maintained to keep and
increase the affective commitment of teachers in order to produce optimal performance.
Statistical results showed that leadership style and a significant positive effect on
organizational commitment of private high school teacher in the town of Malang. The better
the private high school principal's leadership style of Malang town, the more it will increase
teachers' commitment to remain at the school. That hypothesis H3 is accepted. The results
of this study support the theory proposed by Robbins and Timothy (2008) and the results of
Acar (2012), Zehir et al (2012), Domiri (2001) and Desianty (2005). In the current
circumstances, competition among private high schools and public, using transformational
leadership style was able to create commitment within the teachers to devote themselves in
school. Thus, is expected to bring changes in private high schools of Malang town towards
much better and be able to compete with other schools, both private and public.
Statistical results show that there is a positive and significant direct effect of organizational
culture on the performance of private school teachers of Malang town. The better the
organizational culture that is in private high school of town Malang, the better the level of
teacher performance. The H4 hypothesis is accepted. The results of this study support the

International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences

Vol. 3, No.10; October 2013

theory proposed by Robbins and Timothy (2008), and Newstrom and Keith Davis (2002), and
research results from Suryo (2010), Mariam (2009), Xenikou and Simosi (2006). Culture that
is able to produce high performance at a private high school of town Malang is an important
thing to be kept. Due to the presence of school culture that supports teachers to continue to
always generate creative ideas, especially in the teaching and learning activities, will bring
the school to be able to compete with other schools are both schools in the Malang city itself
and the existing schools outside Malang.
Statistical results showed that the private high school principal's leadership style of Malang
town was positive direct effect and significant on the teacher performance. Means that the
principal use of transformational leadership style, the better the resulting performance of
teachers. Thus, H5 hypothesis is accepted. The results of this study support the theory
proposed by Robbins and Timothy (2008), Luthans (1992) and the results of the research
Limsila and Stephen (2008), Munawarah (2011), Mariam (2009). School leadership is an
important factor affecting the performance of teachers. The most dominant factor in the
leadership style of the principal Malang city's private high school is inspirational motivation.
Private school teachers of Malang city assume that the principal as the inspiration for the
always eager to carry out the task as well as possible.
Statistical results showed that the organizational commitment has positive effect and
significant on the performance of private school teachers of Malang town. Meaning that the
higher the level of commitment of the private high school teacher of Malang town to school,
then the resulting performance will be the better teacher. Thus, the H6 hypothesis is
accepted. The results of this study support the theory proposed by Robbins and Timothy
(2008), Luthans (1992), Newstrom and Keith Davis (1989), and the results of Yousef (2000),
Domiri (2001), Yetti (2008), and Dewi (2006). Private school teachers of Malang town the
longer working at the school where the teacher works, it will produce a high performance.
Due to increased teacher professionalism.
Calculation results show that organizational culture affects the performance of the private
high school teacher of Malang city through organizational commitment. Means that the
culture in the private high school of city Malang if created properly, it will result in the
teacher's commitment to remain at the school so the teacher will increase the performance.
The results of this study support the research of Domiri (2001).
Calculation results indicate that the leadership style effect on the performance of private
school teachers of Malang town through organizational commitment. The positive influence.
Better use of school principals in leadership style, it will improve the performance of
teachers with high teacher commitment followed. Private school principal of city of Malang
at least make the teacher to remain in the school if the school expects teachers to produce
good performance or high. The results of this study support the research of Zehir et al
6. Research Constraints
The following limitations of this study:
This study did not look at private schools which are successful and are still processes to
be successful, because by looking at the difference in the success of decisive leadership
style should be used.
This study did not specify the length of the school standing, because the view is
supposed to define culture in schools.


International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences

Vol. 3, No.10; October 2013

This study only discusses the influence of leadership style on organizational culture, do
not discuss the influence of organizational culture on leadership styles.

7. Conclusion
Based on the analysis of the previous discussion, it can be concluded as follows:
1. Leadership style directly affects positively and significantly to the culture of the
organization. Leadership style that includes transformational leadership style can
influence organizational culture that exist in the private high schools of city Malang. The
better the school principal used his power to manage the school, the better the culture
or atmosphere created.
2. Organizational culture was positive and significant direct effect on organizational
commitment private school teachers of Malang city. The better the culture that created
the private high schools of city Malang, the more it will increase the commitment of
teachers to keep the schools serve.
3. Leadership style directly affects positively and significantly related to organizational
commitment. Transformational leadership style used principal was result in teachers'
commitment to serve in the school.
4. Organizational culture was directly influence positively and significantly on the
performance of private school teachers of Malang city. Working atmosphere affect the
work of teachers in performing their duties and obligations so that it will also have an
impact on the success of the students and the school itself.
5. Principal's leadership style has positive and significant direct effect on the performance
of private school teachers of Malang city. The better the transformational leadership the
principal teacher performance will increase. Especially in motivating teachers to continue
to produce high performance.
6. Organizational culture has indirect effect on performance through organizational
commitment private school teachers of Malang city. If high school teachers expect
performance, creating a culture that can make teachers feel at home in the school so
that the teachers are willing to spend the rest of his career at the school.
7. Leadership style has indirect effect on the performance of private school teachers of
Malang city through organizational commitment. Principal's leadership style can be said
to influence the teachers' performance through organizational commitment. The better
the principals in charge of a school teacher, then the performance will increase with
increasing commitment by teachers at the school.
8. Suggestion
For schools
Overall, organizational culture, leadership style, and organizational commitment is to
support teachers to continue to improve performance regardless of the amount of salary
earned. Performance of private school teachers of Malang city so far has been good, but
need to be improved and maintained to prevent the escalation of school failure and setbacks
school itself due to intense competition among high schools both private and public high
school with. principal as a leader, are expected to always provide motivation by being a good
role model for teachers and learners. For example, is always the spirit of duty, come to
school on time, etc.


International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences

Vol. 3, No.10; October 2013

For next researcher

This study did not examine the influence of organizational culture on leadership
styles. So that future studies are expected to discuss the issue and analysis tools are used
SEM (Structural Equation Model). Future studies can also add other variables such as
motivation, job satisfaction, and so forth to get the best model. Future studies may choose a
more specific object of study.
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