Investigating The Differences Between Inhaled and Exhaled Air in Terms of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Contents

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Activity 7.

Investigating the differences between inhaled and exhaled air in terms of
oxygen and carbon dioxide contents
To investigate the differences between inhaled and exhaled air in terms of
oxygen and carbon dioxide contents
Problem What are the contents of oxygen and carbon dioxide in inhaled air the same as
Statement those in exhaled air?
Inhaled air has a higher percentage of oxygen when compared to exhaled air.
Hypothesis Exhaled air has a higher percentage of carbon dioxide when compared to
inhaled air.
Manipulated variable:
Oxygen and carbon dioxide contents


Responding variable:
Length of air columns occupied by the gases in a J-tube
Constant variable:


Potassium hydroxide solution, potassium pyrogallate solution, J-tube, boiling

tube, rubber tubing, ruler and washbasin
a) Investigating the contents of oxygen and carbon dioxide in inhaled air
b) Investigating the contents of oxygen and carbon dioxide in exhaled air

*anda boleh dapatkan langkah-langkah melakukan eksperimen ini dalam buku
rujukan, buku teks KPM dan internet
Calculation the percentages of carbon dioxide (P) and oxygen (Q) in the sample
of inhaled air.



Length of air column (inhaled air) = x cm

Length of air column after using potassium hydroxide solution = y cm
Length of air column after using potassium pyrogallate solution = z cm
Length of air column occupied by carbon dioxide = (x y) cm
Length of air column occupied by carbon dioxide = (y z) cm
Percentage of carbon dioxide in inhaled air =
100% = P%

g) Percentage of oxygen in inhaled air =

100% = Q%

*untuk karbon dioksida dalam udara hembusan, boleh guna formula di atas.
1. Why it is necessary to use the potassium hydroxide solution before the
potassium pyrogallate solution?
Because potassium hydroxide solution absorbs only carbon dioxide while
alkaline potassium pyrogallate solution absorbs oxygen and carbon dioxide.
2. Compare the percentages of carbon dioxide in inhaled air (P) and exhale air
(R), and the percentages of oxygen in inhaled air (Q) and exhaled air (S).
Which samples have a higher percentage?
P is lower than R while Q is higher than S.
3. What inferences can you make from these experiments?
Inhaled air has higher oxygen content but lower carbon dioxide content.

Exhaled air has lower oxygen content but higher carbon dioxide content.
Inhaled air has a higher percentage of oxygen when compared to exhaled air.
Conclusion Exhaled air has a higher percentage of carbon dioxide when compared to
inhaled air. Hypothesis is accepted.

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