News Writing Excercise

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Sumulat ng isang tuwirang balita na may tatlong talata lamang gamit ang mga sumusunod na


Tinatayang 208 na mga Campus Journalists at mga School Paper Advisers ang
magtitipon-tipon sa nasabing patimpalak
Mayroong 23 divisions ang Rehiyon III
Tema: Empowering Resilient Communities Through Campus Journalism
Gaganapin ito sa Angeles City Central School
Dalawang araw ang contest, una ay para sa elementary level at pangalawa ay para sa high
school level
Itinakda ang contest sa October 29-30
Regional Schools Press Conference

Sumulat ng isang tuwirang balita gamit ang mga sumusunod na datos:

- Noong 2001, pumutok ang Bulkang Mayon 49 na araw matapos itaas ng Phivolcs ang
Alert Level 3
- Ang magma nandiyan na, ang hindi lang natin alam time, hindi ito baba . . . . walang
(magma) bababa uli sa pinanggalingan, sabi ni Laguerta
- Nasa 12 000 na pamilya ang ngayoy nasa mga evacuation centers na simula pa noong
itaas ng ahensya ang Alert Level 3 sa bulkan noong nakaraang buwan
- Ayon sa Phivolcs ang isang bulkang nasa ilalim ng Alert Level 3 ay mayroong malaking
tsansa na pumutok, mayroon ding madalas na pagglaw ng lupa o lindol, pagtaas ng level
ng Sulfur Dioxide, pagbagsak ng mga bato malapit sa summit o tuktok ng bulkan,
pagbubuga ng makapal ng usok, at patuloy na pamamaga
- Samantala noong 2009 anim na araw matapos itaas sa bulkan ang Alert Level 3 ay
pumutok na ito
- Sabi ni Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology maaari ng ibaba ang Alert
Level 3 sa Bulkang Mayon kung mananatili itong kalmado
- Ayon sa resident volcanologists ng GMA Network na si Ed Laguerta, hindi naman
nagmamadali ang ahensya na ibaba ang Alert Level sa Bulkan dahil nanatiling 25 million
cubic meters ang volume ng magma sa bulkan
Sumulat ng angkop na lead batay sa mga sumusunod:
1. There was an accident occurring in your city at 7:10 this morning at the intersection of
Post Road and Rollins Avenue. Charles R. Lydon was driving north on Post Road and
proceeded to enter the intersection in his van at a speed estimated at 40 mph. His van
struck a fire engine responding to an emergency call, with its lights and siren in
operation. Two firemen aboard the vehicle were hospitalized; however, their condition is
not known at this point in time. Lyden was killed instantly in the serious and tragic
accident. Authorities have not yet determined who was at fault. The truck was traveling
an estimated 25 mph and responding to a report of a store fire. However, it was a false
alarm. Lydons van was totally destroyed. Damage to the truck was estimated at $50,000.
2. There was a report issued in Washington, D.C. today. It came from the Highway Loss
Data Institute, an affiliate of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. It shows that
there are advantages to driving big cars. A study by the institute found that small twodoor models and many small or midsize sport or specialty cars have the worst injury and

repair records. Many of these small cars show injury claim frequencies and repair losses
at least 30 percent higher than average, while many large cars, station wagons and vans
show 40 percent to 50 percent better-than-average claim records. According to the
analysis, a motorist in a four-door Oldsmobile Delta 88, for example, is 41 percent less
likely than average to be hurt in an accident.
3. An article appeared today in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The article
concerns the dangers of hot dogs. "If you were trying to design something that would be
perfect to block a childs airway, it would be a bite-size piece of hot dog," says a
researcher. He concluded that children under 4 should "never be given a whole hot dog to
eat," and that hot dogs should never be cut crosswise. The hot dogs are so dangerous that
every five days, it is estimated, someone, somewhere in the United States, chokes to
death on them. Other risky foods for young kids up to 9 years of age include: candy, nuts,
grapes, apples, carrots and popcorn.
4. The family of Kristine Belcuore was grief-stricken. She was 51 years old and died of a
heart attack last week. She left a husband and four children. Because her death was so
sudden and unexpected, an autopsy had to be performed before the funeral last Saturday.
It was a big funeral, costing more than $7,000. More than 100 friends and relatives were
in attendance. Today, the family received an apologetic call from the county medical
examiner. Mrs. Belcuors body is still in the morgue. The body they buried was that of a
woman whose corpse had been unclaimed for a month. The error was discovered after the
medical examiners office realized the month-old corpse had disappeared. Someone
probably misread an identifying tag, they said. Also, the family never viewed the
remains, they kept the casket closed throughout the proceedings. A relative said, "We
went through all the pain and everything, all over the wrong body, and now we have to go
through it again."
5. Its another statistical study, one that surprised researchers. For years, researchers thought
that advanced education translated into greater marriage stability. Then they discovered
that marital disruption is greater among more highly educated women than any other
group (except those who haven't graduated from high school). Now a sociologist at The
Ohio State University has conducted a new study which explains some of the reasons
why women with graduate degrees are more likely to be graduated from their marriages
as well. The key fact seems to be timing. Women who married early, before they began
graduate school, are more likely to have established traditional family roles which they
find difficult to change. When the wife goes back to school and no longer wants to handle
most of the housework, it causes resentment on the part of the husband. If the husband
refuses to pitch in and do his share, it creates tension. Such unhappiness on both sides
often leads to divorce. Indeed, a third of the women who began graduate school after they
were married ended up separated or divorced. By comparison, only 15.6 percent of those
who married after they had finished an advanced degree ended up divorced or separated.
They seem more likely to find husbands supportive of their educational goals.
6. The Department of Justice, as it often does, conducted a crime-related survey. It
questioned long-term prisoners. It found that new laws limiting the ownership of guns do
not discourage handgun ownership by career criminals. The report concludes, however,
that even though curbs on legitimate retail sales of guns have failed to attain the goal of

keeping weapons out of the hands of criminals, the laws still may serve other useful
functions. The report explains that criminals get their weapons most often by theft or
under-the-counter deals. The department surveyed 1,874 men serving time for felonies in
11 state prisons and found that 75 percent said they would expect little or no trouble if
they tried to get a handgun after their release from prison. Fifty-seven percent had owned
a handgun at the time of their arrest. Thirty-two percent of their guns had been stolen, 26
percent acquired in black market deals, and others received as gifts from family and
friends. Only 21 percent had been bought through legitimate retail outlets.
7. Thomas C. Ahl appeared in Circuit Court today. He pleaded guilty last week to robbing
and murdering two restaurant employees. In return for pleading guilty prosecutors
promised not to seek the death penalty. He was sentenced today. Ahl is 24 years old, and
the judge sentenced him to two life terms, plus 300 years. It is the longest sentence ever
given anyone in your state. Ahl will be 89 before he can be considered for parole. The
judge explained that Ahl had a long history of violence and brutality, and that the public
deserved to be protected from him. There had been no reason for him to shotgun the two
employees to death. Ahl himself admitted that they had not resisted him in any way.
8. The International Standardization Organization, which is composed of acoustics experts,
today opened its annual convention. The convention is meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
Delegates from 51 countries are attending the convention, which will continue through
Sunday. An annual report issued by the organization warned that noise levels in the world
are rising by one decibel a year. If the increase continues, the report warned, "everyone
living in cities could be stone deaf by the year 2020." The report also said that long-term
exposure to a noise level of 100 decibels can cause deafness, yet a riveting gun reaches a
level of 130 decibels and a jet aircraft 150.
9. A 19-year-old shoplifting suspect died last Saturday. Police identified him as Timothy
Milan. He lived at 1112 Huron Avenue and was employed as a cook at a restaurant in the
city. A guard at Panzer's Department Store told police he saw Milan stuff 2 sweaters
down his pants legs, then walk past a checkout line and out of the department store. The
guard then began to chase Milan, who ran, and 3 bystanders joined in the pursuit. They
caught up with Milan, and, when he resisted, one of the bystanders applied a headlock to
him. A police officer who arrived at the scene reported that Milan collapsed as he put
handcuffs on him. An autopsy conducted to determine the cause of death revealed that
Milan died due to a lack of oxygen to the brain. Police today said they do not plan to
charge anyone involved in the case with a crime because it "was a case of excusable
homicide." The police said the bystanders did not mean to injure Milan or to kill him, but
that he was fighting violentlypunching and kicking at his captors and even trying to
bite themand that they were simply trying to restrain him and trying to help capture a
suspected criminal, "which is just being a good citizen."
10. Several English teachers at your citys junior and senior high schools require their
students to read the controversial book, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." The book
was written by Mark Twain. Critics, including some parents, said last week that the book
should be banned from all schools in the city because it is racist. After considering their
complaints and discussing them with his staff, the superintendent of schools, Gary
Hubbard, announced today that teachers will be allowed to require reading the book in

high school English classes but not in any junior high school classes. Furthermore, the
superintendent said that it will be the responsibility of the high school teachers who
assign the book to assist students in understanding the historical setting of the book, the
characters being depicted and the social context, including the prejudices which existed at
the time depicted in the book. Although the book can no longer be used in any junior high
school classes, the school superintendent said it will remain available in junior and senior
high school libraries for students who want to read it voluntarily. The book describes the
adventures of runaway Huck Finn and a fugitive slave named Jim as they float on a raft
down the Mississippi River.
Sumulat ng isang speech news batay sa sumusunod na mga datos at pahayag:
The Centerville Chamber of Commerce is holding its monthly luncheon at the Hotel Luxe.
An audience of about 100, mostly local business men and women, is in attendance. The
guest speaker today is Alex Weddell, CEO of Weddell Widgets, a local, family-owned
manufacturing firm and one of the citys largest companies.
Here is the text of Weddells speech:
Unfortunately, I wish we could all be here together under happier circumstances. As you all
know, these arent exactly the best of times for the economy. With the problems on Wall Street,
companies, like individuals, are facing a credit crunch. Its becoming very difficult to get access
to credit to expand or even maintain our operations.
Health care costs are also an issue. As you know, these costs have risen substantially in recent
years. Many companies, especially small to medium-sized firms like my own, find it increasingly
difficult to pay for the health insurance of our employees.
Fuel prices are another area of concern. With the dramatic rise in oil prices, our costs, for both
production and distribution, have risen dramatically. And with a weakening economy both here
and abroad, demand for American-made products has dropped substantially in the last year.
Speaking of global markets, as you know, there is increasing pressure in many industries to
outsource production to developing countries with much cheaper labor costs.
In fact, our main competitor, XYZ Widgets, last year moved its entire manufacturing operation to
China. In doing so they cut production costs in half. Weve tried to resist such measures. We
believe in employing Americans workers, to create American products, to boost the American
As I said, weve tried to resist such measures, but unfortunately, that is no longer possible. Im
here today to tell you that Weddell Widgets is facing a third quarter loss of $25 million, our worst
quarterly loss ever. As a result, weve decided that early next year, we will relocate our entire
manufacturing operation to India. We will maintain our management and administrative

operations here in Centerville. It is with great sadness that we made this decision. My
grandfather started Weddell Widgets in Centerville more than 80 years ago. This has been our
home. We only did this as a last resort.
Weddell leaves the stage. The audience is silent. As he quickly grabs his coat and exits the hotel
ballroom, you ask him how many employees will lose their jobs as a result of the outsourcing.
About 450, he says. How many administrative jobs will be left in Centerville, you ask. About
30, he responds, then adds, Im sorry, I cant answer any more questions now. He rushes out
the door to a waiting limousine.
You call the city editor at the Centerville Gazette newsroom. He says to write a breaking news
version of the story for the papers website, then a more in-depth piece for tomorrows paper.

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