Dorset: August 2015 WWW - - Uk

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August 2015

Welcome to the first newsletter especially written for UKIP members
introducing the new organisation entitled Dorset Out. This is a Dorset based
campaign designed to work with all groups and political parties to achieve a
NO vote in the forthcoming European [EU] Referendum whenever Chief UK
Europhile David Cameron allows it to happen.
Future editions will be aimed at everyone whether a UKIP member or not.
We hope to bring you all the facts you need to show how detrimental to Great Britain the
EU is and how short the list of benefits of the EU dictatorship is!
Who are we?
Dorset Out is organised by a team of UKIP members who have a wealth of experience and
enthusiasm in fighting campaigns, political and non-political. As it progresses we expect
that people from outside UKIP may well want to help the campaign.
Under the astute guidance of our Chairman the UKIP Poole Chairman David Darling are:
David Nevett who was the UKIP Regional Controller for the South West in the 2010
General Election and has political experience dating from the mid 1950s:
Graham Brant who is the Chairman of UKIP West Dorset;
Deborah Hodgson who is the Senior Regional Organiser for UKIP in the South West;
Tony Woodcock who is a former Poole Borough Councillor from 1999 to 2015 initially for
the Conservatives but later for UKIP;
Malcolm Shakesby who was the UKIP South Dorset Parliamentary candidate in 2015;
Bob Lister who was UKIPs General Election candidate David Youngs agent in Poole in
2015 and an established blogger;
Carmen Smith who is very experienced in website and electronic communications;
John Baxter who has been Chairman, Secretary for Dorset North and UKIP Dorset
Digest editor since 2005, and a Ferndown Town Councillor since 2011.
We hope and expect that others will be joining us very shortly.
What are our aims?
Dorset Out is keen to give UKIP members and non members alike a local focus to the
campaign and give everyone of you an opportunity to help in our collective fight. It has
UKIP approval to work in tandem with UKIP during the life of the campaign. We feel the
method we layout later in this newsletter will provide an efficient way to communicate
with an ever growing army of people opposed to the UKs membership of the EU.
This after all is the raison dtre of UKIP. If we fail to disseminate information countrywide then this country will be finished for good and we will all be kowtowing to the
hierarchy of the EU. All the freedoms and intelligent controls that we have amassed over
the last 1,000 years will be replaced by a way of life alien to the British people and
completely free of commonsense, democracy, freedom of speech and sovereignty.

How is Dorset Out to achieve its aims?

There are now many national groups set up who are opposed to our continuing
membership of the EU. Their organisations cover disenchanted people from all political
parties in this country. This is a list of some of the better known of them: Better off
Out; The Bruges Group; Business for Britain; Campaign for an Independent Britain;
Freedom Association; Get Britain Out; Global Britain; The kNOw; and TheEUnit.
Additionally, Conservative MPs Owen Patterson, Steve Baker and Bernard Jenkin have
joined with Labours Kate Hoey, Graham Stringer and Kelvin Hopkins and UKIPs Douglas
Carswell to create a fledgling Out campaign with close links to Business for Britain.
Despite all these well meaning organisations there is no coherent national No campaign
and some people would say that we will be left behind by what will be a massive Yes
campaign, mostly funded and supported by the EU itself, designed to hoodwink an unsuspecting populous into believing the EU is a benevolent trading partner and little else.
We recognise the need to provide a united front by supporting all the above regardless of
party allegiance in the massive fight to enable the UK to leave the EU. But we need to
expand rapidly and that is where Dorset Out and you come in!
How can you help us?
We will contact you if you are a UKIP member. It need not be demanding. You need
either a telephone or a computer. We give you the contact details for 5 people with
whom you are or can be in contact. You can also select a 6th person who is a friend and
non-member of UKIP [however there need be no limit to the number of non-members to
whom you can include in your mailing list]. Every so often we send you some information
which you can send on to these six [+] people using Bcc for confidentiality. You ask
them in turn to send this information onto another 5 people [probably not UKIP
members] and those new five then do the same, and so on. This way we will soon be
communicating with a vast and growing number across the country. This is a fast and
efficient method of passing urgent information to the public as a whole, and in doing so
we bypass the biased UK media.
The reason for this small scale targeting is that if one person sends to all then the
senders server is likely to block the senders emails on the grounds of spamming. This
has already happened to me when sending newsletters to a modest number of people.
Holding an event?
Contact us and we will arrange for one of our expert speakers to attend and explain to
your guests or audience how damaging to our country the EU really is. The event does
not have to be a UKIP organised one.
Any Questions?
If you want to know more please ring John Baxter on 01202 897884 or email him at

Printed and promoted by John Baxter and UKIP both at Greenacres, Angel Lane, Longham, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 9DZ

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