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Jhoevina Dulce Capicio


Head, Neck and Related Lymphatics Examination

Thyroid - a large ductless gland in the neck that secretes
hormones regulating growth and development through the
rate of metabolism.
Contour - an outline, especially one representing or
bounding the shape or form of something.
Temporal Artery - An artery with origin in the superficial
temporal artery, with distribution to the temporal fascia and
muscle, and with anastomoses to the branches of the
maxillary artery; middle temporal artery.
Auscultate - he act of listening to sounds arising within
organs (as the lungs or heart) as an aid to diagnosis and
Stethoscope - a medical instrument for listening to the
action of someone's heart or breathing, typically having a
small disk-shaped resonator that is placed against the chest
and two tubes connected to earpieces.
Bruit - a sound, typically an abnormal one, heard through
a stethoscope; a murmur.
Carotid Arteries - The carotid arteries are major blood
vessels in the neck that supply blood to the brain, neck, and
External Notch - an angular or V -shaped cut, indentation,
or slit in an object, surface, or edge
Distension - The state of being distended, enlarged,
swollen from internal pressure. For example, on inhalation
there is distention of the lungs due to the increased air
pressure within the lungs.
10) Hyoid bone - a U-shaped bone in the neck that supports
the tongue.

Jhoevina Dulce Capicio


Eye Examination
1)Glaucoma - a condition of increased pressure within the
eyeball, causing gradual loss of sight.
2)Snellen Chart - is an eye chart that can be used to measure
visual acuity.
3)Rosenbaum Chart Rosenbaum card is read at 14 inches
4)Six Cardinal Fields 5)Corneal Light Reflex Test on eyes using a penlight
6)Cover Test - A cover test or cover-uncover test is an objective
determination of the presence and amount of ocular
deviation. It is typically performed by orthoptists,
ophthalmologists and optometrists during eye examinations.
7)Corneal Sensitivity Test - also known as the blink reflex, is an
involuntary blinking of the eyelids elicited by stimulation of
the cornea
8)Accommodation - convenient arrangement; a settlement or
9)Consensual - relating to or involving consent, especially
mutual consent.
10) Protrusion - something that protrudes; a protuberance.

Jhoevina Dulce Capicio


Ears and Hearing Examination

1)Vertigo - a sensation of whirling and loss of balance,
associated particularly with looking down from a great height,
or caused by disease affecting the inner ear or the vestibular
nerve; giddiness.
2)Pneumatic bulb - contains a lens, an enclosed light source,
and a nipple for attachment of a rubber bulb and tubing. The
head is designed so that when a speculum is attached and
fitted snugly into the patient's external auditory canal, an airtight chamber is produced.
3)Speculum - a metal or plastic instrument that is used to dilate
an orifice or canal in the body to allow inspection.
4)Auricle - a structure resembling an ear or earlobe.
5)Tragus - a prominence on the inner side of the external ear, in
front of and partly closing the passage to the organs of
6)Mastoid Process - a conical prominence of the temporal bone
behind the ear, to which neck muscles are attached, and
which has air spaces linked to the middle ear.
7)Valsalva Maneuver - he action of attempting to exhale with
the nostrils and mouth, or the glottis, closed. This increases
pressure in the middle ear and the chest, as when bracing to

lift heavy objects, and is used as a means of equalizing

pressure in the ears.
8)Cerumen - technical term for earwax.
9)Bone Conduction - s the conduction of sound to the inner ear
through the bones of the skull.
10) Otoscope - n instrument designed for visual examination of
the eardrum and the passage of the outer ear, typically having a
light and a set of lenses.

Jhoevina Dulce Capicio


Respiratory Examination
1)Anterior - nearer the front, especially situated in the front of
the body or nearer to the head.
2)Posterior - further back in position; of or nearer the rear or
hind end, especially of the body or a part of it.
3)Thorax - the part of the body of a mammal between the neck
and the abdomen, including the cavity enclosed by the ribs,
breastbone, and dorsal vertebrae, and containing the chief
organs of circulation and respiration; the chest.
4)Sternocleidomastoid Muscle - each of a pair of long muscles
that connect the sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process of the
temporal bone and serve to turn and nod the head.
5)Scapula - technical term for shoulder blade.
6)Fremitus - In common medical usage, it usually refers to
assessment of the lungs by either the vibration intensity felt
on the chest wall (tactile fremitus) and/or heard by a
stethoscope on the chest wall with certain spoken words
(vocal fremitus), although there are several other types.
7)Palmar - of, relating to, or involving the palm of the hand.

8)Supine Position - is a position of the body: lying with the face

up, as opposed to the prone position, which is face down,
sometimes with the hands behind the head or neck.
9)Excursion - an instance of the movement of something along
a path or through an angle.
10) Muffled - not loud because of being obstructed in some way;

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