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Nordic Network of National Centers of Excellence

„NordLearn“ Summer School on Design-Based

Research in Technology-Enhanced Learning

Focus and approach:

Interdisciplinary DeBRa summer school focuses on recent theoretical

developments, best practice examples and useful tools for Design-Based
Research methodology in the fields of technology-enhanced learning and
knowledge management. The course aims at enhancing expertise and
competences in planning design based research and writing methodological
articles in design-based research area.

The course is divided into two parts:

7th- June
11th 2010 DeBRa summer-school
DeBRa summer-school (5 ECTS issued by Tallinn University), 7.-8. June 2010
in Tallinn University, continuing 9.-11. June in Haapsalu College.
Participants are expected to get involved in online collaborative learning
activities prior to the course (March – May 2010) for preparing peer-reviewed
extended abstracts. Participants will present short papers during the course.
The course covers the topics of interaction design for educational technology
and social media; design as a part of practice in formal and informal
educational settings and workplaces; and introduces mixed methods in
design-based research.
1st Aug-Oct
31st 2010 DeBRa extention course
During this period the professional expert support from the summer-school
lecturers is provided to the participants in online environment to prepare
their papers. The participants are expected to elaborate their papers and
prepare full papers of the design-based research cases. A special issue in an
online peer-reviewed journal will be launched for
the peer-reviewed best papers.


All students who are registrated as PhD students in the educational sciences,
educational technology and neighbouring fields are invited to participate. In
some cases pre-doctoral students may be eligible. International students are
also welcome to participate. All instruction will be in English.

For details and application, please visit our website:


Registration to the course and paper abstract: April, 15th, 2010

Acceptance decisions: April, 26th, 2010. The acceptance decision to DeBRa
summer-school will be made based on the quality and relevance of your
Short paper (4 pages) and personal introduction in Nordlearn Workspace:
May, 17th, 2010

DeBRa extension course:

Draft of full paper uploaded in Nordlearn Workspace: August 2nd, 2010
Full paper: October, 29th, 2010. The acceptance decision to DeBRa summer-
school will be made based on the quality and relevance of your abstract.

Some of the course activities take place in Nordlearn Workspace
The membership to Workspace will be sent to the accepted applicants.
Short paper (4 pages) and personal introduction should be uploaded to
Nordlearn Workspace by May, 17th, 2010. The feedback to the papers is
provided in Workspace.

You will present your short paper at DeBRa Summer-school: June 7-11th,
2010. You can improve your paper with the help of Nordlearn researchers at
the DeBRa extension course. Draft of full the paper should be uploaded in
Nordlearn Workspace by August 2nd, 2010

Deadline for the full paper is October, 29th, 2010


Registration fee is 500.- eur, which covers accomodation, local transport,

meals and social events. Further payment information Kersti Toming

Contact for general information:

Kai Pata:

Monday, 7.06 Tallinn University.
10.00 Opening, introduction. Rector of TLU, dean Rain Mikser,
main organiser Kai Pata

10.30 Keynote lecture. Instructional design issues. Norbert M. Seel

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Lecture. The Situated and Historical Nature of CSCL –

Implications for Design Experiments. Sten Ludvigsen

14.30 Coffee break

15.00 Symposium. Towards ecological approach to learning

design. Kai Pata, Terje Väljataga, Mart Laanpere,
Peeter Normak

16.30 Workshop: Participatory design experiment: activity

Narrative ecology with GPS and handheld computers
(continuing during summerschool period). Kai Pata

18.00 Reflection session

19.30 Welcome dinner

Tuesday, 8.06 Tallinn University.

9.00 Lecture. Expert development and performance: Bridging
the individual and social. Erno Lehtinen.

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 Lecture. Trust-building at online courses. Sonja Sousa

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Lecture. The Situated and Historical Nature of CSCL –

Implications for Design Experiments. Sten Ludvigsen

14.30 Coffee break

15.00 Seminar in Skype Technologies: design-based learning and

knowledge management at the workplace

17.00 Departure to Haapsalu by bus.

20.00 Dinner
Wednesday, 9.06 Haapsalu College.
9.00 Lecture. Design-based research in museums. Palmyre

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 Lecture or workshop. Exploring Critical Incidents Analysis

for future m-learning technologies. Stamantina

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Presentations by students: session 1.

15.00 Coffee break

15.30 Presentations by students: session 2

18.00 Information for the DeBRa extention course

19.30 Tour and dinner in nature

Thursday, 10.06 Haapsalu College.

9.00 Lecture. Mixed methods in design-based research. Katrin

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 Workshop. Intervention design as a method. Terje

Väljataga & Mart Laanpere

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Presentations by students: session 3.

15.00 Coffee break

15.30 Presentations by students: session 4

17.00 Evaluation workshop.

19.30 Farewell dinner

Friday, 11.06 Haapsalu College.
9.00 Keynote lecture. Action research experiment on
implementing eLearning 2.0. Brian Hudson.

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 Workshop: Participatory design experiment: activity

Narrative ecology: summary of the experiment Kai Pata

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Departure

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