Remote Teach Serv Mac Win

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How to connect to the ECSE Department teaching servers using Remote Desktop

(Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7):

From the desktop click start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Remote Desktop Connection.

A login prompt will appear. There are 5 identical Teaching Servers (ts1-5) for use with ECSE
class accounts:

The names of the two Research Servers are: &
To connect to one of the servers, enter one of the above hostnames as the remote computer

After clicking Connect, youll be prompted for your username and password.

The remote desktop will appear. (If you try to log in and see an error message complaining
about a "protocol error" then please see the note at the end of this document).

Open a terminal window from within the remote desktop session by clicking on (Applications
-> System Tools -> Terminal). A terminal window will appear. You can add the icon to your top
panel by right clicking the icon and selecting, "Add this launcher to panel".

Enter the following command in the terminal window to start Cadence:

icfb &
The Cadence application should start, and you can proceed with your work.
Ending Your Session:

After you are finished with your Cadence session, please be sure to log out of the session by
selecting Actions->Log Out from the menu. If you simply close the window using the X button
in the upper right corner, the session will remain active, and continue to use resources on the
Changing your password:
Once logged in, you can change your password using the "yppasswd" command from the
command line.
Logging in from off-campus:
You can log into the machine using the above method from anywhere on campus. From offcampus, you can connect to the server by connecting to the campus remote VPN first,
although depending on your connection speed and congestion, you may need to come to
campus to get the fastest possible connection.
NOTE: With some versions of Windows (Vista & Windows 7), there are problems with the
built-in version of Remote Desktop. If you try to log in and see an error message complaining
about a "protocol error", then you will need to download the older version of the Remote
Desktop client software from Windows XP in order to successfully connect to the servers. It
can be downloaded from the following web location, after entering the appropriate username
and password:
username: vlsi
password: rdp4clas
You will need to unzip the archive to your desktop (or another folder on your system) and run
Remote Desktop (old).exe.

For MAC users:

If you have a MAC select the application, which may be located in your menu bar:

This will open a dialogue box called xterm.


Alternatively, open a terminal window by going to applications > utilities > terminal.
In the terminal, type ssh X username@hostname
Hostnames for the teaching servers are:
This will prompt you to enter the password to your teaching server account in the next line.

Enter your password and establish a connection with the teaching server. X11 app will now
boot up. X11 emulates the display environment for Cadence.
Launch Cadence by typing icfb& in the terminal window.

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