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Sales tables SD-SLS

VBAK - Sales Document: Header Data

VBAP - Sales Document: Item Data
VBKD - Sales Document: Business Data
VBEP - Sales Document: Schedule Line Data
VEDA - Contract Data
VAPMA - Sales Index: Order Items by Material
VAKPA - Sales Index: Orders by Partner Function
TVAK - Sales Document Types
VEPVG - Delivery Due Index
VKDFS - SD Index: Billing Initiator
TVAUT - Sales Documents: Order Reasons: Texts
VBLB - Sales document: Release order data
TVLVT - Release order usage ID: Texts
VBUV - Sales Document: Incompletion Log
TVAP - Sales Document: Item Categories
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Full list of SAP SD Sales tables SD-SLS
Billing tables SD-BIL
VBRK - Billing Document: Header Data
VBRP - Billing Document: Item Data
KNVI - Customer Master Tax Indicator
FPLTC - Payment cards: Transaction data - SD
TVFK - Billing: Document Types
VRKPA - Sales Index: Bills by Partner Functions
VBREVE - Revenue Recognition: Revenue Recognition Lines
A399 - Withholding tax code - country-specific
A145 - Sales Deal - Customer/Material
A148 - Product Hierarchy
A144 - Sales Deal Basic Data
A146 - Customer Hierarchy
TVCPF - Billing: Copying Control
A147 - Customer Hierarchy (Sales Deal)
A149 - Customer-dependent data determination
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Full list of SAP SD Billing tables SD-BIL
Basic Functions tables SD-BF
VBFA - Sales Document Flow
VBPA - Sales Document: Partner
VBUK - Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data
TNAPR - Processing programs for output
VBUP - Sales Document: Item Status
VBBE - Sales Requirements: Individual Records
TVKO - Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations
FPLT - Billing Plan: Dates
KNMT - Customer-Material Info Record Data Table
T180 - Screen Sequence Control: Transaction Default Values
KNVH - Customer Hierarchies
FPLA - Billing Plan
VBSK - Collective Processing for a Sales Document Header
TVTA - Organizational Unit: Sales Area(s)
TVM1T - Material pricing group 1: Description
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Full list of SAP SD Basic Functions tables SD-BF

Electronic Data Interchange tables SD-EDI

EDPAR - Convert External < > Internal Partner Number
EDSDC - Assignment of EDI Partner by Sales Org., Distrib.Ch.,Div.
V_EDSDC - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
EDPVW - Partner Functions Allowed for EDI
WFMCMSGENQ - Special Handling for System Messages
V_EDPAR - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
EDPST - Translation table EDI Int. Doc. <--> SD item categories
PRICAT_FIELD - PRICAT: Fields of the Price Catalog
PRICAT_FIELDT - PRICAT: Text Table for the Fields of the Price Catalog
WRF_PRICAT_TAX - Price Catalog Conversion Percent -> Classification
NASTMSGENQ - Generated Table for View NASTMSGENQ
PRICAT_UNITS - PRICAT outbound: Transferable units of measure (Customizing)
V_EDPST - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
PRICAT_K001 - PRICAT: Catalog header
POS Interface tables SD-POS
A134 - Vendor
C007 - Vendor
WVFB - DRS Interface, Intermediate Buffer, Order Item FM
WPLST - POS interface: processing log
WVFB2 - SRS: received external requirement numbers/phys. inv. nos
TWPFI - POS outbound profile
WPTST - POS interface: restart log for upload processing
V_TWPIV - Generated Table for View V_TWPIV
WPXST - POS interface: status external subsystems (error messages)
TWPIW - POS interface: default values for movement types/inv. man.
TWPUM - POS interface: conversion of POS movements types
TWPUC - POS interface: currency code conversion
TWPUS - POS interface: conversion of POS tax codes
Information System tables SD-IS
KNA1VV - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
S264 - SD- Offer
S020 - SIS: Customer Potential Analysis
H_VAKZ - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
S135 - Value contract, target/release order value
LFA1M1 - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
S131 - Doc. Payment Guarantee: Update Letter of Credit Values (LIS)
H_TVBUR - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
S020E - S020 - Structure Information
MCVSRFP - Statistically Relevant Fields for Order + Billing Document
M_VKNKA - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
V_VKORG_BW - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
MCVSRFK - Statistically Relevant Fields for Order + Delivery Header
H_T179 - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
H_TVAU - Generated Table for View H_TVAU
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Full list of SAP SD Information System tables SD-IS
Sales Support tables SD-CAS
VBKA - Sales Activities
VBRP_VRPMA - Generated Table for View
VBAP_VAPMA - Generated Table for View
LIPS_VLPMA - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
TVC6 - Sales Activity Status Groups
VKAOF - Sales Index: Open Sales Activities
VKAWV - Sales Activities by Follow-up Date
VBKA_KONTAKTE - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View

V_T182C - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View

SADLVBKA - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SADLVBKA2 - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
TVC5 - Sales Activities: Allowed Statuses by Status Group
SADLSTRECB - Dynamic Part of Address List (Record Body)
V_TINPA - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
TKSF - Value Table: Statistics Grp for Sls Activ. Procg in Header
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Full list of SAP SD Sales Support tables SD-CAS
SD General tables
VBAK - Sales Document: Header Data
VBAP - Sales Document: Item Data
VBRK - Billing Document: Header Data
VBRP - Billing Document: Item Data
VBFA - Sales Document Flow
VBKD - Sales Document: Business Data
VBPA - Sales Document: Partner
VBEP - Sales Document: Schedule Line Data
KONP - Conditions (Item)
VBUK - Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data
E000 - Condition Table for Rebate $
TNAPR - Processing programs for output
VBUP - Sales Document: Item Status
VEDA - Contract Data
KONA - Agreements
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