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BAAN IV Finance

Cash Management

Module Description

7717 US

Document information


: 7717 US
: Training Material
: Cash Management
: January 1996

Copyright 1996 Baan Development B.V. The Netherlands

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or published by print, photoprint,
microfilm, audiotape, electronically, mechanically or any other means, or stored in an information
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be considered as a
commitment by Baan Development B.V. No responsibility is assumed for any error which may appear in
this document.

Cash Management

Cash Management

Cash Management

Table of contents

Part 1

The module in perspective

The business objects


The Cash Management module in perspective

The Cash Management module in perspective
The business objects of the CMG module
Master data and prerequisites



The Master Data business object

The place and function of Master Data
The mandatory sessions
Maintain CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100m000)
Maintain Bank Relations (tfcmg0110m000)
Maintain Payment Methods (tfcmg0140m000)
Maintain Data by Bank/Payment Method (tfcmg0145m000)
Other sessions
Maintain Reasons for Foreign Payments (tfcmg0130m000)
Maintain Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000)
Maintain Posting Data by Tax Code
Maintain Record Types for Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5104m000)
Maintain Conversion Data for Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5105m000)



The Transaction Processing business object

The place and function of Transaction Processing
Mandatory sessions
Processing bank transactions procedure
Processing anticipated payments procedure
Processing anticipated receipts procedure
Changing the anticipated payment status procedure
Changing the anticipated receipt status procedure
Assigning advance / unallocated payments to invoices procedure
Assigning advance / unallocated receipts to invoices procedure
Reconciling the anticipated payments/receipts procedure
Defining check number ranges procedure
Maintaining and processing standing orders procedure
Other Sessions
Enter Amounts for Assignment (tfcmg2107s000)
Maintain One-Time Supplier Addresses (tfcmg1101m000)
Select Batches for Finalization (tfgld1110m000)


The Supplier Payments business object

The place and function of Supplier Payments
Mandatory sessions
Select Invoices for Payment (tfcmg1220m000)
Maintain Payment Advice (tfcmg1120m000)
Process Payments (tfcmg1240m000)
Compose Payments Manually (tfcmg1245m000)
Assign Banks to Payments (tfcmg1250m000)


Cash Management

Cash Management

Cash Management


Audit Payments (tfcmg1255m000)

Create Payment Orders (tfcmg1256m000)
Print Remittance Letters (tfcmg1270m000)
Post Payments (tfcmg1257m000)
Other sessions
Display Batch Numbers for Payment Procedure (tfcmg1221m000)
Remove Payment Batches (tfcmg1259m000)
Reset Payment Status (tfcmg1280m000)
Maintain Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000)
Maintain Standing Orders (tfcmg1110m000)



The Customer Receipts business object

The place and function of Customer Receipts
Mandatory sessions
Select Invoices for Direct Debits (tfcmg4220m000)
Maintain Direct Debit Advice (tfcmg4120m000)
Process Direct Debits (tfcmg4240m000)
Compose Direct Debits Manually (tfcmg4245m0000
Assign Banks to Direct Debit (tfcmg4250m000)
Audit Direct Debits (tfcmg4255m000)
Create Direct Debit Orders (tfcmg4256m000)
Print Remittance Letters (tfcmg4270m000)
Post Direct Debits (tfcmg4257m000)
Other Sessions
Display Batch Numbers for Direct Debit Procedure (tfcmg4521m000)
Remove Direct Debit Batches (tfcmg4259m000)
Reset Direct Debit Status (tfcmg4280m000)



The Statistics business object

The place and function of Statistics
Mandatory sessions
Update Customer Statistics (tfcmg3200m000)
Other sessions
Print Customer Statistics by Customer and Period (tfcmg3400m000)



The Cash Forecast business object

The place and function of Cash Forecast
Mandatory sessions
Update Cash Forecast (tfcmg3210m000)
Other sessions
Maintain Customer Invoice Cash Date (tfcmg3110m000)
Maintain Supplier Invoice Cash Date (tfcmg3111m000)
Maintain Forecast Periods (tfcmg3113m000)



The Electronic Bank Statements business object

The place and function of Electronic Bank Statements
Mandatory sessions
Maintain Record Types for Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5104m000)


Cash Management


Maintain Conversion Data for Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5105m000)

Convert Electronic Bank Statement (tfcmg5202m000)
Match Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5212m000)
Audit Posting Data for Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5203m000)
Post Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5222m000)
Other sessions
Maintain Converted Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5102m000)
Maintain Remittance Advice Messages (Receipts) (tfcmg5101m000)
Maintain Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5103m000)
Maintain Posting Data for Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5106s000)
Update Bank Accounts for Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5232m000)
Remove Posting Data for Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5213m0000



The Proforma Invoices business object

The place and function of Proforma Invoices
Mandatory session
Link Advance Receipts to Proforma Invoices (tfcmg6200m000)
Other sessions
Maintain Advance Receipts Adjusted per Invoice (tfcmg6100m000)
Process Proforma Invoices (tfcmg6230m000)


Part 2

The functional procedures


The payment procedure

The payment procedure and its result
The steps in the payment procedure
The core procedure for the payment orders
A variation in the payment procedure
Payments without defined steps
The steps in the direct debit procedure
The core procedure for direct debit orders
A variation in the direct debit procedure



The electronic bank statements procedure

The electronic bank statements procedure and its result
The steps in the electronic bank statements procedure


Cash Management

Cash Management

Cash Management


This book supports the BAAN IV classroom training session for the
Cash Management module. Part One describes the Cash Management
module as a tool. Part Two describes how the tool can be used.
Part One
Chapter 1 places the module in perspective of BAAN IV, describes the
module, and explains the relationships with other modules. It also lists
all business objects and describes the flow between these business
objects. Finally it lists the prerequisites and the master data needed to
run this module.
Chapter 2 through 9 describe the business objects. Each chapter
explains the flow of the mandatory steps within a business object. An
explanation of the optional steps concludes each chapter.
Part Two
The chapters in this part describe the functional procedures. Each
chapter provides a detailed explanation of the flow of a functional
On-line Help
For detailed descriptions of this module, there is comprehensive on-line
help available in the system. The on-line help information can be
displayed by entering a question mark [?] on thechoice field [session
help] or the fields [field help].
This book does not specifically relate to one course. A course can
cover a number of modules or parts of modules making use of the
related books.

Cash Management

Cash Management

Cash Management

Part 1
The module in perspective
The business objects

Cash Management

Part 1

Cash Management

The Cash Management module in perspective

This chapter describes the main functions and objectives of the Cash
Management module. Information is given about the modules function
within BAAN IV and how the module is related to other modules.
Additionally, this chapter presents the modules business objects, then
closes with the global set-up requirements for the module.


The Cash Management module in perspective

The Cash Management (CMG) module processes all cash and bank
transactions related to:

payments of purchase invoices

receipts of sales invoice amounts
stand-alone payments
unallocated payments and receipts

Information from cash transactions is used to gather statistic

information which is used to analyze the payment behavior of
customers. Cash flow forecasts can be generated to analyze the
liquidity position of the organization. These forecast analyses can be
used to determine if short-term capital is required to run the business.

Service &








Figure 1-1 The CMG module in BAAN IV

Cash Management

1 The Cash Management module in perspective

The CMG module is part of the Finance package which is the heart of
BAAN IV. Financial transactions originating in the logistical packages
can be posted to the CMG module automatically.

As Figure 1-2 shows, the CMG module is directly related to other

Finance modules only.




Figure 1-2 The modules related to CMG

History and maintenance of purchase invoices is handled in the

Accounts Payable (ACP) module. The (automatic or manual) payment
of these purchase invoices is processed in the CMG module. The
maintenance of sales invoices is done in the Accounts Receivable
(ACR) module. Finally, these financial transactions processed in the
CMG module are posted to the General Ledger (GLD) module.


The business objects of the CMG module

The CMG module consists of the following business objects:

Master Data
Transaction Processing
Supplier Payments
Customer Receipts
Cash Forecast
Electronic Bank Statements

Before the Supplier Payments, Customer Receipts, and Transaction

Processing business objects can be used, master data must be
defined. The information in the Master Data business object is needed
for the automatic payment and/or direct debit procedures, as well as for
the definition of forecast periods. The most important master data
includes payment methods, bank relations, and the posting steps
defined in the cash procedures.

Cash Management

1 The Cash Management module in perspective

Master Data

Supplier Payments

Customer Receipts

Transaction Processing

Cash Forecast


Figure 1-3 The main flow between the business objects in the CGM module

Financial transactions created in the Cash Management module go

through the Transaction Processing business object to the General
Ledger module. In this business object, the postings are processed by
means of transaction types. Postings generated in the Supplier
Payments and Customer Receipts business objects are processed
through the Transaction Processing business object to the General
Ledger module. These postings consist of financial transactions for
anticipated payments and receipts. These transaction types must be
specified in a transaction processing batch. Later, financial transactions
are finalized and stored in the General Ledger module.
When purchase invoices kept in open entries in the Accounts Payable
module are due or partial payments must take place, the Supplier
Payments business object supports the payment process. The
payments to be processed are selected by supplier, banks are
assigned, and bank orders (or checks) are printed or stored in an
electronic file. Lastly, related cash transactions are posted to the
General Ledger module.
If sales invoice receipts are processed by the organization, the
Customer Receipts business object is used. Prior to using this business
object, customers must have authorized the organization to
automatically debit their bank accounts. The due sales invoices are
selected for customers who allow direct debiting, banks are assigned,
bank orders are printed or stored in an electronic bank file. Finally,
related cash transactions are posted to the General Ledger module.

Cash Management

1 The Cash Management module in perspective

The Statistics business object provides the means to analyze the

payment behavior of customers including their terms of payment . The
receipt information is obtained from the automatic debits in the
Customer Receipts business object. If these receipts are processed
manually, the data is provided by the Transaction Processing business
The Cash Forecast business object provides the ability to forecast cash
flows to provide insight into the liquidity position of a company at a
certain moment in the future. A cash flow forecast represents the
incoming and outgoing cash flows resulting from:

purchase and sales invoices

purchase and sales orders
project orders
sales quotations
financial budgets
standing orders

A number of banks sent bank statements electronically, either on

diskette or by modum. The business object Electronic Bank Statements
supports this function. The electronic bank statements are matched
against the purchase and sales invoices in Baan IV and the information
is processed in the financial accounts. If possible, most of the
transactions are done automatically.


Master data and prerequisites

Before the Cash Management module can be used, the Finance
Implemented parameter must be set to Yes in the Maintain COM
Parameters (tccom0000m000) session. In addition, the master data
must be defined in the General Ledger module, for example the general
ledger account and transaction type definitions for posting cash

Cash Management

The Master Data business object

This chapter describes the Master Data business object and gives
information about the business objects functions. In addition, the
chapter identifies and explains the mandatory and other sessions
related to the business object. Related parameters are mentioned
where applicable.


The place and function of Master Data

Data must be entered in the Master Data business object before the
CMG module can be used. In this business object, data is entered
which is used to enter manual cash transactions and to run the
statistics. In addition, this data is used for flow forecast the
payment/receipt procedure.


The mandatory sessions

Maintain CMG Parameters


Maintain Bank Relations


Maintain Payment Methods


Maintain Data by Bank/

Payment Method

Figure 2-1 The procedure of the mandatory sessions


Maintain CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100m000)

A default bank relation is used to process payments. In addition, the
method of selecting due invoices must be defined. To run a cash
forecast or analyze the statistics, time periods must be specified. If tax
calculations must be performed for advance payments, these, too, must
be defined. This session provides the data to be used in other business

Cash Management

2 The Master Data business object


Maintain Bank Relations (tfcmg0110m000)

The bank relations data provided in this session pertains to a certain
bank account. After a transaction type is assigned to a bank relation,
financial transactions which are written to the General Ledger module
are processed by means of the assigned transaction type. The bank
relation in conjunction with the payment method to create and process
payments and receipts is important. The default bank relation is defined
in the Maintain CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100m000) session.


Maintain Payment Methods (tfcmg0140m000)

In this session, payment methods are defined. The layout of payment
orders (for example: check, bank order, or electronic bank file) is
determined by the payment method. In addition, composition options
are defined by the payment method. The composition option is used
when payments are processed combining invoices by supplier and
customer. A payment method is linked to each purchase and/or sales
invoice. Several payment method options are available to pay or collect
open entries, such as checks, bills of exchange, and bank orders.


Maintain Data by Bank/Payment Method (tfcmg0145m000)

Each bank relation with a payment method forms a unique combination
which is used in all payment and direct debit procedures. For each
combination, several posting steps can be defined (for more information
on these posting steps, see Chapter 9). One or more of these posting
steps are used to select the level of detail for tracing payments. For
each step, the general ledger accounts can be chosen to which the
financial transactions created during payment processing are to be


Other sessions


Maintain Reasons for Foreign Payments (tfcmg0130m000)

This session provides information on payments to foreign suppliers to
explain the origin of the transaction (for example: transportation
services rendered). These Reasons for Foreign Payments codes along
with detailed descriptions are defined in this session. If a purchase
invoice is processed, a Reasons for Foreign Payments code is linked to

Cash Management

2 The Master Data business object


Maintain Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000)

The persons in the organization who are authorized to make payments
are set up in this session. For each person, the maximum amounts
allowed for automatic and manual payment processing are defined.


Maintain Posting Data by Tax Code

The Maintain Posting Data by Tax Code session is used when financial
transactions for discounts, payment surcharges and payment
differences must be separated on different general ledger accounts by
tax code. Later, transactions can be analyzed by country and tax code.
Discounts, late payment surcharges and payment differences must be
defined by tax code. The Tax Code parameter is used in the Maintain
CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100m000) session. The functionality provided
in this session is country-specific and is not used by all countries.


Maintain Record Types for Electronic Bank Statements

Electronic bank statements contain such data as the amount, currency,
contra bank account. this data is stored in several record types.
Examples of record types are header records, detail records, and footer
records. The bank determines the type of record in which the data is
stored. This session is used to define the used record types per bank,
the place where the record identifier can be found, and the value of the
record identifier.


Maintain Conversion Data for Electronic Bank Statements

All banks deliver the electronic bank statements in their own format. To
convert an electronic bank statement, the system must know the exact
position of the required data. Consequently, the place of the several
types of data (subjects) is defined per record type. The place of the
subjects in the record types differs per bank. This session is used to
predefine the subjects. Some of these subjects are mandatory, for
example amount and transaction date.

Cash Management

2 The Master Data business object

Cash Management

The Transaction Processing business object

This chapter describes the Transaction Processing business object and

gives information about the business objects functions. In addition, the
chapter identifies and explains the mandatory and other sessions
related to the business object. Related parameters are mentioned where


The place and function of Transaction Processing

All financial cash transactions to be posted go to this business object
and on to the General Ledger module. All activities performed must be
reflected in the general ledger. The general ledger must be updated if
payments or receipts are processed. In addition, this business object
processes advance payments and receipts, and unallocated payments
and receipts for which the associated invoices are not known.
The payments for purchase invoices due can be processed
automatically. In addition, the Transaction Processing business object
can have single payments processed manually. Usually, this business
object handles a transaction in the second stage of the payment or
receipt which means that the payment or receipt is processed and the
document status is anticipated. After the bank statement is received, the
reconciliation of the payment or receipt is performed through this
business object.
In addition, standing orders (payment orders without associated
purchase or purchase invoices) can be set up to be processed in the
automatic payment run. Finally, the check numbers received from the
bank organization can be controlled in the check master by tracing each
check back to the supplier and the number of checks previously issued.


Mandatory sessions
In the Transaction Processing business object, there are several
procedures which support cash transactions. The procedure used
depends on the stage of the payment to be processed (for example:
anticipated payments or reconciliation of payments). Usually, these
procedures are processed in the last payment stage, namely after the
bank has processed the payments and the bank statement is received.
All procedures begin by entering information by means of the
transaction types which are set up in the General Ledger module. The
transaction category of these types of transaction is cash. Cash
transactions are processed by selecting a predefined transaction type
for a transaction processing batch.
For the different procedures involving mandatory sessions in the
Transaction Processing business object, see Section 3.2 including the
related flowcharts.

Cash Management

3 The Transaction Processing business object

First, all procedures and subsessions related to the Maintain

Transactions session are discussed. Next, the procedures and
mandatory sessions related to check number ranges and standing
orders are discussed.
Maintain Transactions (tfgld1101m000)
Financial transactions are entered in BAAN IV based on the transaction
type and can be specified in more detail. Depending on the transaction
type, different sessions are used to enter transactions. In this chapter,
the sessions which execute cash transactions are discussed.
The following cash procedures are discussed:


Processing bank transactions

Processing anticipated payments
Processing anticipated receipts
Changing the anticipated payment status
Changing the anticipated receipt status
Assigning advance / unallocated payments to invoices
Assigning advance / unallocated receipts to invoices
Reconciling the anticipated payments/receipts

Processing bank transactions procedure

Maintain Bank Transactions


Maintain Bank Balances


Maintain Cash
Management Transactions

Figure 3-1 Processing bank transactions procedure

Maintain Bank Transactions (tfcmg2100s000)

All bank transactions must be entered in BAAN IV when a bank
statement is received. This session is used to process all kinds of bank
transactions. Payments can be created without invoices. A purchase or
sales invoice can be selected for a single manual payment or receipt.
Reconciliations can be performed. In addition, advance payments or
receipts can be posted or entered in cash journals.

Cash Management

3 The Transaction Processing business object

Maintain Bank Balances (tfcmg2101s000)

Transactions are kept in the home currency of each bank account. All
foreign transactions are converted to that currency. A bank check is
provided to determine if the balance of the bank statement is the same
as the balance in BAAN IV after all transactions have been entered.
BAAN IV calculates the balance by comparing the opening and closing
balance amounts of the bank account.
The Maintain Bank Transactions (tfcmg2100s000) session is used to
update the Maintain Bank Balances (tfcmg2101s000) session in the
following manner. First, the Cash transaction type must be set up in the
Master Data business object in the General Ledger module. In addition,
a currency code must be entered for the currency field in the Maintain
Transaction Types session. This currency code must have been defined
previously in the Maintain Currencies (tcmcs0102m000) session.
Maintain Cash Management Transactions (tfcmg2120s000)
Most banks charge for processing transactions. These bank charges
must be paid and also posted to the General Ledger module. All cash
journals must be posted immediately by means of this session, which is
executed by the Maintain Bank Transactions (tfcmg2100s000) session.
In the Maintain Bank Transactions session, the value of the Type of
Transaction field must be set to Journal. A cost amount entered in this
session can be posted to one or more ledger accounts (plus dimensions).


Processing anticipated payments procedure

Maintain Anticipated

Maintain Anticipated
Payments (Details)

Maintain Cash
Management Transactions
(Anticipated Payments)

Figure 3-2 Processing anticipated payments procedure

Cash Management

3 The Transaction Processing business object

Maintain Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2110s000)

This session is used to manually select and pay purchase invoices. After
a general payment document is created, purchase invoices are selected
and added to the document. In addition, payments which have not yet
been assigned to purchase invoices can be created for suppliers. These
payments are unallocated payments. In addition, the payment method
and bank relation used in automatic bank account deduction are
specified. When payments are done by check, unused check numbers
must be selected from the check master.
Maintain Anticipated Payments (Details) (tfcmg2116s000)
This session is used to maintain the details of anticipated payment
These transaction details include:


purchase invoices selected from the open entries in the Accounts

Payable module
unallocated payments which have been processed
advance payments
journal cash vouchers
standing orders

The total amount entered in the general payment document in the

Maintain Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2110s000) session is distributed
over the various elements.
Maintain Cash Management Transactions (Anticipated Payments)
If a bank charges for processing cash transactions, these costs must be
posted immediately to the General Ledger module by means of this
session. This session is executed by the Maintain Anticipated Payment
Details (tfcmg2116s000) session in which the value of the Payment
Type field is set to Journal. A cost amount entered in this session can
be posted to one or more ledger accounts (plus dimensions).

Cash Management

3 The Transaction Processing business object


Processing anticipated receipts procedure

Maintain Anticipated

Maintain Anticipated
Receipts (Details)

Maintain Cash
Management Transactions
(Anticipated Receipts)

Figure 3-3 Processing anticipated receipts procedure

Maintain Anticipated Receipts (tfcmg2111s000)

This session can be used to manually select sales invoices to obtain
cash receipts. After a general receipt document is created, sales
invoices are selected and added to this document. In addition, customer
receipts, which have not yet been assigned to sales invoices, can be
created. These receipts are unallocated receipts. Also in this session,
the payment method and bank relation used in automatic bank account
deduction are specified.
Maintain Anticipated Receipts (Details) (tfcmg2117s000)
This session is used to maintain the details of anticipated receipt
These transaction details include:


sales invoices selected from the open entries in the Accounts

Receivable module
unallocated receipts which have been processed
advance receipts
journal cash vouchers

The total amount entered in the general receipt document in the

Maintain Anticipated Receipts (tfcmg2111s000) session is distributed
over the various elements.

Cash Management

3 The Transaction Processing business object

Maintain Cash Management Transactions (Anticipated Payments)

If a bank charges for processing cash transactions, these costs must be
posted immediately to the General Ledger module by means of this
session. This session is executed by the Maintain Anticipated Receipt
Details (tfcmg2117s000) session in which the value of the Payment
Type field is set to Journal. A cost amount entered in this session can
be posted to one or more ledger accounts (plus dimensions).


Changing the anticipated payment status procedure

Maintain Anticipated
Payment Status

Document Numbers

Figure 3-4 Changing the anticipated payment status procedure

Maintain Anticipated Payment Status (tfcmg2112s000)

This session is used to track the status of anticipated payments when
several posting steps were defined in the payment method. By switching
a payment status to a payment status associated with a later step in the
payment procedure, new postings are created which must be posted to
the general ledger.
The payment status is maintained and all associated postings are
processed for anticipated payment documents which were issued.
Maintain Document Numbers (tfcmg2114s000)
Financial transactions are created when a payment status is changed
and must be posted to the General Ledger module with a transaction
type code and sequential document number. This session creates a
document with the first unused posting number.

Cash Management

3 The Transaction Processing business object


Changing the anticipated receipt status procedure

Maintain Anticipated
Receipt Status

Document Numbers

Figure 3-5 Changing the anticipated receipt status procedure

Maintain Anticipated Receipt Status (tfcmg2113s000)

This session is used to track the status of anticipated receipts when
several posting steps were defined in the payment method. By switching
a receipt status to a receipt status associated with a later step in the
direct debit procedure, new postings are created which must be posted
to the general ledger.
The receipt status is maintained and all associated postings are
processed for anticipated receipts documents which were issued.
Maintain Document Numbers (tfcmg2114s000)
Financial transactions are created when a receipt status is changed and
must be posted to the General Ledger module with a transaction type
code and sequential document number. This session creates a
document with the first unused posting number.


Assigning advance / unallocated payments to invoices

Assign Advance / Unallocated Payments to Invoices
Payments which are not linked to one or more purchase orders can be
processed. First, a payment is made to the supplier. Then, if a link
between the purchase invoice and payment can be made, the payment
amount can be assigned to the associated purchase invoices and the
open entries in the Accounts Payable module can be updated. At this
point, the purchase invoices are, in fact, paid and deleted from the open

Cash Management

3 The Transaction Processing business object

Assign Advance /
Unallocated Payments
to Invoices
Assign Advance /
Unallocated Payments
to Invoices
Assign Unallocated
to Advance

Document Numbers

Figure 3-6 Assigning advance / unallocated payments to invoices procedure

This session selects cash documents with unallocated payments. These

cash documents are processed in earlier bank transaction procedures.
Unallocated amounts are either assigned to the purchase invoices of the
open entries in the Accounts Payable module or distributed to advance
payments. Advance payments are payments which are processed for
particular work which is yet to be done or goods to be delivered for
which physical receipt has not yet taken place. Final purchase invoices
can be processed for these advance assignments later.
Assign Advance / Unallocated Payments to Invoices (Details)
This session is used to assign unallocated amounts which were entered
in the cash documents selected in the previous Assign Advance /
Unallocated Payments to Invoices (tfcmg2131s000) session to purchase
invoices. The cash amounts are debited against the actual purchase
invoices and the open entries in the Accounts Payable module are
Assign Unallocated to Advance Payments/Receipts
Even if the total amount of an unallocated payment cannot be assigned
to a purchase invoice, it is possible to pay this amount in advance. The
payments are processed preceding the logistical transactions. The
unallocated payments remaining are booked to advanced payments in
this session.

Cash Management

3 The Transaction Processing business object

Assign Unallocated / Advance Receipts Based on Aging

If a receipt is not meant specifically for one or more invoices, it is
possible to allocate the receipt based on aging. This session is used to
select invoices by transaction type, document number, document date,
and due date. By running this session, the receipt will be allocated to the
invoices within the selection, starting with the oldest. Afterwards, the
assignment must be confirmed by running the Assign Unallocated /
Advance Receipts to Invoices session (tfcmg2105m000).
Maintain Document Numbers (tfcmg2114s000)
Financial transactions are created when unallocated payments are
assigned to purchase invoices. These transactions must be posted to
the General Ledger module with a transaction type code and sequential
document number. This session creates a document with the first
unused posting number so that financial transactions can be processed
and posted to the General Ledger module.


Assigning advance / unallocated receipts to invoices


Assign Advance /
Unallocated Receipts
to Invoices
Assign Advance /
Unallocated Receipts
to Invoices
Assign Unallocated
to Advance

Document Numbers

Figure 3-7 Assigning advance / unallocated receipts to invoices procedure

Cash Management

3 The Transaction Processing business object

Assign Advance / Unallocated Receipts to Invoices

Direct debits which are not linked to one or more sales invoices can be
processed. First, a payment amount is received from the customer.
Then, if a link between the sales invoice and receipt can be made, the
receipt can be assigned to the associated sales invoices and the open
entries in the Accounts Receivable module can be updated. At this
point, the sales invoices are, in fact, received and deleted from the open
entries in the Accounts Receivable module.
This session is used to select cash documents with unallocated receipts.
These cash documents are processed in earlier bank transaction
procedures. Unallocated amounts are either assigned to the sales
invoices of the open entries in the Accounts Receivable module or
distributed to advance receipts. Advance receipts are receipts which are
processed for particular work which is yet to be done or goods to be
delivered for which physical receipt has not yet taken place.
Assign Unallocated / Advance Receipts to Invoices (Details)
This session is used to assign the unallocated amounts which were
entered in the cash documents selected in the previous Assign Advance
/ Unallocated Receipts to Invoices (tfcmg2130s000) session to sales
The cash amounts are debited against the actual sales invoices and the
open entries in the Accounts Receivable module are updated.
Assign Unallocated to Advance Payments/Receipts
Even if the total amount of an unallocated receipt cannot be assigned to
a sales invoice, it is possible to pay this amount in advance. The
receipts are processed prior to the logistical transactions. The remaining
unallocated receipts are booked to advanced receipts in this session.
Maintain Document Numbers (tfcmg2114s000)
Financial transactions are created when unallocated receipts are
assigned to sales invoices. These transactions must be posted to the
General Ledger module with a transaction type code and sequential
document number. This session creates a document with the first
unused posting number so that the financial transactions can be
processed and posted to the General Ledger module.

Cash Management
3 - 10

3 The Transaction Processing business object


Reconciling the anticipated payments/receipts procedure

Maintain Bank
Reconciliation of

Reconciliation of

Reconciliation of

Figure 3-8 Reconciling the anticipated payments/receipts procedure

Maintain Bank Transactions (tfcmg2100s000)

After a bank statement with all processed payments and receipts has
been received, all anticipated payment and receipt documents must be
reversed. In addition, invoices must be deducted. This process is
referred to as the reconciliation of payments and receipts. All
reconciliation transactions are entered in this session.
The value of the Type of Transaction field in this session, must be set to
Supplier Reconciliation (for anticipated payments) or Customer
Reconciliation (for anticipated receipts).
Reconciliation of Anticipated Payments/Receipts (tfcmg2102s000)
After the bank statement has been received, the reconciliation
transaction is entered in the previous Maintain bank transactions
(tfcmg2100s000) session. When this data is saved, this session is
executed and the anticipated payments and receipts documents
processed by the bank can be selected.
Reconciliation of Payments/Receipts (tfcmg2103s000)
The cash document selected in the previous session must now be
reconciled. In this session, a receipt or payment document can be
partially or completely accepted or rejected by the bank by changing its
status. If the document is accepted completely, the reconciliation
process is started immediately. For partial reconciliations, the
Reconciliation of Payments/Receipts (tfcmg2104s000) session is
executed first.

Cash Management
3 - 11

3 The Transaction Processing business object

Reconciliation of Payments/Receipts (tfcmg2104s000)

Additional purchase and sales invoices can be grouped in a payment or
receipts document if, for some reason, not all invoices were processed
(fully paid) by the bank. In this session, each cash document must either
be accepted or rejected by invoice to complete the reconciliation

The following two procedures involving the Transaction Processing

business object are not executed from the Maintain Transactions
(tfgld1101m000) session:


Defining check number ranges procedure

Maintaining and processing standing orders

Defining check number ranges procedure

Maintain Check Master


Add New Range

of Checks

Figure 3-9 Defining check number ranges procedure

Maintain Check Master (tfcmg2115m000)

Payments can be made by issuing checks to suppliers. After a valid
range of check numbers is received from the bank, this check number
range can be entered in this session to make payments. Each check
has its own status. This status changes during the payment procedure.
The following statuses are used:

Cash Management
3 - 12

Not Used
The check number was not used for payments.
Test Print
Before printing the range of checks for payments, one or more can
be used to test the print layout. After test printing, these check
numbers can no longer be used for normal payments.
If the check is sent together with the invoice (at the bottom of the
invoice), the invoice may contain more lines than can be printed on
one page. An extra page will be printed with the check on the first
page containing only asterisks while the check on the second page
will contain the actual total.

3 The Transaction Processing business object

The check is damaged and can no longer be used for payments.
The check is written out to pay a supplier and sent to a bank or the
The check is rejected by either the bank or the supplier and the
payment will not be processed.
The bank has processed the payments for this check.

Add New Range of Checks (tfcmg2210s000)

Check number ranges are created in this session to make payments for
a certain combination of bank relation and payment method. Usually,
these ranges are received from the bank in sets of successively
numbered checks.


Maintaining and processing standing orders procedure

Maintain Standing Orders


Automatic Distribution of
Standing Orders

Maintain Standing Order

Payment Schedule

Maintain Posting Data of

Standing Orders/
Stand-Alone Payments

Figure 3-10 Maintaining and processing standing orders procedure

Maintain Standing Orders (tfcmg1110m000)

A standing order can be created for a payment without a link to a
purchase invoice. A standing order cost transaction differs from a
standing order advance payment. For example, a cost transaction could
be for rent which is paid every month.

Cash Management
3 - 13

3 The Transaction Processing business object

Although no purchase invoice is received for this cost, the general

ledger accounts must be defined so that the cost can be posted. This is
done in the Maintain Posting Data of Standing Orders/Stand-Alone
Payments (tfcmg1113m000) session. The transaction is posted to the
open entries in the Accounts Payable module if an advance payment is
Automatic Distribution of Standing Orders (tfcmg1112s000)
The total annual rent cost can be distributed in equal amounts over the
periods involved. The distribution of these amounts can be defined by
specifying the periods, length of the period, and/or the amounts by
period. To use more than one payment period, the value of the Single
Payment field must be set to no. This automatically generated payment
schedule can be changed by means of the Maintain Standing Order
Payment Schedules (tfcmg1111s000) session.
Maintain Standing Order Payment Schedule (tfcmg1111s000)
If the value of the Single Payment field in the Maintain Standing Orders
(tfcmg1110m000) session is set to no, a payment schedule can be
defined in this session. The total amount of the order is distributed over
the planned payment dates, which allows partial payment of the
standing orders. The payment schedule indicates which installments of
the total order amount are due on these payment days. Standing orders
are due on the planned dates which can be taken into account when
automatic payments are run.
Maintain Posting Data of Standing Orders/Stand-Alone Payments
This session is used when the standing orders in the Maintain Standing
Orders (tfcmg1110m000) session are defined while the value the
Posting Method field is set to Costs. General ledger accounts (plus
dimensions) must be defined for each cost transaction to ensure proper
posting. For example: every month, the cost for rent must be paid and
posted to a cost account in the general ledger.


Other Sessions


Enter Amounts for Assignment (tfcmg2107s000)

This session is used when the total amount of an unallocated payment
or receipt cannot be linked to an invoice. The value of the Write Off field
in the Assign Unallocated / Advance Payments to Invoices
(tfcmg2106s000) and Assign Unallocated / Advance Receipts to
Invoices (tfcmg2105s000) sessions must be set to Manual. As a result,
this session is processed.

Cash Management
3 - 14

3 The Transaction Processing business object


Maintain One-Time Supplier Addresses (tfcmg1101m000)

If business is done with a temporary supplier, a one-time address is
used. If the value of the One-Time Supplier field is set to Yes , an
address is chosen from the Supplier file for the purchase invoice. When
the purchase invoice and standing order is processed, this session will
appear automatically. Any changes can be made later.


Select Batches for Finalization (tfgld1110m000)

This session is actually part of the General Ledger model instead of the
Cash Management module. All cash transactions described in the
procedures above use the general transaction processing functionality in
the BAAN IV Finance package. These cash transactions must be
finalized by means of this session to ensure that all postings to the
general ledger have taken place. Usually, this procedure is part of
finalizing all financial transactions processed in the BAAN IV Finance
package and is not a required part of the Cash Management module.

Cash Management
3 - 15

3 The Transaction Processing business object

Cash Management
3 - 16

The Supplier Payments business object

This chapter describes the Supplier Payments business object and

gives information about the business objects functions. In addition, the
chapter identifies and explains the mandatory and other sessions
related to the business object. Related parameters are mentioned where


The place and function of Supplier Payments

The due date for each purchase order must be determined to process
several payment transactions in an organization. In addition, other free
and stand-alone payments must be executed periodically. This business
object supports the entire supplier payment process by:


automatically selecting purchase invoices and standing orders which

are due
printing payment orders
posting financial transactions related to anticipated payments

Payments are processed and anticipated payments are posted for

different combinations of payment methods and bank relations. In
addition, payment authorizations can be defined by login code to restrict
the authorizations to run the payment process.
This business object uses the bank relations and payment methods
defined in the Master Data business object. The financial transactions
generated in the Supplier Payments business object are posted to the
general ledger in the Transaction Processing business object.


Mandatory sessions

Select Invoices
for Payment

Maintain Payment Advice


Process Payments

Figure 4-1 The procedure of the mandatory sessions

Cash Management

4 The Supplier Payments business object


Select Invoices for Payment (tfcmg1220m000)

In this session, the purchase invoices which are due in the open entries
of the Accounts Payable module are selected. Based on several
selection criteria, a pro forma payment batch is created which will be
processed for payment.


Maintain Payment Advice (tfcmg1120m000)

For each supplier, the due purchase invoices are grouped together with
other payments (for example: standing orders and stand-alone
payments). In this session, changes can be made to a payment batch.
For example, a purchase order can be deleted even if it is due and has
been recommended for payment. Normally, in an organization, the
recommended payment list is printed (i.e. the payment advice list), for
the chief of the financial administration to approve, after which the
payment batch can be executed in the automatic payment run.
After the Process Payments (tfcmg1240m000) session is activated, the
other sessions associated with the payment procedure can be called
from within this session to fulfill the requirements in the payment run.
First, the Process Payments (tfcmg1240m000) session will be
explained, followed by the other sessions of the payment procedure.


Process Payments (tfcmg1240m000)

This session is used to process the payments in the payment batch.
Other sessions are called in the automatic payment run from this
session. The payments are created for each supplier and the bank
addresses of the suppliers selected. Next, the bank orders, checks, or
bills of exchange are printed, or an electronic file is created. At the end
of the payment run, these anticipated payments are posted to the
General Ledger module.


Compose Payments Manually (tfcmg1245m000)

When more than one purchase invoice is selected for a supplier, these
purchase invoice amounts are combined into one total amount. The
system compares the purchase invoices and the currency in which they
were entered by supplier. Next, one payment line is created and
processed for each supplier/currency pair.


Assign Banks to Payments (tfcmg1250m000)

After the payment batch has been prepared for execution, the bank(s)
from which the payments are to be deducted must be selected. If one
bank is always used, this bank code can be entered in the Maintain
Cash Management Parameters (tfcmg0100m000) session.

Cash Management

4 The Supplier Payments business object

Otherwise, this session is executed for the user to decide which bank
receives the highest priority, which bank comes second, and so on.


Audit Payments (tfcmg1255m000)

This session is used to audit the prepared payments to validate that the
supplier codes exist in the system, that posting steps for the payment
methods were defined, and the bank from which payments are to be
deducted were analyzed. After everything has been verified, the
payment orders will be printed in the next session.


Create Payment Orders (tfcmg1256m000)

The payment orders can be printed if they all have been prepared
correctly. Bank orders or checks are printed depending on the payment
method. In addition, a bank file can be created and sent to the bank


Print Remittance Letters (tfcmg1270m000)

A detailed specification of the created payments can be printed in this
session. This printout is normally sent to the supplier as a remittance
letter attached to the payment bank orders or checks.


Post Payments (tfcmg1257m000)

The last step in the automatic payment run involves the payment
postings to the General Ledger module. Anticipated payments can be
traced by means of the postings to the general ledger. If an error
occurs, a thorough analysis can be made based on the general ledger
data. These postings are defined by the payment step of the payment
method. This payment method is set up in the Maintain Payment
Method (tfcmg0140m000) session.


Other sessions


Display Batch Numbers for Payment Procedure (tfcmg1221m000)

A status is assigned to a payment batch when the batch is prepared or
processed. The following statuses are available:

the payments are selected for processing.
the payments are audited and bank orders can be printed and

Cash Management

4 The Supplier Payments business object

the payment batch is processed but posting associated with these
payments is not yet executed.
the entire payment run is processed and posting to the General
Ledger module is also executed.

This session is used to assign a status to each payment batch to

indicate whether the batch is ready to be paid. In addition, each
payment batch is listed by login code along with the date on which it was


Remove Payment Batches (tfcmg1259m000)

The status of a payment batch is set to Posted after it has been
processed. These payment batches can then be deleted to increase
hardware capacity if the information is not needed.


Reset Payment Status (tfcmg1280m000)

If an error occurs during the automatic payment run (for example: wrong
check numbers were printed or bank formulas were corrupted), the
status of the anticipated payments must be reset to recreate the
payment orders. For example, if an error occurs during check printing,
the anticipated documents related to check numbers have already been
reserved. To correct this, the checks must be deleted by changing the
status of the checks from Anticipated to Damaged. In addition, the
status of the payments is set from Paid to Audited so that the total
payment run can be reprocessed.


Maintain Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000)

Not all users are allowed to process payments in an organization. This
session is used to restrict the number of people authorized to maintain
and process payments. In addition, this session can be used to specify
the maximum amount for which an individual person (defined by a login
code) is allowed to process payments. Payment authorizations are
checked by the system when the automatic payment run is executed.


Maintain Standing Orders (tfcmg1110m000)

This session was discussed earlier under heading 3.2.29 in Chapter 3
on the Transaction Processing business object. For more information on
this session and related sub-sessions, see the information on the
Maintaining and processing standing orders procedure in Chapter 3.

Cash Management

The Customer Receipts business object

This chapter describes the business object Customer Receipt and gives
information about the business objects functions. In addition, the
chapter identifies and explains the mandatory and other sessions
related to the business object. Related parameters are mentioned
where applicable.


The place and function of Customer Receipts

Sales invoices can be automatically charged against customer bank
accounts by means of the direct debiting technique. As with payment
runs, a list of receipts for sales invoices is created which is sent to the
bank. After the receipts are received, the anticipated receipts
documents must be reconciled. This business object supports the direct
debiting process by automatically executing:

the selection of sales invoices which are due

the printing of the direct debit orders
the posting of financial transactions related to anticipated receipts

Direct debits are processed and anticipated receipts posted for different
combinations of a payment method and a bank relation as defined in
the Master Data business object. The financial transactions generated
in the Customer Receipts business object are processed in the
Transaction Processing business object and posted to the General
Ledger. The receipt information is also used in the Statistics business


Mandatory sessions

Select Invoices
for Direct Debits

Maintain Direct
Debit Advice

Process Direct Debits


Figure 5-1 The procedure of the mandatory sessions

Cash Management

5 The Customer Receipts business object


Select Invoices for Direct Debits (tfcmg4220m000)

Sales invoices which are due in the open entries of the Accounts
Receivable module are selected in this session. A proforma direct debit
batch is created to process customer payments which are selected
according to several criteria.


Maintain Direct Debit Advice (tfcmg4120m000)

For each customer, the sales invoices which are due can be grouped
together in a direct debit batch in this session. In addition, changes can
be made to a direct debit batch. For example, a sales invoice which is
due can be deleted even if it has been selected and a problem is
associated with it. Normally, the recommended direct debit list of the
processed receipts is printed on paper for approval of financial
administration, after which the direct debit batch can be executed in the
automatic receipt run.
After the Process Direct Debits (tfcmg4240m000) session is activated,
the other sessions related to the payment procedure can be called from
it to fulfill all requirements in the direct debit run.


Process Direct Debits (tfcmg4240m000)

This session is used to process the receipts in the direct debit batch.
Other sessions are called in the automatic direct debit run. Receipts are
created for each customer and the bank addresses of the customers
are selected. Next, the bank orders or the bills of exchange are printed,
or an electronic file is created. At the end of the direct debit run, these
anticipated receipts are posted to the General Ledger module.


Compose Direct Debits Manually (tfcmg4245m0000

If more than one sales invoice is selected for a customer, these sales
invoice amounts are combined into one total amount. The system
compares the sales invoices and the currency in which they were
entered by customer. After this, a direct debit line is created and
processed for each customer/currency pair in this session.

Cash Management

5 The Customer Receipts business object


Assign Banks to Direct Debit (tfcmg4250m000)

After the direct debit batch has been prepared for execution, banks
must be selected with which the receipts are to be deposited. If a
certain bank is used as a standard, this bank code can be entered in
the Maintain Cash Management Parameters (tfcmg0100m000) session.
If this is not the case, this session is executed to decide which bank
gets the highest priority, which the second, and so on.


Audit Direct Debits (tfcmg4255m000)

This session is used to audit the prepared direct debits to validate that:

the customer codes exist in the system

the posting steps for the payment methods have been defined
the bank from which payment amount is to be debited has been

If everything has been validated, the direct debit orders are printed in
the following session.


Create Direct Debit Orders (tfcmg4256m000)

The direct debits can be printed after they having been prepared.
Depending on the payment method, either the bank orders will be
printed or a bank file will be created and sent to the bank electronically.


Print Remittance Letters (tfcmg4270m000)

A detailed specification of the created direct debits can be printed in
this session. This print-out is normally sent to the customer as a
remittance letter related to the direct debit bank orders.


Post Direct Debits (tfcmg4257m000)

The final step to be executed in the automatic direct debit run involves
the postings that are to be made to the General Ledger module.
Anticipated receipts can be traced by means of these postings to the
general ledger. If an error should occur, a thorough analysis can be
made based on the general ledger data. These postings are defined by
the direct debit method which is defined in the Maintain Payment
Method (tfcmg0140m000) session.

Cash Management

5 The Customer Receipts business object


Other Sessions


Display Batch Numbers for Direct Debit Procedure

A status is assigned to a direct debit batch if the batch is processed.
BAAN IV uses the following statuses:

The receipts are selected for processing.

The direct debits are audited, and the bank orders can be printed
and posted.

The direct debit batch is processed but the payment posting is not
yet executed.

The debit run is completely processed and the posting to the
General Ledger module is completed as well.

This session is used to assign a status to each direct debit batch to

indicate whether the batch has already been paid. In addition, each
payment batch is listed by login code along with the date it was


Remove Direct Debit Batches (tfcmg4259m000)

The status of a direct debit batch is set to Posted after it has been
processed. These direct debit batches can then be deleted if the
information is not needed or if there is not enough hardware capacity.


Reset Direct Debit Status (tfcmg4280m000)

If an error occurs during the automatic direct debit (e.g., wrong bills of
exchange were printed or bank formulas were corrupted), the status of
the anticipated receipts must be changed from Paid to Audited so that
the direct debit orders can be recreated.

Cash Management

The Statistics business object

This chapter describes the Statistics business object and gives

information about the business objects functions. In addition, the
chapter identifies and explains the mandatory and other sessions
related to the business object. Related parameters are mentioned
where applicable.


The place and function of Statistics

Customers vary widely in how timely they pay their bills. The Statistics
business object is used to analyze customer payment behavior and will
answer such questions as:

How many days does it take a customer to pay a bill after it has
been sent?

How many days does the customer typically pay late?

What is the average number of outstanding days for sales invoices

by customer?

The information for these statistics comes from the open entries in the
Accounts Receivable module and the receipts information from the
Transaction Processing business object in the Cash Management
module. This business object takes the following factors into account:

sales invoices and associated due dates

payment terms and the actual receipts for sales invoices
unallocated receipts and advances

In addition, the information in this business object is used to generate

cash forecasts in the Cash Forecast business object.


Mandatory sessions


Update Customer Statistics (tfcmg3200m000)

This session updates the customer payment behavior information by
fiscal period as defined in the Master Data business object. This
session takes the following factors into account:

the total of all outstanding sales invoice amounts

sales invoices and credit notes including related payment terms and
due dates

In addition, the invoice receipts for the current period are collected and
processed into statistics. Analysis can begin with printing the customer
information retrieved from other parts of BAAN IV.

Cash Management

6 The Statistics business object


Other sessions


Print Customer Statistics by Customer and Period

This session prints such customer statistics as average outstanding
payment and open invoice payment by customer and by period. When
a customer's payment behavior is poor, appropriate action can be taken
in other BAAN IV Finance business objects. It is, for example, possible
to send reminders and customer statements to late-paying customers in
the Credit Control business object in the Accounts Receivable module.

Cash Management

The Cash Forecast business object

This chapter describes the Cash Forecast business object and gives
information about the business objects functions. In addition, the
chapter identifies and explains the mandatory and other sessions
related to the business object. Related parameters are mentioned
where applicable.


The place and function of Cash Forecast

It is very important to be able to determine the liquidity position (cash
flow) of a company at any given moment. A companys cash position is
determined not only by a bank account balance but also by the
purchase invoices which are to be paid in the short-term future. In
addition, it is determined by the cash received from customers who pay
the sales invoices they received.
The liquidity position of a company is determined by all these factors
and, based on this position, a company can determine whether it is
necessary to borrow money to improve its short-term situation. In
contrast, a company also needs to know if there is a cash surplus so
that this money can be invested against an interest rate which is higher
than the average interest rate of a bank account.
This business object is used to calculate incoming and outgoing cash
flows resulting from:

purchase invoices
sales invoices
project orders
sales quotations
financial budgets
standing orders

Customer statistics and related payment terms are also taken into
account when a cash forecast is generated.


Mandatory sessions


Update Cash Forecast (tfcmg3210m000)

This session retrieves the information necessary to analyze the cash
flow in an organization. The elements to be considered when a cash
forecast is created must be specified prior to executing this session.

Cash Management

7 The Cash Forecast business object

These elements include:


purchase orders
sales orders
purchase invoices
sales invoices
sales quotations (including the related success percentages)
project orders
standing orders

Budgets can be used to create projected (future) cash forecasts. For

example, if a cash forecast was calculated in July, a projected cash
forecast for the remainder of the year could be created by means of an
annual budget.


Other sessions


Maintain Customer Invoice Cash Date (tfcmg3110m000)

For a variety of reasons, payment for a particular sales invoice may be
received later than expected. An expected receipt date (cash date) is
calculated for each sales invoice by means of the due date resulting
from the payment terms as defined in the customer data. This session
is used to change a cash date when necessary.


Cash forecasts are more accurate if expected receipt dates are

changed before updating the cash forecast.


Maintain Supplier Invoice Cash Date (tfcmg3111m000)

This session is used to change the cash dates for purchase invoices
allowing later or earlier payment than planned. The original due date is
calculated from the payment terms plus the value entered in the Extra
Days after Due Date field in the supplier file.


Maintain Forecast Periods (tfcmg3113m000)

Posting periods for the fiscal year are defined in the General Ledger
module. These periods are usually expressed in months. For cash flow
forecasts, it is better to use shorter periods, such as weeks, so that a
more detailed analysis can be made. Periods are defined in the Master
Data business object while the actual starting date of the periods is
entered in this session.

Cash Management

The Electronic Bank Statements business object

This chapter describes the Electronic Bank Statements business object

and gives information about the business objects functions. In addition,
the chapter identifies and explains the mandatory and other sessions
related to the business object. Related parameters are mentioned
where applicable.


The place and function of Electronic Bank Statements

The Transaction Processing Bank Transactions business object is used
to manually enter bank transactions in BAAN IV Finance for different
transaction types. These transactions are mentioned on the bank
Certain banks deliver their bank statements electronically. The
Electronic Bank Statements business object is used to convert the
electronic bank statements from different banks.
When payments have been composed, customers can use EDI to send
a remittance advice message with additional information on the
composed payments.
In this business object, the electronic bank statements and, if available,
the remittance advice messages are converted and matched against
the sales and purchase invoices in BAAN Finance. The required
information is processed in the financial accounts. This can be done
automatically for the following transaction types:

customer transactions
supplier transactions
customer reconciliation
supplier reconciliation


Mandatory sessions


Maintain Record Types for Electronic Bank Statements

Each electronic bank statement comprises such data as the amount,
the currency, and the contra bank account. All this data is stored in
different type of records, such as header records, detail records, and
footer records. The way in which the data is stored in a record type
depends on the bank. This session is used to define the record types
by bank. In addition, the place of the record identifier and the value of
the record identifier are defined.

Cash Management

8 The Electronic Bank Statements business object

Maintain Record Types for

Electronic Bank Statements

Maintain Conversion Data for

Electronic Bank Statements

Convert Electronic Bank


Match Electronic Bank


Audit Posting Data for

Electronic Bank Statements

Post Electronic Bank


Figure 8-1 The procedure of the mandatory sessions


Maintain Conversion Data for Electronic Bank Statements

Banks deliver the electronic bank statements in their own format. To
convert these electronic bank statements, BAAN IV must know the
exact position of the required data. Therefore, per record type, the
positions of the several types of data (subjects) are defined. Since the
positions of the several subjects in the record types differ per bank, this
session is used to predefine the subjects. The amount and the
transaction date are examples of mandatory subjects.


Convert Electronic Bank Statement (tfcmg5202m000)

The bank's sequential electronic bank statement file is converted to the
BAAN IV Electronic Bank Statements table. For each electronic bank
statement file, a batch is created. To convert the electronic bank
statement file, an existing bank relation, defined record types, and
conversion data are required. If this data is not available, the system
cannot convert the electronic bank statement file. The Maintain Bank
Relations session (tfcmg0110m000) is used to define a path in which
the electronic bank statements file is stored.

Cash Management

8 The Electronic Bank Statements business object

In addition, a path must be defined to archive the electronic bank

statements file after having been converted and processed. Archiving
after converting is necessary to prevent the electronic bank statements
file from being read twice.
If a customer receipt has been composed, information about the
composed payment can be sent as a remittance advice message via
EDI. The Convert Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5202m000)
session is also used to convert remittance advice messages.


Match Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5212m000)

In this session, the converted Electronic Bank Statements are matched
against the open purchase and sales invoices in BAAN IV. If a
customer has sent a remittance advice, the electronic bank statements
are matched against the corresponding sales invoice and the
remittance advice. The following transactions can be matched:

anticipated payments
anticipated receipts
open purchase invoices
open sales invoices

To match sales and purchase invoices against electronic bank

statements, BAAN IV needs the invoice number, the check number, or
the supplier/customer code. When matching composed anticipated
receipts/payments, BAAN IV needs the numbers of the anticipated
documents. These documents were generated by the Supplier
Payments or the Customer Receipts business objects. If non-composed
anticipated payments/receipts are matched, BAAN IV can use the
number of the anticipated document or the invoice number.


Audit Posting Data for Electronic Bank Statements

This session is used to audit the electronic bank statements batch to
check if the following data exists in the system:

Ledger Accounts
Supplier/Customer Group

In case of intercompany transactions, the related parameters are

checked by the system. After everything has been validated, the
electronic bank statement batch can be posted to BAAN Finance and
the status of the batch is changed to Audited.

Cash Management

8 The Electronic Bank Statements business object

The Audit Posting Data for Electronic Bank Statements

(tfcmg5203m000) session also supports the following functions:


Post Transactions after Audit (tfcmg5222m000) (mandatory)

Update Bank Relations (tfcmg5232m000) (optional)
Remove Transactions after Posting (tfcmg5213m000) (optional)

Post Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5222m000)

The electronic bank statements transactions are posted to the General
Ledger module. The transactions can only be posted if the status of the
batch is "Audited". The related open sales and purchase invoices are
processed in the Accounts Receivable module and the Accounts
Payable module. In this session, it is also possible to update bank
relations and remove transactions after posting.


Other sessions


Maintain Converted Electronic Bank Statements

Before matching, the data in the electronic bank statement files can be
modified. If not all data for automatic matching is available, this session
can be used to modify or insert data in an existing record. Not all fields
in a record can be modified.


Maintain Remittance Advice Messages (Receipts)

After converting a remittance advice message, data can be changed.
This session functions the same way as the Maintain Converted
Electronic Bank Statements session (tfcmg5102m000). The only
difference is that, in this session, it is also possible to add a new record.


Maintain Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5103m000)

If all electronic bank statements have not yet been matched
automatically, it is possible to modify associated posting data. The
electronic bank statements can be matched manually.
The Maintain Electronic Bank Statements session (tfcmg5103m000) is
a display session which is used to show all electronic bank statements
in a batch. The status of these statements is either matched
(completely) or converted.

Cash Management

8 The Electronic Bank Statements business object


Maintain Posting Data for Electronic Bank Statements

If it is not possible to match the electronic bank statements
automatically, this session can be used to match the bank statements
manually. Manual matching can be done by modifying or adding
transaction data that will be used while posting to BAAN IV Finance.


Update Bank Accounts for Electronic Bank Statements

In BAAN IV, a bank relation can be created for each customer/supplier.
Per bank relation, the bank accounts of the customer/supplier are
stored. The system checks the electronic bank statements files on
existing customer/supplier combinations and the related contra bank
accounts. If BAAN IV does not find an existing bank account, the bank
relation data is updated with the new bank account of the


Remove Posting Data for Electronic Bank Statements

After posting the electronic bank statements files to BAAN IV Finance,
the transaction data can be deleted by means of this session. This can
be done if the information is not needed or if there is not enough
hardware capacity.

Cash Management

8 The Electronic Bank Statements business object

Cash Management

The Proforma Invoices business object

This chapter describes the Proforma Invoices business object and gives
information about the business objects functions. In addition, the
chapter identifies and explains the mandatory and other sessions
related to the business object. Related parameters are mentioned
where applicable.


The place and function of Proforma Invoices

Proforma invoices are used to ensure that the customer has paid (part
of) the due amount before a sales order is executed. A certain
percentage of the order amount can be defined. Without receipt of this
amount, the order cannot be executed.
The Proforma Invoices business object is used in combination with the
sales order procedure in the Sales Control module. When a sales order
with a particular order type has been made, a proforma invoice must be
printed with the Print Proforma Invoices (tdsls4435m000) session. For
more information on the sales order procedure, see the book on the
BAAN IV Sales Control module.
After a receipt for a proforma invoice is registered, it must be linked to a
proforma invoice. After this, the execution of the sales order can be


Mandatory session


Link Advance Receipts to Proforma Invoices

In this session, the advanced receipt which was posted in the Maintain
Transaction (tfgld1101m000) session can be linked to a proforma
invoice. If an order number is entered, the open proforma invoices are
shown. If a proforma invoice is marked, the advance receipts can be
linked. After this, the status of the sales order can be changed and the
execution of the sales order can be continued.


Other sessions


Maintain Advance Receipts Adjusted per Invoice

If a invoice is printed by means of the Print Sales Invoices
(tdsls4404m000) session, it is possible to subtract the proforma invoice
amount that was already paid from the total invoice amount. If an order
number is entered, the linked paid proforma invoice amounts are

Cash Management
09 - 1

09 The Proforma Invoices business object

shown. The amount that must be subtracted from the total invoice
amount can be entered here. If the original invoice is printed by means
of the Print Sales Invoices (tdsls4404m000) session, the adjusted
amount is shown on the original invoice.


Process Proforma Invoices (tfcmg6230m000)

If a proforma invoice is not paid in the due period, the proforma invoice
can be deleted by means of the Process Proforma Invoices
(tfcmg6230m000) session. Based on selection criteria like dates and
order numbers, proforma invoices are selected and deleted.

Cash Management
09 - 2

Part 2
The functional procedures

Cash Management

Part 2

Cash Management


The payment procedure

In this chapter, the cash management payment procedure and its

results are described. The payment steps needed to execute the
procedure, are explained.


The payment procedure and its result

The payment run covers the entire payment procedure from the time
purchase orders are due as open entries in the Accounts Payable
module until the time the invoices are cleared when the bank statement
is received and the payments reconciled. The general payment
procedure comprises the following steps:

Setting up the payment method and bank relation.

Specifying the accounts to which anticipated payments are to be

posted for each payment method and bank relation.

Linking a payment method to each purchase invoice.

Selecting the purchase invoices which are due.

Auditing and processing the payments are audited and processed.

Sending an electronic file or the printed bank orders to the bank for
notification purposes.

As a result of the payment procedure, the open entries file in the

Accounts Payable module is cleared and all open amounts of purchase
invoices are set to zero. In addition, the payment document is linked to
the purchase invoice.


The steps in the payment procedure

The payment procedure consists of a core procedure with an additional
procedure to handle a variation in the core procedure. The core
procedure is described first followed by the procedure which is used to
change the payment status.


The core procedure for the payment orders

The procedure begins with setting up payment methods (a) and bank
relations (b). Next, the combinations of a payment method and a bank
relation are defined as well as the ledger accounts for the different
payment steps (c). In addition, a payment method is linked to each
purchase invoice.
Purchase invoices due for payment are selected by the automatic
selection program in the next session (d). There are several options
available to select purchase invoices which are due from the open
entries in the Accounts Payable module.

Cash Management
10 - 1

10 The payment procedure

Maintain Payment Methods



Maintain Bank Relations


Maintain Data by Bank/

Payment Method

Select Invoices for


Maintain Payment Advice


Process Payments

Send Payment Orders



Receive Bank Statement

Maintain Transaction

Maintain Bank Transactions


Reconciliation of Anticipated

Select Batches
for Finalization

Figure 10-1 The core procedure for payment orders

A payment advice list is generated (e) which must be audited. Changes

can be made before the final payment procedure is started.
In the final procedure, separate payment lines are created by supplier
and currency for purchase invoices which are due (f). Banks from which
payments are to be deducted and supplier codes are validated. In
addition, priorities regarding payment are assigned to banks. If any
errors occur, an error list will be printed indicating the action to be
After all data has been entered, the system will either print bank orders
or checks or create an electronic bank file.

Cash Management
10 - 2

10 The payment procedure

Anticipated payments are posted to the general ledger accounts as

specified by the combination of a payment method and a bank relation.
In addition, open entries in the Accounts Payable module are updated.
Anticipated payments are sent to the bank (g) to be deducted. A bank
statement will be received after the payments have been processed by
the bank. The data in BAAN IV must be updated with the information on
the bank statements in the Reconciliation of Anticipated
Payments/Receipts session (j) which is executed by the Maintain
Transaction Processing session (h).
The reconciliation is processed by means of transaction type "Cash".
Anticipated documents that are processed by the bank are selected
and the actual reconciliation process is started. The system will reverse
previous postings which were processed when the payments were
executed. The bank balance appearing in a general ledger account in
the system will be reduced. In addition, open entries in the Accounts
Payable module will be updated and invoices will be paid. The cash
document is linked to purchase invoices and the open balance amounts
in the invoices are set to zero.


A variation in the payment procedure

The standard payment procedure comprises two steps, namely defining
the steps of the payment procedure and defining the general ledger
accounts used in these steps. A status is assigned to each payment
step with each status representing a payment step.
These are the steps and statuses related to documents:

Document Received:
the payment document was received by the organization and is
awaiting approval.

Document Accepted/Send:
the payment document was approved and is sent to the bank for

Document Paid:
the payment document was cleared by the bank and is ready for
reconciliation in BAAN IV.

Step 1 and 2 are optional and can be selected when the payment
method is defined. Step 3 is mandatory and is processed during the
reconciliation of the payments.
For some payment methods (for example paying a bill of exchange),
additional payment steps are required. A variation of the core
procedure may include a sub-procedure. In Figure 10-2, additional
sessions were added in between the Process Payments

Cash Management
10 - 3

10 The payment procedure

(tfcmg1240m000) session (step f) and the Maintain Transactions

(tfgld1101m000) session (step h).

Process Payments

Maintain Transaction

Maintain Anticipated
Payment Status



Maintain Transaction

Figure 10-2 A variation in the core procedure for payment orders

If payments are processed by means of the variation payment method

(a), they go to the supplier for approval (b) before going to the bank.
Additional steps can be defined for a payment method to accommodate
additional approval steps or monitoring the steps to allow an
organization to keep track of which payments have and have not yet
been posted to the general ledger.
In the Transaction Processing business object (c), the intermediate
status of an anticipated payment can be changed (d). After this, the
payments are sent to the bank (e). Step f corresponds to step h in
Figure 10-1 after which the remainder of the core procedure is followed.


Payments without defined steps

In countries where checks are often used, a payment procedure with
reconciliation causes too much operations an postings. Because of
that, when a payment method is defined in the Maintain Payment
Methods session (tfcmg0140m000), it is possible to set all the payment
steps to no. Using such a payment method, the payment transaction
will be posted directly after processing the payment procedure. This
means that the ledger account for the used bank relation and the
control ledger account related to the Accounts Payable Module are
modified directly after printing checks.

Cash Management
10 - 4

10 The payment procedure


The steps in the direct debit procedure

The direct debit procedure comprises a core procedure including an
additional procedure to handle a variation in the core procedure. The
core procedure is described first followed by the procedure which is
used to change the receipt status.


The core procedure for direct debit orders

Maintain Payment Methods



Maintain Bank Relations


Maintain Data by Bank/

Payment Method

Select Invoices for

Direct Debits

Maintain Direct
Debit Advice

Process Direct Debits




Send Direct Debit Orders


Receive Bank Statement

Maintain Transaction

Maintain Bank Transactions


Reconciliation of Anticipated

Select Batches
for Finalization

Figure 10-3 The core procedure for the direct debit orders

Cash Management
10 - 5

10 The payment procedure

The procedure begins with setting up the payment methods (a) and the
bank relations (b). Next, the combinations of a payment method and a
bank relation are defined as well as the ledger accounts for the
different payment steps (c). In addition, a payment method is linked to
each sales invoice.
Sales invoices due for payment are selected by means of the automatic
selection program in the next session (d). In the Accounts Receivable
module, several options are available to select sales invoices which are
due from the open entries.
A direct debit advice list is generated (e) which must be audited.
Changes can be made before the final direct debit procedure starts.
In the final procedure, separate receipt lines are created by customer
and currency for sales invoices which are due (f). Banks from which
receipt amounts are to be deducted and customer codes are validated.
In addition, priorities regarding deposits are assigned to banks. If any
errors occur, an error list will be printed indicating the action to be
After all data has been entered, the system will either print bank orders
or checks or create an electronic bank file. Anticipated receipts are
posted to the general ledger accounts as specified by the combination
of a payment method and a bank relation. In addition, open entries in
the Accounts Receivable module are updated.
Anticipated receipts are sent to the bank (g) to be deposited. A bank
statement will be received after the direct debits have been processed
by the bank. The data in BAAN IV must be updated with the bank
statement information in the Reconciliation of Anticipated
Payments/Receipts session (j) which is executed by the Maintain
Transaction Processing session (h) in the Transaction Processing
business object.
The reconciliation is processed using a transaction type of cash.
Anticipated documents processed by the bank are selected and the
actual reconciliation process is started. The system will reverse
previous postings which were processed when the direct debits were
processed. The bank balance appearing in a general ledger account in
the system will be credited accordingly. In addition, open entries in the
Accounts Receivable module will be updated and invoices will be paid.
The cash document is linked to sales invoices and the open balance
amounts in the sales invoices are set to zero.


A variation in the direct debit procedure

The direct debit procedure comprises two steps, namely defining the
steps of the direct debit procedure and defining the general ledger
accounts used in these steps.

Cash Management
10 - 6

10 The payment procedure

A status is assigned to each receipt step with each status representing

a receipt step. These are the steps and statuses related to documents:

Document Sent to Customer:

the bill of exchange is sent to the customer for approval to deduct
the total amount from the bank account.

Document Accepted by Customer:

the bill of exchange is accepted and approved by the customer and
is ready to be sent to the bank.

Document Sent to Bank:

the bill of exchange is sent to the bank to be cleared for the sales
amount due.

Document Paid:
the bill of exchange is cashed in and the document is ready for
reconciliation in BAAN IV.

Step 1, 2, and 3 are optional and can be selected during the definition
of the payment method. Step 4 is mandatory and is processed during
the reconciliation of the receipts.
For some payment methods (for example, paying a bill of exchange),
additional receipt steps are required. A variation of the core procedure
may include a sub-procedure. In Figure 10-4, additional sessions were
added in between the Process Direct Debits (tfcmg4240m000) session
(step f) and the Maintain Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session (step

Process Direct Debits


Maintain Transaction

Maintain Anticipated
Receipt Status



Maintain Transaction

Figure 10-4 A variation in the core procedure for direct debit orders

Cash Management
10 - 7

10 The payment procedure

When direct debits are processed in the variation payment method (a),
they go to the customer for approval (b) after which the receipt
document is returned to the office. Next, the anticipated receipt
document is entered in BAAN IV as accepted by the customer before it
is sent to the bank against which the sales invoice amounts will be
charged. Additional steps can be defined for a payment method to
accommodate additional approval steps or monitoring steps to allow an
organization to keep track of which receipts have and have not been
posted to the general ledger.
In the Transaction Processing business object (c), the intermediate
status of an anticipated receipt can be changed (d). In the largest subprocedure (comprising four receipt steps), the receipt status of the
anticipated document must be changed (e) at least twice. As a result,
the transaction type must be used twice until the status is set to
Document Sent to Bank. After this, the receipt documents are sent to
the bank (f). Step g corresponds to step h in Figure 10-4 after which the
remainder of the core procedure is followed.

Cash Management
10 - 8


The electronic bank statements procedure

In this chapter, the cash management electronic bank statements

procedure and its results are described. The steps which are needed to
execute the procedure are explained.


The electronic bank statements procedure and its

The electronic bank statements procedure includes one step of the
payment procedure as described in chapter ten.
After the payments/receipts by bank have been processed, the bank
sends out statements with processed transactions. In BAAN IV, these
bank transactions are posted to the General Ledger module. Certain
banks send the bank statements in an electronic form, either by
diskette or by modem. The procedure for processing the electronic
bank statements in BAAN IV comprises the following steps.

Modifying the CMG parameters and the bank relation data.

Defining the structure of the electronic bank statements file by

adding record types and the position of the conversion data.

Converting the electronic bank statements and the remittance

advice messages from customers.

Adapting the converted electronic bank statements file and the

remittance advice messages if it is needed.

Matching the electronic bank statements file and remittance advice

message against the open sales or purchase invoices.

Changing the data when automatically matching was not possible.

After auditing, posting the transaction to General Ledger module.

After posting the bank transactions, the data of the bank relation
can be updated with non-existing bank accounts of customers or
suppliers which have not yet been registered.

Removing posted data.

As a result of the electronic bank statements procedure, the open

entries file in the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable module is
cleared and all open purchase and sales invoice amounts are set to
zero. In addition, all bank transactions are posted to the General
Ledger module.

Cash Management
11 - 1

11 The electronic bank statements procedure


The steps in the electronic bank statements


Maintain CMG parameters


Maintain Bank Relations


Maintain Record Types for

Electronic Bank Statements

Maintain Conversion Data for

Electronic Bank Statements

Convert Electronic Bank


Maintain Converted
Electronic Bank Statements

Maintain Remittance Advice

Messages (Receipts)

Match Electronic Bank


Figure 11-1 The procedure for processing electronic bank statements

Before starting the procedure for processing electronic bank

statements, the Transaction Date in Case of Telebanking parameter in
the Maintain CMG parameters (tfcmg0100m0000) session (a) must be
specified. In addition, the Maintain Bank Relations (tfcmg0110m000)
session (b) is used to define a path in which the electronic bank
statement file will be stored and a path which will be used to archive the

Cash Management
11 - 2

11 The electronic bank statements procedure

Maintain Electronic Bank


Maintain Posting Data for

Electronic Bank Statements

Audit Posting Data for

Electronic Bank Statements

Post Electronic Bank


Update Bank Accounts for

Electronic Bank Statements

Remove Posting Data for

Electronic Bank Statements
Figure 11-2 The procedure for processing electronic bank statements (continued)

Banks deliver the electronic bank statement files in different ways.

Consequently, the structure of the electronic bank statement file must
be defined by bank. First, the record types must be defined in the
Maintain Record Types for Electronic Bank Statements
(tfcmg5104m000) session (c). Record types refer to the definitions of a
record part in electronic bank statements and consist of the conversion
data. In the Maintain Conversion Data for Electronic Bank Statements
(tfcmg5105m000) session (d), the conversion data is defined by record
The third step is to convert the electronic bank statement file by means
of the Convert Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5202m0000) session
(e). If a remittance advice message is received through EDI, it will also
be converted in this session.
After the conversion, it is possible to modify the data of the converted
electronic bank statements and the remittance advice message by
means of the Maintain Converted Electronic Bank Statements
(tfcmg5102m0000) session (f) and the Maintain Remittance Advice
Messages (Receipts) (tfcmg5101m000) session (i).

Cash Management
11 - 3

11 The electronic bank statements procedure

The converted electronic bank statement file and the remittance advice
messages are matched automatically against the open sales and
purchase invoices in BAAN IV by means of the Match Electronic Bank
Statements (tfcmg5212m000) session.
Automatic matching may not be possible because of insufficient data in
the electronic bank statement files. In the Maintain Electronic Bank
Statements (tfcmg5103m000) session (j), bank statements with status
matched and converted are displayed. Electronic bank statements with
status converted can be modified in the Maintain Posting Data for
Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5106s000) session (k) in which the
transaction data required for matching is entered and the status of the
bank statements is changed to matched.
After the electronic bank statements have been matched, they are
audited and posted to the General Ledger Module by means of the
Audit Posting Data for Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5203m000)
session(l) and the Post Electronic Bank Statements (tfcmg5222m000)
session (m).
After the transaction data have been posted to the General Ledger
module, it is possible to update the registration of customer and
supplier bank accounts. If there are non-existing customer or supplier
bank accounts, the bank accounts can be updated by means of the
Update Bank Accounts for Electronic Bank Statements
(tfcmf5232m000) session.
After the Remove Posting Data for Electronic Bank Statements
(tfcmg5213m000) session (o) has been used for posting, the
transaction data can be removed.

Cash Management
11 - 4

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