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Institute for Conservation Leadership

Signature Intensive Program

Executive Director Leadership Program
Sample Full Proposal
How to Use this Template

This is a sample template for a grant proposal, based on commonly accepted grant
proposal formats. Before inserting your text, find out the proposal format and
requirements of the foundation you are approaching. Adjust this template to meet
the requirements of that foundation.
Prior to sending the proposal, meet with the program officer to discuss your recent
program successes and your plans. Let them know you want to invest in building
your leadership capacity, and ask if they are open to a proposal to support it. [If a
letter of inquiry is required prior to the proposal, see LOI Template]
Text in black is text to include in the actual proposal.
Text in blue is instructional and should be deleted from the actual proposal.
ORGANIZATION should be replaced with the name of your organization, and
other capitalized text replace as indicated. ORG refers to your organization.
Formatting: Use minimum of 12 point font; and 1.25-inch margins; Include
page numbers; do not place in binder use one staple or paperclip only; Use
consistent headers and paragraph formatting throughout.
Proofread: Be sure to have a second person proofread your proposal before it
goes out. Starting with a template that has boilerplate text introduces many new
variables that will need tight editing.

Develop a title for your proposal:

Building Executive Leadership Capacity
To Support ORG Mission
[Such as: To Conserve the Paint Branch Watershed]

Executive Summary (1-2 pages, single-spaced)


Application date


Organizations name and contact information (full address, including

mailing address if different, telephone, fax, and Web address)



Federal tax-exempt number:


Contact person: (name, title, and contact information - telephone, fax, email)


Dollar amount of this funding request: $8,000 per participant [see

budget section below for detail]


Total current organizational budget and fiscal year: $750,000

4/1/08 3/31/09


Period this funding request will cover: Program start date to date after
program assessment


Purpose of this funding request: ORGANIZATION is seeking funding

to support strengthening its executive leadership capacity by participating
in the Executive Director Leadership Program, an intensive 9-month
program of workshops, coaching and peer exchange.


Brief organizational history and brief description of previous years



Total support from FOUNDATION NAME for the past three years: List
year, amount, and purpose for all support


Signature of executive director

About ORGANIZATION and the Executive Director Leadership Program




Describe, in one or two paragraphs, the organizations history, mission,

and goals.
Describe current programs and activities, and recent organizational


Strengthening Executive Leadership

ORGANIZATION is seeking support from FOUNDATION to underwrite

the costs of our participation in an intensive professional development
program with Institute for Conservation Leadership, the Executive
Director Leadership Program. We plan to send our executive director to
this 9-month, intensive leadership program in order to strengthen
HIS/HER leadership skills.

Describe the current capacities of your executive director and the rationale for
professional development.
Our executive director has been on board for nearly a year,
and has been very successful in [LIST SUCCESS AREAS]. However, HIS/HER
background is in [ORG MISSION AREA] and HE/SHE does not have the training
and experience in operating a complex nonprofit organization.
Our executive director has had a very successful tenure of 5
years at ORGANIZATION. As the organization has grown significantly during
this time, it is critical that our executive director has the opportunity to enhance
HIS/HER skills to advance our organization to the next level.
Our executive director was recently hired to succeed our
long-term founder of 25 years. [ED NAME] was selected to lead our organization
because of HIS/HER strong skills and background in [ED BACKGROUND]. At
this critical moment in our organizations history, we want to ensure our new
executive has the confidence and skills to lead our Board and staff through this
significant transition in leadership.
Specifically, our goals for the program are to increase our executive directors
ability to [insert key leadership priorities such as:
Manage organizational growth and change
Motivate/empower staff and volunteers
Work effectively with and empower the Board of Directors
Raise funds and oversee finances
Strategically lead you organization
Participating in the Executive Director Leadership Program will be an important
organizational investment in our growth and development.
About the Executive Director Leadership Program
ORGANIZATION has researched available leadership development programs,
and we have identified the Executive Director Leadership Program offered by the
Institute for Conservation Leadership to be the best fit for our needs. First, as its
name describes, Institute for Conservation Leadership knows our field their
leadership development focus is not generic, but tailored to the specific needs of
organizations that protect the Earth. Second, the program is comprehensive and
includes a range of professional development approaches, including workshops,
coaching and peer exchange. The program also involves a Board member in one
of the workshops to ensure team support for the Executive Directors leadership.
Finally, the program is designed to fit a busy schedule and is very cost effective
for the comprehensive set of supports it provides, as well as covering room and
board for the on-site sessions.

The Executive Director Leadership Program is a 9-month program to give

executive directors the knowledge, skills, and support they need to move their
organizations forward more effectively. It is designed to give executive directors
organizational management and leadership development customized to the role of
the executive director and tailored to our organization.
The program includes an initial 5-day Executive Director Workshop with skillbuilding, experiential learning, interactive problem-solving, and action planning.
A 500-page Executive Director Guidebook is provided. The initial workshop is
followed by ongoing coaching (up to 8 hours), and peer networking. The
program concludes with the 3-day Leadership Team Workshop for the executive
director and one or more board members. Tuition for the program is $6,500 and
includes room and board at the on-site workshops.

Expected Outcomes

By participating in the Executive Director Leadership Program, our executive

director will be better equipped to lead our organization through our next phase of
growth and development. Specific outcomes of the Executive Director
Leadership Program include building individual skills to:
Lead the organization with clear goals and roles for staff, Board and
Effectively raise funds for the organization and diversify funding sources;
Oversee key organizational systems, including financial management;
Build a strong Board of Directors committed to the mission; and,
Develop a network within the organization and outside to provide ongoing
support for leadership.
As a result of participating, our executive director will increase the knowledge,
skills and confidence to provide strong leadership for our organization over the
long-term. As an organization dedicated to [ORG ISSUE/MISSION], continually
building strong leadership is ever more important to achieve success.

Evaluation Method

To evaluate the impact of this program, prior to participating, the executive

director will write a self-assessment of HIS/HER leadership skills and goals and
OF DIRECTORS] will discuss the assessment with the HIM/HER and provide
input. The assessment will be revised based on the discussion.
Three months following the close of program, the executive director will revisit
HIS/HER self-assessment and goals to identify the extent to which leadership
skills have improved and goals have been achieved. The [BOARD OF
DIRECTORS] will discuss the assessment and goals and provide input. Together

they will discuss and then document the particular contribution that the Executive
Director Leadership Program has made to improving the executive directors


The deadline for the application and deposit to the Institute is [APPLICATION
DEADLINE] and the first on-site workshop is on [DATE]. The program will be
completed by [DATE].


The amount you ask for may depend on:

Foundations grant guidelines

Program officers suggestion on proposed amount
Other funding sources you are approaching
Your organizations approach to grant budgeting (some organizations include an
amount for overhead such as utilities or rent in all proposals.)










(estimated amount)
Other Sources


How to Calculate Your Budget



How to Calculate





Check this amount, changes with each year

Divide the cost of your annual salary by 260 to establish
a daily rate. Multiply the daily rate by 9 to cover 9 days of
your time to participate in the program. For annual salary
of $75,000, salary would be $2596.
Multiply 9 days' salary amount by .15%



Three trips - two for ED; one for Board member;

remember airport shuttle, room and board are covered by



Total of tuition, salaries, benefits, travel, (and any other

anticipated expenses)


Amount of your request

List other foundations, individual donors, etc.
Same as expenses

Other Sources

Check the Foundations proposal guidelines. The following are required by the
Washington Grantmakers Common Grant Application:

Fiscal year
Financial statements:
For previous fiscal year: organizational budget v. actual, for both revenue
and expenses
For current fiscal year:
i. Organizational budget v. actual, for both revenue and expenses
ii. Organizations year-to-date Statement of Financial Position (Balance
Sheet) and year-to-date Statement of Activities (Income Statement)
c. If this application is being made during the last quarter of the organizations
fiscal year, provide the organizations projected/proposed/draft budget for the next
fiscal year


If available: most recent audited financial statements (include auditors letter and
notes). If you do not have an audit, provide pages 1-6 of most recent IRS Form990.


Attachments (Check foundation proposal guidelines; include list of

attachments in body of proposal. Commonly required attachments are
included below.)
1. A copy of your current IRS tax-exempt determination letter. If tax-exempt
status is pending, provide an explanation of application status.
2. A one-page organizational chart.
3. Short biography (no more than 1/2 page) of individual(s) participating in
4. List of board members with terms, occupations, and places of employment.
5. Annual report, if available.

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