2008 Oedipus Rex Press

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Witness the greatest of all Greek tragedies

July 23-26

Discover at close quarters the great tragedy that has inspired and enthralled for
thousands of years when in situ: brings Oedipus Rex to the unique Leper
Chapel setting later this month.

The Leper Chapel is the perfect setting for in situ:’s production of Sophocles’
classic tragedy, as King Oedipus slowly uncovers the unbearable facts behind
his predecessor’s death.

The residents of Thebes are dying of plague, after the city has been struck by a
curse. Oedipus solves the riddle of The Sphinx to lift the curse, but once
appointed King his troubles begin. The world that he and Queen Jocasta inhabit
is about to be shattered forever.

The theatre company’s approach to drama in an environment away from

conventional theatre, means that the audience, seated on three sides of the
chapel, are always close to the action.

The 12th-century Leper Chapel is one of the oldest and most atmospheric
buildings in Cambridge, creating an ideal site for this powerful drama of
corruption, ostracism and social cleansing.

in situ: Cambridge’s leading experimental theatre company, in a new and vibrant

adaptation of Sophocles’ classic, performs inside, outside and all around this
remarkable building.

Director Richard Spaul explains why those who have yet to see the company’s
productions should not miss this opportunity.

“When we put on a performance, we work on it for at least a year, in the case of

Oedipus Rex a year and a half. It's a very committed process, not normally
achievable either by amateurs or professionals. I believe this high level of
commitment gives our work a level of power and ambition that is not often seen

Oedipus Rex runs from Wednesday July 23 to Saturday July 26, 8pm, at The
Leper Chapel, Newmarket Road, Cambridge. Tickets are available from The
Junction, 01223 511511, or on the door, at £11 (£9 cons). Suitable for 16+


In situ: has been presenting site-specific productions for the past eight years in
venues as diverse as houses in Cambridge, The Leper Chapel and Wandlebury,
on the Gog Magog hills.

Productions have ranged from Psycho and War of the Worlds to The Cherry
Orchard, The Canterbury Tales, Hedda Gabler and The Decameron.

The Leper Chapel is cared for by Cambridge Preservation Society, which looks
after a number of historic buildings in the area, and is celebrating its 80th birthday
this year. The last night of the production will be a benefit performance for CPS.

For more information, or to arrange an interview with Richard Spaul, contact

Richard on 01223 211451 or postmaster@insitutheatre.co.uk, or Cyrus
Pundole at cpundole@yahoo.co.uk or 07973 515332.

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