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Page 3 Foreword
Page 4 Year Ahead
Page 5 The Team
Page 8 Greetings
Page 16 2007 Highlights
Page 17 Successes
Page 18 Events
Page 23 SME Circle
Page 26 Events
Page 36 From the Office
Page 38 SME UNION Map
Page 39 SME UNION Members
Page 40 Organizational Chart & Statutes
Page 41 Finances & Gratitutes
Page 42 Stagiaires & Team

Dear Members of the SME UNION, dear Members of the SME Circle, dear Friends and Partners of the SME UNION family!

T he SME UNION, the business organi-

zation of the European People’s Party
tion and training) and achieved the adoption of an additional 800
million EUR for 2007-2013 and an additional 100 million EUR for
looks back at a very successful year 2007. Lifelong Learning Program.
Please allow me to draw your attention to
some of the SME UNION successes of the On the other hand, new tasks are arising to make our small and
past year: We started 2007 with our offi- medium sized companies ready for the challenges of globalization.
cial request to cut the administrative bur- Topics like climate change, a more competitive EU energy market,
den for SMEs by 25 percent until 2010. energy efficiency programs for SMEs or cross border health servic-
This will lead to an increase of European es or an EU-wide Small Business Act will be issues which SME
Christoph Leitl
GDP of 1.5 percent and would boost UNION will tackle in 2008.
President growth and innovation in Europe. We were
able to discuss our ideas personally with We will fight for better framework conditions for SMEs and will start
SME Commissioner Günter Verheugen. supporting our member organizations for the upcoming European
Parliament elections 2009.
The SME UNION completed in 2007 a lot of urgent missions to
help SMEs across the European Union to get started and to grow: The SME UNION set up a “Low” Level Group to fight admin-
istrative burdens: As regards the cutting of red tape, the SME
De-minimis threshold has been extended from 100.000 to UNION installed an expert group of real entrepreneurs which will
200.000 EUR. The increase of the de-minimis-limit for national suggest concrete and practicable measures how to reduce bureau-
funding to 200.000 EUR is a huge success for SMEs which allows cracy. The European Commission has set up a “High Level Expert
national aids up to that amount in a three-year-period to be grant- Group on Administrative Burdens”. There are no real entrepreneurs
ed without permission from Brussels. That means less bureaucra- in this expert group and no representatives from our new member
cy and quick and easy help. countries from Eastern Europe. Our group will be therefore rather
“low” on the real working level and down to earth. It will consist of
The new pilot project ERASMUS for young entrepreneurs can small and medium entrepreneurs who have suffered from bureau-
bring SMEs a great step forward and foster the entrepreneurial spir- cratic obstacles first-hand. We will present the results after 6
it of young European businesspeople. The launch of the European months in June 2008 and will not spend millions of EUR for con-
Commission’s new program end of 2007 also means a big success sultants. They will be able to speak from their own experience.
for the SME UNION as we have already demanded a real exchange
program for employers and entrepreneurs in our 10m+ Program in Looking at the year 2008, our topic of the year will be the
March 2006 asking the Commission to become active. “European Small Business Act: answer to globalization – foster-
ing the EU internal market”. The SME UNION urges the European
The SME UNION demanded extended finance for the Commission to propose a Small Business Act (SBA) in order to
Competitiveness and Innovation Program (CIP) for SMEs. address the concerns of SMEs in Europe.
Success: An additional 400 million EUR in the budget and 1 billion
EUR from European Investment Bank were reserved for the CIP. All these successes and our work could not have been achieved
without the support of our members, partners, friends, our team
The SME UNION fought for a quick implementation of the Joint and the SME Circle. The SME UNION expresses its great apprecia-
European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises initia- tion to our network for the support 2007. Let us continue to pur-
tive (JEREMIE) which was implemented on January 1, 2007. sue our common goals with joint forces.
JEREMIE promotes increased access to finance for the develop-
ment of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the regions Yours truly,
of the EU.

The SME UNION demanded an increase in funding for LEONARDO Christoph Leitl
(EU program for transnational work placements, vocational educa- President


Dear Members and Partners of the SME UNION, dear friends of SMEs,

I t is my pleasure to present you the

SME UNION Annual Report 2007.
Topic of 2008: EU Small Business Act
The SME UNION topic of the year 2008 will be “European
We all had a very dynamic year 2007 Small Business Act: answer to globalization – fostering the
with 34 events – 16 parliamentary EU internal market“. Binding guidelines and provisions tai-
working breakfasts and luncheons and lored especially for SMEs should draw together different
18 international conferences. We pub- existing provisions and introducing new ones for small busi-
lished three paper publications as well nesses in various policies and laws with the aim of reducing
as 9 electronic SME information administrative burdens for SMEs, increasing their participa-
Patrick Voller newsletters. 22 press releases on key tion in EU programmes, insuring their share in public pro-
Secretary General issues related to EU small businesses curement, easier access to standardization and reducing
supported our policy activities. obstacles to cross-border trade.
Throughout the year we were honored
to welcome several key personalities at our SME UNION Strong team ready for 2009
events such as Commission Vice-President Verheugen, I seize this opportunity to say once more thank you to our for-
Commissioners Reding and Kuneva, Maltese Prime Minister mer Head of Office Barbara Schweighofer for her great work
Gonzi and the Romanian Prime Minister Tariceanu, just to and dedication during the last three years in our team in
name a few. Brussels. In mid 2007 Barbara Schweighofer handed the SME
UNION office key over to our new Head of Office Barbara
President Leitl re-elected in Berlin Frontini Bizjak from Slovenia who has already proven that she
On May 11 the SME UNION General Assembly was held in as well will be a great support for the SME UNION family.
Berlin. President Christoph Leitl, Co-President Peter Jungen Furthermore we are very happy to welcome Cleopatra Rusu
and the six Vice-Presidents were reelected to lead the small in our SME UNION headquarters as our new Political Adviser.
business organization of the European People’s Party in the With a strong reelected and reinforced Presidency team after
coming two years. New in our team are Bulgarian MP and our General Assembly in Berlin and with new (wo)man-power
former Foreign Minister Nadezhda Mihaylova, MEP and EPP in the secretariat we are on all levels prepared to fight for suc-
Vice-President Corien Wortmann-Kool as new SME Women cessful 2009 elections to the European Parliament.
President, Bulgarian MP and former EP Observer Maria
Cappone, Romanian PNTCD President Marian Petre Milut, I conclude by thanking all of our members, partners, sup-
MEP Philip Bushill-Matthews as Coordinator of the EP porters and friends all over Europe. The information events,
Employment and Social Affairs Committee and MEP Jean- legislative lobbying activities, political campaigns and work-
Paul Gauzès as SME Start-up President from the French shops we organized together were important to put into
UMP. action our common goals and values. The SME UNION is
here to serve you, our members and partners. In our daily
Entrepreneurship Award to Verheugen work we put service on top of our agenda, but only togeth-
Another highlight of 2007 was the Annual SME UNION er we will accomplish the highest impact.
Political Entrepreneurship Award Ceremony on “How to
make Europe more Entrepreneurial” held in November With my best wishes, yours
2007. The Award was given to European Commission Vice-
President Günter Verheugen, not only as a sign of apprecia-
tion for all of his efforts concerning SMEs but also to encour-
age him to continue his work and to support all those who Patrick Voller
are standing behind this process of change. Secretary General


President Honorary Presidents

Jacques SANTER, (LUX)
Christoph LEITL, (AUT)
President of the SME UNION (2003-2005)
President of Eurochambres from 2002 to 2005. He studied eco-
Member of European Parliament (1999-2004)
nomics in Linz. In 1982 Christoph Leitl started his political career
President of the European Commission (1995-1999)
as chairman of the "Young Industry Austria". In the regional gov-
President of the European People’s Party (1987-1990)
ernment of Upper Austria he was in charge of economics, tourism,
Member of European Parliament (1975-1979)
technology, energy, vocational training, regional planning and
Vice-President of the European Parliament (1975-1977)
Europe. From 1995 – 2000 Christoph Leitl was deputy governor
and treasurer of Upper Austria and in the same period he was
Born on 18 May 1937, Wasserbillig
member of the Committee of the Regions, (SME Commission).
Since 1999 he is President of the Wirtschaftsbund Österreich.
Since 2000 Christoph Leitl is President of the Austrian Federal
Economic Chamber.
Group of the European People’s Party (Christian
Born on 29 March 1949, Linz
Democrats) and European Democrats,
Member of the Bureau European Parliament, Vice-
President Parliament’s Bureau, Vice-President
Co-President Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Member
Delegation for relations with Iran, Member
Germany, Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V
Born on 24 January 1942, Kutno-Wartheland
Co-Chairman of the European People’s Party economic and social
policy committee. Treasurer of the Mittelstands- und
Wirtschaftsvereinigung (MIT). Chairman of Peter Jungen Holding Honorary Member
GmbH, Cologne, Germany, which invests in early stage enterpris-
es (angel investor). He is Founder President of Business Angels
Christos FOLIAS, MP (GRE)
Netzwerk Deutschland (BAND) and President of European
Business Angels Network (EBAN) (2001 – 2004). He is the
Development Minister of Greece (Economist - entrepreneur). He
President of European Enterprise Institute (EEI). He is a member
studied economics at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
of several boards and advisory councils, i.e. Deutsche Bank AG,
Folias served as board chairman of the Commercial Association
Ost, Frankfurt / Berlin; AXA Colonia Konzern AG, Cologne, New
of Thessaloniki and of the National Confederation of Greek
Atlantic Initiative, Washington, New York Philharmonic New York
Commerce as well as Vice-President of EuroCommerce. He is
City, among others. He is a member of the International Advisory
also a member of New Democracy’s central committee and of the
Board, Columbia University and a member of the Josef
Constantine Karamanlis Foundation for Democracy. He was elect-
Schumpeter Society.
ed to the European Parliament from the New Democracy party in
Born on 21 August 1939, Montabaur
Born on 14 February 1951, Thessaloniki

Secretary General
Patrick VOLLER, (AUT)
Former Finance Minister of Latvia Group of the European
Studied law in Vienna (Austria) and Louvain-la-Neuve
People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European
(Belgium) specializing in EU Law. After teaching at the
Democrats, Member of the Bureau European Parliament,
University Linz (Austria) Voller received from the Johns Hopkins
Member Committee on Budgets, Member Delegation to the
University Bologna Center (Italy) a post-graduate Diploma in
ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, Member Head of the
International Relations. After working for three years for the
Latvian EPP-ED Delegation Latvia, Jaunais laiks.
Austrian Chamber of Commerce in Vienna he was appointed
Secretary General of the SME UNION in January 2004.
Born on 5 August 1971, Riga
Born on 26 November 1973, Jos (Nigeria)


Vice-Presidents Treasurer
Piia-Noora KAUPPI, MEP (FIN) Karlheinz Kopf, MP (AUT)

Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and Since the year 2000 Karlheinz Kopf is politically active as
European Democrats, Member of the Bureau European Secretary General of the Wirtschaftsbund. He is Member of
Parliament, Member Committee on Economic and Monetary Parliament of the Austrian People’s Party and speaker for energy
Affairs, Member Committee on Legal Affairs, Member Committee and environmental issues since 1994. Besides his political activ-
on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, Member Delegation for ities he manages the "Sportbau Walser" enterprise which he
relations with the People’s Republic of China, Member Head of the owns together with his wife. Austria, Österreichische Volkspartei
Finnish EPP-ED Delegation Finland, Kansallinen Kokoomus.
Born on 27 June 1957, Hohenems
Born on 7 January 1975, Oulu


Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and Hans-Dieter LEHNEN, (GER)
European Democrats, Member of the Bureau European
Parliament, Member Committee on the Internal Market and
Consumer Protection, Member Delegation for relations with Secretary General of the Mittelstands- und Wirtschaftsvereinigung
Japan, Member United Kingdom, Conservative and Unionist Party (MIT) since 1997 Secretary General of the Young CDU Rheinland,
Cologne (1978 - 1981) Head of Office and Political Advisor of Party
Born on 19 February 1947, Woking, Surrey leader of CDU Rheinland, Dr. Bernhard Worms (1981 - 1984)
Secretary General of the Wirtschaftsvereinigung der CDU Rheinland
Jean-Michel FERRAND, MP (FRA) (1984 - 1996) Head of Office and election campaign manager of
Partyleader of the "Ost-CDU" Lothar de Maiziére
Member of the National Assembly of France since 1986
Professor of literature UMP National Secretary for SMEs France,
Union pour un Mouvement Populaire
Born on 31 August 1942, Gardanne Maria CAPPONE, MP (BUL)
Vice-President of SME Women
Member of the Supreme Party Council of Democratic Party 2000 – 2006
Jerzy SAMBORSKI, (POL) Member of the Central Bureau of Democratic Party 2005 – 2006
President of the Municipal Party Council of Democratic Party, Plovdiv
President of UNICORN - SME Union Poland Former Member of the 2004 – 2006
Board of the Polish Educational Society Abroad in London. Vice-President of the National Society of Women to Democratic Party
Entrepreneur in UK (London) Publishing and Design Studio (1982 2002 –2006
- 1992) and in Poland: Twoj Styl (Polish), Ringier AG (Swiss), Observer in the European Parliament 2005 - 2006 (USA), Allianz - CRM (German) (1990 - 1998). Since Head of Bulgarian Delegation to the EPP-ED-Group in European
2000 he has been running his own International Business Parliament 2005 - 2006
Member of the Board of Directors of European Democratic Path
Consulting Centre, specializing in SMEs and Local Governments
matters. In 2003 he co-founded the European Enterprise Institute Observer in the European Parliament 2005 - 2006
and in February 2006 he was nominated its Executive Director. Member of the Board of Directors of European Democratic Path
Born on 7 February 1948, Gora

Tomaz TOPLAK, (SLO) Born on 8 April 1969, Plovdv

Since 2000 Attorney at Law, since 2002 Vice-President of the SME György BISZTRAY, (HUN)
UNION, since 2003 President of the SME Union Slovenia. As grad-
uate in the Faculty of Law, he started working for the Ministry of President of SME Central
Labour, Family and Social Affairs and then continued his profession- President of KKVE – SME Union Hungary
al career as Head of the Legal Department at the Bank of Slovenia. Guest Professor at the Budapest Technical College, “EU knowledge of
As member of several supervisory bodies he gained additional skills Technical Leaders" Since 1992 - Dipl. Eng. György Bisztray Consultant,
and experience in the field of finance and asset management. Austria1983 - 1991 Senior Customer Engineer of WANG GmbH in Vienna
Before taking up a duty as Chairman of the Management Board of Member of the European Advisory Board of the Wang Concern 1984
the Kapitalska druzba
˘ in 2005, he was Member of the Supervisory Owner and Managing Director of Vanguard Llc.Hungary 1969-1983
Board of Kapitalska druzba,˘ d.d., one of the most important Servicing Engineer, Leading Servicing Engineer, Project Manager, Group
Slovenian financial institutions in the field of managing the assets
Leader of SZÁMALK in Hungary
in pension funds.
Born on 25 June 1965, Ljubljana Born on 29 October 1948, Budapest



Co-opted Presidency Members Vice-President of SME Central
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Chairperson of the Right Alternative Union
Alexander RADWAN, MEP (GER) Member of the International Advisory Committee to the
Democracy Coalition Project, in partnership with Bertelsmann
President of the SME Circle Foundation, Freedom House and Ghana Center for Democratic
Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and Development
European Democrats, Member of the Bureau Member of the Advisory Group for Southern Leaders’ Round Table
European Parliament, Member (SLRT) to the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Member
Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries, Vice-Chairman Born on 9 August 1962, Sofia
Germany, Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V.

Born on 30 August 1964, München Marian Petre MILUT (ROM)

President of Christian-Democratic National Peasants' Party

President of National Union of Romanian Employers ( UNPR)
President of the SME Intergroup President of PREFAB Company
Vice-President of the European Parliament President of Romerica International Company
Vice-President of EPP-ED Group former Consultant for World Bank Romania
Head of the Austrian EPP-ED Delegation
Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and Born in 29 December 1955, Craiova
European Democrats, Vice-Chairman
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Member
Delegation for relations with Japan, Member
Austria, Österreichische Volkspartei Philip BUSHILL-MATTHEWS, MEP (GBR)

Born on 24 December 1957, Ybbs Coordinator of the EP Employment and Social Affairs Committee
Group of the European People’s Party and European Democrats,
Member of the Bureau
Jean-Paul GAUZES, MEP (FRA) Employment and Social Affairs Committee, Coordinator
President of SME Start-up Delegation for relations with Iran, Member
Committee of Inquiry into the crisis of the equitable Life Assurance Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia, Member
Society, Vice-Chairman Committee on Economic and Monetary United Kingdom, Conservative and Unionist Party
Affairs, Member Delegation for relations with the countries of
south-east Europe, Member Born on 15 January 1943, Droitwich
Delegation for relations with Iran, Member
Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly,
Member France, Union pour un Mouvement Populaire Head of Office
Born on 1 October 1947, Toulouse
Entered in 2001 the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana
President of SME Global where she studied International Relations and Politics. Being
Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) involved in Slovenian politics and leading a small business her-
and European Democrats, Member of the Bureau European self, her special skills are languages, business communication
Parliament, Member Committee on Industry, Research and and MarketingMix approach. After working in the European
Energy, Member Parliament she is since 15 June 2007 Head of Office at SME
Committee on Budgets, Substitute Delegation for relations UNION in Brussels.
with Switzerland, Iceland and Norway and to the European
Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee, Member Born on 29 November 1981, Ljubljana
Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand,
Substitute Austria, Österreichische Volkspartei

Born on 6 May 1953, Wels Policy Adviser


President of SME Women After studying law in Romania, she graduated from Vrije
Vice President of EPP Universiteit Brussels Faculty of Law with a Master Degree in
Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and International Law and from Faculty of Economic, Social and
European Democrats, Member Political Sciences with a Master in European Integration and
European Parliament, Member Development. She worked as a legal advisor on law approxima-
Committee on International Trade, Vice-Chairwoman tion and european integration adviser for the Ministry of
Delegation for the relations with Japan, Member European Integration Romania. Since November 2007 she
Netherlands, Christen Democratisch Appèl joined the SME UNION team as policy adviser.

Born on 27 June 1959, Oud-Alblas Born on 20 April 1977, Craiova


T he age of globalisation brings new challenges. It touches every walk of life

– opening doors, creating opportunities, raising apprehensions. It requires
imagination and adaptation. It has generated new expectations and new

More and more, Europeans look to the European Union to show how the EU is
the best tool to enable Europeans to shape globalization. Europe has every rea-
son to face globalization with confidence – it has the expertise, it has the expe-
José Manuel Barroso rience, and it has found the right balance between economic progress and
President of the social justice. Never is a strong European response more needed than at a time
European Commission of economic uncertainty and financial instability. The Lisbon strategy for growth
and jobs is proving its worth in providing the coherence needed.

At the same time, Europe is the pioneer on the path towards an economy suit-
ed to the particular challenges of the 21st century. The imperative of tackling
climate change, and the need for secure, sustainable and competitive energy,
calls for a new direction to economic modernisation. The latest proposals from
the European Commission show how the costs of change offer a far better deal
than the cost of incation, and how the process of adaptation can open up new
options and new markets.

It would be a big mistake to see these challenges as the preserve of large firms
and multinationals. Europe’s small and medium-sized businesses represent 99
% of our businesses and two thirds of employment. Europe will never achieve
its goals unless the small and medium-sized business community is fully
engaged: SMEs must be there to spearhead innovation. That is why a major
target for 2008 is developing a “Small Business Act for Europe”, to draw
together different ideas and initiatives and create a truly attractive environ-
ment for business across the Union.

The SME UNION of the EPP offers the right structure to drive a creative dia-
logue between SMEs and policy makers on the way forward: to put SMEs at
the heart of the process of modernizing the European economy and leaving it
well placed to face the challenges of the years ahead.

José Manuel Barroso

President of the European Commission


Dear entrepreneurs and friends of small and medium sized companies,

A s you may know, the Commission has launched in 2005 a coherent, inclu-
sive and proactive modern SME policy. We have made SMEs a key ele-
ment of the renewed Partnership for Growth and Jobs and increased the com-
mitment of stakeholders to commonly agreed goals. It is no exaggeration to
say that in a bit more than two years Europe's 23 million SMEs have moved
to the forefront of public interest not only at the EU level but also in the
Member States.

Günter Verheugen To start with, Member States have substantially improved the SMEs' environ-
Vice-President of the ment and progressed in their implementation of the 2006 Spring European
European Commission Council conclusions. In most Member States the many arms of government
and Commissioner for now extend a single hand to business through one-stop-shops. Statistics
Enterprise and Industry show that the time needed to start a business is being shortened, the cost
lowered and bureaucratic procedures reduced.

In addition, we are cutting red tape at a pace never done before. Let me men-
tion just one example: Last year we launched 10 'fast track actions' to cut
administrative costs by approximately €1.3 billion making life easier in partic-
ular for for SMEs. In 2008 we will continue implementing these 'fast track
actions' and propose further simplification measures.

I feel that all these improvements deserve recognition. But I also feel that
European SMEs have further potential to grow and to create jobs. That is why
we have pledged to put even more emphasis on SMEs in the context of the
next Lisbon cycle 2008/2010 and to propose “A Small Business Act for
Europe”. I see this as a real opportunity for all of us to truly start “Think Small

I am confident that this initiative will deliver tangible benefits to European

SMEs and citizens in the years ahead. Let me take this opportunity to thank
you for your efforts to achieve our vision of having a vibrant SME sector, thriv-
ing with globally competitive enterprises.

Yours faithfully,

Günter Verheugen
Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry


I n few sectors do SMEs play so vital a role as they do in the ICT sector. They
spur innovation and create jobs. We have all witnessed the emergence of rev-
olutionary new services from small companies or start-ups in the ICT sector. More
generally, SMEs in all sectors of the economy can benefit greatly from the use of

In i2010, the information society agenda under the Lisbon strategy, actions sup-
porting the SMEs are abundant. The establishment of the single information space
Viviane Reding and ensuring better regulation are crucial efforts. Making research funds available,
Commissioner for supporting innovation and developing inter-operable services which make life eas-
Information Society ier for SMEs are also important contributions. Fostering skills, especially in ICT and
and Media management, cannot be missed, as without these skills the benefits remain

We are committed to making access to research and innovation programs easier for
SMEs. Fostering open innovation systems is another promising avenue for the
development of SMEs. Furthermore, reducing administrative burdens are also a key
priority in our overall policy: Among the most important tools which can make the
life of entrepreneurs and SMEs easier are eGovernment and eBusiness tools, from
e-invoicing and logistics to automated reporting of VAT and business registries.

An integrate and user-friendly implementation of these tools dramatically reduces

time and effort spent on government paper work, data gathering, registration and
the like. If we can manage these services cross-border as well, operating across
Europe will be much easier for SMEs. Therefore we continuously work to aid the
development and take-up of these vital services as well as making communication
infrastructure better and cheaper in Europe, and I am happy to see that the work
is nom bearing fruit. We see that the most entrepreneur-friendly countries are
often the ones with the highest levels of eGovernment services for its SMEs. For
the internal market in the coming year, a continued roll-out across borders is cru-
cial, and for SMEs and entrepreneurs, I trust our efforts will continue to improve
the situation.

We are in a period of great development and many opportunities for growth in the
information society in Europe. SMEs and entrepreneurship are key to our success. I
would like to congratulate and thank the SME UNION for their helpful work, and look
forward to continuing our cooperation in the best interest of Europe in the future.

Viviane Reding
Commissioner for Information Society and Media


Dear Friends of the SME UNION

P olitics don’t create jobs, it is the entrepreneurial spirit of the

people that do so. Politics create the economic, fiscal and
logistic environment in which entrepreneurial initiative can pros-
per. The contribution of SME UNION to the development of such
a European economic policy is and has been crucial.

One of the most important achievements of SME UNION is the

reduction of regulatory burdens that create distortions in the
Wilfried Martens market, leading to the cutting of unnecessary red tape and
President of the EPP excessive administrative requirements for European Small busi-
ness. Apart from the internal market achievements, SME UNION
is committed to building awareness to the problems young
entrepreneurs face when starting up new companies. It has
encouraged such company start-ups by shaping a friendly envi-
ronment for their development. SME UNION has provided a
framework for the exchange of best practices among the SME
UNION national members thereby encouraging the job-creation
potential of SME’s.

Entrepreneurs and SME’s have a key role in future positive eco-

nomic development, not only inside the European Union but also
in the EU neighbouring countries. EPP and SME UNION together
promote democracy and economic growth across borders.
Entrepreneurial spirit and new companies is the key for the cre-
ation of economic growth. Promoting entrepreneurship supports
both market economy and civil society.

The European SMEs are the sleeping giants of the European

economy which now have to be awakened and mobilized. The
European SMEs are and will be the job creators in the next

I want to thank SME UNION for their excellent and diligent work.
I am very grateful for their inspiring contribution to the policy
making of the European People’s Party.

Wilfried MARTENS
President of the European People’s Party


S mall and Medium sized Enterprises are the engine of growth and their
role is essential for a competitive and efficient market. This is also very
true for the new EU Member States, where they played an important role
since their systems have changed into a market economy.

In the past years, the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament fought for
the removal of regulatory burdens and better access to information. We
advocate better access to the capital market and want to make it easier to
Joseph Daul invest in research and technology and innovation.
President of the
EPP-ED Group The citizens of Europe expect European solutions for important European
and global challenges such as the security of energy supply, the protection
of the environment, climate change, more and better jobs and protection
against international terrorism.

Above all, these tasks need the political will of all European governments
to proceed. But -where European legislation is involved- they also need a
sound legal framework which guarantees that no energies are wasted
through unnecessary bureaucracy and that the right and desired synergy
effects are created.

We were able to ensure the permanent exchange of information between

the European Parliament and the European Commission in our efforts to
influence European legislation in favor of SMEs. In line with the principles
of our political family we want to encourage the creation of new companies
by reducing legal obstacles and facilitating access to start-up and venture
capital. Let me assure you, that the EPP-ED Group will make sure, that the
European Parliament is doing its bit to improve the quality of EU-level reg-

The EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament will continue to make sure
that feasible and sustainable concepts for the future of the European Union
will be found and will be based on clear majorities.

With my best wishes,

Joseph Daul
President of the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament


With the support of the SME UNION

he year 2007 was a very successful year for Europe. We signed the Lisbon
T Treaty. The Schengen area and the eurozone were enlarged. Economic
growth was promising, the euro remained strong. We concluded the year with 3.5
million new jobs, which amounts to more than the total population of Luxemburg,
Cyprus and Slovenia put together.

It is my strong belief that general prosperity can be achieved only on the basis of
a healthy economy. If we want more jobs, more growth and more prosperity, we
Janez Jansa must do more to create a more business-friendly environment, stimulate R&D and
Prime Minister support energy efficiency.
of Slovenia
and President This is the point of contact with the Lisbon objectives. The European Council in
of the European spring 2008 is the moment when the first three-year cycle of the renewed Lisbon
Council Strategy for growth and jobs will be concluded and the second cycle will com-
mence. The results show that Member States have made substantive progress.
Nevertheless, reforms must continue. We must maintain the deep political com-
mitment to reform.

In spite of the results achieved, we have to stay focused on the future. The EU
must start to proactively create global trends and not just react to them.
Entrepreneurs are those most familiar with the principle, that tomorrow's job can-
not be done using yesterday's methods.

For Slovenia, 2008 brought many new challenges. We are the first new Member
State to take over the Presidency of the EU Council. Since SMEs represent 99%
of business entities in the EU and are therefore the backbone of our economy, we
placed them at the very centre of our priorities. Accomplishing further steps on
the European Private Company Statute, the European Small Business Act and the
Single Market Package is high on our agenda.

As Demosthenes, famous ancient orator said, small opportunities are often the
beginning of great enterprises. With the support of the SME UNION of the EPP,
the views of entrepreneurs have been expressed more compellingly and also
because of that we can - and should – be optimistic when looking into the future
of a prosperous and modern European economy.

Janez Jansa
Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia
and President of the European Council


Dear Members of the SME UNION,

W hy Google, Amazon or eBay are not European companies? Why some among
the millions of new companies that are created every year do not become the
world leaders of the future economy?

This is one of the most essential questions that have to be taken into considera-
tion today. This is as well one of the challenges France has chosen to take up in
the framework of the new economical policies adopted by my Government after
the election of Nicolas Sarkozy as President of the Republic in May 2007.
François Fillon
French In France, the number of business creations is no more an issue: over the last 5
Prime Minister years more than 1 million companies have been created, which is really significant!
Our priority is now to propose a favorable legal, administrative, fiscal and econom-
ical environment for the development of young SMEs. Our objective is simple: in
the next 5 years we want to double the number of businesses with more than 500
employees, that is 4,000 instead of 2,000.

To achieve this objective, we are implementing a whole range of tools that concur
with a significant part of the diagnostics and recommendations given by the SME
UNION: rationalize and refocus public funds for innovation towards SMEs, simplifi-
cation of administrative tasks, simplification of procedures, fiscal incentives for
capital investment by SMEs, simplification of taxation and other social obligations
when a certain workforce number is reached by the company, reduction of pay-
ment delays, simplification when SMEs enter public market, etc.

It is an economic necessity: the growth of SMEs reduces unemployment and guar-

antees tomorrow’s prosperity. It is almost a cultural and moral duty. The entrepre-
neurship is a value we are keen to encourage, as well as the creation of jobs and
takeover of risks. These are moral values and responsibilities towards society.

The policies implemented by the European Union in this perspective are already
very ambitious. I wish that the French Presidency in the second half of 2008 estab-
lished opportunities to strengthen and develop it further.

I wish that the SME UNION keeps the power to make creative and constructive
proposals for this big common challenge to support entrepreneurship and SMEs.

Sincerely yours,

François Fillon
French Prime Minister


Dear members and friends of the SME UNION,

new year is upon us. A new opportunity emerges for further

A prosperity and growth for the European Union. Discussions are
being held in reference to the reformed treaty and its strategic
application to New Europe. New employment and development
strategies are been sketched for SMEs. The parties joining this dis-
cussion must clearly understand how this vital economic sector
operates. Further they must develop strategies that would assist
SMEs to remain resilient, competitive and sustainable.
Christos Folias
Minister of It is evident and it needs no further proof that small and medium-size
Development businesses play a vital role in every economy. They contribute signif-
of Greece icantly to the volume of output of goods and services, create employ-
ment, stimulate competition in the economy, and feed large organi-
zations with raw materials, semi-finished goods and parts.

However, the leading question that needs to be addressed and tack-

led via specific and clear policies is the question of sustainability. All
policy makers must understand that now is the time to organize a
clear and realistic agenda for the European Union that will lead to the
necessary answers.

The message from Greece is strong: New Democracy, the political

party of which I am a proud member and cabinet Minister, is deter-
mined to provide its full-hearted support to the Union in seeing SMEs
earn the attention and the policy-backing they deserve. I am happy
to see that the Commission’s program for this year is heavily focused
on working towards that direction.

In addition we need to raise the viability of the role of SMEs in glob-

al supply and chain networks. We will also offer support and enhance
initiatives such as “10m+” for the sake of a better and fairer Europe.

Christos Folias
Minister of Development of Greece
SME UNION Honorary Member


January 2007: Leitl and Verheugen join November 2007: Verheugen receives
forces in fight against red tape SME UNION Political Entrepreneurship Award

ccording to the
European Commission, A fter our suc-
cessful fight for
administrative burdens cost the increase of the
European businesses up to de-minimis-limit for
600 billion EUR a year. national funding to
Especially small and medi- 200.000 EUR we will
um-sized enterprises are now unite all our
hindered in their growth efforts to reach our
and innovation capacity by next ambitious aim:
too many and too compli- The cut of the red
cated regulations”, argued tape burden by 25
President Leitl at his mee- percent until 2010”,
ting with EU Commission emphasized SME
Vice-President Günter UNION President
Verheugen. The Leitl at the Annual
Commission wants to cut SME UNION Political
the red tape burden by 25 percent by 2012 which could lead Entrepreneurship
to an increase of European GDP of 1.5 percent. President Award Ceremony.
Leitl demanded to cut the administrative burden by 25 per- The Award was given to Günter Verheugen, European
cent already until 2010. President Leitl handed over to Vice- Commission Vice-President and EU Commissioner for
President Verheugen a piggybank which symbolizes the Enterprise and Industry. “When Commissioner Verheugen
money European business could save and invest if red tape got his dossiers enterprise and industry, I was a bit worried
was reduced substantially. Verheugen eluded on the SME who would take care of SMEs in the Commission. But Vice-
initiatives of the Commission and underlined. “Not to leave President Verheugen promised that he would not forget the
this important issue to the administrative apparatus. We special needs of small entrepreneurs and he kept his word”,
need politicians who drive this issue forward”. President Leitl concluded Leitl. Verheugen replied that he will continue to
reiterated the full support of the SME UNION of the EPP in listen carefully to the voice of the business organization of
these substantial issues. the EPP, the SME UNION.


The SME UNION completed in 2007 a lot of pressing issues to help

SMEs across the European Union to get started and to grow:

De-minimis threshold has been extended from 100.000 to

200.000 EUR. This is a huge success for SMEs which allows
national aids up to that amount in a three-year-period to be
granted without permission from Brussels. That means less
bureaucracy and quick and easy help.

The new pilot project ERASMUS for young entrepreneurs

brings SMEs a great step forward and fosters the entrepre-
neurial spirit of young European business people. The launch
of the European Commission’s new program end of 2007 also
means a big success for the SME UNION as we have already
demanded a real exchange program for employers and entre-
preneurs in our 10m+ Program in March 2006 asking the
Commission to become active.

SME UNION demanded extended finance for the

Competitiveness and Innovation Program (CIP) for
SMEs. Success: An additional 400 million EUR in the budget
and 1 billion EUR from European Investment Bank reserves
for CIP.

The SME UNION fought for a quick implementation of Joint

European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises
(JEREMIE) which was implemented on January 1, 2007. JERE-
MIE promotes increased access to finance for the develop-
ment of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the
regions of the EU.

SME UNION demanded and fought for an increase in funding

for LEONARDO (EU program for transnational work place-
ments, vocational education and training). Success: Adoption
of an additional 800 million EUR for 2007-2013 and an addi-
tional 100 million EUR for Lifelong Learning Program.


2007-01-19, Logrono, Spain, SME UNION, emphasizing the importance of the confer-
International SME Union Spain Conference ence's topic. Mihály Varga, former Hungarian minister of
finance welcomed the guests in the name of the Hungarian

T he SME UNION of the

EPP together with the
conservative party FIDESZ. Zsolt Becsey MEP moderated
the discussion about "Micro Financing SMEs in the European
SME Union of Partido Union" and the keynote speech was given by Ivan Pilip,
Popular and the EPP Vice-President of the European Investment Bank. He con-
-ED Group organized vinced the entrepreneurs that supporting SMEs is one of his
an International SME main objectives.
Conference on "Oppor-
tunities for SMEs & Family 2007-02-06, Brussels, SME UNION Working
Enterprises from La Rioja in Breakfast with national MPs
the EU" in Logrono, Spain
opening the SME UNION
new year 2007. Spanish O n the occasion of the 3rd Joint
Parliamentary Meeting on the Lisbon
MEP Esther Herranz-Garcia, Strategy the SME UNION in cooperation
José Maria Ruiz-Alejos, President of the Chamber of with SME Circle organized a Working
Commerce and Industry La Rioja, María Isabel Saénz- Breakfast moderated by Malcolm
Solano, President of the Rioja Association of Family Harbour, MEP and Vice-President of the
Enterprises, and Patrick Voller, Secretary General of SME SME UNION. Gerard De Graaf, Head of
UNION, welcomed the participants and showed facts and Unit for Strategic Objective Prosperity -
figures of the current situation of Spanish SMEs and their Lisbon Strategy stressed the importance
employees while keynote speaker Pedro Sanz, President of of keeping up the pace by better educat-
La Rioja and member of PP, emphasised the importance to ing entrepreneurs and easing bureaucra-
transfer weaknesses into strengths. and mentioned the cy and Klaus-Heiner Lehne, Shadow Rapporteur in the
office of La Rioja in Brussels, to which Spanish entrepre- European Parliament talked about the importance to link
neurs can turn to with their questions or in order to receive economic growth with job growth as well as a better patent
support in addition to SME Union Spain. policy for SMEs. Ludek Sefzik, ODS Member of the Senat of
Parliament of the Czech Republic pointed out that European
countries have to focus on reforming their social policy, the
2007-01-26, Budapest, Hungary, 7th Annual internal market and crossboarder competition.
International SME KKVE Conference
2007-02-12/13 SME UNION visit to Sofia, Bulgaria

M ore than a hundred people gath-

ered to discuss the topic of "SME
Micro-Financing, Better Regulation &
T he purpose of this
visit was to brain-
Integration of Hungarian SMEs". The storm about future
President of the Hungarian SME cooperation with our two
Union KKVE, György Bisztray, wel- new SME UNION mem-
comed participants. His opening bers of the EPP in
remarks were followed by the speech Bulgaria, the SME Union
of Peter Jungen, Co-President of the of the Democratic


Alternative of Nadezhda Mihaylova, Member of the Bulgarian 2007-03-02, Lisbon, Portugal,

Parliament and former Minister for Foreign Affairs as well as SME UNION Working Visit to PSD
the SME Union of the European Democratic Path of Maria
Cappone, Member of the Bulgarian Parliament, former
Observer at the European Parliament. SME UNION President
Christoph Leitl could meet with the two new SME UNION
member organizations in Bulgaria at the Institute of
Stability and Security in South-East Europe as well as with
representatives and mayors of the Association of Bulgarian
Regions and Cities and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung direc-
tor for Bulgaria, Ralf Jaksch to discuss SME support for the
new EU member state.

2007-02-27, Brussels, SME Global Working Breakfast

on Roaming Tariffs & SMEs: For an Improved
Common Market

P rofessional
opinions and a fruitful dis-
cussion lead to a common
progress. After a short intro- S ecretary General of the SME UNION Patrick Voller fol-
lowed an invitation of the Portuguese PSD Party which
duction Paul Rübig MEP, belongs to the EPP to a bi-lateral political SME exchange day
pointed out the importance in Lisbon. Voller visited the PSD headquarter and got
of the change in roaming together with Manuel Lancastre, Vice-President of PSD,
tariffs when facing 25 mil- Antonio Almeida Henriques, Vice-President of the
lion SMEs in Europe. Parliamentary Group of PSD and Duarte Pacheco, Secretary
Furthermore he emphasized the need of transparency with- General of PSD accompanied by SME Union Portugal "veter-
in the mobile communications business. Not only the fact an" Joao Kramer. They had fruitful discussions about the
that the EU faces approximately 6,400 bilateral agreements SME UNION activities within the European Union and also
led Rudolf Strohmeier, Head of Cabinet Office of European developed further steps towards a closer cooperation
ICT Commissioner Viviane Reding to the statement that we between PSD, Portuguese associations and the SME UNION.
must not forget the protection of the consumer to ensure a For lunch Patrick Voller met also the EPP Vice-President
clear overview over prices. Frank Krüger, Telecom and ICT Mario David, close adviser of Commission President Barroso.
Attaché of German Permanent Representation stressed that In the afternoon Patrick Voller met Vice-President of the
the EU needs tariffs for all new contracts by default to reach Portuguese Industrial Association, Manuel Gamito. It was
common limits and consumer protection in a reasonable successful visit to Lisbon and offered new possibilities for a
way. Gunnar Hökmark MEP noted the fact that neutrality closer co-operation between the SME UNION and the PSD in
plays an important role and highlighted the risks of any order to enhance the Small and Medium-Sized
price regulation. The aim now is to create a more SME Entrepreneurs in Portugal and in Europe. The SME UNION
friendly framework for the common modulated mobile com- expresses its gratitude to Manuel Lacastre, who coordinated
munication market. this visit.


2007-03-06, Brussels, Working Breakfast on 2007-03-15, SME UNION Visit to Chisinau, Moldova
Corporate Social Responsibility: Further Red Tape or
Chance for SMEs?
F rom 15 until 17 March
2007, Patrick Voller
followed the invitation of
the Christian Democratic
People's Party (CDPP) of
Moldova and rendered a
visit to representatives in
Chisinau on behalf of the
SME UNION of the EPP. Main
purpose of all meetings was
the re-launch of the SME
Union CDPP Moldova, rea-
son why friends of the SME
UNION and distinguished members of the party joined the
discussions. The participants also included a delegation from
PNTCD SME Union Romania and National Union of Romanian
Employers (UNPR) consisting of Pavel Platona, Caius Iliescu
and Martin Valentin. Patrick Voller expressed his gratitude
about the professional organization of this successful meet-

T he SME UNION and the European Association of Craft

Small and Medium-seized Enterprises (UEAPME) organ-
ing to Vladimir Plamadeala, Lia Bejenaru and Constantin
Vishku. His thanks were also addressed to all the partici-
ized a Working Breakfast in the European Parliament to dis- pants attending this high-level event.
cuss the report of the European Parliament on "Corporate
Social Responsibility". The moderator of the breakfast SME 2007-03-27, Brussels, Conference on Challenges
UNION Vice-President MEP Philip Bushill-Matthews and Facing SMEs in the New Member States
newly elected Coordinator of the EP Employment and Social
Affairs Committee, emphasized that CSR should not be an
instrument for strangling SMEs but a further opportunity to T he SME UNION and
ACCA, the Association
enable growth within European SMEs. Hans-Werner Müller, of Chartered Certified
Secretary General of UEAMPE, stressed that the aim of CSR Accountants, hosted a
has to be to generate a win-win situation for both - enter- successful conference on
prises and employees - and CSR should remain on a volun- "Challenges Facing SMEs in
tarily basis, as it now is. Giuseppe Cacciato, Head of Unit the New Member States" in
CSR in DG Enterprise and Genevieve Besse, CSR Policy the Hotel Renaissance in
Director in the DG Employment, pointed out that the CSR Brussels. The three panels
approach should be closely linked with the Lisbon Strategy on "Access to Growth
in order to generate more economic growth. Philip Bushill- Finance", "Less and Better
Matthews concluded by saying: "The European Commission Regulation for Central and Eastern European countries" and
is on the side of European businesses and together with the "Access to EU funding" were attended by more than 80 par-
SME UNION and the SME Circle we are a mighty force." ticipants with business and political background. The confer-


ence was opened by David Aitken-Davies, Vice-President of

ACCA, Peter Jungen, Co-President of the SME UNION, Maive
Rute, Director DG Enterprise and Zuzana Roithova, Czech
MEP. The event featured high-level speakers from the
European Parliament like Valdis Dombrovskis MEP, Vice-
President of SME UNION, Alexander Radwan MEP, President
of the SME Circle, Gay Mitchell MEP, Jan Brezina MEP, Jerzy
Buzek MEP and former Polish Prime Minister. Jan Tombinski,
ambassador of the Permanent Representation to the
European Communities honored SME UNION and ACCA and
closed the conference stressing the importance of SMEs to N ew in the team are Bulgarian MP and former Foreign
Minister Nadezhda Mihaylova, MEP Corien Wortmann-
European economies and of their maintaining their inde- Kool as new SME Women President, Bulgarian MP and for-
pendence from bigger companies. mer EP Observer Maria Cappone, Romanian PNTCD
President Marian Petre Milut, MEP Philip Bushill-Matthews as
2007-05-11, Berlin, Germany, Coordinator of the EP Employment and Social Affairs
SME UNION General Assembly 2007 Committee and MEP Jean-Paul Gauzès as SME Start-up
President from the French UMP.


General Assembly,
President Christoph Leitl, P resident Leitl thanked the members
for their trust and summed up the
Co-President Peter Jungen successes of the SME UNION during the
and the 6 Vice-Presidents last two years of his term: The SME UNION
were reelected to lead the grew a lot and has now for the first time
small business task force of members and network partner in all 27 EU
the European People's Party member countries. Lobbying successes
in the coming two years. could be met as regards a higher de min-
imis limit for national SME funding, better
financial conditions for SMEs in the Basel
II framework, less toxic regulations for
small businesses as regards the EU Chemical Directive
REACH, a compromise on the Services Directive brokered
with the help of our organisation to open up the EU servic-
es market, a strong 10m+ program which found its way in
the EU Council Conclusions of the Austrian Presidency
demanding 10 million new jobs until 2010 and the coopera-
tion with EU Commissioner Verheugen on the reduction of
T he SME UNION General Assembly was hosted by the
German SME Union MIT and included a fruitful political
EU induced red tape by 25% until 2010 which showed the
first results. "The years to the upcoming elections to the
dialogue with representatives of the German EU Presidency European Parliament in 2009 will be crucial for Europe's
including Secretaries of State Hartmut Schauerte and future as important decisions have to be taken and chal-
Thomas Rachel. lenges met", emphasized re-elected SME UNION President
Christoph Leitl.


2007-05-15, Brussels, SME Working Breakfast on IFRS, or a different set of new rules, based on those developed
Rome I: A threat to SMEs? for listed companies, would generate substantial administrative
burden and a financial cost for SMEs that is likely to outweigh

T he SME UNION in coopera-

tion with EuroCommerce and
any positive effects. MEP Radwan highlighted that the European
Parliament has three parts to work on during the upcoming
the Federation of Small process: the need of SME standards in general, question of
Businesses (FSB) organized a convergence to the US, governance & transparency issues.
Working Breakfast discussing the
Rome I proposal and particularly 2007-05-22, Poznan,
its Article 5 which threatens SME Union Poland Energy Conference
European SMEs. Moderator
Malcolm Harbour MEP, Vice-President of the SME UNION and
Member of the EP Committee on the Internal Market and U NICORN SME Union Poland
in cooperation with the SME
Consumer Protection underlined to look at the whole topic from UNION of the EPP, Poznan
the broader Consumer Protection point of view. Andrew Cave, International Fair EXPOPOWER
Senior Adviser for EU and International Affairs at UK FSB, said and the Association of Polish
that "The European Commission's Rome I proposal (Art.5) intro- Middle Class organized an
duces barriers to cross-border e-commerce, it deprives the con- International Conference entitled
sumer of choice, inhibits the growth of e-commerce and contra- "Entering the Renewable Era of
dicts the principle of the single market." Patrice Pelegrino, Sustainable Energy - EU and Energy Challenges of the Future"
Adviser on Internal Market and Consumer Affairs and Fiscal in Poznan, Poland. The event was hosted by the Poznan
Affairs at EuroCommerce. Pelegrino underlined that the Rome I International Fair. This high level debate focused on energy and
Proposal is not well defined. He expressed the need for proper climate change issues. Participants of the event were warmly
enforcement of rules that can boost an active common market. welcomed by Przemyslaw Trawa, the Poznan International Fair
Representative, Jerzy Samborski, President of UNICORN SME
2007-05-16, Brussels, SME Working Breakfast on Union Poland, Peter Jungen, Co-President of the SME UNION
International Financial Reporting Standards for SMEs and Piotr Kolodziejczak, Secretary of the President of the City
of Poznan. Dr Fred Goldberg from Sweden demonstrated that
S ME UNION in cooperation with the
European Association of Craft,
human CO2-emissions have had rather little impact on the cli-
mate. Christopher C. Horner, Director of External Relations and
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Policy Counsel, European Enterprise Institute and author of the
(UEAPME) and the European Savings bestseller "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming
Banks Group (ESBG) organized a and Environmentalism" assessed the EU Kyoto Protocol and
Working Breakfast to discuss made a comparison between the US and Europe's emissions
International Financial Reporting performance. David Seich delegate of the Prime Minister of the
Standards for SMEs. Piotr Madziar Czech Republic Mirek Topolanek, President of SME Union Czech
emphasized that there is a direct rela- Republic and Patrick Voller Secretary General of the SME
tionship between the IAS regulation and IFRS for SMEs does UNION spoke about EU energy policy. Tuomo J. Hattaka, Head
not exist. Kristina Maksinen stressed that ESBG Members are of Business Group Vattenfall Poland focused future develop-
introducing different tools for credit decision making and they ment of the energy market in Poland. Peter Jungen, Co-
have a neutral approach as regards to financial statements. Luc President of the SME UNION of the EPP underlined the impor-
Hendrickx concluded that the mandatory implementation of tance of less regulation.


A s regards the better regulation initiative of the European Commission the year 2007
again was a rather ambivalent one. It's more than three years now that the
Commission started to preach the paradigm shift - less and better regulation for the ben-
efits of small and medium sized enterprises instead of new red tape. But in fact, one part
of the Commission does some efforts for simplification and deregulation whereas the other
parts continue their business as usual by tabling new legislation at the expenses of SMEs.
The proposal on food labelling, the efforts to introduce class action legal basis as well as
the preparation on extending the anti-discrimination are only a few examples serving as
Alexander Radwan MEP evidence. Does Commission's right hand know what the left hand does?
President of the
SME Circle of the The SME Circle in the EPP-ED Group is keen on contributing bringing the deregulation ini-
EPP-ED Group tiative back on track. SME Circle Vice-Chairman Philip Bushill-Matthews MEP took over the
position as EPP-ED-Coordinator in the Employment and Social Affairs Committee with great
success. Together with SME Circle Member Thomas Mann as Vice Chairman of the
Committee this allows for a strong entrepreneurial position in this field in the European
Parliament. Hence, in supporting the concepts of Flexicurity and the social responsibility of
enterprises (CSR) a workable and voluntary approach could be maintained. It could be
considered as success that the Commission announced to abstain from further regulating
European labour law.

The SME Circle took also part in the further development of the Single Market. The Single
Euro Payment Area (SEPA) that has been successfully realised and implemented in the
beginning of this year allowing SMEs to carry out cross boarder payments cheaper and
quicker. First steps have been made to harmonise and coordinate the consumer legislations
in Europe. The SME Circle thereby always attached great importance to not introducing
more red tape by exceeding the current level of consumer protection.

The 2008 agenda will bring forward a considerable number of developments which could
be crucial for SMEs at European level. The European Parliament and the EU Member States
will take further steps in the fields of EU company law and accounting, the functioning of
the internal market for goods and the European Small Business Act which has been
announced as the SME UNION topic of the year. The course for the 2009 European elec-
tions is to be set today. This does not only affect the future representation of SMEs in the
European Parliament but also the composition of the European Commission after 2009.

Alexander Radwan MEP

President of the SME Circle of the EPP-ED Group


President Honorary President Vice-President

Germany Netherlands Belgium

Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Member State Coordinator Political Advisor

Finland Hungary United Kingdom Germany Germany

Austria Austria Austria Bulgaria Czech Republic

Czech Republic Czech Republic Estonia Finland France France France

France France France France France Germany Germany

Karl-Heinz FLORENZ MEP Ingo FRIEDRICH MEP Dieter-Lebrecht KOCH MEP Werner LANGEN MEP Klaus-Heiner LEHNE MEP Thomas MANN MEP Hans-Peter MAYER MEP
Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany


Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany CASSIOTOU MEP Greece

Greece Hungary Denmark Ireland Ireland Italy Italy

Latvia Latvia ANDRIKIENE MEP Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland

Poland Poland Poland GARCIA MEP ROMERO MEP Portugal Portugal
Spain Spain

Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovenia CIZELJ MEP Slovenia Romania

Gunnar HÖKMARK MEP Richard James Giles Bryan Malcolm HARBOUR MEP James NICHOLSON MEP John PURVIS MEP
Sweden ASHWORTH MEP CHICHESTER MEP United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom
United Kingdom United Kingdom


2007-06-04, Brussels, SME Day 2007: Small Ruebig Member of the EP Committee on Industry, Research
Companies - Big Ideas and Energy (ITRE) mentioned that the "Mechanical
Engineering sector is one of the most important industries
icrosoft in cooperation with in Europe and provides systems for all other manufacturing
M the European Parliament branches. It is the world's largest producer and exporter of
Magazine, SME UNION and other machinery". Adrian Harris, Secretary General of Orgalime,
organisations organized a Gala who was a member of the EngineEurope High-level discus-
Dinner to discuss current key sion group, presented the report "EngineEurope: For a thriv-
problems facing SMEs. Moderator ing European Mechanical Engineering industry in the 21st
Pavel Telicka, co-founder of BXL century". Deputy Head of Unit Mechanical and Electrical
Consulting and a former Czech Equipment of the European Commission Maria Spiliopoulou-
Commissioner to the European Kaparia, also a member of the EngineEurope High-level dis-
Union opened the Gala Dinner by cussion group, mentioned that one of the biggest problems
welcoming the guests from the European Parliament, the for the Mechanical Engineering world is a lack of skilled
European Commission, Entrepreneurs and especially the SME workers. Vice-President of the SME UNION MEP Harbour
UNION. The impulse statements were given by Craig Mundie, Member of the Committee Industry, Research and Energy
Chief Research and Strategy Officer of Microsoft, Philip Bushill- (ITRE) requested that member states set up support espe-
Matthews, Vice- President of the SME Circle and Ben Noteboom, cially for SMEs.
Randstad CEO. The following day, Microsoft held its third annu-
al SME Day done in partnership with more than 50 organizations 2007-06-06 Brussels, SME Working Lunch "WTO, ITA
including the SME UNION, four student entrepreneur organiza- & High-Tech SMEs: Encouraging Growth Through
tions (JADE, Junior Achievement, AISEC, and AEGEE) as well as Open Markets"
Entrepreneur Trade Associations Europe's 500 and Euro ISPA
(representing Europe's ISVs). Craig Mundie's panel included ompTIA, the SME
John Sammis, Economic Affairs from the US Mission, Minister C UNION, and SME
Turk from Slovenia, Dean Brown of INSEAD, and Jean Schmitt Global organized the
of Sofinnova Venture Capital. It was moderated by former WSJ Working Lunch in hotel
Europe Bureau Chief, Rich Hudson. Craig Mundie provided Ranaissance entitled
insight into the future trends of computing opportunities. "WTO, ITA & High-
Tech SMEs: Encouraging
2007-06-05, Brussels, SME - Orgalime Working Growth Through Open
Breakfast on European Mechanical Engineering Markets". Paul Rübig
MEP, President of SME

T he SME UNION in coop-

eration with Orgalime
Global, in his welcome
speech introduced the
(European Engineering Industries speakers and stressed the need for new improved regu-
Association) held the Working lations and free trade. Hugo Lueders, European Director
Breakfast "European Mechanical of Public Policy, Computing Technology Industry
Engineering: Keeping this Association (CompTIA) emphasized the importance of
European SME Industry as the discussed topic for SMEs as they are the backbone of the
World Champion" in the industry and key for productivity. Tapani Mikkeli, DG
European Parliament. MEP Enterprise Deputy Head of Unit, Technology for


Innovation, ICT Industries and e-business, highlighted 2007-06-28, Brussels, SME Working Breakfast on
that the Information Technology Agreement is complicat- Marketing of Products Regulation & SMEs
ed and we should be aware that since it was concluded in
1996 the framework for the IT has changed. Robert
Kramer, Vice-President, CompTIA Global Public Policy T he SME UNION in cooperation
with the European Builders
stated that European companies will start searching for Confederation and NormAPME organ-
markets outside Europe. Peter Stastny MEP, Member of ized a Working Breakfast on the topic
the EP Committee on International Trade emphasized of Marketing of Products Regulation
that Europe has to catch-up with the US, where SMEs are and SMEs. Moderator Andreas
the backbone of the economy. Schwab MEP, Member of the SME Circle of the EPP-ED Group
and Shadow Rapporteur of the Marketing of Products
2007-06-27, Brussels, SME Working Breakfast on Regulation welcomed all the participants. Michel Ayral,
Sustainable Tourism & SMEs Regulatory Policy Director, DG Enterprise and Industry, under-
lined the importance of the actions in the field of marketing of

in cooperation
products legislation. As regards the Marketing of Products sec-
torial regulation, Agnès Thibault, Secretary General of the EBC,
with SME Tourism presented the amendments that the Confederation developed
organized a Working together with NormAPME. Sven Kaiser, Chair of the Council
Breakfast on the Working Group on Technical Harmonisation of the German EU
topic of Sustainable Presidency argued for the necessity of taking SME relevant
Tourism & SMEs. Jan needs into the discussion. Hans-Werner Müller, President of
Christian Ehler MEP, NormAPME stressed the fact that the text of the Commission
Member of the SME needs to be amended in order to support the fair competition.
Circle and SME
Tourism President 2007-07-04, Brussels, Farewell Party at SME UNION
stressed the impor-
tance of tourism for
European SMEs and A farewell party for Barbara
Schweighofer, SME UNION Head of
mentioned that 90% Office took place at SME UNION head-
of all companies involved in European tourism are SMEs. quarters. The event gathered about 50
Francesco Ianniello, Head of Unit Tourism, DG Enterprise people. Thank-you and farewell speech-
and Industry, highlighted the idea that the European es were given by Jerzy Samborski, Vice-
tourism has to be both competitive and sustainable. President of the SME UNION, Patrick
Margie Sudre MEP, Chairwoman of the European Voller Secretary General, Hans-Dieter
Parliament Intergroup on Tourism, pointed out on 26 Lehnen, Secretary General of the German SME Union MIT,
June 2007, a report regarding a new policy concerning Karlheinz Kopf, SME UNION Treasurer and Luc Vandeputte,
the tourism framework was adopted. The director of SME Deputy Secretary General of the EPP. After the official part the
Tourism spoke about European Holiday Coordination Plan guests were invited to a buffet. The SME UNION family
mentioned the setting up of the SME Tourism and its clear expressed its greatest satisfaction with the work and dedication
responsibility. During the discussion Czech MEP Petr from Barbara Schweighofer during the last three years and
Duchon gave examples of sustainable tourism in his wished her all the best for her next steps and future endeav-
country. ors. The new Head of Office is Barbara Bizjak from Slovenia.


2007-07-06, Malta, 10th Anniversary UNION Vice-President Malcolm Harbour MEP, Member of the
of SME Union Malta SIZM PN Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
welcomed the participants. Simon Tilford, Chief Economist,

T he 10th anniversary
celebration of the SME
Centre for European Reform moderated the discussions ini-
tiated by Alec Burnside, partner Linklaters, Brussels and
Union Malta was organized London and Lars Liebeler, CompTIA anti-trust counselor,
by the team of Alexander Washington D.C. Alec Burnside discussed the impact on the
Vassallo, President of SME European competition policy of the reformed treaty result-
Union Malta SIZM PN. On ing from the summer negotiations, especially the removal of
Friday 6 July the Cocktail competition as one of the key objectives of the European
Reception under the patron- Union under the pressure of French President Nicolas
age of the Prime Minister of Sarkozy. Lars Liebeler presented CompTIAs position that
Malta Lawrence Gonzi was a favours clear and understandable rules promoting the
great success. Censu Galea, growth of the IT industry and investment. Bernardo de
the Competitiveness and Communication Minister of Malta, Miguel of the Spanish economic newspaper Cinco Días ques-
Edwin Vassallo, State Secretary for Small Business and the tioned whether it was time to create an independent
Self Employed of the Ministry of Finance and Economic European authority in charge of competition outside the
Affairs and Joe Saliba, the Secretary General of the National European Commission.
Party of Malta, attended the festivity. Simon Busuttil, Karl
von Wogau and Jean-Pierre Audy, from the side of SME 2007-09-19, Brussels, Working Breakfast SME Health
Circle, were among the congratulators. SME Global
President Paul Rübig, the two SME UNION Vice-Presidents
Valdis Dombrovskis MEP and Jean-Michel Ferrand MP con-
cooperation with SME
gratulated SME Union Malta SIZM PN to their 10th Health, the SME Circle and
Anniversary. The evening began with greeting words of SME the European Academy of
Union Malta SIZM PN President Alexander Vassallo and the Sciences and Arts organ-
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi. SME UNION Vice-President ized a Working Breakfast
Jean-Michel Ferrand and SME UNION Secretary General on the topic of "Health is
Patrick Voller congratulated, in the name of SME UNION, the Wealth: Towards a Euro-
"birthday child" SIZM PN Malta with personal speeches. pean Le(a)d Market in
Healthcare". Moderator
2007-09-12, Brussels, CompTIA, SME UNION Paul Rübig MEP, President
Working Lunch on EU competition policy of SME Global and Member of the EP Industry, Research and
Energy Committee stressed the importance of healthcare,
he SME UNION organ- not only in terms of life quality for the European citizens, but
T ized together with also for the economy. Felix Unger, President of SME Health,
the Computing Techno- President of the EASA and Professor and heart surgeon
logy Industry Association highlighted the fact that the European policy concerning the
(CompTIA) a working lunch healthcare is out of date. Karl-Jürgen Schmitt, Director
on the topic "Limits to Public Relations and Health Policy Siemens AG, underlined
Competition Policy: Where the importance of Research & Development in the health-
do we go from here?" SME care sector. Subsequently Jack Watters, Pfizer Vice-


President External Medical Affairs International, described Mihaylova, former Bulgarian Minister of External Affaires, Vice-
his main points on the topic. Avril Doyle MEP, Member of the President of SME Central presented the situation of transport
EP Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food field in Bulgaria and Patrick Moulin, Secretary General of SME
Safety reminded to think of the negative effects of wide Union France of UMP and President of SME Aerospace &
spread diseases like obesity. Hungarian MEP Antonio De Defence introduced the Solution for the European air transport
Blasio criticised that today's system lacks prevention incen- network. Ludovic Orban, Minister of Transport, Romania
tives and only deals with the symptoms, but not with the stressed the importance of an accelerated process in order to
causes of most illnesses. realize the projects for modernization of Romanian infrastruc-
ture. Martin Eichtinger, Austrian Ambassador-Designate to
2007-09-28, Bucharest, Romania, SME UNPR Romania, showed a special interest in Romanian transport pol-
Conference on Transport and Infrastructure icy. Augustin Hagiu President of Romanian Transport Operators’
Federation emphasized the infrastructure problems facing the

O n the eve of the

conference, 27
Romanian transport operators.

September 2007 the 2007-10-02 Ljubljana, SME Union Slovenia

guest speakers were conference with Commissioner Reding
invited to a dinner at the
newly renovated PNTCD he International Confer-
headquarters. Marian T ence on "Information
Petre Milut, President of Technology and Intergener-
PNTCD, announced at the event the candidates of PNTCD for ational Dialogue" was organized
the European Parliament elections in the presence of Calin by the SME Union Slovenia in
Popescu-Tariceanu, Prime Minister of Romania and Emil cooperation with the SME
Constantinescu, President Popular Alliance and former UNION of the European People's
President of Romania with great media attention. On 28 Party. The special guest of honor
September 2007 the SME UNION of the EPP in cooperation with was EU Commissioner for
the National Union of Romanian Employers (UNPR) organized a Information Society and Media,
Conference on the topic: Transport and Infrastructure in Viviane Reding.
Romania: Enhancing infrastructure: Highway to prosperity. Speakers attending the conference included Tomaz Toplak,
Marian Petre Milut, President, National Union of Romanian President of the SME Union Slovenia, President & CEO in
Employers (UNPR) thanked all participants for contributing to Pension Investment Company in Slovenia. Alojz Peterle MEP,
the conference. Dan Vice-President and SME representative for the EPP; Viviane
Iliescu, State Advisor for Reding, Commissioner for Information Society and Media;
the Romanian Prime Jean Michel Ferrand, Vice-President of the SME UNION of
Minister confirmed the the EPP, UMP National Secretary for SMEs, Member of the
Romanian Government National Assembly of France; Luc Vandeputte, EPP Deputy
priorities in the field of Secretary General; Andrej Vizjak, Minister of Economy in
infrastructure. Zoltan Slovenia; Goran Radman, Microsoft South-East Europe,
Kazatsay, Deputy Chairman; Mihael Brejc MEP, Head of Slovene EPP-ED dele-
Director General, Energy and Transport DG, European gation; Sergej Koperdak, CompTIA, EU Policy Advisor,
Commission mentioned that EU Transport policy must adopt Central and Eastern Europe; Gregor Virant, Minister of
itself to new challenges in order to be competitive. Nadeszhda Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.


2007-10-03 Brussels, SME UNION and European postulated that EU consumer policy and the Internal Market
Franchise Federation Conference on SMEs and should stick together, during the political process. Consumer
Franchising protection is clearly not only a social policy but especially an
economic policy. Her desire is a harmonization process of the
internal market to benefit the European society.
Xavier R. Durieu, Secretary
General of EuroCommerce
pointed out that commerce
is a driving force of the
European market, particu-
larly the SMEs that repre-
sent 95% of the retailers.
Bob Schmitz, Union
Luxembourgeoise des
Consommateurs, underlined that the EU institutions should
T he SME UNION in cooperation with European Franchise
Federation organized a Conference on the topic: The World
still consider valid the existence of a consumer law sui
generis. Apart from that he stated that consumer law still
of Franchising: Chances & Challenges for SMEs. James Sernett, concerns primarily domestic relations and that it shouldn't
Chairman of the European Franchise Federation mentioned that be sacrificed as "hampering the Single Market". Alexander
franchisors and SME franchisees try to form a close, dynamic Stubb MEP and member of the SME Circle emphasized that
and co-operative partnership. Piia-Noora Kauppi MEP, Vice- the EU consumer policies have to become more economic
President of the SME UNION emphasized that in Finland fran- policies and highlighted that national consumer protections
chising was mainly characteristic to the service sector. Carol have to change in order to establish one European safety
Chopra, Secretary General of European Franchise Federation market to the detriment of national safety markets.
presented the situation of franchise system in Europe.
2007-10-17 Brussels, Working Breakfast
2007-10-09, Brussels, SME UNION Working on Plant Protection and SMEs
Breakfast with Commissioner Kuneva on
Consumer Protection Acquis
R ichard Seeber MEP and
member of the SME

O thmar Karas MEP, Vice-

President of the EPP-
Circle opened the Working
Breakfast and welcomed
ED, opened the Working Egbert Panman, Belchim Crop
Breakfast and welcomed Protection, Roxane Feller,
Meglena Kuneva, European COPA-COGECA, Günther
Commissioner for Consumer Grassl, Austrian Federal
Protection. SME Intergroup Economic Chamber and
President Othmar Karas Friedhelm Schmider, ECPA, as
emphasized that her initia- well as numerous MEPs in the audience. Egbert Panman, Belchim
tive is only a beginning of a Crop Protection, emphasized that there must be figured out a
dialogue between the public and the parliament, as well as balance in order to appraise-and not only to minimize-the risks
between the Parliament and the Commission. Meglena Kuneva that are caused by pesticides. Roxane Feller pointed out that


COPA-COGECA share with the Parliament a profound concern for there are different rules
the environment and the conviction that pesticides should be of which the most impor-
used as little as possible. Günther Grassl, Austrian Federal tant is respect for the
Economic Chamber, accentuated that his chamber members that business partner. Jane
are most concerned by the review of the EU plant protection pol- Silver, PhD, Professorial
icy are producers of plant protection products and the agro-com- Fellow, Enterprise Centre
merce sector. Nearly all of these businesses are SMEs. With School of Computing,
regard to the new plant protection legislation it is fundamental to Science & Engineering
pay attention to the objectives of the EU Better Regulation Policy. University of Salford and Julia Ridsdale-Saw, Stratex sprl, pre-
Friedhelm Schmider, Director General ECPA Ipointed out that the sented the website of EU Project Passport to Trade and the ben-
European Parliament should be asked to support an approach efits of this initiative for the business community. The Conference
which looks at the individual circumstances on the national level. ended very successfully and with lot of laughs and joy with busi-
ness cabaret on the topic of cultural differences performed by
2007-10-17, Brussels, SME UNION and Otmar Kastner from Business Comedy International.
partners conference on EU business cultures
2007-11-07 Brussels, SME Energy Working Breakfast
cooperation with
on Renewable Energy Sources & SMEs

European Enterprise Institute,
cooperation with
Committee of the Regions and SME Circle organ-
organized a Conference on the topic: "Passport to Trade: Working ized a conference on the
across Cultures in the EU". Gerhard STAHL, Secretary General of topic: Renewable Energy
the Committee of the Regions, stressed out the importance of Sources & SMEs; How
understanding diversity of Europe by coping with different lan- they are affected, what can they deliver?" The Working Breakfast
guages and cultures. Ingo FRIEDRICH MEP, Honorary President started with the welcome remarks of Peter-Michael Mombaur,
of the SME UNION of the EPP, emphasized the significance of the President of SME Energy, former MEP. After this, Alfonso
"United in Diversity!" motto and pleaded for finding solutions in Gonzalez Finat, Director New and Renewable Sources of Energy,
order to learn from each other and to promote tolerance. Richard Energy Efficiency & Innovation, DG Energy and Transport
Hill, EU consultant and book author moderated the discussions stressed the aims of the Commission concerning the topic. Paul
and introduced the speakers. Arnaldo Abruzzini, Secretary RÜBIG MEP mentioned the WTO´s heavy role concerning renew-
General of EUROCHAMBRES presented his personal experience able energy. Dieter Kreikenbaum, the Head of Division Energy &
regarding the cultural barriers and regarded languages as main Climate Protection of the German Chambers of Commerce and
obstacle in intercultural cooperation. Jerzy Samborski, Executive Industry mentioned some supplies to SMEs should be lower, sup-
Director of the European Enterprise Institute cited the results of porting of systems regarding jobs. Secretary General Bernd
a recently published report on Polish SMEs which highlighted the Schnittler from UPEI, the European umbrella organisation of
barriers the entrepreneurs face to enter other EU markets. Alex independent oil traders and importers, pointed out that the
Lazar, Managing Director, Pest control Europe concentrated the "Independents" were the trailblazers and pioneers for Biodiesel,
discourse on the idea that business people have to adapt to the E 85, Bioheatingoil and Biofuels in general. But now the European
clients and their working environment. Willem van Noort, market for Biofuels and renewables shows a shortcoming of polit-
Managing Director, Unifine underlined that for business people ical will to harmonise certain standards.


2007-11-8/10, Pristina, Kosovo, SME Workshop President Peter Jungen was reelected as MIT Treasurer. The
with SME Union Kosovo and LDK SME UNION family delegation was headed by Secretary
General Patrick Voller and included greeting speeches of

S ME UNION Secretary General

Patrick VOLLER has visited
SME Union France Secretary General Patrick Moulin and SME
Union Serbia President Velimir Vukadin. European
Pristina for 3 days to participate Parliament President MEP Hans-Gert Pöttering, German
inter alia in a conference focusing Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Technology
on Kosovo's European future from Michael Glos and CDU Secretary General Ronald Pofalla were
an economic point of view. He was the honorary guests addressing the MIT delegates coming
joined in the capital by Wolfgang from all over Germany. Thanks to the grand organization of
Grossruck, member of the SME Union Germany Secretary General Hans-Dieter Lehnen
Austrian Parliament and mayor of and his team the congress and side events during these two
Grieskirchen. The conference was days in Bremen became an unforgettable perfectly organ-
opened by Kosovo's President ized SME event. The SME UNION of the EPP congratulates
Fatmir Sejdiu who held a keynote statement on the possible the newly selected board headed by Josef Schlarmann and
Euroatlantic integration. Mr Grossruck in his speech fully sup- looks forward to a continued fruitful cooperation on the
ported an economic cooperation between Kosovo and Austria European level.
based on a proper infrastructure. Isa Mustafa, the senior advi-
sor of President Sejdiu, talked about the significant economic 2007-11-20, Brussels, Annual SME UNION Topic of
reforms in Kosovo. Mr Voller was also a guest of the LDK party's the Year Conference with Verheugen
(Democratic League of Kosovo) Youth Division event. He turned
up at the LDK's Women Division meeting where he held a
speech. The organization was assisted and coordinated by Teuta T he SME UNION of
the EPP in cooperation
Musa from the LDK party, as well as Gani Azemi, coordinator of with European Enterprise
SME UNION-LDK and Mr. Vehbi Miftari, spokesperson of LDK. Institute organized a
Conference on the topic:
2007-11-16/17, Bremen, SME Union Germany MIT Less & Better Regulation for
Annual Federal Congress European SMEs. The confer-
ence started with the open-

B y invitation of SME
Union Germany, the
ing and introductory
remarks of Christoph Leitl,
Mittelstands- und Wirts- President of the SME UNION
chaftsvereinigung der CDU/ of the EPP. Ingo Friedrich
CSU a SME UNION delega- MEP, Honorary President of
tion was present to witness the SME UNION of the EPP,
the 8th federal congress was the keynote speaker.
in the city of Bremen. He talked about the need to
The President of the SME reduce bureaucracy, which could be done by introducing a
Union Germany, Dr. Josef Small Business Act for Europe. Peter Jungen, President of
Schlarmann was reaf- the European Enterprise Institute, started the Panel on Less
firmed in his leading position for the upcoming period with & Better Regulation for European SMEs. He said that
a majority of over 97% of the votes. SME UNION Co- bureaucracy is an attack on enterprises, especially on small


ones. Alexander Radwan MEP, President of the SME Circle, why the award has to be handed over to Günter Verheugen.
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, talked about Commissioner Verheugen was very pleased to receive the
how important it is that the commission, the parliament and award. He said that it is a very special price for him. It is not
the council work together on such a topic as less and better the first economic one, but the first price he got from anoth-
regulation. Christian Weinberger, European Commission, er political family. He pointed out that policy for SMEs is
Head of Unit DG Enterprise, pointed out that young people extremely important for European freedom and develop-
in the new member states are more entrepreneurial than in ment as in his understanding not policy makers create jobs
the US. Othmar Karas MEP, Vice-President of the EPP-ED but entrepreneurs do. The framework conditions for that
Group, President of the SME Intergroup, said that Edmund are very important and what is the most important value
Stoiber is now in a central position to deal with all these for him is freedom to decide. SME policy is now moving
questions. He pointed out that the SME Intergroup brings towards a major political initiative, a European Small
together MEPs from all political groups who are interested in Business Act, which ranks very high on the European
SME issues. In his opinion the SME UNION is the think tank Commission's agenda. What still is missing is that a lot of
for the Circle and Intergroup. David Doyle, Head of EU member states do not realize the social importance of
Parliamentary Affairs of ACCA said that it is important to entrepreneurship. So it is an aim of Verheugen and the
note that SMEs are no homogenous group and that there is Commission to make society aware that entrepreneurship
a great variety among them. Peter Jungen said that there is essential for the wellbeing of the society. He lastly point-
has been lots of discussion about the European Social ed out that he has an emotional relationship with all topics
Model, but there has to be also a European Economic Model. concerning SMEs.
The entrepreneur in Europe is a dying species, which is
going to be a problem for politicians because they should 2007-11-21, Brussels, SME UNION, CompTIA
provide work places. In his opinion it is the birth of new Working Lunch on E-Skills
firms that make the economic dynamic. After that he start-
ed the SME UNION Political Entrepreneurship Award
Ceremony on "How to make Europe more Entrepreneurial". T he SME UNION
in cooperation
The Award was given to with CompTIA organ-
Günter Verheugen, European ized a Working Lunch
Commission Vice-President, on the topic "E-Skills:
EU Commissioner for Enter- Investing into the
prise and Industry. Mr. future". The confer-
Jungen said that the award is ence started with the
not only a sign to say thank opening and intro-
you for all of Verheugen`s ductory remarks of
effort concerning SMEs but Hugo Lueders, Group
also an attempt to encourage Director Public Policy of CompTIA. He presented CompTIA
him to work on, to support all and pointed out that it is the next biggest world wide e-
those who are fastening this skills certification provider after Microsoft. André Richier,
process. He pointed out that Principal Administrator at the European Commission - DG
in his opinion the Barroso- Enterprise and Industry, Responsible for policy aspects
Verheugen-Commission made related to the competitiveness of the ICT industry and
the turnaround in this issue as raising the de-minimis-limits human capital, was the first speaker. He worked for IBM
means less bureaucracy and less control. That's a reason before and after the bubble exploited there were


many surveys and studies about how e-skills could be Secretary General of the Vas County Chamber of Commerce
developed. Patrick Voller, Secretary General of the SME and Industry in Hungary; Paul Rübig, Austrian member of
UNION of the EPP pointed out that the Commission already the European Parliament and President of SME GLOBAL;
realized the problems in the ICT sector and that it gets sup- Alojz Peterle MEP, Slovenian member of the European
port from the European Parliament as well. Pilar del Castillo Parliament and former Prime Minister of Slovenia. The first
Vera, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, point- day ended in the castle of Hartberg where the Director of
ed out that e-skills is connected to lifelong learning and the Economic Chamber of Styria, Thomas Spann's cocktail
that too many players try to engage too many activities. reception was followed by a dinner given by Martin
Jan-Willem Scheijgrond, Governmental Affairs Director of Bartenstein, Federal Minister of Economy and Labour in
Hewlett Packard pointed out that HP is also active in devel- Austria.
oping countries, but that the mass majority there wants to On the second day,
come to Europe later because people should be kept there the handcrafts work-
to do business. shop was moderated
by Gyula Karolyi,
2007-11-23/24, Styria, Austria, Austrian, Hungarian Vice-President of the
and Slovenian SME Union Crossboarder EU Hungarian Association
Conference "Growing together - EU enlargement as of Craftmen's Corp-
success story for regional SMEs" orations and Austria
by Josef Herk. The

T he SME
UNION, trade workshop was
moderated by Tomaz
Steiermark, SME Union Toplak. The workshop
Slovenia and the Hungarian on tourism was mod-
SME Union organized a two erated by Franz Perner, economic chamber of Burgenland,
days regional SME confer- division for Tourism and Leisure. Reinhold Lopatka, Federal
ence in Bad Waltersdorf, Secretary of State for Sport in Austria highlighted the posi-
Styria, Austria. The main tive economic impact of Soccer EURO 2008 on Austria and
aim of the conference was the whole region.
to foster a more effective
cooperation between entre- 2007-11-29, SME UNION and KfW Working Breakfast
preneurs doing business in the neighboring regions of on EU Emission Trading
Austria (Southern Styria), Western Hungary and Northern
Slovenia. The main activities of the participants consisted of
trade, handcrafts and tourism. The speakers attending the T he SME UNION organ-
ized a Working Break-
conference included the Mayor of Bad Waltersdorf, Josef fast on EU Emission Trading:
Hauptmann; SME UNION President, Christoph Leitl; Chances & Chal-lenges for
Christian Buchmann, Minister for Economy, Innovation and SMEs in cooperation with
Finance of the Federal State of Styria; Karlheinz Kopf MP, Kreditanstalt fur Wiederauf-
member of the Austrian Parliament and Secretary General of bau (KfW) Bankengruppe
the Austrian SME Union; Tomaz Toplak, President of the which took place in the
Slovenian SME Union; Antonio De Blasio MEP, Hungarian European Parliament. The
member of the European Parliament; Sandor KISS, Working Breakfast was mod-


erated by Karl-Heinz Florenz MEP, Rapporteur of the EP of Europe. Kovacevic, Deputy Minister of Serbian, believes
Committee on Climate Change. The German MEP lately visited that the young generation is the key for reaching this goal.
China and the USA and he shared his experience on how emis- Jean-Paul Gauzes MEP, SME Start-up President thinks that
sion trading and environmental policy are treated in these two Serbian will become a Member of the European Union and
countries. Artur Runge-Metzger, Head of Unit for climate change the SMEs will play an important part on this game. Thomas
strategy in European Commission, DG Environment said the Schneider, First Vice-President of YEPP remarked that Serbia
whole Emission Trading Scheme was rocked in 2006 by a price is already a part of Europe. György Bisztray, SME Central
crash on the carbon market. Berhard Zander, First Vice- President pointed out the importance of young entrepre-
President on carbon funds at the KfW Bankengruppe reported neurs to find solutions to handle the Challenges on the Road
there were currently 100 million carbon credits together with 3 of Serbia to the EU. In the first workshop "Concept of Social
billions of euros available to apply for the enterprises. Guy Market Economy in Time of Globalisation" moderator
Wollwert, the representative of the Societe Nationale de Credit Claudia Nolte, former federal Minister of Germany, Resident
et d'Invertissement (SNCI), a development bank from Representative of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Belgrade
Luxembourg, talked about a fruitful partnership of SNCI as a emphasized that democracy is the fundament for every
monetary institution with the KfW. economy and the social market has an important function
for the chances and challenges of globalization. Peter
2007-12-14, Belgrade Serbian SME Congress Jungen, Co-President of the SME UNION, introduced and
moderated the second workshop "Chances and challenges
for Young Entrepreneurs in South East Europe".

The last workshop was intro-

duced by Herbert Preclik,
Trade Commissioner of
Austria in Serbia. Karlheinz
Kopf MP, Secretary General
Austrian SME Union Österre-
ichischer Wirtschaftsbund
and SME UNION Treasurer
noted that SMEs are
the backbone of economy,
adding that their development calls for political stability and
incentives for young people to start up their own business.

T he SME UNION, Youth of the EPP (YEPP), SA SMP in

cooperation with, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce,
The second day of the Conference tackled the topic of
"Serbian SMEs on the Road to EU" and started with the
SME-Starts-up, SME Central, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung opening and welcome remarks of Milan Jankovic. Karl von
organized an SMEs Congress in Belgrade. The first part of Klitzing, Representative of EBRD described the programs
the Congress took place in the Sava-Center, and topic of the of the EBRD to support SMEs in Serbia. Patrick Voller,
day "Young Entrepreneurs in South-East Europe: Changes & Secretary General of the SME UNION of the EPP concluded
Challenges for the New Generation" started with the open- that the SMEs in Serbia are dynamic, but now the govern-
ing and introductory remarks of Milan Jankovic, President of ment must accelerate the reforms. The event in Serbia
Belgrade Chamber of Commerce. His fundamental message concluded successfully the SME UNION working year of
to the over 100 guests was that Serbian wanted to be a part 2007.


Change of guards at the SME UNION’s head of Office

A year in review – first impressions and activities

007 was a year of further directly our new EU member states and engaged SME
2 changes and developments with- member organizations. These conferences in addition to
in the SME UNION. Mid of the year further regular SME UNION Presidency meetings support
Barbara Schweighofer returned to our goal – communication through diversification – mean-
Vienna after various years as head of ing we are present for our members here in Brussels, in
Office and I was happy to take over their home countries, we are present with policy makers
this challenging task as new head of and opinion leaders, we are present wherever we can sup-
Office for the SME UNION. Thanks to port our members, wherever we can raise our voice and
Barbara Frontini Bizjak the strong support of the whole team make the interests and needs of our individual members
Head of Office and especially of Patrick Voller I heard. By communication on various levels SME UNION
was able to integrate fast and suc- achieves and secures that our goals and interests are
cessfully. present in time on all political levels.

SME UNION’s work is based on communication and net- Our qualified multi-lingual office team – many of them
working with all interested parties. We push our target with us for internship - guarantee the best possible organ-
into the daily work of all member states’ representatives, ization, preparation and coordination in order to smooth
organizing for example working breakfasts, when special the way for our organization, our policy makers, our
speakers elaborate on specific fields important to our deputies from the SME Circle, our supporters and fore-
SMEs. This way we address deputies, interested represen- most our members – for our communication!
tatives as well as opinion makers when starting their
working day with important issues presently discussed We are very proud having successfully integrated during
within EU bodies and related to SME interests. Vivid dis- the year 2007 more than 27 internships from various
cussions during these events proof the importance and countries like Hungary, Germany, Austria, Turkey,
the interests of our target group. Slovenia, Belgium and Romania etc. proofing SME
UNION’s true European character.
The same level of intensive communication and network-
ing is preformed throughout the day on various fields – by I am looking forward to a very successful 2008 which will
personal contacts, meetings, seminars and conferences bring us new challenges and new achievements for all
and other events organized by the SME UNION office in present and new members. SME UNION is and will contin-
Brussels and elsewhere. ue as the success story within political and economical
interest representations - we are your voice, we represent
Successfully we enlarged the member base throughout your interests, we make your engagement successful!
the member countries convincing individual companies
about the benefits of membership, by proofing them that
SME UNION represents their interests in Brussels best! Barbara Frontini Bizjak
Doing so, we also secure the financial as well as the polit-
ical strength of our Europe wide organization.

Various conferences in Central and Eastern European

member states – like in Ljubljana, Bucharest or Belgrade
as well as on Malta – brought our messages and tasks Head of Office


SME UNION supporting sustainable jobs, growth and prosperity

I n our work to shape the EU legislation in favor of SMEs we ensure that the interest of small
and medium-sized enterprises is observed. In this perspective our Brussels office is con-
stantly monitoring the work of the EU institutions, building contacts with the relevant EU bod-
ies, trying to influence legislation and regulations to reflect SME concerns.

As an EPP associated member we are actively participating in the technical work of EPP groups
seeking to ensure that the SMEs interests are reflected in the EPP policy guidelines. Political and
regulatory initiatives create and limit company and market opportunities but the SME UNION is
Cleopatra Rusu Deaconu providing his members with high quality results on relevant issues as: energy policy, reduction
Policy Adviser of administrative burdens, capital markets and other areas were SMEs interests are at stake.

Information flow is of paramount importance for our European economies therefore, through-
out our monthly newsletter and homepage we constantly keep all the members and friends
updated with the latest SME related news, legislative proposals and events.

The SME UNION year 2007 was marked by numerous events, working breakfasts and confer-
ences, framework for discussions, debates and dialogue between high level EU representatives,
associations, and SMEs representatives.

SME Marketplace

The SME Marketplace is a tool we integrated on our SME UNION website in order to provide the
members and patrons with the possibility of trading goods. It is a platform that allows advertis-
ing offers or demands of goods and services among our members. The main advantages are:
• Access to a wide range of offers

• User friendly interface

• Easy add posting

Implementing this electronic tool, guided by our member’s suggestion, we tried to bring all the
SME UNION partners closer to each others needs, to increase the interaction between them and
to provide them with faster communication and direct contact. If you are part of the SME UNION
family and if you are interested to join our business platform please visit: http://www.sme-
Cleopatra Rusu Deaconu

Policy Adviser



EU Member States: Members & Networkpartners

Country Member President/Spokesperson Secretary General/Contact Person
Austria Wirtschaftsbund C. Leitl K. Kopf, A. Bäck
Belgium CD&V M. Thyssen P. Gijsels, T. Pieters
Bulgaria Democratic Alternative N. Mihaylova M. Ivanova
Bulgaria Democratic Path M. Cappone
Cyprus Democratic Rally A. Sinka P. Michaelides
Czech Republic EAD of Christian Democrats J. Kasal F. Bures
Czech Republic SME Union of Czech Republic M. Topolanek, D. Seich J. Prusa
Denmark DKF P.O. Jørgensen C. Rovsing
Estonia Res Publica and Pro Patria Union T. Jürgenson, O. Lumi
Finland Kokoomus P-N. Kauppi T. Tujunen
France SME Union France UMP J-M. Virepinte P. Moulin
Germany MIT der CDU/CSU J. Schlarmann H-D. Lehnen
Germany Mittelstandsunion der CSU H. Michelbach St. Bürzle
Greece DAKMME C. Folias D. Maos, A. Tzivas
Hungary KKVE G. Bisztray L. Madi
Ireland Fine Gael Party A. Doyle
Italy SME Union Italy C. Cocchi A. Bianchi
Latvia New Era V. Dombrovskis D. Smits
Lithuania Homeland Union A. Keserauskas R. Garbaravicius
Luxembourg CSV M. Sauber M. Rauchs
Malta Partit Nazzjonalista A. Vassallo D. Mielak
Netherlands CDA C. Wortmann-Kool J. Ten Hoopen
Poland Unicorn J. Samborski M. Florczak
Portugal SME Union of PSD J. Kramer
Romania OACD SME Union of PNTCD M. P. Milut N. Neacsu
Romania PD Partidul Democrat G. Dramba
Romania PPA SME Union of Romania St. Rosu
Slovakia ZPP SME Union Slovakia I. Stefanec ˘
K. Simková
Slovakia ZKPMSR SME Union of KDH P. Faktor T. Taraba
Slovenia SME Union Slovenia T. Toplak St. Zorko, B. Bruderman
Spain Partido Popular C. Montoro, M. Canete A. Nadal, G. Arroyo
Sweden Kristdemokraterna E. Lindsö L. Hallberg
Sweden Moderata G. Hökmark
United Kingdom Conservative Party M. Harbour, P. Bushill-Matthews, J. Purvis

Europe: Members
Country Member President/Spokesperson Secretary General/Contact Person
Albania SME Union of Albania A. Hani G. Pollo, G. Gjinko
Croatia SME Union of HDZ I. Sanader, G. Jandrokovic D. Benko
Norway SME Union of Hoyre P. Lovik Ch. Angell
Serbia SME Union Serbia V. Vukadin J. Boberic, Z. Stojiljkovic

Europe: Observers

Country Member President/Spokesperson Secretary General/Contact Person

Kosovo LDK G. Azemi V. Miftari
Macedonia VMRO-DPMNE M. Krzovski, V. Gjorcev
Moldova Association of Christian Democratic I. Rosca V. Plamadeala

SME UNION - Principles, objectives and purpose • Safeguarding competition based on efficiency;
• Promoting employment;
Article 3: The Association stands for the democratic state • Promoting sustainability in environmental, social,
based on the rule of law and a free economic and social order. economical and fiscal matters;
It shall promote federal integration in Europe thereby safe- • Improving the level of education;
guarding peace and strengthening democracy. It stands for • Limiting the tax burden for SMEs and for the citizens.
the principles and promotion of the Free Market Economy. It
considers the following principles to be essential preconditions The Association shall support and promote the interests of
for a free economic and social order: small and medium-sized business, craft trades and the liberal
professions in their dealings with the policy institutions of the
• Promotion of free enterprise with a particular European Union. For the purpose of implementing its princi-
emphasis on family based entrepreneurship; ples and objectives outlined above, the Association shall
• Limiting bureaucratic obstacles to economic development; advise and support the EPP as a recognised association of the
• Implementation of the principle of subsidiarity; party.
• Limiting the role of government; Vienna, 22 November, 2006


We would like to express our gratitude to:

I. Our special supporting members and the

• Österreichischer Wirtschaftsbund (ÖWB) in
particular Karlheinz Kopf and Alexander Bäck
• Mittelstands - und Wirtschaftsvereinigung
(MIT) in particular Josef Schlarmann, Peter
Jungen and Hans-Dieter Lehnen
• European Peoples Party (EPP) in particular
Wilfried Martens, Antonio Lopez Isturiz and
Luc Vandeputte

II. Our cooperation partners:

• National Union of Romanian Employers
(UNPR) in particular Marian Petre Milut and
• Novartis and Sandoz in particular Sandra
Gaisch and Lotte Huinink
• EFF (European Franchise Federation) in partic-
ular Carol Chopra
TOTAL EXPENSES • Belgrade Chamber of Commerce in particular
Milan Jankovic and Jovana Ninkovic

III. Our fraternal organisations:

• Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Brussels (KAS) in
particular Peter R. Weilemann
• Hanns Seidel Stiftung Brussels (HSS) in parti-
cular Markus Russ
• UEAPME (European Association of Craft, Small
and Medium-sized Enterprises) in particular
Hans-Werner Müller and Gerhard Huemer
• EUROCHAMBRES in particular Arnaldo
Abruzzini and Sonja Starnberger
TOTAL EXPENSES • EuroCommerce in particular, Xavier R. Durieu,
Mario Müller, Patrice Pellegrino and Ralph
• European Enterprise Institute (EEI) in particu-
lar Peter Jungen, Jerzy Samborski and Gunnar
• BUSINESSEUROPE in particular Natascha
Waltke and Christian Feustel


Winter 2006/2007 Spring 2007 Summer 2007

Autumn 2007 with President Leitl and Treasurer Kopf Winter 2007/2008

Editor: SME UNION of the EPP
Responsible for the content: Patrick Voller
Chief Editor: Barbara Frontini Bizjak
Deputy Editor: Özge Uyanik
Photos: SME UNION Team
Address: SME UNION of the EPP, 22, Rue de Pascale, 1040 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 233 38 38, Fax: +32 2 230 92 18

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