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Description of Epoxy Hardeners

All working times(pot life) are based upon an optimum working temperature of about 80
degrees F. Temperatures variations will greatly affect curing times, and when below 65F can
sometimes double curing times. Other factors that affect epoxy curing can be moisture and
humidity, as well as the thickness of lamination.

Description of Times Shown

Pot Life: Represents the maximum amount of time that the mixture can remain in your pot.
Once applied to your working surface(usually in thin layers) this will greatly increase the
time you have before the epoxy sets.

Set Time: This is the amount of time after the epoxy is applied in a thin film that it will arrive
at a gel state, still wet, but no longer a liquid. To recoat without sanding between coats you
must reapply after this point but before the drying time has completed.

Drying Time: At this point the epoxy will be ready to sand and has reached about 90% of
its cured hardness. Epoxy still might remain a bit flexible at this point but will complete
100% curing over the following 1-5 days. If air temperature get below 60 degrees, dry times
can double from the times shown.

1 to 1 Epoxy Hardener for

Laminating and Coating
For Use With Only 150 Thick Epoxy

2 to 1 SLOW Epoxy Hardener

Using this hardener provides for maximum
working time at high temperatures. Ideal in high
humidity conditions and temperatures over 85F.
Should not be used in conditions below 70F
unless an extremely lengthy curing time is

Mixing Ratio by
Volume: 1:1

Pot Life: 30-35 Min @ 80F

Set Time: 3-4 Hours

Drying Time: 12-14 Hours

Mixing Ratio by
Volume: 2:1

Pot Life: 35-40 Min @ 80F

Set Time: 5-6 Hours

Drying Time: 24-28 Hours

Generally used in
combination with
our thick resin for
an excellent
coating epoxy.


Mixing Ratio by
Volume: 3:1

Pot Life: 20-25 Min @ 80F

Set Time: 3-4 Hours

Drying Time: 8-10 Hours

Mixing Ratio by
Volume: 4:1

Pot Life: 15 Min @ 80F

Set Time: 1-2 Hours

Drying Time: 3-4 Hours

3 to 1 MEDIUM Epoxy Hardener

Our most popular hardener choice, an excellent
general purpose hardener for most conditions
including high performance applications. Great for
fiberglass and composite layup with carbon or

4 to 1 FAST Epoxy Hardener

Our fast epoxy hardener is great for cold weather
conditions or for those who prefer fast curing
times at normal temperatures. It is good for
fiberglass and composite layup as well as a fast
cure bonding applications.
The faster cure of this particular hardener will also
result in a more rigid laminate.



Deskripsi Epoxy Hardeners

Waktu kerja (kehidupan pot) didasarkan pada suhu kerja optimum sekitar 80 derajat
F. Suhu variasi akan sangat mempengaruhi kali menyembuhkan, dan ketika di
bawah 65F kadang-kadang dapat melipatgandakan kali menyembuhkan. Faktorfaktor lain yang mempengaruhi epoxy curing dapat kelembaban dan kelembaban,
serta ketebalan laminasi.
Deskripsi Times Tampil
Pot Life: Merupakan jumlah maksimum waktu yang campuran dapat tetap berada di
pot Anda. Setelah diterapkan ke permukaan kerja Anda (biasanya dalam lapisan
tipis) ini akan sangat meningkatkan waktu yang Anda miliki sebelum set epoxy.
Set Waktu: ini adalah jumlah waktu setelah epoxy diterapkan dalam film tipis yang
akan tiba di negara gel, masih basah, tapi tidak lagi cairan. Recoat tanpa

pengamplasan antara mantel Anda harus mengajukan permohonan kembali setelah

titik ini, tetapi sebelum waktu pengeringan selesai.
Waktu pengeringan: Pada titik ini epoxy akan siap untuk pasir dan telah mencapai
sekitar 90% dari kekerasannya sembuh. Epoxy masih mungkin tetap agak fleksibel
pada saat ini, tetapi akan menyelesaikan 100% menyembuhkan selama 1-5 hari
berikutnya. Jika suhu udara mendapatkan di bawah 60 derajat, kali kering dapat
melipatgandakan dari kali ditampilkan

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