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Kong Union for Young Leaders

31st August, 2015

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Invitation to the Selection of the Executive Committee Members of the
24th Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders (2015 2016)

On behalf of the 23rd Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders (HKUYL), I would
like to express my heartfelt gratitude towards your participation in the Unions
activities in the past years. With your unfailing and continuous support, the Global
Awareness Project, the Youth Leadership Seminar, the Community Ties and the
Camper-cum-Committee Project, as well as other meaningful events have been
successfully held.

As the new academic year commences, I would like to inform you that we
are now recruiting the Executive Committee members of the 24th HKUYL to allow
for the continued contributions of the Union towards youth and society, and to
fulfill our motto, to inspire tomorrows leaders today.

Your school is most welcome to nominate Secondary 5 students (or
equivalent) as candidates for the selection of the Executive Committee members, in
which a maximum of TWO non-Campers are allowed to enter the selection. ExCampers who are currently attending one of the member schools are NOT included
in this quota and are eligible to apply. The posts available are as follows:

1 Chairperson,
2 Vice-Chairpersons,
1 Internal Secretary,
2 External Secretaries,
1 Treasurer,
2 Promotion Managers, and
3 Publicity Officers.

Nominees are required to complete the attached Application Form and the
respective tasks for the posts they are running for. Their performance in the tasks
will be assessed, and selected finalists will be invited to attend the interview
scheduled on 12th and 13th September, 2015. Academic strength, global and social
awareness, proficiency in English, leadership ability, and knowledge of the Union
will be taken into consideration in the selection process. General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

Enclosed please find an Application Form, a Principals Endorsement Form,

an Introduction of Posts of the Executive Committee and a List of Tasks for
Nominees. Each student candidate is required to hand in his/ her completed
Application Form, Principals Endorsement Form, completed tasks for the post of
first priority, personal rsum, and a photocopy of his/ her school report card of
the previous academic year to the Union through mail to the General Post Office
Box 10379 AND through email to latest by Wednesday, 9th
September, 2015.

Please kindly remind your student candidates that an email notification will
be sent to them once their application has been received. Late applications will not
be entertained. Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact our
Chairperson, Mr. NG, Kelvin Keng Sang, at 5169 3230, or our Vice-Chairperson, Mr.
CHAN, Kelvin Hiu Nam, at 9830 9887 after school hours.

Thank you for your kindest attention.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. YIM, Jordan Yuk Ho

Mr. NG, Kelvin Keng Sang
External Secretary


Enclosed Items:
1. An Application Form
2. A Principals Endorsement Form
3. An Introduction of Posts of the Executive Committee
4. A List of Tasks for Nominees of the Executive Committee

Important Dates:
1. Deadline for Application:
By mail, postmarked Wednesday, 9th September, 2015; AND
By email, 23:55, Wednesday, 9th September, 2015
2. Interview for Selected Finalists: Saturday, 12th September, 2015 and
Sunday, 13th September, 2015 General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

24th Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

Executive Committee Selection
Application Form

Personal Information
Name (English):
HKID Number:


Gender: ( Male / Female )*

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY):
Phone No.






Email Address:


Home Address:


Please indicate the post you would like to run for:
First Priority:

____________ ______________________________________

Second Priority:


School Information
Name (English):


Phone No. (Office):




* Please delete as inappropriate. General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

Please complete the following questions in English.

1. Briefly introduce yourself.

2. Why are you interested in joining HKUYL?

3. What extra-curricular activities will you be involved in this academic year?

4. State the computer software(s) you are familiar with.
____________________________________________________________________ General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

24th Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

Executive Committee Selection
Principals Endorsement Form

I hereby nominate _____________________________________________________
to be a candidate of the Executive Committee Selection of the 24th Hong Kong
Union for Young Leaders (2015 2016).

School Chop:

Name of School:

Signature of Principal:

Name of Principal:






_______________________________________ General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

24th Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

Executive Committee Selection
Introduction of Posts of Executive Committee

1 Chairperson:
- To represent the Union.
- To preside at all meetings.
- To make all final decisions of the Union.
- To supervise the work of the Executive Committee.

2 Vice-Chairpersons:
- To assist the Chairperson in the undertaking of affairs of the Union.
- To act for the Chairperson in case of his/ her absence.
- To supervise the work of the Publicity and Promotion Departments.

1 Internal Secretary:
- To take minutes of all meetings.
- To keep records of all internal correspondence on behalf of the Union.
- To prepare information and documents when necessary.

2 External Secretaries:
- To handle all foreign correspondence.
- To assume the power and obligations of the Internal Secretary in case of his/
her absence.

1 Treasurer:
- To handle and record all revenue and expenses of the Union.
- To prepare a budget and present an annual financial report for the Union.
- To manage the Unions account.

2 Promotion Managers:
- To promote the image of the Union.
- To be responsible for managing the Unions webpage, publishing
newsletters, producing souvenirs, banners and all decoration work.

3 Publicity Officers:
- To promote the image of the Union.
- To be responsible for contacting Honorary Advisors, sponsors, news agents,
organizations, companies, member schools, alumni and Campers. General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

24th Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

Executive Committee Selection
Tasks for Nominees of the Executive Committee

Complete ONLY the tasks for the post you opt for the first priority. Please be
reminded that you may find information regarding the Union and its projects from
the Unions webpage (


Candidates running for a post as Chairperson must complete all 3 tasks in Section A
and 3 out of 6 taks in Section B.

Section A:

1. Use one complete sentence to describe the purpose of this post.

2. The Union has always devoted to promoting creativity and leadership among
the youth in various means. Nonetheless, there are comments that the
Union is incapable of meeting the needs of a modern-standardised society
and the effectiveness of its effort is not conspicuous. The general publics
lack of recognition of the Union has also worsened the problem. As the
Chairperson, how would you overcome these challenges? Draft a mission
statement for the Union and orientations of each event that you are
planning to hold so as to attain those goals, in accordance with the Unions
motto, to inspire tomorrows leaders today.
(Word Limit: 1700)

3. The Union aims at raising the youths awareness in both global and local
issues. Nonetheless, throughout the 23 years, it seems that the effort of
holding numerous lectures, discussions and seminars paid in vain for making
an impact on the community as well as Campers. Advise on the content,
framework and goals of the Global Awareness Project.
(Word Limit: 1000) General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

Section B: 3 out of 6

Please choose 3 out of following 6 items of the 23rd Hong Kong Union for Young
Leaders and point out 2 flaws from each of them with suggestions to mend them.

1. Global Awareness Project
2. Youth Leadership Seminar
3. Community Ties (Both phase 1 and 2 inclusive)
4. Christmas Reunion and Annual Dinner
5. Souvenirs and promotional materials (eg. Facebook Fan Page, official
webpage, etc.)
6. Publications (Newsletters, SCMP articles)
(Word Limit: 500 x 3 = 1500)


Candidates running for a post as Vice-Chairperson must complete all tasks.

Section A:

In the Committee Board, Vice-Chairpersons take up the role as go-between, both
assisting the Chairperson and supervising the work of the Publicity and Promotion
Departments. Apart from focusing on administration matters, maintaining internal
cohesion and bonding is also one of the crucial facets for which Vice-Chairpersons
should be responsible. Evaluate the inner problems or difficulties faced by the
precedent Committee Boards based on its degree of success in inspiring tomorrows
leaders today. In addition, to better enhance internal management, suggest some
possible measures to balance both the efficiency and the participation within the
Committee Board.
(Word Limit: 1500)

Section B:

1. Please explain your perception of the relations between parents, the Union
and the role of Core Members (the Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons) in
this issue.
(Word Limit: 800) General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

2. Please evaluate the impacts made by the Union on the community through
your observation. Support your reasons by listing out the strengths and
limitations as well as proposing possible measures to maximize the Unions
contribution to the community.
(Word Limit: 800)

3. Do you agree with the statement that the Union is the second home for
UYLers? What are the requirements for it to become a home?
(Word Limit: 800)

Internal Secretary

Candidates running for a post as Internal Secretary must complete all tasks.

1. Please suggest 3 major duties of an Internal Secretary, with respect to the
duties of the Chairperson.

2. What is the importance of jotting minutes? Suggest 2 elements of a useful
and meaningful minutes.

3. How would you encourage your fellow Committee Members to revise
minutes of the meetings you took note of and to often refer to the minutes?

External Secretary

Candidates running for a post as External Secretary must complete Section A and 3
tasks in Section B.

Section A:

1. List out three important qualities an External Secretary should possess and
explain the reasons.
(Word Limit: 150)

2. Use any body organ to describe the position and duties of an External
Secretary in the Union.
(Word Limit: 200) General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

Section B: 3 out of 4

1. The Committee Board has paid for the deposit of $50,000 for the venue of
the Annual Dinner, yet they have just realised that the venue is not suitable
for the event, as its maximum capacity could not meet the number of
guests. Therefore, the Union would like to cancel the booking. As an
External Secretary, draft a letter to the venue holder requesting a refund of
the deposit.

2. The Committee Board received complaints from the YLS Campsite working
staff about Campers unpleasant behaviour (shouting, damaging campsite
facilities and littering) within their premises. As an External Secretary, draft
a letter in response to such a complaint.

3. Draft an email to Caritas, a charity group, to propose a co-joint fundraising
task for the Community Ties.

4. A parent of a Camper has complained to the Union about the lack of adults
guidance and supervision in the Unions activities. As an External Secretary,
draft an email to response to the parents concern.


Candidates running for a post as Treasurer must complete all tasks.

1. Draft an action plan outlining the feasible ways on how to broaden the
Unions sources of income and to minimize the expenses.

2. As the Union is a non-profit and student-based organization, adequate
funding plays a pivotal role in its daily operation. Suggest three ways to raise
capital other than seeking sponsorship. General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders


The details of income and expenditure of the 24th HKUYL Christmas Reunion
can be found in the table below.


Price ($)

Total venue booking fee


Marked price of folder


Marked price of drawstring bag


Admission fee per Alumnus


Admission fee per Camper


Admission fee per Committee Member


Printing invitation cards


Postage invitation cards


Production of drawstring bags


Lucky draw prizes


Folders, with a total cost of $1920, were ordered by the Promotion Department in
the beginning of the office term. The number of folders sold before the Christmas
Reunion was 72.

The number of items ordered by the Promotion Department is shown below:



Drawstring Bags


A week before the event, a receipt of the venue booking deposit of $8000 was
received, all reimbursements and venue booking fee are paid.

During the Christmas Reunion, cash income from the admission fees, as well as from
the sales of the souvenirs is received. General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

The attendance of the annual dinner is shown below:



Committee Members




At the end of the event, it is known that the number of the drawstring bags sold is
64, while the net income from the sales of folders is $1058. A bad debt of $1200 is
also recorded.

With reference to the data provided, complete the following:

a. Work out the number of folders unsold after the Christmas Reunion and
show your working.

b. Calculate the surplus in the admission fees and show your working.

c. $1391.7 was brought for changes before the event started. Prepare a
statement to show the amount of cash you hold at the end of the event.
Show your working.

d. Prepare an event-based financial report for the Christmas Reunion.

Promotion Manager

Candidates running for a post as Promotion Manager must complete Section A and
2 tasks in Section B.

Section A:

Produce 2 Newsletter pages that would be distributed at the Annual General
Meeting. The first page should be a front cover of the Newsletter, and the second
page should be the events of the 23rd Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders. For
details of the events, you may refer to the EVENTS page of our website. The
Newsletter should be in A4 size in portrait. General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders

Section B: 2 out of 3

1. Design a webpage for HKUYL to express the theme Youth Leadership.

2. Design a souvenir for the 24th HKUYL with descriptions concerning its
function and any symbolic meanings.

3. Produce a two-minute video featuring yourself as the only character to show
the desire to be outstanding. Upload the video to Youtube or other online
storage and send us the link of your video or file.

Publicity Officers

Candidates running for a post as Publicity Officer must complete all tasks.

1. As the Union selects only two Campers from each member school every
year, and does not organize many open-to-all activities, thus the Union is
lack of public exposure and recognition. Propose ways to promote the
Union, to the general public and more specifically, to the local secondary
school students.

2. Suppose you have received complaints from the parents of some Campers
during the Youth Leadership Seminar, who claim that the project has
occupied most of their childrens free time originally intended for revision.
Make a voice recording for no more than 5 minutes to respond to the
matter. Recordings should be in either English or Cantonese.

3. Some schools reckon that sending two representatives for a one-year
leadership training program does not bring much benefit to the school and
would like to withdraw their memberships from the Union. As a Publicity
Officer, suggest how you would handle this issue.

4. Some alumni, members and Honorary Advisors of the Union may have
strong political stances. As a Publicity Officer, suggest how you would
maintain a politically-neutral image of the Union. General Post Office Box 10379

Fax 3013 9790

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