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William Floyd Middle School

Moriches, New York 11955

(631) 874-5500
Dear William Floyd Middle School student/parent/guardian:
I hope this letter finds you well rested, energized and ready to start the 2015-2016 school year with intense focus on academic
achievement on personal growth.
We expect you will be prepared with the tools necessary for school success, as outlined in the supply list given to you in June and
posted on our school website. On the first day of school you only need to bring a notebook and something to write with. You
will receive your locker assignment and should be ready to bring in all of your other supplies by the end of the first week. Please be
aware that you must strictly adhere to the color coding of the notebooks/binders for each subject.
The first day of school is Tuesday, September 1st. The hours for the middle school are 8:10 a.m. 2:23p.m. (Please note the new
times). Students should be in the building by 8:00 a.m. to insure they are on time to their 1st period class. We expect that all students
will arrive on time each day ready to learn and only miss school if they are ill. Attendance is vital to school success and will be
strictly monitored throughout the year. No student should miss academics for vacations or other activities which can be
scheduled when school is not in session.
We will be holding a walk through on Wednesday, August 26, 2015, from 9:00 11:00 am at the William Floyd Middle School.
This will be an opportunity for you to move around the building to locate your classrooms and familiarize yourself with the layout.
The Associate Principals and I will be in the building to greet you and assist with any issues. If you cannot visit during the specified
time please feel free to call the main office at 874-5500 to make other arrangements.
The relationship between the home and school is an integral ingredient for a successful educational experience. Achieving meaningful
parent/family involvement within the school setting is essential to the success of each individual child as well as to our entire school
community. Please note that Middle School Report Cards/Interim Progress Reports and grades throughout the quarters will
only be made available online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. One final end of year Report Card will be mailed for
your records. To create an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account, please visit the Parent Portal link on the district homepage and click
on First Time Users or to the activation site at:
You must review all information related to the middle school on our school website. The following information will be posted on the
! Meet the teacher information
! WFMS general information letter
! New bell schedule
! A/B 2015-2016 calendar
! Transportation informational letter
! School nurse letter
! Attendance letter
! Directions for accessing teacher websites
! Free/reduced meal plan application.
We would also like to remind you, as you shop for back to school clothes, that we maintain a dress code for all students. This can be
found in our student handbook which can be viewed on the district website. So while fashion may dictate short shorts and skirts, low
riding jeans that show undergarments and spaghetti strap tank tops, this attire would not be considered appropriate for school.
Below you will find a label indicating your bus stop. Please remember that for your own safety you are not permitted to get on or off
at any stop other than your assigned bus stop.
We are looking forward to an outstanding year. Enjoy the remainder of the summer.
Carolyn Schick

William Floyd Middle School

General Information

! Principal Ms. Carolyn Schick 874-5500

! Associate Principals:
Dr. Thomas Heintz 7th Grade and 6th Grade L-Z - 874-5561
Dr. Eugenia Jackolski 8th Grade and 7th Grade A-K 874-5562
! All students will have access to support personnel who will be located in the Student
Support Suite:
Guidance Counselors:
Students whose last name begins with: A-K: Ms. Dubinsky - 874-5510
L-Z: Mr. Gersbeck - 874-5510
Social Workers:
Ms. Puccio 874-5567
Ms. Raniolo 874-5535
Ms. DeVito 874-5518
DASA Coordinators:
Dr. Eugenia Jackolski 874-5562
Ms. DeVito 874-5518
Ms. Raniolo 874-5535
! The students day is comprised of 8 periods. School begins at 8:00 a.m. when they enter
the building and ends at 2:23 p.m. Students MUST be on time. Every minute of our time
together is important, as there is much to learn!
! Students will be working to attain mastery in all subject areas as defined by the NYS
Common Core Standards. This will require that they actively participate in their classes,
complete all homework/research projects and all assigned reading. Success with their
rigorous curriculum will be heavily based, in many classes, on their assigned
independent nightly reading. In an effort to maximize the students learning potential
when receiving direct instruction from their teachers, students will not be given time to
complete assigned reading during class. If a student does not accept the responsibility
of completing their assigned reading they may have difficulty meeting mastery on inclass assignments and tests, as well as with actively participating in discussions, which
in turn could negatively impact their grade.
! Communication with teachers is key to your childs success at WFMS. Please be sure to
email the teachers if you have any concerns or questions. Also, we ask that you
frequently visit the teachers Google accounts to insure that your child has completed all
homework assignments. We ask that parents strictly monitor the completion of all
homework and assignments, actively participating in their childs learning.

! Music lessons will be taken on a rotating basis within the 8 periods of the day. Students
are required to make up assignments they may miss in any academic class. They are not
permitted to miss science labs or tests for a music lesson.
! All students have assigned bus stops. Please carefully read the bus procedures, rules
and responsibilities that apply to riding the bus. Insuring your childs safety on the bus
is our primary concern, therefore we will strictly enforce all regulations.
! Ms. Schick maintains a building Goggle account where you can view daily
announcements, calendars relating specific WFMS events, all correspondence which is
sent home with students and other pertinent school information.

! If your child is going to be absent (even for one day) we strongly suggest you insure
they complete any class work they have missed before they arrive back to school. This
will allow them to feel more comfortable upon returning to class and immediately
receive extra help if they require additional assistance with the material that was
presented when they were absent. If you would like to request your childs work when
absent you must call the grade level office at 874-5561/5562 before 9:00 am. We will
email the teachers and place any work received in the attendance office to be picked up
after 2:15 pm. Please note teachers have daily homework assignments posted on their
Google sites for easy reference as well. As a reminder if your child is not going to be in
school you must call the attendance office at 874-5520 to inform us of their absence.















10! 11!
A! B!







10! 11! 12! 13!

B! X! A! B!












10! 11!
B! A!







14! 15! 16! 17! 18!

X! X! A! B! A!

12! 13! 14! 15! 16!

X! B! A! B! A!

16! 17! 18! 19! 20!

A! B! A! B! A!

14! 15! 16! 17! 18!

B! A! B! A! B!

11! 12! 13! 14! 15!

A! B! A! B! A!

21! 22! 23! 24! 25!

B! A! X! B! A!

19! 20! 21! 22! 23!

B! A! B! A! B!

23! 24! 25! 26! 27!

B! A! X! X! X!

21! 22! 23! 24! 25!

A! B! A! X! X!

18! 19! 20! 21! 22!

X! B! A! B! A!

28! 29! 30! !

B! A! B!

26! 27! 28! 29! 30!

A! B! A! B! A!

30! !

28! 29! 30! 31! !

X! X! X! X!

15! 16! 17! 18! 19!

X! X! X! X! X!

14! 15! 16! 17! 18!

B! A! B! A! B!

11! 12! 13! 14! 15!

B! A! B! A! B!

16! 17! 18! 19! 20!

B! A! B! A! B!

13! 14! 15! 16! 17!

A! B! A! B! A!

22! 23! 24! 25! 26!

A! B! A! B! A!

21! 22! 23! 24! 25!

A! B! A! B! X!

18! 19! 20! 21! 22!

A! B! A! B! A!

23! 24! 25! 26! 27!

A! B! A! B! A!

20! 21! 22! 23! 24!

B! A! B! A! (SCD)!

29! !

28! 29! 30! 31! !

X! A! B! A!

25!! 26! 27! 28! 29!

X! X! X! X! X!

30! 31! !
X! B!

27! 28! 29! 30! !




25! 26! 27! 28! 29!

B! A! B! A! B!
&&&&&&&&February&2016&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&March&2016&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&April&2016&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&May&2016&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&June&2016& !
1! 2! 3! 4! 5!
1! 2! 3! 4!
2! 3! 4! 5! 6!
1! 2! 3!!
A! B! A! B! A!
A! B! A! B!
B! A! B! A! B!
A! B! A!
8! 9! 10! 11! 12!
7! 8! 9! 10! 11!
4! 5! 6! 7! 8!
9! 10! 11! 12! 13!
6! 7! 8! 9! 10!
B! A! B! A! B!
A! B! A! B! A!
A! B! A! B! A!
A! B! A! B! A!
B! A! B! A! B!






Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s):
As your child begins the 2015-2016 school year, many new and exciting adventures in learning lie ahead. In order
for our children to achieve at their highest potential and beyond it is essential to attend school on a regular basis.
Excessive absence is a common cause of academic failure. Parental interaction and cooperation are essential
elements in developing and instilling proper attendance habits. Parents need be aware of their childrens attendance
patterns and encourage students to attend every day on time.
Please be aware of the following procedures:
ABSENCE BECAUSE OF ILLNESS: Our philosophy toward absenteeism because of illness can be summed
up in the following phrase - A child too sick to attend school is a child too sick to leave the house for any
reason other than medical care. This means that a child who is sick will be at home if the attendance
teacher visits.
PHONE CALLS: In the event of your childs absence from school we expect that the parent or legal guardian
would phone the William Floyd Middle School Attendance office at 874-5520 on the first day of the
absence with the reason for the absence.
NOTES: Notes are required by law for all legal absences and tardiness and are to be submitted to the
attendance office. Please be explicit with the excuse and legible in regard to both your childs and your full
PARTIAL DAYS ABSENCE: Some parents and students think that if a student is late there is no reason to
attend. Although punctuality is best, as long as a child attends forty minutes or more of instruction he/she
will be marked present for a partial day.
APPOINTMENTS: The above is also true for appointments (medical, dental, optical, etc.) which cannot be
made other than during school hours. With a written request from the parent/guardian, plus approval of an
administrator, your child may be released early for an appointment.
Remember there is a direct relationship between your childs attendance and his or her academic performance.
Participation in classroom activities and good study skills are essential for a students success on all levels.
Please assist us in the process of educating your child to his or her full potential by emphasizing good
attendance. Thank you for your cooperation.
Parent teacher communication is an essential part of every students academic success. At WFMS we
understand the importance of providing parents with information regarding homework, tests and
projects. All WFMS teachers will be posting this information on Google sites. Please follow the step
by step procedures below to gain access to your childs teachers sites. If you have any question, call us at

Teacher Sign In:

7:40 a.m.

Students Enter:

8:00 a.m.



8:10 a.m.

8:57 a.m.


9:00 a.m.

9:43 a.m.


9:46 a.m.

10:29 a.m.


10:32 a.m.

11:15 a.m.


11:18 a.m.

12:01 p.m.


12:04 p.m.

12:47 p.m.


12:50 p.m.

1:33 p.m.


1:36 p.m.

2:23 p.m.

Student Dismissal at 2:23 P.M

Teacher Sign Out 2:33 P.M

William Floyd Middle School

Moriches, New York 11955

On Thursday, September 10 , 2015, the William Floyd Middle School will host its annual Meet the
Teacher Night for parents/guardians. You will follow your childs academic schedule for a B day.
Each class will be nine minutes in length, with a three minute passing time between periods, according to
the following bell schedule:
7:00 p.m.
7:12 p.m.
7:24 p.m.
7:36 p.m.
7:48 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:12 p.m.
8:24 p.m.

7:09 p.m.
7:21 p.m.
7:33 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
7:57 p.m.
8:09 p.m.
8:21 p.m.
8:33 p.m.

Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
Period 8

During each period teachers will provide you with a brief overview of their course content and
requirements, as well as their grading policy. The William Floyd Middle School PTO will be serving
refreshments and accepting membership applications in the cafeteria. Please make every effort to attend
this important event. Your involvement in your childs academic life is critical to his/her success.
Meet the Teacher Night is designed to provide you with an overview of your childs academic program.
It is not an appropriate time to speak to a teacher regarding individual issues regarding your child. If you
wish to speak at length with your childs teachers please contact the grade level office to schedule an
appointment at 874-5561/5562.
This year we will be inviting the parents of all 8th grade students to a special program on September
10th, 2015 (Meet the Teacher Night) beginning at 6:00PM. This program entitled Rev up for Regents
will focus on how you can be an integral part of your childs success in Algebra I and Living
Environment which both commence with a Regents Examination scheduled for June, 2016. We will be
focusing on ways you can assist your child with test taking/studying and homework, and provide you with
specific websites, tools and resources for additional support and practice, as well as tips on how to utilize
your childs teacher as a supportive resource through the effective use of communication (i.e. Google
acct, e mail, team meetings). If you have been asking, How do I help my child do better academically in
school? then this is a must attend workshop. The program for 6th/7th grade parents will begin at
6:30 pm.
We will have information regarding how to create a parent account on Infinite Campus available for you
in the main lobby. Please note: All middle school report cards and progress reports will only be
available through the parent portal. Please make sure you have established an account to avoid any
delay in learning about your childs academic progress.
We look forward to seeing you on September 10th. Working together, we can make a difference in your
childs academic, emotional, and social development as a middle level learner.
Carolyn Schick, Principal

William Floyd Union Free School District

Our rich history builds a promising future!

David Beggins
Assistant Superintendent for Business

Kevin Coster
Superintendent of Schools

August 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The daily transportation of children to and from school is the perfect opportunity to establish expectations for good
conduct, responsible citizenship, and to teach and enforce the rules of safety. The William Floyd School District urges all
parents to escort their children to and from bus stops in order to ensure a safe, orderly climate before and after school.
Parents are partners in the educational process. Self-control and good manners must begin at home and can only foster
a productive school environment.
As a reminder, you may visit our website at and click on the transportation information link to find
everything you will need to know about student, parent and District roles and responsibilities with respect to the
transportation of our children. You will also be able to reference the Districts transportation policy and have a handy
list of important contact numbers. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact our transportation
department at 874-1305 or your specific school and copies will be sent to you. If you get voicemail, please leave a message with your childs full first and last name and address.
It is important to remember that parents, children, bus drivers and the District are all responsible in maintaining
standards of conduct and safety on school buses. For the 2015-2016 school year, First Student will again be providing
ALL of the Districts transportation needs including to and from District buildings AND the Districts special education
students to and from placements which are outside of the District. School buses may utilize video cameras to ensure
the continued safety of our students.
Please take the time to review the information contained on the transportation section of the Districts website and
reinforce these serious guidelines with your children. We cannot stress enough the importance of these rules and our
mutual responsibility for enforcing them in an effort to not only keep your child safe, but to protect all students riding
the school bus. Keep in mind that students with various temporary injuries (including casts, slings, etc.) will continue to
be transported on their regular bus.
Should you have any specific transportation concerns regarding bus numbers, bus stops, etc., please contact the
Transportation Office at 874-1305. Thank you for your ongoing cooperation in this important matter.

David Beggins
David Beggins
Transportation Supervisor

Building Principals: William Floyd School District

Building Principals for private/parochial schools
First Student

Robert Vecchio, President Jeananne Dawson, Vice President Joseph Barone Thomas A. Gross Robert Guerriero Anthony Speruta Robert Taiani

240 Mastic Beach Road, Mastic Beach, New York 11951-1028/(631) 874-1684/ (631) 874-1847 (Fax )

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