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1. Name : Dr. M. A. SATTAR
2. Father's Name : Late Md. Khalilur Rahman

3. Present & Mailing Address : Chief Scientific Officer and Head,

Irrigation and Water Management Division,
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Gazipur-1701.
Mobile: 01711-431370
Fax: 88-02-9261110,

4. Date of Birth : 1st March, 1953

5. Nationality : Bangladeshi by birth.
6. Marital Status : Married.
7. Dependent : Wife, One Son and One Daughter.

a. Ph.D. Agricultural Engineering (Major: Soil and Water Management), Central Luzon State
University (CLSU), Philippines, 1993.

b. M.S in Agricultural Engineering (Major: Land and Water Resources Engineering), University
of Philippines (UPLB), Los Banos, 1983

c. B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering (Major: Irrigation and Water Management), Bangladesh

Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, 1976.
Major: Irrigation and Water Management (Subjects studied): Irrigation Principle &
Practices, Irrigation & Drainage, Water management, Soil Science, Agronomy, Sociology,
Economics, Statistics & Project analysis.
Minor: Groundwater Hydrology (Subjects studied): Geo-hydrology, Pumps & Tube
wells, ground water Quality, ground water environment and Agro climatology.
1. FAO/UNDP (1993-1994) Consultant as an Irrigation Engineer:
Worked as an Irrigation Engineer for ATIA (Assisting Transformation to Irrigated
Agriculture)/BGD/ 89/039/ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The
major responsibility was to prepare a guideline report on the potential of major irrigation

development in Bangladesh with the following TOR:
a) Review and analyze the present state, trends, issues and constraints to irrigation development.

b) Analyze the technical performance (e.g. water use efficiency, actual area served over
designed irritable area, cropping intensity and yield) of representative minor irrigation
schemes and recommend measures to improve the performance of existing irrigation systems.
c) Analyze the potentials for expansion mechanisms of major irrigation including opportunities
for highly productive, intensified and diversified agriculture.
d) Assist in the study of the institutional mechanisms involved in the planning and
implementation of irrigation and related agricultural development activities with particular
emphasis of inter- agency coordination and adequacy of agricultural support services.
e) Assist in the packaging and field demonstration of improved water distribution and on-farm
water management technologies in support of intensive and diversified irrigated agriculture.
f) Assist in the preparation and conduct of training programs on On-farm water management for
DAE and BADC field extension agents.
g) Assist in the review and analysis of past and present research programme and help formulate
research priorities to promote transformation to irrigated agriculture.

h) Assist in the formulation of schemes for the systematic collection and processing of
information needed for the monitoring and evaluation of the state, problems and issues in
transformation to irrigated agriculture.
2. International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI): Sept.
1994-July, 1995
Consultant as an Irrigation Engineer on behalf of the International Irrigation Management
Institute (IIMI). A study on "Improving the performance of Grameen Krishi Foundation
Irrigation Program" with the collaboration of the Grameen Krishi Foundation and the
International Irrigation Management Institute with the following TOR:
a) Document the evaluation and current status of GKF management system and examine the
transition from public sector management (BWDB/BADC) system to GKF system of
b) Evaluate GKF DTW irrigation systems to assess technical, socio-economic and management
with view to identifying constraints to improve irrigation management.

c) Make a quantitative assessment of the technical parameters of the sample irrigation units
pertinent to their performance in the context of available water resources and given soil and
crop types for diversified crop cultivation..

d) Examine closely technical, administrative and financial aspects of GKF's method of

management and identify its strength and weakness.

e) Identify beneficiary perception of GKF irrigation management and their views on possible

f) Assessment of women participation in GKF irrigation program and

g) Propose a participatory action research plan to improve the overall performance of GKF
irrigation program.

3. FAO/MOA (1998-1999): Consultant as a National Irrigation Expert

Working as a National Irrigation Expert in Minor Irrigation Policy and Programme
Analysis for Strengthening Support Service in Irrigated Agriculture. (SoSSIA):
TCP/BGD/6612(T) under the supervision of the Chief operation Service. RAPR Bangkok,
and the technical direction of AGLW and International Irrigation Advisor/Consultants, and
under the coordination of the FAO Representative and the National Project Director, and in
close collaboration with staff of the concerned units in the Ministry and its line Agencies,
for the following TOR during the period of assignment:

a). Plan and implement all activities of the project relating to development of on-farm water
management programmes, training and monitoring and evaluation.
b). Establish and maintain the liaison between the Ministry and its line agencies in all project
activities, ensure the inputs of the national units and the necessary arrangements, staffing and
resources to establish the institutional framework foreseen in the project document, in
relation to the Monitoring and valuation Unit, the proposed Irrigation Wing and the Farm
Water Management Unit in DAE.
c). Assist in defining tasks and staffing of the units in the Ministry and its line agencies, the
conductance of the Training Needs Assessment study and the design of the training
programme for the various units in close cooperation with national staff, specifying training
need requirements in terms of funding, time and resources.
d). Arrange the selection and requirement of suitable national experts and staff for the
preparation and conductance of the various training courses Prepare Terms of Reference and
guidelines and ensure the timely fulfillment of the tasks. Assist in the procurement of various
equipment/ supplies and provide support to various administrative activities.
e). Arrange in consultation with DAE the field visits, and assist in the selection of suitable pilot
areas to carry out of the pilot water management extension programme.
f). Monitor and advice on procedures of the Monitoring and Evaluation surveys carried out in
the irrigation sub-sector, identify shortcomings and prepare advice on improvement of the
procedures of data collection, verification techniques, data processing, storage and
g). Adviser in consultation with the Ministry on the establishment of the Irrigation Wing.
h). Assist in the organization of the various workshops for senior staff of the Ministry and donor
i). Ensure the timely implementation of the programme of work for the project and for the
various national and international staff attached to the project. Ensure the timely submission
of the various mission and consultancy reports of the national experts and staff.
j) Prepare an inception report after 6 weeks, a six-month technical progress report.

K) Preparation of final report and to be presented in the National Workshop

4. Consultancy Services provided to the following NGOs

a) GKF (Grameen Krishi Foundation of Grameen Bank) for giving advisory service in the field of
irrigated farming system development and integrated crop management in North-West Region of
b) HARD (Human and Agricultural Resources development) for providing services in agricultural
, cred it management and Human Resources Management.
c)AHMOD (Assistance for Human and Moral Development) for managing micro credit for
. imp improving livelihood of the poor and their moral development.

d) G d) RDRS for giving advisory service in the field of irrigated farming system development and
integrated crop management in North-West Region of Bangladesh

30 YEARS services in the field of Irrigation and Water Management for irrigated farming
system. The positions held and the job performed are as follows:

a) Assistant Engineer, BWDB/PEC, Dhaka (1977-1978)

Worked as a consultant on Feasibility study of Faridpur-Barisal Irrigation Project in
collaboration with Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) and Planners,
Engineers and Consultant (PEC) Ltd. The major work was designing irrigation and drainage
systems for major gravity irrigation projects to increase irrigated Agriculture for diversifying
cropping pattern.
b) Scientific Officer (Irrigation): From 1978 – 1985.
Worked as a Scientific Officer, Agril. Engineering Division, in the field of Irrigation and
Water Management at BRRI. Involved in individual research work for generating basic
information on irrigation and water management for rice and rice based crop production
under surface and ground water irrigation systems.
c) Senior Scientific Officer (Irrigation) : (1985 – 1998)
Worked as a Senior Agricultural Engineer, in the department of Irrigation and Water
Management at BRRI with the following activities:
(1) Supervise the Research Activities of Scientific Officers under the Division.
(2) Worked as a Co-Investigator of the IRRI-BRRI-BWDB multidisciplinary applied
research for increasing irrigation effectiveness and crop production for the North
Bangladesh Tube-well Project (NBTP) and the Ganges- Kobadak (G-K) gravity
irrigation projects.
(3) Worked as a Principal Investigator of the Groundwater Investigation project sponsored
by the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC).
d) Principal Scientific Officer (Irrigation): (1998 – 2005)
Worked as a Principal scientific Officer in the Department of Irrigation and Water
Management for planning, designing and supervise the research activities and
management of the senior and junior scientists of IWM Division, BRRI.
e) Chief Scientific Officer (Irrigation): June, 2005 – to date.
Working as a Chief Scientific Officer in the Department of Irrigation and Water Management
for planning, designing and supervise the research activities and management of the senior
and junior scientists of IWM Division, BRRI.
f) Administrative responsibility as a whole
i) Guide, supervise and evaluate the scientists and field staff working in projects and be
responsible for the implementation and execution of work and for discharge of responsibilities

of all the scientists and field staff working under me. Also responsible to write the
ACR/AER of officers/staff and submit those to the Director General.
ii) Determine the quality of the research work done and take or suggest steps to improve the
a. Coordinator (1982-1988):
BRRI-IRRI-BWDB Project on “Applied Research for increasing Irrigation effectiveness and
crop production”. The collaborative project of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI),
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) and Bangladesh Water Development

b. Principal Investigator (1986-1988):

Groundwater project on “A study on the Effect of Intensive Deep Tubewell/ Shallow Tubewell
Installation on Groundwater Recharge and Safe Yield in the Bogra District, Bangladesh”.
c. Team Leader (1993-1994)
BRRI-CDP Collaborative project on “Comparative study of suitability and cost benefit of
different pump types for CDP crops”.
d. Team Leader (1998-1999)
Study of factors contributing to increased Boro rice production for sustainable food security in
Bangladesh. The collaborative project of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and
Bangladesh Rice Research institute (BRRI), Dhaka.
e. Principal Investigator (2000-2001)
Study of the Arsenic contamination in rice-based crop production in collaboration with
Irrigation and Water Management and Soil Science Division, BRRI.
f. Principal Investigator (2001-2004)
Integrated crop, nutrient and water management in Northern region of Bangladesh through
participatory approaches at the grass-root level (ICM Sub-Project, PETRRA) in collaboration
with BRRI, GKF & RDRS.
g. Principal Investigator (2006- 2007)
Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Project #10, Managing water and land
resources for sustainable livelihoods at the interface between fresh and saline water
environments in Vietnam and Bangladesh in collaboration with BWDB, LGED and DoF.
h. Principal Investigator (2007-2009)
Piloting of AWD water saving technology for Boro rice cultivation in the selected locations of
Bangladesh in collaboration with BRRI, BMDA, BADC and DAE.

About 100 research reports have been prepared. Among them the major research reports are as
1. A Profile of water management in North Bangladesh Tubewell Project Managed by
Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), Thakurgaon, Bangladesh.
2. Annual report of Applied Research for increasing Irrigation effectiveness and crop production
for the years of 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1987. Collaborative research reports of BRRI-
3. Final reports of the research project on “A Study on the Effect of Intensive Deep Tubewell/
Shallow Tubewell Installation on Groundwater recharge and Safe Yield in the Bogra
District”, Bangladesh.
4. Water management and technology adoption of direct seeded rice in an irrigation system in
the Philippines, Ph.D. dissertation, Agril. Engineering, Soil and Water Management, CLSU,
Munoz, Philippines.
5. A consultancy report on assessment of land, surface water and groundwater resources
utilization for major irrigation systems for assisting transformation to irrigated agriculture in
Bangladesh (FAO/UNDP, ATIA Project).
6. A consultancy report on “Improving the performance of Grameen Krishi Foundation
Irrigation Program”. A collaborative Report of the Grameen Krishi Foundation (GKF) and
the International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI).

7. Final report of “Comparative study of suitability and cost benefit of different pump types for
CDP crops funded by BARC.
8. A completion report of minor irrigation policy and programme annalysis for strengthening of
support services in irrigated agriculture (SoSSIA)/TCP/BGD/6612, MOA-FAO, March,
9. Final report of “Factors contributing to increased Boro rice production in Bangladesh (1999),
IRRI-BRRI Collaborative project, Dhaka., March 26, 2000.

10. Prepared a consultancy report on Irrigation Potentialities for Crops and Vegetable Production
in Char Areas for Livelihood Improvement. Department for International Development
Bangladesh: Char Livelihood programme. April-2002.

11. Final Report of Integrated Crop Management (ICM) Project in Northern Reason of
Bangladesh for Small Scale STW Irrigation Systems Funded by PETRRA, IRRI, 2003.

12. Prepared the Proceedings of the First Annual Workshop of ICM Sub-project in Northern
Region of Bangladesh: Rice Based Technologies: Sustainable use of resources for crop
management. Organized by: BRRI, RDRS, GKF and Sponsored by Integrated Crop
Management (ICM) Sub-Project, PETRRA/IRRI/DFID, June-2003.

13. Prepared an Evaluation Report on Integrated Crop Management (ICM) in North-West

Region of Bangladesh (SP 2501). Funded by PETRRA, IRRI, Dhaka, April-2004.

14. Prepared An Overview of Research Finding of Integrated Crop Management in North-West

Region of Bangladesh (SP 2501). In Collaboration with BRRI, RDRS, GKF and funded by
PETRRA, IRRI, Dhaka, May-2004.
15. Prepared project report on Managing Water and Land Resources for Sustainable Livelihoods
at the interface between fish and saline water environments in coastal zone of Bangladesh
(CPWF), Project No-10: Rice-Rice component). BRRI Annual Internal Review Report,
2004-2005 and 2006-2007.

16. Final Report of the Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), Project # 10, Funded by
International Rice Research Institute,(IRRI), Los Banos, Philippines, 2006.

17. Final Report of Disseminations of Water Management Technologies in the selected locations
of Bangladesh, Funded by BARC, 2007 and 2008.
18. Prepared Final Project Report for Adaptive Crop Agriculture Including Innovative Farming

Practices in Coastal Zone. In Collaboration with Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI),
Gazipur and Center for Environment Geographical Information Services (CEGIS),
19. Prepared a report on Sustainable T. Aman Rice Production in North-West Region of
Bangladesh for Food Security under Climate Change Situation. Published in the proceeding
of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Bangladesh. International Training
Network (ITN)-BUET, Department of Civil Engineering-BUET, University College London,
Uk, and British Council, Bangladesh, March-2009.


Organized International and National Training courses as well as a resource person for
the following training programme:
a). Four Week "Groundwater Investigation Training Programme" Sponsored by BARC in
collaboration with International Irrigation Centre of the Utah State University, USA. Held at
BRRI, Gazipur, Bangladesh, 1985.
b). Four week "Regional Irrigation Water Management Training for Rice Production" sponsored
by BARC-IDRC held at BRRI, Gazipur, Bangladesh, 1986.
c). Three days International Training on Integrated Water Management through IRRI-BRRI
collaboration Held at BRRI, Gazipur, Bangladesh, 2007.
d) One Week Training on Water Management for rice-based crop production in Baradi, BWDB
GK Project, Kustia, 2007.
e) One Week Training on Water Management for rice-based crop production in Baradi, BWDP
GK Project, Kustia, 2008.
f) One Week Training on Adaptive Crop Agriculture Including Innovative Farming Practices in
Coastal Zone, In Collaboration with Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Gazipur
and Center for Environmental Geographic Information Services (CEGIS), Dhaka. .


a) Worked as an expert team member for evaluating contract research projects of ARMP under
BARC funded by World Bank.
b) Worked as an expert team member for formulating National Irrigation Policy Planning for
the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA).
c) Expert member in the Board of studies of Dept. of Irrigation and Water Management,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
d) Expert member Board of Governors, Institute of Environmental Science, Rajshahi
University, Bangladesh
e) Working as a National Irrigation Expert for the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) to provide
advisory services related on Irrigation and Water Management issues for increasing water
use efficiency and crop productivity in irrigated, rainfed and coastal zones of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) Mymensingh.
a) Participate in teaching the subjects on Irrigation water management and Groundwater
hydrology for B. Sc Agril. Engg./M.S. Agril. Engg. of IWM Department BAU, Mymensingh.
b) Involve as an External Examiner for the graduate and post graduate Agricultural Engineering
Students on Irrigation and Water Management at Agricultural University (BAU),

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU),
Salna, Gazipur.
c) Participate in teaching the subject on “Principles and Practices of Irrigation (AGR 5O7)”
for post graduate student of Soil Science and Agronomy Departments in Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Salna.
d) Involve as an External Examiner for the graduate/Post graduate Agricultural students of the
departments of Agronomy, Soil Science, Extension and Agro-forestry & Environment in
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Salna, Gazipur.
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka.
e) Participate as an “Expert Member” in the advisory committee of Thesis work for M.Sc./PhD.
students of Department of Water Resources Engineering, BUET, Dhaka.
f) Participate as a Research Advisory Committee Member for the Institute of Water and Flood
Management (IWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology (BUET) for the
Research Programme of Crossing Boundary Project (Regional Capacity Building of IWRM
and Gender & Water is South Asia) with financial support from the Netherlands Government
for south-West Zone of Bangladesh.
a) Participate as an “Expert Member” in the advisory committee of Thesis work for M.S/PhD.
for Agril. Engineering students of Irrigation and Water Management Department, BAU,
b) External examiner of M.S/PhD Thesis for the Department of Water Resources Engineering,
BUET, Dhaka as well as Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), Bangladesh
University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka.
c) External examiner of M S/PhD students of Soil Science, Agronomy, Agrl. Extension and
Departments of Agro-forest and Environment in the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Salna, Gazipur
1. Chandanbaishar Satabdir Ittihas/Major contents are about the history of soil formation in
flood plain alluvial areas, Past and present status of agriculture and history of soicio
economic condition of the people by Dr. Mohammad Abdus Sattar, December, 1996.

2. ‘Irrigation Principles and Practices: A Review’ 2004 by Dr, M A Sattar. Anik Printers, 122,
Arambag (1st floor), Motijheel, Dhaka-1000.
3. Kharif-2 (Ropa Aman)- Khara Map Shaj Parth, Bangladesh Agriculture Council and
CIDATEC Project, DAE, November, 2004.
4. Muktizudder Itihas O Sritir Allokha by Dr. Mohammad Abdus Sattar, December, 2009.


1. “Rice cultivation through efficient water management” by Dr. M.A. Sattar, Published in the
Observer, Dhaka, Friday, April 2, 1993.
2. “Managing water resources” by Dr. M.A. Sattar, Published in the Bangladesh Observer,
Dhaka,June 30, 1996.
3. “Importance of Irrigation Water Management and Rice Cultivation for food security in

Bangladesh” by Dr. M.A. Sattar, SSO, IWM Division, BRRI. Published in Chashir Khantha,
Chasi Kallan Samitte, December, 1996.

4. “Importance and strategies of Supplemental irrigation in T.Aman cultivation” by M.A. Sattar,

PSO, IWM Division, BRRI. Published in the Krishi Katha, Ashar Vol-Dhan Shanka, 2004.

5. "BRRI AWD Irrigation Technology: A Successful Tool for Water saving, fuel Saving and
Yield Benefit in Boro rice Cultivation" by Dr M A Sattar and Dr. Nur-E-Elahi. Published in
the Guardian, May-2009.
6. "Scope of Supplemental Irrigation for increasing T. Aman Rice Production Can Help Food
Security in Bangladesh" by Dr. M A Sattar and Mst. Irin Parvin. Published in the Guardian,
7. "BRRI Irrigation and Water Management Technologies for increasing Water Productivity and
Yield of Rice Based Crop Production" by Dr. M A Sattar, M Maniruzzaman and Shahana
Parveen. Published in the Guardian, May-2009.
Participated Talk show in Television Media (Channel i, ETV and BTV) for giving Policy guideline
related to Drought Management, Irrigation and Drainage and Environmental issues for diversified
crop production due to Climate change condition.

1. Received a “Plaque of appreciation” for the best paper which was presented in the 39th
Annual Convention of the Philippine Society of Agricultural Engineers (PSAE) held at
Southern State University (SSU), Davao city, Philippines. 1989.
2. Received a “Plaque of Appreciation” from International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Dhaka
for the outstanding contribution to Innovations in rice research Suitable for the resource- Poor
Farmers of Bangladesh, 2004.
Philippines: Six week “Irrigation Water Management & Rice Production Training
(1979) Programme at BRRI.
India, Sri-Lanka: Three week “Monitoring tour to study the Irrigation & Water Management
(1984) Projects and related on going research activities.
Bangladesh: Four Week “Groundwater Investigation Training Programme” Sponsored by
(1985) BARC in collaboration with International Irrigation Centre of the Utah State
University, USA.
Bangladesh: Four week “Regional Irrigation Water Management Training for Rice
(1986) Production” sponsored by BARC-IDRC held at BRRI.
Bangladesh: Two days workshop on “Applied research for increasing Irrigation
(1986) effectiveness and crop production” sponsored by IRRI-BRRI held at BARC,
Bangladesh: Participated and presented paper in the thirty first National Converence of the
(1987) Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh held at Khulna.
Philippines: Participated and presented paper in the 39th Annual Convention of the

Philippines Society of Agricultural Engineers held at Southern State
University, Davao City, Philippines.
Bangladesh: Participated and presented paper in the International Asian Regional
(1992) Workshop on Groundwater Farmers Managed Irrigation system (FMSIS) and
sustainable groundwater management held in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Philippines: Research Fallow at IRRI (International Rice Research Institute), Los Banos,
(1988-1992) Philippine from November, 1988 to April, 1992 under the supervision of
Dr. S.I Bhuiyan, Agricultural Engineer, Head, Soil and Water Science
Division, IRRI
Philippines: Participated and presented paper in the International Rice Research
(2000) Conference(IRRC) held on 31 Mach-April 4,2000, IRRI, Los Banos
Nepal Participated and presented paper in the First Asian Water Forum held in
(2002) Kathmandu, Nepal
Pakistan Participated and presented paper in the 2nd Asian Water Forum held in
(2002) Islamabad, Pakistan
Pakistan Participated and presented paper in the International Conference of Soil
(2002) Science held in Tandojam, Pakistan
South Korea Participated and presented the country paper in the 2nd Steering Committee
(2005) Meeting of INWEPF held in Seoul, South Korea
Malayasia Participated and presented the country paper in the 3rd Steering Committee
(2006) Meeting of INWEPF held in Kualalampur, Malayasia.

Philippines: Participated and presented paper in the Challenge Program on Water and
(2006) Food (CPWF), Project #10, held in International Rice Research Institute
(IRRI), Los Banos, Philippines
Myanmar: Participated and presented paper on Process of Up scaling Water Saving
(2009) Technology of Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation in Bangladesh, held
in Myanmar for International Rice Research Consortium (IRRC) 1st
Steering Committee meeting, 12-15 October.
Japan: Participated and presented paper on Water Saving AWD Technology for
(2009) managing scarce water resources for paddy production Ecosystem in
Bangladesh; A Case Study, held in Tokyo Japan for 6th steering meeting and
53 research papers in the National and International Journals in the field of Irrigation and Water
Management have published (copy enclosed).


1. ICID (International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage)
2. GWP (Global Water Partnership)
3. INWEPF (International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields)

4. PSAE (Philippine Society of Agricultural Engineer.)
1. BWP (Bangladesh Water Partnership)
2. IEB ( The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh)
3. BSAE (Bangladesh Society of Agricultural Engineer)
4. KIB (Krishibid Institution, Bangladesh)
5. BKAS (Bangladesh Krishi Arthonobid Somity)
6. BRRISA (Bangladesh Rice Research Scientists Association)

1 Dr. T.P. Tuong, Principal scientist, IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines.

2 Dr. M. A. Hamid Miah, IRRI Liason Scientist for Bangladesh, House No. 104, Masjid Road,
. DOHS, Banani, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh and Former Director General, BRRI & Executive
Chairman, BARC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
3 Prof. Dr. Aminul Islam, Vice chencellor Daffodill International University (DIU), Dhaka.,
Bangladesh. EX Vice Chancellor, National University, Bangladesh .
4 Prof. Dr. Shahidullah Takukder, Department of Irrigation and Water Management,
Bangladesh Agricultural University ( BAU) and Director (BAURES), BAU, Mymensingh.

5 Prof. Dr. Abul Fazal M. Saleh, Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM),
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka.

6 Dr. Md. Firoze Shah Sikder, Director General, BRRI, Gazipur-1701, Bangaldesh.

Dr. M. A. Sattar

Chief Scientific Officer, IWM DIVISION
53 research papers in the National and International Journals in the field of Irrigation and Water
Management for increasing crop cultivation in Irrigated, Rainfed and Saline Environment.
1. Sattar, M. A. and S. I. Bhuiyan 1985. Water utilization in the selected tubewell project in Bangladesh. Published in the
Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture, BARC Vol. 10(1):23-33, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2. Sattar, M. A. and S.I.Bhuiyan 1985. Constraints to low utilization of a selected tubewell irrigation
system in Bangladesh. Published in the Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol.X111, Nos. 3 &
4, September- December, special issue on Agricultural inputs in Bangladesh, Dhaka,
3. Haq, K.A. and M. A. Sattar, 1986. Groundwater table fluctuation and response to rainfall on a
micro level basin. Published in the Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Engineering,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Vol.1 January.
4. Sattar M. A., M. A. Ghani, K. A. Haq and S. L. Bhuiyan, 1987. Technology Adoption and Its
Effects in the Irrigation Systems. Paper Published in the Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural
Economists Association, FARM ECONOMY.
5. Haq Azharul K., M. A. Ghani, M. A. Sattar, Nazmul Hasan, H. R. Molla & A. Kashem Khan,
1987. Agricultural Productivity, Modern Variety Adoption, Cropping Pattern and Farmer’s
Income in the North Bangladesh Tubewell Project, FARM ECONOMY.
6. Sattar, M. A., K. A. Haq, M.A. Ghani, H.R.Molla and A.K.Khan,1988. Improving the reliability and effective use of
irrigation water in the North Bangladesh Tubewell Project. Published in the Journal of the Institution of Engineers,
Vol. 16 No. January, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
7. Sattar, M. A., S.M.Nazim, Nazmul Hassan and K.A.Haq, 1989. Evaluation of the North
Bangladesh Tubewell Project: A case study. Published in the Bangladesh Journal of
Agricultural research, 13((1):61-68, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur,
8. Sattar, M. A., K.A. Haq and M.A.Ghani, 1987. Aquifer properties and characteristics on Micro
Level Groundwater Basin for tubewell utilization. Published in the Bangladesh Journal of
Agricultural Engineering, Vol.2 July, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
9. Islam, M.N., M. A. Sattar, G. Mowla, M.A. Rashid, M. Nazrul Islam and M.K. Mondal, 1992. Evaluation of water
management and crop production practices in the Ganges-Kobadak irrigation project. Bangladesh Journal of
Agricultural Engineering, Vol. (1&2): 47-53). Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
10. Sattar, M. A. and S.I. Bhuiyan, 1993. A study on the adoption of direct-seeded rice in some
selected areas of Philippines. Farm Economic Journal, Vol. 9:128-138.
11. Hassan, M.N., H.R. Molla, M.A.K. Khan and M. A. Sattar, 1993. Improved water distribution for
maximizing command area of a tubewell project. Published in Bangladesh Rice Journal, Vol.
III, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701.

12. Hassan, M.N., M.A.K. Khan, M. A. Sattar, H.R. Molla and M.A. Rashid, 1994. Impact of an On-
Farm Water Management Approach on the Performance of a tubewell irrigation project.
Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol. 22, No.1. January, 1994, Page 71-80.
13. Sattar, M. A. and S.I. Bhuiyan, 1994. Differential water management on yield performance of
direct seeded rice. Published in the Bangladesh Rice Jounral, Vol.V, Bangladesh Research
Institute, Gazipur-1701.
14. Rashid, M.A., M.N. Hassan, H.R. Molla, M.A.K. Khan and M. A. Sattar, 1995. Judicious
Irrigation for rice production in North Bangladesh Tubewell project, Thakurgaon; Journal of
Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh Agril. Engineering Division, Vol. 23/AE, Nov-Dec, 1995.
15. Sattar, M. A., M.A. Rashed, M.A. Khan and M.A. Quayum, 1995. Comparative suitability and
economic profitability of producing rice-based CDP crops under different pump trips. Paper
published in the Farm Econ. Jounral. Vol.10, 10:75-86, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
16. Sattar, M. A. and M.N. Islam, 1996; Groundwater Assessment of a selected irrigation system in
Bangladesh, Bangladesh Rice Journal, 4(1&2): 63-69, 1993.
17. Sattar. M. A., S.I. Bhuiyan & R.C. Undah, 1996. Water Management of Direct Seeded Rice VS
Transplanted rice in an irrigation system. Paper published in the Jounral of the Institution of
Engineers, Bangladesh Vol. 24/AE, No.1 December, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
18. Rashid M.A., M. A. Sattar, M.A.Khan & M.A. Quayum, 1996. Evaluation of pump irrigation
system in some selected areas of Bangladesh. Published in the Journal of the Institute of
Engineers, Bangladesh Agricultural Engineering Division Vo. 24/AE, No. 1 December.
19. Molla, H.R., M. A. Sattar and M.S.U. Talukder, 2000. Impact of plowing on soil moisture
conservation in rice field. Paper published in the Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences,
Vol.27, No.2, July, Bangladesh Agricultural University old Boy’s Association, Mymensingh.
20. Molla, H.R., M. A. Sattar, M.S.U. Talukder, 1998. Water use efficiency of Boro rice cultivation
in pre-ploughed and normal land preparation. Paper published in the Journal of the Institution
of Engineers, Bangladesh. Vol. 25/AE, No.1, December, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
21. Maniruzzaman, M, S..U Talukder, M. A. Sattar, M.T. Islam 2000. Economic performance of
flexible house-pipe for irrigation water distribution from shallow tubewell. Publish in
Bangladesh J. Agri. Engg. 11 (1&2) 23-37-2000.

22. Maniruzzaman, M, M. S. U. Talikder, M. A. Sattar, M T Islam 2002. Performance of flexible

hose-pipe for water distribution from shallow tubewells. Journal of the Institution of engineers,
Bangladesh Agricultural Engineering Division, Vol, 29/AE, No. 1 Dec. 2002.
23. Tabbal, D. F, B. A. M. Bouman, S. l. Bhuiyan, E. B. Sibayan, M. A. Sattar, 2002. On-farm
strategies for reducing water input in irrigated rice; case studies in the Philippines. Publish in
the Agricultural Water Management 56 (2002) 93-112, ELSEVIER.

24. Sattar M. A., 2002. Role of Grameen Krishi Foundation (GKF) Irrigation Program in Agricultural
Development-A Case Study. Paper Published in the Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural
Economists Association, FARM ECONOMY.
25. Quayum M. A., M. A. Sattar, G. W. Sarkar and M. N. Islam, 2002. Performance of Agency
Managed and Privatized Minor Irrigation System in Bangladesh. Paper Published in the
Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural Economists Association, FARM ECONOMY.
26. Sattar M. A. M Maniruzzaman, F I M Golam Wahed Sarker and K K Sarker, 2002. Technical and
Economic Performance of Alternative Irrigation Distribution System for promoting Rural
Development Through Go-NGO Partnership. Paper Published in the Journal of Bangladesh
Agricultural Economists Association, FARM ECONOMY.
27. Parveen, S., M. Ahiduzzaman and M. A. Sattar, 2003. Performance Study of Water Management
Practices by Water, Chemical and Mechanical Weeding in Wet Seeded Rice Field. Paper
Published in the Journal of ISSN 1017-8139 Volume 14, Number 1 & 2 December, 2003.
28. Parveen S., Manoranjan K Mondal, M. A. Sattar and M Nurul Islam, 2003. Groundwater
Recharge of Joydebpur Aquifer. Paper Published in the Journal of Water Resource Research
BUET, Dhaka, ISSN 0379-1318, December 2003. Vol. 30/AE, No. 1.
29. F.I.M Golam Wahed Sarker, John Lingard and M.A. Sattar, 2005, Economics of water
optimization for crop production in shallow tubewell (STW) irrigation system in Bangladesh.
Paper Published in the Journal of Water Resource Research BUET, Dhaka, ISSN 1017-9186
Volume 20, December, 2005.
30. Hossain, A. B. M. Z. A. K. Khan and M. A. Sattar, 2006, Water Management in Alternative
Tillage and Crop Establishment Methods for Crop Diversification in RICE-WHEAT Cropping
System. Published by Progressive Agriculturists ISSN 1017-8139, Volume-17, Number-1,
31. Biswas, M Maniruzzaman, M A Sattar and M G Neogi., 2008. Improvement of Existing Rice
Yield through Recommended Fertilizer and Cultural Management at famers’ Fields.
Published in Bangladesh Rice Journal, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur,
ISSN 1025-7330, Vol. 13, June 2008.
32. Maniruzzaman M, J C Biseas, M S Kabir, M A saleque and M A Sattar, 2008. Soil Fertility
Mapping at Micro Level for Rice Production: Prashadkalua village. Published in
Bangladesh Rice Journal, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur, ISSN 1025-
7330, Vol. 13, June 2008.

1. M. A. Sattar et al.1984. Evaluation of tubewell irrigation system, the North Bangladesh tubewell
project experiences a case study. Paper published in Bangladesh Association for the
Advancement of Science, twelve Bangladesh Science Conference.

2. M. A. Sattar and S. I. Bhuiyan, 1993. Efficient irrigation water use of sustainable rice yield through
direct seeded (wet seeded) technology. Paper published in 37th Annual convention, the
Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh Held on January 23-26, 1993. Rajshahi.
3. M. A. Sattar et al. (2002) Technical and Economic Performance of Alternative Irrigation
Distribution System for Promoting Rural Development Through GO-NGO Partnership. Paper
published in FARM ECONOMY Conference Papers in the Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural
Economists Association.
1. Sattar M. A., K. A. Haq, P. K. Basak and M. A. Hannan, 1984. Geological potentiality of an
intensive tubewell area in a Banind Tract groundwater basin. Paper presented in the conference
of Philippine society of Agricultural Engineer. The university of southern Philippines, Davao
city, Philippines.
2. Sattar, M.A. and M.A.K. Khan, 1994. An assessment of the wet seeded rice cultivation technique
in Bangladesh. A paper presented at the International workshop on Constraints, Opportunities
and Innovations for wet seeded rice held at Maruary Garden Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand in
Collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
3. Bhuiyan, S.I., M.A. Sattar and D.F. Tabbal, 1994. Wet seeded rice: Water Use Efficiency
Productivity and Constraints Workshop on Constraints, Opportunities and Innovations for wet
seeded rice held at Maruary Garden Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand in Collaboration with the
International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
4. Sattar M. A., 1997. Water resources and its management for crop production in Bangladesh. Paper
published in the proceedings of the joint International conference on Agricultural Engineering
& Technology. Volume – 1, PP: 188 – 196, Bangladesh Society of Agricultural Engineers with
technical collaboration from America Society of Agricultural Engineers, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
5. Sattar M. A. and M. A. K. Khan, 2000. Water management of wet-Seeded rice cultivation
Technique in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the “International Rice Research Conference
(IRRC) – 2000” organized by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Banos,
6. Sattar M. A., 2002. Integrated water resources management for increasing rice production and its
impact on poverty alleviation in Bangladesh. Paper presented in First South Asia Water
Forum, Katmandu, Nepal, 26 - 28 February.
7.Sattar M. A., 2002, Sustainable groundwater management for increasing crop production for
poverty elimination in Bangladesh. Paper presented in Second South Asia water Forum
(FAWF 2), Islamabad, Pakistan, 14-16 December. Published: Vol. 1.

8.Kabir M S, M Maniruzzaman, M A Saleque, JC Biswas, M A Sattar, 2007, Soil Fertility Mapping
at Micro Level: A Case of Jotgobardhan village in Kurigram District. Published in
International Journal of Bioresearch INRIntet Publication , July, 2007.
9.M. Maniruzzaman, M A Sattar and JC Biswas,2008 Wheat Yield Gap Production Through water
and Fertilizer Management at North West Region of Bangladesh. Eco- Friendly Agriculture
Journal, an International Journal of Agriculture and Environment Science, ISSN 1999-
7957.Vol.-1, No.-2, September-2008
10. M. A. Sattar and M. I. Parvin 2009, Sustainable T. Aman Rice Production in North-West Region
of Bangladesh for Food Security Under Climate Change Situation. “Proceedings of the
International Conference on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for
Bangladesh Organized by ITN-BUET, UCL-UK and British Council, Bangladesh-2009.
11. M.A. Sattar and Mst.Irin Parvin 2009, Assessment of Vulnerability of Drought and Its Remedial
Measures for Sustainable T. Aman Rice Production in the selected location of Bangladesh.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Water and Flood Management Organized
by Institute of Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh University of Engineering and

1. K.A. Haq, M.J. Islam and M.A. Sattar, 1984. Irrigation and Water Management a shift from the
conventional approach. Published in the proceeding of the workshop on experiences with
modern rice cultivation in Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701.

2. Haq, K.A., M.N. Islam, M.A. Sattar, M.A. Rashid, M. Nazrul Islam, M.K. Mondal and Mowla,
1985. A Multi-institutional Multi-disciplinary applied research for increasing irrigation
effectiveness and crop production-A case study of G-K project phase-I. Published in the
proceeding of the cultivation in Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701.

3. Sattar, M.A., M.A. Ghani, M.A. Haq and S.I. Bhuiyan, 1987. Technology adoption and its effects
in the irrigation systems. Paper published in the proceedings of workshop at the sixth national
conference of Bangladesh Krishi Arthanitiabeed Samity, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

4. Haq, K.A., M.A. Ghani, M.A. Sattar, Nazmul Hassan, H.R. Molla and A. Kashem Khan.
Agricultural Productivity, Modern variety adoption cropping pattern and farmer's income in
the north Bangladesh tubewell project. Published in the proceedings of workshop at the sixth
national conference of Bangladesh Krishi Arthanitibeed Samity, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
5. Sattar, M.A. and M.A. Haq, 1982. Hydrogeological potentiality of intensive systems in
Bangladesh. A case study. Paper presented in the South Asian Regional Workshop on ground
water farmer managed irrigation systems and sustainable groundwater management held on
18-21 May, 1992. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
6. Sattar, M.A., M.A. Hakim and K.A. Haq, 1995. Improving performance and management of GKF
Irrigation Program Workshop on IIMI-GKF Collaboration studies on GKF Irrigation Program.
International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI), Dhaka, Bangladesh

7. Sattar, M.A. and K.A. Haq, 1996. Improving technical performance of Grameen Krishi
Foundation Irrigation Program. Published in the Proc. 19th Bang. Sci.Conf. Part-2, 495-
501, 1996.

8. Shahana Parvin, M Ahiuzzaman and M. A. Sattar, 2002. Comparative performance study of

weed management practice by water, chemical, mechanical and hand weeding in wet
seeded rice cultivation. Published in the proceedings of Second Annual Paper Meet,
Agricultural Engineering Division. IEB Gazipur Center-IEB Bangladesh.

9. Sattar M. A., M Maniruzzaman and F I M Golam Wahed Sarker, 2002. Participatory improved
water distribution system: A technical and economic assessment in ICM-project area.
Published in the proceedings of Second Annual Paper Meet, Agricultural Engineering
Division. IEB Gazipur Center-IEB Bangladesh.

10. Jatish Chandra Biswas, M. G. Neogi, F I M Golam Wahed Sarker, M Maniruzzaman, Md. R.I.
Chowdhury, Sattar M. A. 2003. Proceedings of the First Annual Workshop of ICM
Sub-project in Northern Region of Bangladesh in collaboration with Bangladesh Rice
Research Institute, RDRS Bangladesh, Grameen Krshi Foundation and
11. M.A. Quayum, M. A. Sattar and M. A. Rashid 2006. Profitability Analysis of cropping Pattern
Testing Under Irrigation In Some Selected Crop Diversification Programme Areas.
Journal of Agricultural Engineering. The Institution of Engineers, December-2006,
Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dr. M. A. Sattar


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