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emily Reichardt

year 11 chemistry good heatlth Extended experimental investigation


Table of Contents
Introduction:.......................................................................................................... 3
Standard Procedure:.............................................................................................. 4
Two other variations occurred to the above procedure. They were:...................4
Variation 1 Procedure:..................................................................................... 4
Variation 2 Procedure:..................................................................................... 4
Recrystallise Procedure:..................................................................................4
Vacuum Filter Procedure:.................................................................................4
Ferric Chloride Test Procedure:........................................................................5
Results:.................................................................................................................. 6
Graphs:............................................................................................................... 6
Yield:................................................................................................................... 7
Analysis and Discussion:........................................................................................ 7
Conclusion:............................................................................................................ 9
References:............................................................................................................ 9
Appendix:............................................................................................................ 10
Theoretical yield of Original Variation:..............................................................10
Percent Yield:................................................................................................. 10
Theoretical yield of Variation 1:........................................................................11
Percent Yield:................................................................................................. 11
Theoretical yield of Variation 2:........................................................................11
Percent Yield:................................................................................................. 11
Synthesis of Aspirin Results table:....................................................................12
Original Sample:............................................................................................ 12
Variation 1:.................................................................................................... 12
Variation 2:.................................................................................................... 12
Ferric Chloride Purity Test:............................................................................. 12

Aspirin, Acetylsalicylic acid, functions by reducing substances in the body that
can cause pain or inflammation. Aspirin is classified as a Non- Steroidal AntiInflammatory Drug (NSAID). NASIDs are medications that reduces fevers in
higher doses anti-inflammatory effects (ADF, 2014). The most common NSAIDs

are aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen because they are over the counter
medications, (MNT, September 2009). Aspirin has become increasingly popular
to prevent blood clots, over the long-term, low doses can prevent heart attacks
and strokes as it acts as a blood thinner. Its also given to patients after a heart
attack to prevent recurrence and cardiac tissue death, (MNT, September 2009).
Figure 1 Aspirin Equation:
chemical reaction involving
salicylic acid and acetic
anhydride as reactants and
aspirin and acetic acid as
products, (Note that it is the
OH group of salicylic acid that
reacts with acetic anhydride
to form an ester-like product).

Figure 1 Aspirin Equation:

Aspirin is an odourless,
colourless, crystalline, weakly acidic, white powdery substance. The boiling point
of aspirin is 140oC and the melting point is 135 oC, while aspirins density is
1.40g/cm3. Aspirin is stable in dry air; in moist air it is gradually hydrolysed into
salicylic and acetic acids and when aspirin is heated to decomposition it emits
acrid smoke and fumes. The physiological effect aspirin has is that reducing
inflammation therefore reduces swelling, pain, heat, and redness (PubChem,
October 2009). Other effects is reduction in the prostaglandins, also blocks
constriction of the efferent arteriole within the glomerulus of the kidneys, this
decreases the filtration rate of your kidneys therefore compromising the kidneys
Aspirin can be made using a process called esterification. Esterification occurs
when a carboxylic acid and an alcohol chemically react to produce an ester. This
reaction can be used to synthesis aspirin from salicylic acid. The theoretical yield
is the quantity of a product obtained from the complete conversion of the
limiting reactant in a chemical reaction. The limiting reagent is the one that is
completely consumed in the reaction. The limiting reagent is determined by the
relative amounts of reactants, and must be calculated for every reaction,
therefore in this case Salicylic Acid is the limiting reagent. A catalyst changes the
rate of a reaction but isnt actually absorbed in the reaction, catalyst do not
change the composition of the final product. Pure, crystalline solids have a
characteristic melting point, the temperature at which the solid melts to become
a liquid. The transition between the solid and the liquid is so sharp for small
samples of a pure substance that melting points can be measured to 0.1 oC,
(BRW, 2004). The FeCl 3 purity test, is used because Iron III reacts with one of the
possible impurities in aspirin, therefore testing the purity of the sample.
The aim of this investigation is to synthesise aspirin by a reaction between
Salicylic Acid and Acetic Anhydride with different variations and to test the purity
by melting point and the FeCl 3 test. In the standard procedure the amount of
Salicylic Acid will determine the yield mass because Salicylic Acid is the limiting

reagent. When testing purity the samples with higher amount of Acetic
Anhydride, the more pure the recrystallised aspirin sample will be.

Standard Procedure:
Using an electronic balance, 3.00g of Salicylic Acid was measured directly into a
Conical Flask (Caution: skin irritant). Using a fume hood 6ml of Acetic Anhydride
was measured in a graduated measuring cylinder (Caution: severe eye irritant
avoid skin and eye contact.) The flask was swirled to dissolve the crystals and
6ml of concentrated Sulfuric Acid was added using a dropping pipette. The flask
was swirled once again and was gradually heated in a warm water bath (60 oC)
for 15 minutes using a retort stand and clamp to prevent the flask for tipping.
Distilled water was placed in an ice bath to cool for later use. Two filter papers
were weighed and recorded then set aside. The solution was removed from the
warm water bath. 20 drops of iced distilled water was added with precision using
a dropper then 20ml of water was measured using a measuring cylinder then
stirred to dissolve. The solution was placed in the ice bath until the crystals
formed. Then the solution was filtered using the vacuum pump (using the
directions below) with the pre-weighed filter paper, when it was finished the filter
paper was removed with the product on top of it. Then the product and filter
paper were placed on the watch glassed and left to dry overnight, the next day
when the product was dried it was recrystallised (using the method below)

Two other variations occurred to the above procedure. They were:

Variation 1 Procedure:
The Standard Procedure was followed, only changing the Salicylic Acid
measurement to 3.00g and the Acetic Anhydride measurement to 9ml.

Variation 2 Procedure:
The Standard Procedure was followed, only changing the Salicylic Acid
measurement to 3.00g and the Acetic Anhydride measurement to 9ml.

Recrystallise Procedure:
1/4 of the sample was weighed and placed in a beaker. 10 of Ethanol was
measured in a graduated measuring cylinder then added to the sample. The
sample was then stirred and placed in a warm water bath (45 oC) until the
crystals had dissolved. 25mL of warm water (80 oC) was measured and added to
the alcohol solution. The solution was then left to cool then when the
recrystallization started it was placed in the ice bath to finish the
recrystallization. The product was then filtered (using the directions below), and
the crystals were placed on a watch glass and left to dry overnight and then the
melting point was verified.

Vacuum Filter Procedure:

The apparatus consists of a Buchner funnel, filter paper, single hole rubber
stopper, ring stand and filter flask (Buckner flask), clamp, and vacuum tube
connecting the flask to an aspirator (See Figure 2 to for correct setup). The filter
paper was placed in the Buckner funnel and a dropper bottle was used to wet the
filter paper to ensure it stays in place, the mixture was then poured onto the

filter paper and then the flask was rinsed making sure all the mixture was on the
paper. The aspirator was then turned on causing the liquids to filter out, the
product was then rinsed with cold water to further remove unwanted solids.

Figure 2 - Vacuum Filtration


Ferric Chloride Test Procedure:

A small amount of all six samples (3 variation before recrystallised and 3 after
recrystallised) were added to separate test tubes with 5mL of distilled water and
were swirled to dissolve the sample. One drop of 1% Ferric Chloride was added to
the six samples, then compared against samples of distilled water, Salicylic Acid
and Commercial Aspirin. Note colour changes in notebook (the darker purple the
less pure the sample is however the more transparent the liquid is the pure the
sample is).
Figure 3 Melting Point Apparatus


Melting Points in Synthesis of

Aspirin Samples

Degrees Celsius

120 117.2





Sample Names
Starting Temp

Finishing Temp

Figure 4 Melting Points of Aspirin Samples Graph:

Synthesis of Aspirin Results


Measurements/ weights

Original Sample

Variation 1

Varation 2

Figure 5 Synthesis of Aspirin Results Graph:

Theoretical yield of Original Variation:
Theoretical yield = Molar Mass A x Moles
= 3.91g aspirin


= 180.15g/mol x 0.02172 mol

Percent Yield:
Percent yield = (actual yield / theoretical yield) x 100 = (2.828g / 3.91g) x (100)
= 72.32% yield
Theoretical yield of Variation 1:
Theoretical yield = Molar Mass A x Moles
= 3.91g aspirin


= 180.15g/mol x 0.02172 mol

Percent Yield:
Percent yield = actual yield / theoretical yield) x 100 = (3.37 g / 3.91 g) (100)
= 86.18% yield

Theoretical yield of Variation 2:

Theoretical yield = Molar Mass A x Moles


= 180.15g/mol x 0.02172 mol

= 3.91g aspirin
Percent Yield:
Percent yield = (actual yield / theoretical yield) x 100 = (2.233g/3.91g) x (100)
= 62.02% yield

Analysis and Discussion:

There were many observable trends throughout this experiment. After looking at
the Ferric Chloride Purity test results it is possible to assume that samples with
larger amounts of Acetic Anhydride (the excess) are the more pure samples.
Looking at the melting points, it appears that the more impure samples have the
shorter, less precise the melting points are. Regarding the process of
recrystallization, it appears that the lower the temperature of recrystallization,
the percentage of purity increases.
This investigation was aimed at finding out whether the hypothesis was
supported by the results from the experiment. The results supported the theory
because the higher amounts of acetic anhydride will make a more pure product.
The outcome indicated that the product with higher amounts of acetic anhydride
will produce a product with higher levels of purity, tested by measuring the
melting point and performing a ferric chloride purity test. Although the results
supported the initial hypothesis, there is no vast difference between the original
procedure and variation 2, the two most sufficient procedures. The original
procedure and variation 2 both had close ranging melting points with the original
sample before recrystallization of 117.2 oC 118.1oC and variation 2 before
recrystallization with a melting point of 114.9oC 116.9oC. With these sample
have only a 2oC difference in temperature means they have roughly the same
levels of purity.
The hypothesis of making a pure sample with larger quantities of Acetic
Anhydride was supported when the Ferric Chloride test occurred and showed that
the variations with more Acetic Anhydride (variations 1 and 2) had near
transparent solutions therefore are pure. The efficiency of the Original Samples
recrystallised (72.32%) could be improved on however. There are multiple
sources of error in this particular experiment. One noticeable source of error is
the amount of product wasted in transfers from one piece of equipment to
another. Another possible source of error was that during the recrystallisation the
amount of product that was transferred was roughly 1/4 (leaving the other 3/4
for purity test). Spilling of product or solutions is another source of error, along
with various human error mistakes or environmental conditions that could impair
the experiments results.

Figure 7 Comparison of Variation 1

Recrystallized (4) and Commercial
Aspirin (B)

Figure 6 Comparison of
water and Variation 1
Recrystallized (4)

proved the
was supported, several improvements could be made to the procedure to further
ensure the experiment is a success. Firstly, because the possible loss of product
caused by transferring from one piece of equipment to another is magnified in
the percent yield the initial amount of product could be increased. This
experiment could have also been improved by reducing the number of times the
product/sample is transferred between apparatus. Another area in which this
experiment could be improved upon is the drying stage: instead of simply letting
the product in the watch glass to dry, it could potentially be stirred constantly in
order to help release trapped liquid. The experiment could be improved upon in
several ways.
The average levels of yield obtained in this experiment has not only contributed
to the experiments procedure and mechanism, but also to the experimental
flaws. Possible reasons for such a low yield could be due to many factors, such as
disturbance throughout crystallisation, incomplete reaction and overheating.
Ultimately, crystal formation is highly dependent on critical temperature and the
level of disturbance the solution was subjected to.
The theoretical yield for the original procedure was 3.91g of aspirin (see
calculations in leaning journal) this yield is the best possible outcome that can be
produced from 3g of salicylic acid in perfect condition. The amount of aspirin that
was produced was 2.828g of aspirin. Therefore the percentage yield that was
produced was 72.32%. Theoretical yield of the variation 1 procedure is 3.91g of
aspirin (see calculations in learning journal) once again this the best possible

outcome using the procedure. The actual amount of aspirin synthesised in

variation 1 procedure was 3.37g, therefore the percentage yield is 86.18%
meaning that out of the potential 3.91g of aspirin, only 86.18% was utilised.
Variation 2s procedure also had a theoretical yield of 3.91g of aspirin (see
calculations in learning journal) that could potentially be produced. However the
actual amount of aspirin produced in the experiment was 2.233g, with a
percentage yield of 62.02%.
The experiment was carried out with as much accuracy and precision as possible,
however during the procedure several thing still could have happened, thereby
changing the yield of the product. Throughout the experiment although
everything went according to plan, however, they may have been some human
or mechanical errors that could have occurred. It is possible that the machines
were faulty, especially the electronic balance as the weigh may have been
slightly more or less accurate. To ensure that your results are as accurate as
possible you can use the same electronic balance, then even if the weight is
slightly off it will not vary throughout the experiment. Another way to improve
the yield of the synthesis aspirin it would possible to find a way to remove the
water by evaporating the water from the solution with removing other products.
Furthermore, it could be achievable to get more aspirin in the end by minimising
the amount of water when washing the crystals. When the aspirin is being
washed it is possible that generous amounts of water cause the crystals to be
filtered, therefore reducing the yield.
Recrystallization is a process that is used to purify a substance. This procedure is
carried out by placing the impure compound in a solvent, heating the solution so
that the sample dissolves, and filtering the impurities. If the aspirin sample is
pure, it will melt sharply at the literature value. The melting point temperature of
commercial aspirin is 135oC. As shown in Figure 4 (Melting Points of Aspirin
Sample Graph) the melting point of variation 2 before recrystallization is 114.9
116.9oC which indicates the sample is impure. Whereas the sample of variation 2
after recrystallization the melting point is 134.4 137.2 oC, which is not a sharp
precise measurement however it is closer to the melting point of commercial
aspirin. Therefore recrystallization improves the purity in variation 2.
During the reaction, the colour of the reaction mixture changed from white to
transparent. This reaction is caused by increased in temperature, which also
increases solubility and allowed the white salicylic acid powder to dissolve,
forming a transparent solution. Also, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is much more
soluble in water than salicylic acid, although both exist as a white powdery
substance. Thus, the disappearance of colour in the reaction also means that
more soluble aspirin crystals which can dissolve when being formed, and that
relatively insoluble salicylic acid crystals could not dissolve when being used. It
wasnt until the solution began to cool down, did the white crystals of aspirin
from, as solubility dropped with the reduction in temperature.
During this experiment we managed to product aspirin with a good level of purity
and not much loss of reactant (satisfying yield). A total of 2.828 grams of pure
aspirin was synthesised out of 3.91 grams. Therefore there was 27.68% error and

72.23% product yield for the original procedure, in variation 1 2.60 grams was
synthesised from a possible 3.91 grams. Thus, there was a 66.49% product yield
and 33.51% error. In variation 2 out of 3.91 grams 2.233 grams was synthesised,
hence there being 57.10% product and 43.9% error. In future, special care should
be taken for washing the crystals with the cold distilled water in order to
maximize possible yield. The products obtained were not extremely pure, with
melting points of (original sample recrystallized) 127.4 133.5 oC, (variation 1
recrystallized) 121.9 134.5oC and (variation 2 recrystallized) 134.4 137.2 oC.
The results differed greatly from the theoretical melting point of 135.0 oC and the
resalts did not melt sharply at the literature value, like an extremely pure sample

1. American, (2015) Esterification Reaction. [online] Available
[Accessed 16 Aug. 2015].
2., (2015). The Chemistry of Aspirin Aspirin
Foundation. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26
Aug. 2015].
3. (2015). The History of Aspirin [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Aug.
4., (2015). Experiment 5 Synthesis of Aspirin. [online]
Available at:
[Accessed 16 Aug. 2015].
5., (2015). ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID (ASPIRIN). [online]
Available at:
%20ACID.htm [Accessed 13 Aug. 2015].
6., (2015). ChemSpider. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16
Aug. 2015].
7., (2015). Chemistry 51. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 16 Aug. 2015].
8., (2015). Aspirin - Drug Prevention & Alcohol Facts DrugInfo. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2015].
9., (2015). Aspirin | C9H8O4 - PubChem. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 13 Aug. 2015]., (2015). Aspirin Synthesis [online] Available at:
[Accessed 23 Aug. 2015]., (2011). College. Work. Life
afterwards. Full Report: Synthesis of Aspirin. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2015].
11, (2015). Recrystallization [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Aug. 2015], (2015). What Is Aspirin [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Aug.
2015]., (2015). What Is Recrystallization [online] Available at [Accessed 23 Aug.

MP apparatus Procedure:
Melt-Temp apparatus is used in this experiment as well in order to find the
melting point of the synthesised substance. To use this apparatus, one must use
a small glass capillary tube to scoop up a small amount of the substance and
then place this capillary tube inside the apparatus. Once this is set up, turning on
the apparatus will slowly heat up an aluminium block touching both the capillary
tube and a thermometer. By observing the substance and noting at which
temperature the substance starts to melt then what the temperature the
substance is completely melted, it is then possible to determine the range of the
melting point.

Theoretical yield of Original Variation:

(3g Salicylic Acid; 6ml Acetic Anhydride)
(CH3CO)2O + C6H4(OH)COOH -> C9H8O4 + CH3COOH
Mole ratio = 1:1:1 (salicylic acid: acetic anhydride: aspirin)
Molar Mass SA = 138.12 g/mol
Molar Mass AA = 102.09 g/mol; = 1.082 g/mL
Molar Mass A = 180.15 g/mol
Moles SA = grams SA/MM SA = 3g SA/138.12g/mol
= 0.02172 or 2.172 x 10 -2 moles Salicylic Acid
Mass AA = vol. AA AA = 6 mL x 1.082g/mol
= 6.492 g Acetic Anhydride
Moles AA = grams AA/Molar Mass AA = 6.492g/102.09g/mol
= 0.06357 or 6.357 x 10 -2 moles Acetic Anhydride
0.02172 moles SA x (1mole aspirin/1mole SA) x (180.15g/mol aspirin)
= 3.91g aspirin (limiting reactant)
0.09538 moles AA x (1mole aspirin/1mole AA) x (180.15g/mol aspirin)
= 17.18 g aspirin (excess reactant)

Since aspirin (from Salicylic acid) <aspirin (from acetic anhydride), salicylic acid
is the limiting reactant and acetic anhydride is the excess reagent.
Theoretical yield = Molar Mass A x Moles SA = 180.15g/mol x 0.02172 mol
= 3.91g aspirin
Percent Yield:
Percent yield = (actual yield / theoretical yield) x 100 = (2.828g / 3.91g) x (100)
= 72.32% yield

Theoretical yield of Variation 1:

(3g Salicylic Acid; 9ml Acetic Anhydride)
(CH3CO)2O + C6H4(OH)COOH -> C9H8O4 + CH3COOH
Mole ratio = 1:1:1 (salicylic acid: acetic anhydride: aspirin)
Molar Mass SA = 138.12 g/mol
Molar Mass AA = 102.09 g/mol; = 1.082 g/mL
Molar Mass A = 180.15 g/mol
Moles SA = grams SA/MM SA = 3g SA/138.12g/mol
= 0.02172 or 2.172 x 10 -2 moles Salicylic Acid
Mass AA = vol. AA AA = 9 mL x 1.082g/mol
= 9.738 g Acetic Anhydride
Moles AA = grams AA/Molar Mass AA = 9.738g/102.09g/mol
= 0.09538 or 9.538 x 10-2 moles Acetic Anhydride
Since aspirin (from salicylic acid) < aspirin (from acetic anhydride), salicylic acid
is the limiting reactant, and acetic anhydride is the excess reactant.
Theoretical yield = Molar Mass A x Moles SA = 180.15g/mol x 0.02172 mol
= 3.91g aspirin

Percent Yield:
Percent yield = (actual yield / theoretical yield) x 100 = (2.60 g / 3.91 g) (100)
= 66.49% yield

Theoretical yield of Variation 2:

(3g Salicylic Acid; 9ml Acetic Anhydride)
(CH3CO)2O + C6H4(OH)COOH -> C9H8O4 + CH3COOH
Mole ratio = 1:1:1 (salicylic acid: acetic anhydride: aspirin)
Molar Mass SA = 138.12 g/mol
Molar Mass AA = 102.09 g/mol; = 1.082 g/mL
Molar Mass A = 180.15 g/mol
Moles SA = grams SA/MM SA = 3g SA/138.12g/mol

= 0.02172 or 2.172 x 10 -2 moles Salicylic Acid

Mass AA = vol. AA AA = 9 mL x 1.082g/mol
= 9.738 g Acetic Anhydride
Moles AA = grams AA/Molar Mass AA = 9.738g/102.09g/mol
= 0.09538 or 9.538 x 10-2 moles Acetic Anhydride
Since aspirin (from salicylic acid) < aspirin (from acetic anhydride), salicylic acid
is the limiting reactant, and acetic anhydride is the excess reactant.
Theoretical yield = Molar Mass A x Moles SA = 180.15g/mol x 0.02172 mol
= 3.91g aspirin
Percent Yield:
Percent yield = (actual yield / theoretical yield) x 100 = (2.233g/3.91g) x (100)
= 57.10% yield

Hazardous Chemicals

Salicylic Acid: Harmful if swallowed. Causes mild skin irritation. Causes

serious eye damage. HMIS Classification: Health Hazard 2,
Flammability 0, Physical Hazard 0.
Acetic Anhydride: Strongly irritating and corrosive. Moderate fire risk
(flash point 49oC). Causes severe eye damage. Wear eye protection.
Have access to eyewash. Vapors are strongly irritating. Open and
dispense in fume hood. Reacts (sometimes delayed) violently with
water. Moderately toxic by ingestion and inhalation. HMIS
Classification: HMIS Classification: Health hazard 3, Flammability 2,
Physical hazard 2.

Phosphoric acid (o-phosphoric acid): Skin and eye irritant. Toxic by

ingestion and inhalation. Burns tissue. HMIS Classification: Health
hazard3, Flammability0, Physical hazard0.

Ethanol: Fire risk (flash point 14.0C). Flammable. Addition of

denaturant makes the product poisonous. Store in dedicated
flammables cabinet. Skin and eye irritant. Moderately toxic by
ingestion and inhalation. HMIS Classification: Health hazard2,
Flammability3, Physical hazard1.

Iron (III) nitrate: May intensity fire; oxidizer. May be harmful if

swallowed. Causes skin irritation. May cause respiratory irritation. HMIS
Classification: Health hazard2, Flammability0, Physical hazard3.

Synthesis of Aspirin Results table:

Original Sample:
Mass of salicylic acid used (g)
Volume of acetic anhydride used (mL)
Mass of acetic anhydride used
(1.082g/mL) used
Mas of aspirin and filter paper (g)
Mass of filter paper (g)


Mass of crude aspirin synthesized (g)

Mass of purified aspirin product


Variation 1:
Mass of salicylic acid used (g)
Volume of acetic anhydride used (mL)
Mass of acetic anhydride used
(1.082g/mL) used
Mas of aspirin and filter paper (g)
Mass of filter paper (g)
Mass of crude aspirin synthesized (g)
Mass of purified aspirin product


Variation 2:
Mass of salicylic acid used (g)
Volume of acetic anhydride used (mL)
Mass of acetic anhydride used
(1.082g/mL) used
Mas of aspirin and filter paper (g)
Mass of filter paper (g)
Mass of crude aspirin synthesized (g)
Mass of purified aspirin product


Ferric Chloride Purity Test:

Sulfuric Acid (A)
Commercial Aspirin (B)
Original sample (1)
Original sample recrystallized (2)
Variation 1 (3)
Variation 1 recrystallized (4)
Variation 2 (5)
Variation 2 recrystallized (6)

Dark purple
Almost clear, faint purple tint
Almost clear, pink tint
Almost clear, pink tint
Almost clear, purple tint
Almost clear, faint colour
Mostly clear, slight tint
Almost clear, slight tint


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