AP Field Trip-Sunday

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The signs at the Zoo exhibits had the following features:
- Common name
- Scientific name
- International status
- Location- where the animal can be found in the world- indicated on a world map
- Picture of the animal
- Habitat
- Nesting- how and where
- Diet
The Kitchen
Food must be prepared to cater to the specific needs of each animals:
- Buccal cavity
- Physiological state- eg: weaning, lactating.
- Digestive system- ruminant, monogastric (non-ruminant) or flexible
Food taken from an exhibit back to the kitchen (leftovers) may be an indication that:
- The animal is off feed- could be an indication of illness
- Food was not prepared properly
The purpose of the kitchen:
- To distribute feed according to the specific needs of each specie
- To determine the health status of the animal- leftovers or lack thereof
To meet the nutrient requirements of each animal, a variety of foods are distributed in
their feed. For e.g. mixed diet of bananas, cucumbers, patchoi, carrots, melons and
The main function of the housing observed at each exhibit is for the protection of
humans. The main exhibits include:
- Primates
- Carnivores
- Reptiles
- Avian- birds of prey and other
- mixed

Main species encountered:

Collard Peckery Quenk
- It is a precocious animal (capable of moving about on its own shortly after birth,
reaching early maturity, the opposite of altricious) but it still requires colostrum to
receive maternal antibodies.
- It has a fatty area at its base called the scent gland which is important for
identification using the olfactory since they have poor eyesight.
- At the zoo they were housed in a natural housing unit or exhibit where they can
grow, eat and reproduce in captivity.
- They had an adequate water supply, shady trees and a breeding area.
- Those on display were either dark in colour or brown.
- Because there is a viable male and female population coexisting, a lack of space
can become a possibility. To control the number of animals, older males castrate
the younger males causing them to die, some are culled and others are sold or
released into the wild to encourage selective or controlled hunting. Other
measures are removing males from the enclosures and releasing them into the
- Human imprinting however, may cause them to lose their natural instinct in
Aquatic Species
- Fish house- aquarium
- A fish tank/ aquarium provides the following:
Water- its environment
A place to GRIMNER
A filtration and oxygenation/ aeration system
All in one maintenance system
A mechanism of feeding
At the zoo because it is an enclosed exhibit, limited plants are housed with
the fish species so as not to deplete their supply of oxygen during the dark
photosynthetic reaction where the plants release CO2. If however, they were
in their natural habitat, the peak hours of this dark reaction will allow them to
breathe close to the waters surface.
Light source
- Ducks (paddling) or artificial aeration are forms of mechanical aeration systems
Neo tropical Mixed Exhibit
- This species is most closely related to Equine

- This is the largest rodent in the world
- It is a hindgut fermenter and a monogastric herbivore
- It is unique in that its caecum accounts for > 50% of its digestive system,
therefore it can live almost exclusively on forage.
- They live in the Neo tropics/ new world-South and Central Americas
- They have webbed feet and are excellent swimmers. They require ample
amounts of water to swim, copulate, for parturition, and for drinking.
- Their only predator is the large anaconda.
- They have large, sharp incisors
- They are a domesticated species in the region.
- It can be considered the aquatic sheep
- Their skin can be used in production of one of the most expensive leather
(leather is also made from the Collard peccarys skin and is almost as
expensive). This industry is most extensive currently in Argentina.
Neotropical River Otter- Giant Otter
- Aesthetic display or one that is beautiful and pleasing to the eye.
- Largest carnivore in Trinidad in the wild
- At the zoo it has a natural enclosure
- The Maragai is similar to the Ocelot
African Lions
- Bullet proof glass and electrical wiring enclosure/ den for the lions for protection
of humans.
Birds of prey
Spectacled Owl

Grey hawk

Grey headed Kite

Yellow- headed Caracara

White Hawk

Turkey Vulture

Common Black Hawk

Short- tailed hawk

Yellow crowned Amazon/ Yellow fronted Amazon

Orange winged Amazon

White Tipped Dove/ White fronted Dove

Trinidad Birds
White Ibis

Scarlet Ibis

The flora and fauna of the swamp/ mangrove is made available for the Scarlet
Ibis at the zoo.
The B-carotene and shrimp in its diet provides its characteristic red colouring.
The White Ibis migrates from South Florida to North Venezula while the Scarlet
Ibis migrates from Grenada and Trinidad to brazil
Their nest is laid on the ground
Juvenile birds are brown in colour within the first 12 months of their life
When the White and Scarlet Ibis are crossbred, a Pink fertile Ibis results, hence,
they are basically the same birdthe white and red Ibis that is.

Green Monkey- scrotum is green

White fronted Capuchin- brown or pale fronted

Chimpanzee- X3 strength of a human its size

Scientific names- Papieo sphinx (old) or Mandrillus sphinx (new)

Red Howler Monkey- cohabitate in troops and are native to Trinidad

American Crocodile smaller than species from other parts of the world
Sexing a Snake
A snake had bone from its head to its anus. The reproductive organs are stored in the
tail which begins where the bone stops. The longer the tail, it is a male snake. Male
snakes have 2 penises one is known as the hemi penis. An endoscopy machine can
also be used in sexing snakes.
Snakes of Trinidad
Venomous or hot snakes of Trinidad include the Coral and Mapapee. They are not
handled and in order to survive they must be brought on to the zoos diet.
Sanitize hands before and after handling to prevent infection, for human protection and
to ensure to balance the head, abdomen and anal area including the tail.
They eat rats, rabbits, agouti. If these animals were handled, persons should sanitize so
they will not be attacked for obvious reasons.


Integration housing
An integrated housing system involves two (2) or more species coexisting in a
complementary system. A sort of symbiotic relationship is displayed.
Aquaculture is integrated with housing for sheep in early gestation since in this
physiological state they have low nutritional needs. Housed in close proximity to a pond,
the water provides ample resources for growth of forage, increasing the supply available
for nearby sheep. However, sheep in mid to late gestation and lactating require a
supplemented diet.
The pens in which the sheep are kept is known as a deep litter or dry waste disposal
system made of straw and grass. This is cleaned every 1-6 months.
The ponds are set on a gradient for easy drainage but the deepest end does not exceed
4-5 ft. in depth. These ponds are stocked with fingerlings of the same sex which are
then removed within 3-6 months.
It should be noted especially for the upcoming PBL case study: Floating Tilapia and
Cascadura that unlike Tilapia fish, the respiratory system and blood vascular system of
the Cascadura is better adapted for low oxygen environments. Tilapias breeding
season is all year long, while that of the Cascadura is usually once annually at the onset
of the rainy season.
Mono sexing
Small fish/ fry are kept in a holding and breeding area. This breeding program
eliminates overstocking. The fish are hand sexed and the males and females housed
separately. The females are either sold to pet shops or sent to market as food. This
applies to Tilapia especially at the Sugar Cane Filed Centre.
Super male fish (YY) are imported so when bred to a female (XX) all the resultant
offspring will be male (XY)
Brine Hatching
Microscopic Brine shrimp eggs are hatched and used to feed small fish/frys.

Swine housing
A Gable roof which provides maximum wind supply and sloping slotted floors make up
the recommended structure for swine housing. The spaces in these slotted floors must
be smaller than the width of the smallest pigs feet and the fecal matter falls into a
communal drain where it is collected and processed for biogas. Light switches are found
in some pens (particularly those with piglets) as an insulating element at night when the
environmental temperature drops.
To prevent piglet anemia, an iron injection is administered to piglets at birth in a muscle
behind the ear.
Biogas System
Chinese and Indian domes are used for biogas formation. Biogas formed at the
Sugarcane Field Centre are used for boiling water for the pig abitor. The 1 st usable
batch of gas is produced within 30 days.
Check out the websites:

Stable Organic pig waste is used in the growth of dasheen bush at the sugarcane field
Goat (tail erect) and Sheep (tail pointed down) Housing
The flooring of goat housing is slotted, elevated wooden floors. For the pens that are not
elevated, they are lined with sawdust, dry grass and chipped sandalwood. The flooring
provided is important for keeping the soft pads of the animals feet dry (those elevated
are especially important in case of flooding) to prevent hoof rot and other foot infections.

Bloody stool may be an indication of coccidosis.

In the field cumbered beds, midge back or box drains are built for easy removal of
excess water. Elevated flooring areas usually have ply board walls.
Goats can be classified as browsers.
Creep feeding

The 3 main breeds of sheep in Trinidad are:

West African (forefront fair sheep)

Barbados Black Belly

Blackheaded Persian

The Barbados Black Belly and West African sheep are both very prolific and may
produce 6 lambs per litter.
The Anglo-Nubian goat is most common in Trinidad

Rabbit Housing
Upon entry to this unit an antibacterial foot bath is provided. Rabbits are housed in
adjoining individual cages.
Compost Unit
Organic plant refusal from the animals is used in making compost. A PVC pole is used
to insert into the compost heap for aeration and control of the temperature. The process
which involves watering and constant turning of the heap takes 12 weeks to complete to
obtain manure from this heap. This is a very labour intensive process. Excess water/
leachate are broken down by bacteria to produce compost tea. Unlike cured manure,
this contains no weed seed.
Cured manure made from animal dung/ fecal matter contains weed seed.

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