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Personal Air Quality Monitoring Devices Data


Submitted to
Leslie Rhodes, Air Quality Director
Mecklenburg County Air Quality

By the
Energy and Environmental Assistance Office

Energy Production Infrastructure Center

UNC Charlotte

This report was prepared by:

Matthew Pfender, Systems Engineering, UNC Charlotte
Dadhichee Gujjar, Electical Engineering, UNC Charlotte

In Collaboration With:
Jeff Francis, Air Quality Program Manager
Suzanne Hollenbeck, Sr. Air Monitoring Specialist
Regina Guyer, P.E., Executive Director of the Energy and Environmental Assistance Office, UNC
Karyn Williamson - Coria, Ph.D., Recharge Unit and SEE Intern Specialist of the Energy and
Environmental Assistance Office, UNC Charlotte

The research described in this document was conducted by Sustainability, Energy, and Environmental
(SEE) Interns: Matthew Pfender and Dadhichee Gujjar; within the Energy and Environmental Assistance
Office at UNC Charlotte. Funding for this project from Mecklenburg County Land Use and
Environmental Services Agency - Air Quality Division is gratefully acknowledged.

Executive Summary
The Energy and Environmental Assistance Office (EEAO) has provided a report on Personal Air Quality
Monitoring Devices Data Research Project. This research project is continuation of past years Personal
Air Quality Monitoring Devices project that included evaluation of technology and investigation on
availability, capabilities, pollutants being monitored, costs, implementation of usage, pros and cons, data
availability, and reliability.
Two Sustainability, Energy, and Environmental (SEE) Interns: Matthew Pfender and Dadhichee Gujjar
began working on this project in the fall of 2014 with the goal of implementing new devices selected
from past to research, gather/analyze data, and to determine the reliability of new wearable and portable
Air Quality Monitoring Sensors. The growing popularity of participatory research, crowd sourcing of data
and the citizen science movement has fueled the interest in putting science back into the hands of all
citizens with an interest in their environment. Through the research, students have noticed much
excitement in the general public in this newfound ability to learn firsthand about their surrounding
environment and to feel more knowledgeable and perhaps more in control of their personal health and
The project was completed by individual researchers investigations and discussions in conjunction with
project planning and evaluation meetings. This enabled the students to develop a greater understanding of
the scope of the work and its implications for air quality regulations. The results of this process yielded
the realization of the trends and differences for these innovated technologies of personal air quality
monitors and their impact within society.
Data collected by Dylos DC 1700 particulate matter (PM) pollution sensor and Cairclip NO 2 & O3
pollution sensor located at Garinger High School (1100 Eastway Dr. Charlotte NC 28205). Data
collection for Dylos DC 1700 particulate matter sensor was initiated on October 28, 2014. Data collection
for Cairclip NO2 & O3 was initiated on November 26, 2014. During the project, there were multiple
occurrences of data loss due to freezing temperatures, which are detailed later in this report.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary.. 4
Introduction... 5
Device background Dylos DC 1700......................................... 5
Device background Cairclip..................................................... 6
About the Pollutant (NO2 and O3)............................................... 7
Methodology.. 8
Project Meetings Schedule....... 9
Dylos and Cairclip Schedule. 10
Freezing Temperatures...10
Calculations in Methodology.10
Results.... 11
Conclusion..... 14
Recommendation.. 14
Appendix... 14
Refference.... 14

The Energy and Environmental Assistance Office (EEAO) was requested by Mecklenburg County Land
Use and Environmental Services Agency Air Quality Division (MCAQ) to provide a summary report on
the current status of the project. Previously EEAO interns spent many hours researching different
wearable devices that measured air quality. The evaluation of this technology included an investigation on
availability, capabilities, pollutants being monitored, costs, implementation of usage, pros and cons, data
availability, and reliability. It included research to determine what data was available from personal air
quality monitoring devices currently being used and sought to understand how this information was
already being implemented within our society throughout the world. After much research a decision was
made to purchase a total of four devices. The devices that were purchased were two Dylos DC1700 and
two Cairclips.
Device background Dylos DC 1700
The Dylos DC1700 is a laser particle counter that measures particle concentration at micron level.
According to the user manual, it measures small particles down to its detection limit of 0.5 microns.
Examples of small particles include: fine dust, bacteria, mold, smoke, smog,
etc. Large particles are all particles detected above the large particle threshold,
which is approximately 2.5 microns. Examples of large particles include:
coarse dust, pollens, larger bacteria, plant spores, dust mite feces, etc. In order
to determine the particles between 0.5 microns and 2.5 microns, the manual
suggests, to subtract the large particle reading from the small particle reading.
The values of data collected from the device are scaled by the device to
represent the concentration of particles in approximately .01 cubic foot of
sampled air. A simple conversion factor of multiplying the readings by 100
Figure 1

was used to determine the number of particles per cubic foot of air 1.

The device has two modes data collection: continuous mode and monitor mode. In continuous mode, the
device takes 60 samples per minute; averages and stores the data (for that minute) while simultaneously
commencing data sampling for the next minute. In monitor mode, the device samples every hour for
duration of 1 minute. Both modes of data collection were tried and tested. The team found continuous
mode to be providing a lot of data to be analyzed by the team and due to limited internal memory of the
device, member of the team had to go to Garinger High School site more frequently. After much

discussion, the data collection mode was changed from continuous mode back to monitor mode.
The device has a 7.2V NiMH internal battery and can provide up to 6 hours of operation. At Garinger
High School site, we used 120 V/ 60 Hz wall outlet to keep the device operational. The device has a large
internal memory for the storage of particle data. The internal memory can store up to 10,000
individual readings, this translates to approximately a week of data when sampling
continuously. In an event when the memory becomes full, the device simply overwrites the oldest
samples in order to retain the most current data. A large LCD screen also allows the user to interface with
the device in real time. The manufacturer for the device recommended operating the monitor above
freezing. Representatives asserted that there would be no harm to the device during freezing conditions
and stated, The accuracy would likely be acceptable once the monitor reaches equilibrium with the
outside (sub-freezing) temperature; we have not tested it in this environment.
Device background Cairclip
The Cairclip is a very sophisticated sensor that measures NO 2 and O3. The device has two display modestime mode and continuous measurement mode. The time mode is
displayed until the first level of information is not reached 2. The
continuous measurement mode is displayed by default, in which the
gas concentration is displayed continuously by three digits on left and
exposure time is displayed by two digits on the right side on the
screen of the device.
Figure 2

The device also has 2 information level alarms and 3 warning level alarms:
Table 1

The device has a range of 0-250 ppb (0-240 analog) and has limit of detection of 20 ppb; Operating
conditions: -20C to 40C; A Power supply of 200mA rechargeable battery via USB or can be plugged
into a 100 V-240 V/5V 0.08A-1.0A with an adaptor.
The device is extremely portable and can be attached to a belt, helmet clip or carried around the neck.
Initially, it was developed to warn sensitive asthmatics of real-time pollution levels and alert the user to
go inside. It continuously measures the individuals exposure to the concerned pollutant, and records the
data which can then be downloaded for analysis.
About the Pollutant (NO2 and O3)
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) is a molecule associating two atoms of oxygen and one of nitrogen. Its a highly
reactive oxidant and corrosive. This pollutant is characteristic of traffic emissions.
The emissions of NO2 result mainly from combustion (heating, electricity production, engines of motor
vehicles and boats). It is the main agent responsible for the formation of the nitrates aerosols that
represents an important proportion of the PM 2.5 and the ozone, in the presence of ultraviolet rays.
Ozone (O3) is a gas composed of three oxygen atoms. It is not usually emitted directly into the air, but at
ground-level and is created by a chemical reaction between oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic
compounds (VOC) in the presence of sunlight. Ozone has the same chemical structure whether it occurs
miles above the earth or at ground-level and can be "good" or "bad," depending on its location in the
atmosphere. At ground-level ozone is considered as a pollutant. The EPA Office of Air Quality Planning
and Standards (OAQPS) has set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone in the United States:
75 ppb average 8 hours and 120 ppb average 1 hour. [3]
The main sources of pollution are motor vehicle exhaust and industrial emissions, gasoline vapors, and
chemical solvents, as well as natural sources emit NOx and VOC that help form ozone. Ground-level
ozone is the primary constituent of smog. Sunlight and hot weather cause ground-level ozone to form in
harmful concentrations in the air. As a result, it is known as a summer time air pollutant. Many urban
areas tend to have high ozone levels, but even rural areas are subject to increased ozone levels due to
wind carrying the ozone and other pollutants hundreds of miles away from their original sources. Ozone
can also be found indoors due to the increased use of printers, photocopiers or even some lighting.

The EEAO office received delivery of both sets of sensors at different times. The Dylos DC 1700 arrived in
October, 2014 and the Cairclip arrived in November, 2014. Before placing the sensors at the Garinger site the
team took some time to get acquainted with the sensors. As wells as customize an aluminum housing box to
hold the devices with help from Jeff Francis. It was recommended that the aluminum box be placed on top of
the air quality station located at Garinger High School in order to maximize air sampling and to avoid
interference from trees or buildings nearby.
The aluminum housing and Dylos DC 1700 sensor were installed at the Garinger Site on October 28, 2014 and
data collection for Particulate Matter (PM) was initiated. That particular week the team checked the unit twice
to make sure it was running properly. The Dylos DC1700s settings were set to monitor mode. On November
25, 2014 the Cairclip was also placed in the same box.

Figure 3

Figure 4

Table 2

Project Meetings Schedule

September 16, 2014

Regina, Karyn,



Introduction to AQ

Garinger High School (1100 Eastway Dr.

Personal Sensor Project

Charlotte NC 28205)

October 7, 2014

Jeff, Matt,

Discussion: Devices,

Mecklenburg County Office( 700 N Tryon St.

October 28, 2014

Jeff, Matt,

housing and Software

Housing and Dylos

Charlotte NC 28202)
Garinger High School

October 31, 2014

Jeff and

Data Collection 1

Garinger High School

November 11, 2014

Jeff, Matt,

Data Collection 2

Garinger High School

November 25, 2014

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 3 and

Garinger High School

December 7, 2014

Suzanne, Matt,

Cairclip Installation
Data Collection 4

Garinger High School

December 10, 2014

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 5

Garinger High School

December 16, 2014

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 6

Garinger High School

December 18, 2014

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 7

Garinger High School

January 13, 2015

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 8

Garinger High School

January 29, 2015

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 9

Garinger High School

February 19, 2015

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 10

Garinger High School

March 12, 2015

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 11

Garinger High School

April 2, 2015

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 12

Garinger High School

April 21, 2015

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 13

Garinger High School

Leslie, Jeff,


May 26, 2015

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 14

Garinger High School

May 29, 2015

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 15

Garinger High School

June 5, 2015

Suzanne, Matt,

Data Collection 16

Garinger High School

The most effective way for keeping the Dylos from freezing was by wrapping a heat cord around the base of
the Dylos. The cord was purchased from a website called McMaster 3. It was a Ready-to-Use SelfRegulating Heat Cable consisting of 12 ft. of cord and it responded to the surrounding temperatures and to
provide freeze protection on metal and plastic pipes up to 2 1/2" diameter. The colder the atmosphere
temperature would get the warmer the cable would get and vice versa.
The EEAO team was skeptical at first about placing the expensive Cairclip on location during the November
cold weather however, it was successfully set up and collected data. For the duration of the project, there were
couple of instances when the extreme cold weather impacted the data even though the heat cable was in the
aluminum box.
During the project, there were total of 73 days when the temperature was below freezing. There were three
occurrence of data loss for Dylos DC 1700 and one occurrence of data loss for Cairclip. Please refer to figure 4
see the loss of data that resulted from the freezing weather.
Table 3


Days with Below-Freezing

Suspected Day of Data


73 days

November 19, 2014
December 12, 2014
January 8, 2015
February 20, 2015


Calculations in Methodology
To measure the reliability of the Dylos DC1700 the team used a device called a TEOM 4 particulate counter to
compare the Dylos data against. The TEOM PM-10 or PM-2.5 mass concentrations and consists of a TEOM
mass sensor and control unit in a network ready configuration. The TEOM 1400ab distinguishes itself from
other PM measurement methods by utilizing a direct mass measurement that is not subject to measurement
uncertainties found in other technologies5. It is important to note that the TEOM measures the actual mass of
the particles in micrograms per cubic meter and the Dylos DC1700 measures a specific number of particles in a
cubic meter. There is no scientific conversion to convert particle counts per 1/100 cubic foot to ug/m3. To have
any kind of comparison with the Dylos DC 1700 and the TEOM the team needed to find a way to convert
particle counts per 1/100 cubic foot to mg/m3. Further questioning of the task was solved by subtracting the
2.5um channel counts from the 0.5um channel counts and divide by 100 for ug/m3 PM2.5 respirable.

The conversion discussed here is a rough estimate that assumes a normal distribution of the mass of the
particles being sampled.

Initially, the teams thought the Cairclip sensor was capable of measuring NO 2 and O3 separately. Upon further
investigation this was not the case. The Cairclip measures the NO 2 and O3 in the atmosphere and then adds the
two numbers together. According to a technician that is employed at the Cairclip facility, the Cairclip show
that shows that it 100% sensitive for O 3, but seems to be less sensitive for NO 2. The measurement differences
observed may be from the fact that the two gases cannot be combined together at the same place,
concentrations are usually found as gas pocket. The Cairclip is capable of measuring in micrograms per cubic
meter as well as parts per billion.
To test the accuracy and reliability of the Cairclip the team compared the data against that of professional
expensive devices. There were two devices. The first one is called a Model 49i Ozone Analyzer which


measures O3 Measures amount of ozone in the air from 0.05 ppb concentrations up to 200 ppm . This device is
very expensive compared to the Cairclip. To receive the measurements of NO 2 the team used data from device
called a 42i analyzer which measures levels of nitrogen oxide (NO-NO2-NOx) in the emissions from a source
using chemiluminscent technology.
When comparing the data of the Cairclip to the 42i and 49i the team has determined that since the Cairclip
internally combines the measurements of O3 and NO2 a direct comparison would not be recommended.
However, the trends can be followed to find out if the Cairclip is showing accurate information. The team
compared the data of the Cairclip to that of the 42i and 49i and the Cairclip revealed that it followed the trends.
In figure 1 it shows the data from April and May of 2015.


Dylos DC1700
The numbers the Dylos represent are in particles per cubic foot of air. The mass of the
particles are not measured rather the count of particles in .01 cubic foot of air. The
conversion discussed here is a rough estimate that assumes a normal distribution of the mass of the particles
being sampled. The team has provided a chart for reference. In figure 5 the blue line shows that of the TEOM
and the trends that it follows. The red line represents the Dylos DC1700. The graph shows that the Dylos is
capable of following the trends of the TEOM. During the months of May and April we find a large spike in
particulate matter from the Dylos in figure 5. This is most likely the result of the pollen in the Air as well as the
Dylos getting dirtier over time. Figure 6 shows the trends from only November 2014 to April 15 th 2014. The
reason is to displace the large spike in particulate matter that took place in May 2015 to see a better trend. Table
4 illustrates the data in raw number format. It shows the results that the Dylos and Teom produced as well how
the data is stored. Figure 9 in the Appendix analyzes the trends from April and May. The trend is still followed
however not as closely as before. It is also possible that the Dylos will need to be calibrated.


Dylos Vs TEOM November 2014 to May 2015

0.5 micron-2.5 micron/100





ug/m^3 Refference



Figure 5


Table 4


Dylos Vs TEOM November 2014 to April 15th

0.5 micron-2.5 micron/100



ug/m^3 Refference


Figure 6


Table 4-Dylos 1700 Mode of Collection Schedule:

Table 5

October 28, 2014
November 11, 2014
December 07, 2014
December 10, 2014
December 16, 2014
December 18, 2014
January 13, 2015
January 29, 2015
February 19, 2015
March 12,2015
April 2, 2015
April 21, 2015
May 26, 2015
May 29, 2015

November 11,2014
December 07, 2014
December 10, 2014
December 16, 2014
December 18, 2014
January 13, 2015
January 29, 2015
February 19, 2015
March 12, 2015
April 2, 2015
April 21, 2015
May 26, 2015
May 29, 2015
June 5, 2015

Type of Collection (Mode)

Monitor Mode
DATA LOSS due to weather
Continuous Mode
DATA LOSS due to weather
Continuous Mode
Monitor Mode
Monitor Mode
Monitor Mode
DATA LOSS due to weather
Monitor Mode
Monitor Mode
Monitor Mode
Monitor Mode
Monitor Mode

In figure 7 the graph shown presents the Cairclips data verses the 49i Ozone Analyzer. In these particular
months ozone is very active. The Cairclip follows the trends of the 49i Ozone Analyzer. It is important to note
that the units are not exactly the same. The Cairclip is shown in ug/m 3 and the 49i Ozone Analyzer measures in
parts per billion. For future reference the team has changed the units of the Cairclip to measure in parts per
billion from now on. Another technicality that was not followed is that the 49i Analyzer calibrates itself at a
certain time every night. The EEAO team incorporated these numbers into the data. When all three devices are
graphed side by side and analyzed it is much more difficult to follow any sort of trend. This also reinforces the
statement that the Cairclip is not as effective for measuring NO 2. It is important to note that the Cairclips data
was recorded in micrograms per cubic meter. The 42i and 49i measure in parts per billion.


O3 Vs CairClip April And May 2015

O3 Parts Per Billion

Date And Time

Figure 7


CairClip ug/m^3

O3 Vs NO2 Vs CairClip April And May 2015

O3 Parts Per Billion

CairClip ug/m^3


Date And Time

Figure 8



Table 6

Cair Clip Schedule




November 26, 2014

December 16, 2014


December 17, 2014

December 18, 2014


December 18, 2014

January 13,2015

DATA LOSS due to weather

March 12,2015

April 2, 2015


April 2, 2015

April 21, 2015


April 21, 2015


May 26, 2015

May 26, 2015

May 29, 2015

May 29, 2015

June 5, 2015



The Dylos DC1700 is a very inexpensive device when compared to the TEOM. The question arises weather or
not the data that is produces is reliable and accurate. With-out an exact scientific conversion to specifically
convert a specific count of particles per 1/100 cubic foot of air to micrograms per cubic meter the team can not
verify that the data the Dylos produces is 100% accurate. However, we can conclude that when particulate
matter is detected on the TEOM the Dylos also picks up the particulate matter. When there is an influx of
particulate matter both devices measure accordingly and the graphs show that the devices follow certain trends.
For example when lots of pollen and matter is in the air, both devices pick up that something is in the air and
show it on the graph.
The Cairclip is effective for measuring ozone in the atmosphere but, not as effective for measuring NO 2.
Initially, the team thought the Cairclip was capable of providing two separate readings for NO 2 and O3 however,
it was determined that it was not possible. When comparing the Cairclips readings directly with that of the 49i
Ozone Analyzer we can see that the trends are followed very closely.


It is recommended that the research and engagement within projects between the EEAO and
MCAQ continue to enable assistance to the regulators on these innovative technologies. Actions
could include:
1. Providing further support on pilot evaluations of devices in the Charlotte area.
2. Attending the ASSIST conference in Raleigh on the New Air Sensor Technologies will
be very informative as the EPA may release their data following the year-long testing
process of many of the new sensors. It may also be worthwhile, for future funding for
new air quality projects, to look into the new EPA E-Enterprise initiative. As the EPA
works towards incorporating the public into the new data sharing technologies, one of
the arms of the E-Enterprise initiative is to facilitate the publics ability to provide EPA
with environmental data gathered through advanced monitoring and other techniques,
including smart phone applications. The E-Enterprise Leadership Council (EELC) will
select projects for implementation and decide their resource allocations.
3. Development of a workshop on this topic to enable MCAQ to engage with the public and
assist with the outreach for air quality, bringing together the Citizens Science with the


Figure 9


Dylos Specifications:
Item# DC1700

Product Description
A true Laser Particle Counter with 2 size ranges (>0.5 & >2.5 microns) - small (bacteria, mold, etc) large (pollen, etc.)
The DC1700 is our improved, battery operated air quality monitor. Like earlier models it features technology and engineering
that allow monitoring of indoor air quality. The LCD screen provides small (>0.5 micron) and large (>2.5 micron) particle
concentrations along with a dynamic bar graph showing instantaneous particle activity. Like earlier models in has multiple
modes including minute, hour, day and monitor to evaluate your air quality, but also includes the following improvements:
Battery Operation
The DC1700 has an internal battery which provides up to 6 hours of continuous use (one or more days of typical usage) on
a single charge. The DC1700 can also be operated off AC using the included wall adapter
PC Interface Included
The PC Interface is standard with the DC1700, but is improved because the stored data is output along with the time it was
taken. This data is output in a format ready to load into a spreadsheet program such as Excel for further graphing or
analysis. A 9pin serial cable or USB-to-COM Port Adapter (not included) is needed to link the DC1700 to your PC or laptop.
Large Internal Memory
The DC1700 has an increased internal memory which can store up to a week's worth of time-stamped data recorded every
minute (about 10,000 samples). This means that the DC1700 can be left in a location sampling and then brought to a PC
where the data can then be downloaded and loaded into Excel or other spreadsheet programs for analysis.
Real Time Clock
The DC1700 has a real time clock which is used to time stamp the data in stored internal memory. The user can set the time
and date easily from the front panel of the DC1700.
EMI Shielding Included
Like the DC1100-PRO-EMI, the DC1700 is shielded against Electro-Magnetic Interference. This means the DC1700 will
count accurately even in close proximity to sources of interference, such as industrial machinery, flourescent lights, and high
voltage power supplies found in some air purifiers.
Rapid Update
The DC1700 will have the rapid update feature of the DC1100-PRO-EMI as standard. This means that the DC1700 readings
will respond fully to a change in particle concentration within 6 seconds.


Cairclip Specifications

The CairClip (USB version) was initially developed for the real-time measurement of pollutants and survey
the effect on people suffering from respiratory conditions.
The various health and safety management systems in the workplace now requiring more and more the
evaluation and the traceability of the workers chronic exposure to risks the CairClip was further developed
to measure and to follow-up occupational exposure of the workers.
Available in a small housing that can be attached to a belt, helmet clip or carried on round the neck, the
micro-sensor CairClip continuously measures the individuals exposure to the concerned pollutant, and
records the data which can then be downloaded onto a PC.


ClairClip is presently available for the measurement of O3/NO2,H2S and sulphur compounds, and NH3.
Further developments are in progress for other specific pollutants.

General specification :

Battery autonomy: 24 to 36 hours

Accessories delivered with a CairSens :

USB cable: battery recharge on PC or on power supply with adaptator, USB cable is used for
data transfer to PC

Charger 100V-240V/ USB

Set of 2 additionnal filters

2 connectors: one red to stop measure and one green for measure mode
Software used for data collection: CairSoft (free download)or CairChronic (supply on demand)



1 Dylos Website:

2Cairclip Website:

3 Mcmaster and Carr Website:

4Continuous Ambient Particulate TEOM Website:


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