Ice Barrier Booty Bay Bodyguard Magma Rager

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Scarlet Purifer > Divine Favor > Arcane Golem.

Blessing of Wisdom > Dragonkin Sorcerer > Voodoo Doctor.

Guardian of Kings (Slow) > Murloc TideHunter > Undertaker.
Hammer of Wrath > Shattered Sun Cleric > Core Hound.
Dire Wolf Alpha > Cult Task Master (quicker) > Flesheating Ghoul.
Bloodsail Raider = Volcanic Drake = Archmage
Lay on Hands > Piloted Sky Golem > Sword of Justice.
Senjin ShieldMaster > Murloc Tide Hunter > Frost Elemental
Jungle Panther (Guaranteed Value) > Hungry Dragon > Blessing of Wisdom.
Solemn Vigil > Any 2 drop.
Consecration > Archmage
Zombie Chow > Abusive Sargent.
Avenge > Raid Leader > Shieldbearer.
Madder Bomber > Divine Favor > Arcane Nullifer X-21
Murloc Tide Hunter > Senjin Shieldmaster > Bloodsail Raider
Blessing of Wisdom > Noble Sacrifice > Cult Task Master

Duplicate > Booty Bay Bodyguard > Oasis Snapjaw

Ice Lance = Murloc TideHunter (Depends) > Stonetusk Boar
Ice Barrier > Booty Bay Bodyguard > Magma Rager
Spider Tank > Zombie Chow > Dragons Breath
Mirror Entity (value) > Hungry Dragon > Spiteful Smith
YouthFul Brew-master > Cone of Cold
Arcane Intellect > Micro Machine > Ironforge Rifleman
Sorcers Apprentice > Ice Lance > Abusive Sergeant.
Gurubashi Berserker > Harvest Golem > Booty Bay Bodyguard
Explosive Sheep > Shattered Sun Cleric = Mirror Entity

Harvest Golem > Stormwind Knight > Dragonling Mechanic

Light Bomb > Sea Giant > Bloodknight
Holy Smite (some more removal) > PuddleStomper > Clockwork Gnome
Mind Control > Any 2 drop.
Shadow Madness > Any 2 drop.
Senjin Shield Master > Murloc Tide Hunter > Divine Tank.
Northshire Cleric (CRAZY) > Spiteful Smith
Bomb Lobber = Imp Master ( Bomb Lobber Preff)
Dragonkin Sorcerer (Situational) > Spell Breaker
Leper Gnome (Turn One Slame) > Flesheating Ghoul
Haunted Creeper > Scarlet Crusader > Lightspawn.
Venture Co > Twilight Whelp (Depends on Dragon) > Ironfur Grizzly
Shadow Word Pain > Ships Cannon = Earthen Ring Farseer
Stormwind Champion = Shrinkmeister (Depends on Curve, Shrink Pref) >
Stormwind Champion
Archmage > Stormwind Champion > TinkerTown.
Holy Fire > Upgraded Repair Bot > Twilight Drake
Unstable Portal (Snergies with Mana Worm) > Emperor Cobra = Crazed Alchemist
> Mana Wraith = Lil Exorcist
Dragon Egg > Ancient Mage > Lightwarden
Boulderfist Ogre > Worgen Infiltrator > Dragons Breath
Mana Wyrm = Ogre Brute > Mad Bomber
Pyro Blast > Recombulator
Drakonid Crusher > Silvermoon Guardian > Southsea Deckhand
Frostbolt > Hungry Dragon > Ogre Magi
Sorcerers Apprentice > Boulderfist Ogre > Frost Nova
Oasis Snapjaw > Windfury Harpy > Magma Rager

Crazed Alchemist > Vaporize > Gadget Auctioneer (Situational)

Lost Tallstrider > Micro Machine > Acolyte of Pain

If you are going to overload on 2s like nine 2s , its much better to have
two 3s

Flame Cannon > Shattered Sun Cleric > Duplicate

Sludge Belcher (Something to play) > Stampeding Kodo (Something to hold) >
Kirin Tor Mage (Since you have Sorcerers Apprentice and Scientist)

Ironbeak Owl > Explosive Sheep > Murloc Raider

Stormwind Champion > Blessing of Wisdom > Acolyte of Pain
Argent Squire > Blessing of Might ? = Wolf Rider
Spider Tank > Spectral Knight > Avenge
Imp Master > Master Swordsmith > Angry Chicken
Shattered Sun Cleric > Blessing of Wisdom > Windfury Harpy
Ironbeak Owl > Tauren Warrior > Priestess of Elune
Argent Protector > Consecration > Puddlestomper.
Dragon Consort > Madder Bomber > Injured Blademaster

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